Reverend Insanity

: Section 277: Buddhism Turtle

Fangyuan needs light.

The first one is Aurora. He has introduced a large number of glare to increase the aurora in the fairy. The more intense the aurora, the more concentrated and concentrated. The attitude of the Eight Immortals is to feed on this.

The light that can be provided by the light bacteria is not a colorful, colorful aurora.

However, this is not the final conclusion.

People are the most spiritual, and they know how to adapt. In this world, there are also means of transformation and grafting for plants.

Mudao Zhuxian is best at this.

Each genre has its own specialties, and Mudao Zhuxian is often very good at managing Xian.

Therefore, if Fangyuan introduces photobacteria, it may not be impossible to transform it into a new species of aurora by means of wooden means.

In addition to the attitude of Xian Xian, there is Hui Jian Xian Yu.

Feeding the food of Huijian Xianyu is the spotted king flower.

To grow a spotted tyrannosaurus flower on a large scale, three conditions are required. One is light, the second is sweet, and the third is pearl soil.

The latter two can be easily achieved, but the light is a bit harder.

Fangyuan's immortal itself, although there are traces of the track, has also swallowed the Guangfu blessed land some time ago, but there is still a certain gap from the standard of Fangyuan.

With the use of light bacteria, the large-scale planting problem of the spotted king flower can be solved.

However, there is also a bit of doubt in this regard.

That is the growth environment of the light bacteria, which is in the deep sea. If you change to another environment, can you stay alive?

"This should not be a problem. After all, the light bacteria is a waste."

"Aurora is no problem. Before I ransacked Liu’s light pit, there were a lot of supplements. The distance standard, although a little worse, is similar."

"But the situation is different, and there is still a big gap between the standard and the standard. After all, my path is not a lot of traces, and not all of the track marks are concentrated in the spotted king flower. Others Life also needs light."

"Oh, yes, I still have the trail of change. At the crucial moment, I can turn it into a track mark to complement it."

When Fangyuan thought about it, Tonghua continued to say: "I would like to use this batch of lighted germs in exchange for the three-headed water statue."

When this statement came out, one of the priests replied: "The water in the building is... I have it in my hands. I don’t know how many heavy buildings are like the children’s paintings."

This heavy water statue is a unique beast of the East China Sea. The water statue of a heavy building is shaped like a boat with a layer of blue jade bones on the back, forming a look like a building. The double-story water statue is bigger and has two layers of blue jade bones on the back.

By analogy, the six-story building has a wide water, and its back is wide, like a ship on the ground. The water of the Seventh Building, the ancient wild animal. The water statue of the Yaesu Building is an ancient wild animal and extremely rare. The water statue of the Jiuzhong Building does not exist.

No matter whether it is a beast, a plant, or even a stranger, there has not been a nine-turn existence. Except for the Terran, among them, ten and nine sects have emerged, and they are unique among the lives of all things.

The children's paintings show the scale of the light bacteria in the hands, telling the immortals in the audience, and willing to exchange the waters of the three heads and six buildings.

This price is not expensive, but it is very fair.

The immortal frowns: "But in my hands, there is only one six-story building. The light bacteria should be dismantled. Can the children's paintings be exchanged?"

Child painting hesitated.

What the other party said is not necessarily true.

After thinking about it, the children’s painting nodded: “Then trade.”

So the first transaction was reached and the two sides handed over on the spot, very fast.

"I want some light bacteria, but there is no heavy water in my hand. I wonder if Xianyou can accept Xianyuan Stone?" Fang Yuan asked.

The children's paintings shook their heads, but they did not completely reject the source: "There is no water in the building, but forget it. However, my light bacteria will be sold in Baohuangtian in the future. ""

In fact, the East China Sea is mostly a waterway.

The light bacteria is very suitable for the East China Sea. Like Wu Wuhai, his whole fairy is a vast ocean.

Children's paintings are just to take this fresh thing first, try the water, see if there is any chance, and get more benefits.

As for the sale of Xianyuan Stone, temporary children’s paintings do not want to do it.

Because she doesn't know much about the market.

This kind of new thing, the first time in the market, children's paintings do not know, how much can this be worth.

However, she has strong expectations for this.

Therefore, rejecting the source, do not hesitate. In case - in the Bao Huang Tianzhong, this photobacterium is very popular, then the price she is selling now, is it a loss?

But if the price is high, the other party will definitely not trade. It is better to be the best of direct Huang Huangtian.

Since the children's paintings are not sold, Fang Yuan is also very helpless.

But he can understand.

A brand-new wasteland, it is entirely possible to use the means to stir up prices.

Although the economy is not developed in this world, the celestial beings also have savvy and know how to raise prices.

Especially this kind of light bacteria, the world is currently in the hands of children's paintings alone.

If you change to Fangyuan, he will also take advantage of the golden opportunity at the beginning, and open the price and make a big profit.

After all, the light bacteria, just six turns of wasteland, flow out more, after a long time, someone will find or research out, interrupting the monopoly of children's paintings.

After all, the East China Sea is so big that the light bacteria will never grow in one place.

With reference to the light bacteria in their hands, Zhu Xian can completely develop a means to explore it, which will lead to the discovery of light bacteria.

See no one continues to trade with themselves, and children's paintings will take the initiative.

Immediately, there was a second 蛊仙 succeeded her position and stepped onto the high platform.

This is the rule that the trade fair has established.

In each round, Zhu Xian will go to power in order in a certain order. The resources exchanged each time can only be of the same kind.

In this way, it seems more fair.

As for Fang Yuan, the newcomer who just joined in, also has the opportunity to participate in the transaction and take the initiative to trade, but he can only be ranked last.

"This is a collection of stone, seven turns of fairy wood, I want to exchange for a thousand years of driftwood." On the stage of the immortal, simple and concise, in one sentence, his intentions are clean.

When the voice just fell, he first showed his own goods in public.

This medlar stone is dark and has no difference on the surface from ordinary seaside reefs. But in fact, as long as it is close to its bone-bearing life, it will be absorbed into the stone.

Therefore, the suction stone is also called the magic stone.

This name of the magic stone comes from the monks.

The monks are one of the aliens, and most of the monks in the world live in the East China Sea.

The monks live on the bottom of the sea, can breathe freely, and encounter the absorbing stone, they have tasted the bitter, so they are afraid, called the magic stone.

In the history of the East China Sea, some monks and tribes worship the magic stone as a god.

However, for Zhu Xian, this medlar is just a piece of fairy.

The transaction was equally successful.

Although the millennium driftwood is rare in the market, the Zhu Xian, who participated in the fair, is deeply rooted, or else it will not gather in one place.

It is natural that the objects are grouped together, and the celestial beings who can get along with the temples are naturally good.

It can be said that this small trade fair is a rare gathering of powerful people in the East China Sea.

After the second Zhu Xian stepped down, the earthen head went to the high platform.

"I have an ancient wild animal, the Queen Mother, who can order the six-turner and below, and if it is properly cultivated, it can also breed a slave." Can you be interested?"

The slaves of the mother-in-law are very thick and thick.

However, the trade in the Tussou ended in failure.

The fourth came to power: "I want to find clues about the sea of ​​gas. Who knows how to find the sea of ​​gas, and enter it? I am willing to open high-priced acquisition of relevant valuable information."

Information is also one of the contents of the transaction ~ ~ Unfortunately, the presence of Zhu Xian, are silent.

The deal also ended in failure.

The sea of ​​air is a very special, mysterious sea area in the East China Sea.

Maybe the people who are present are not clear, maybe someone knows, but they don't want to trade.

In turn, Zhu Xian took turns to play.

The first round is coming to an end.

Fangyuan is the last one.

The temple gods live in the penultimate place.

He went to the stage: "I have a seven-turned 卦 卦 卦 蛊 蛊 蛊. Who wants to reach this deal?"

Fang Yuan heard the words, his eyes are bright!

Remarks: Today's state is extremely poor, still one more, tomorrow two more. (To be continued.)

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