Reverend Insanity

: Section 268: Audition

With the realm, Fang Yuan envisioned a miracle killing on the spot.

Because it is based on the 10,000-year-old killing, this move is called the second type by Wanyuan.

However, this killing has just been created, and there is still a distance from the use.


Xuehu's ancestors and the tail of the dog's tail continued to smash the two rounds of the ball. They continued to attack the river against the river, hit the rivers and waves, and countered countless offensives. The river began to decline gradually.

Fang Yuan’s actions have already angered the bottom line of these people. What's more, he does not want to bow his head, so that Xue Hu's ancestors, Mao Liqi, etc. are willing to spend a lot of effort, consume the light of the river, and also kill Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan inspected the river and estimated in his heart: "There is still a lot of time to continue."

His mind was a little more stable.

The counter-current river is one of the secrets of heaven and earth. It bears the attack of two eight-turn existence, and it is only slowly consumed.

Of course, there is also a reason for this, that is, Xue Hu and Mao Liqi, are not fully committed.

They are jealous of each other, and Bichen Tian, ​​Wei Ling Yang and other Zhongzhou Zhu Xian are also standing by, waiting for opportunities. These people are mutually restrained and guard against each other. How can they put all their energy into Fang Yuan?

It is precisely because of this complicated scene that the invisible source of relief has relieved many external pressures, allowing him to test the killings with ease.

First time.

Fangyuan is careful.

The first is to insist on Xianyu, which has been depleting the red jujube, so that Fangyuan can be free in the river, not restricted by the secrets of heaven and earth.

Then there was a large number of waterways, and they rose up one by one. In the fairy tales of Fangyuan, they continued to dance up and down around the body.

Soon, a large amount of water vapor rose and the faint blue awns bloomed in the water vapor.

However, soon, these blue awns dissipated, and some even turned from blue to red. The original cold water vapor quickly warmed up and became hotter.

"Failed." Fang Yuan immediately stopped.

The sight in front of him exceeded his expectations.

This is not what he expected.

Stop the instillation of Xianyuan, hey, a slight noise, a large number of waterways, all in the air, suddenly burst open, destroyed on the spot.

Fang Yuan sinks his heart and keeps thinking.

According to what he envisioned, it should be that the blue light is getting stronger, the cooler the water vapor is, why is there red light, and the temperature is higher?

Fang Yuan constantly calculated in his mind, and soon, thanks to his wisdom, he found the root cause.

That is the use of two relatively different waterways.

Fang Yuan immediately replaced one of them. In the river, he was able to open the fairy, and naturally he was able to communicate with Bao Huangtian. It is a trivial matter to acquire some waterways.

Revised the entire Xiandao killing move, Fangyuan once again tested the action and began to mobilize the second move.

Adhere to Xianyi is always urging.

The surrounding waterways are rising and rising, and they continue to rotate around it.

First, steam transpiration, and blue light rendering, and soon passed this stage, Fangyuan began to urge the immortal.

Six revolving roads are sacred.

This is the second core of the entire immortal killing.

The first core, naturally, is the well-deserved seven-turn insistence on immortality.

Fangyuan is careful.

On the basis of urging the insistence on immortality, it is very risky to push the arrogance.

Once the reconciliation is not good, the two immortals will interfere and damage each other, and may even cause one or two immortals to be destroyed.

The test of the immortal killing is not only a risk to the immortal, but also to the fairy locusts involved in it. Even because of the immortal itself, there are avenue fragments, and if it is reversed, it will be even worse.

Fangyuan’s cautiousness quickly paid off.

He has trouble.

Despite the gradual urging of the 澜 澜 澜, the mysterious power exuded can never be blended into the big frame.

"Where is the problem?"

Fangyuan stopped.

Another large number of waterways are destroyed.

To test the immortal killing, you must pay such a price.

A complete and effective immortal killing, from the assumption to the experiment, Zhu Xian has to pay a lot of energy and resources.

The outside world's offensive continued, Fang Yuan turned a deaf ear, he is the supreme body, the mind in his mind is lively and dynamic, one after another.

Coupled with the realm of his wise mentor, the wisdom of the road traces, the wisdom of the means, all prompted him to calculate the rapid.

This time is even faster than the last time!

Only a few breaths of time, Fangyuan found the root cause.

Adhering to the power of Xianxie and Bangxi, it is impossible to integrate one. It is obvious that the number and types of waterways are not in place. These mortals are in the middle of the two cents, playing a great role in communication and harmony.

Fangyuan thought for a moment, and reduced the number of some of the waterways, while the other part increased slightly, and added some other kinds of waterways.

The third urging.

This time, Fangyuan has been smooth and smooth, and it has successfully added to the whole.

Almost at the moment of success, the countercurrent river at the foot of Fangyuan waved.

Finally started to work!

However, there is a large distance from the entire target.

Fang Yuan did not stop, and the situation in front of him did not allow him to stop. He continued to experiment and constantly spurred the immortal killing, which led to a strong and weak atmosphere and a bright future.

"What is this Liu Guanyi doing?"

"From time to time, he has a variety of locusts. It seems that he is experimenting with the immortal killings?"

Remove the snow ancestors, Mao Liqiu, and the rest of the celestial beings are watching.

The Fangyuan test of the immortal killings, each time will reveal the locust atmosphere, concealing the other celestial beings present.

To hide the locust scent, it is necessary to be a special sacred killer.

This kind of immortal killing is often rare, such as Fang Yuan’s murder, which belongs to this category.

Fangyuan can imagine the second type of Wanhua, has reached its own limit, can not consider the effect of hiding the locust atmosphere.

But it doesn't matter.

It is also difficult to judge the type of aphids by the smell of aphids alone.

What's more, Fangyuan created the second type of Wanhua, which is complex and changeable. It covers many locusts and is not afraid of being smashed by people on the spot.

Fourth, fifth time...

Fangyuan constantly tried to motivate the immortal killings, sometimes progressing rapidly, sometimes because of some minor modifications, leading back to the first few steps.

Fang Yuan has no discouragement, no expression, and perseverance.

"Sure enough, I was experimenting with the immortal killing."

"Hehehe, this Liu Guanyi is not stupid? Temporarily created the immortal killings, he thought he was the fairy demon statue?"

"Even if he imagined a miracle killer, I would like to see if he can deal with all the immortals present."

The celestial beings who watched the war were talking about each other, and the source of the other party was innocent and ridiculed.

If the immortal killing is so easy to create, is it still a killer?

But very soon, some of the celestial celestial changes slightly.

They found that some of the mysterious changes were taking place in the countercurrent river around Fangyuan.

"The twenty-first time."

Fang Yuan extended his palm and pointed it at the river under his feet. He grabbed it with a slight force.

"Get up." At the same time, he whispered in his mouth.


A soft bang, a big bag suddenly appeared on the river at his feet.

This large bag is naturally composed of countercurrent river water. When it is bulged, it bursts immediately and the river splashes.

Killing and urging failed!

In the nasal cavity of Fangyuan, two bright red bloodstains flowed down slowly.

"His immortal killings are effective against the countercurrent river?" Yu Yiye saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly shot a glare of glare.

"No, more accurately, it should be said that he wants to use this counter-current river to form a sacred killing trick!"

"哼 It’s ridiculous." Xuanjizi sneered again and again, "I thought that in order to use the river against the river, I imagined that my mother had to fight against the big battle, which cost me a lot of years. One by one, even if you become a river owner, you will be too big, and you want to create a corresponding killer in such a short time?"

Obviously, almost all the immortals who are present are not optimistic about Fangyuan.

But then, Fang Yuan began to display again.


This time, a small mound came up on the river at his feet.

The mound collapsed and the river poured a transparent source.

Fang Yuan's face suddenly turned white, his body was shaking, this time not only the nasal cavity, but even the deafness flowed out blood.

"Failed again, people are like!" The next moment, Fangyuan completely recovered.

"Looking for the reason for the failure. It seems that there was a small problem at the last minute..." Fang Yuan fell into meditation. (To be continued.)

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