Reverend Insanity

: Section 308: Fang Yuan Laipi

The pool hurts that I feel humiliated. ≯>≧≦

Yes, humiliation!

Wu’s identity is now unknown in the southern Xinjiang Everyone knows that what he practices is a change. Now Fangyuan does not take his expertise to make it difficult for the pool to hurt, but instead picks the area where the pool injury is best.

This is like saying: I don't take the change to make it difficult for you, because you are better than me!

The meaning of contempt is beyond words.

Can't stand it!

This is completely unbearable.

The pool scared his eyes wide, and he held the channel locust in Fangyuan. He gnawed himself: "I want to see what problems you have?"

"Hey? A little doorway..."

Soon, the face of the pool injury showed a dignified color.

Fang Yuan’s problem is challenging for him.

But immediately, the pool hurts and relieves: "It is no wonder that he has confidence in the Wuhai Sea and wants to make me difficult on the road. This is a bit difficult."

"Is this difficult problem out of him? It shouldn't be possible! He is major in change. Is it the martial art behind him?" help him?"

Although the Wu family is not good at the road, as long as it is a class family, the circuit will be involved.

Because of the level of power, guarding the resources of the region, there is a large-scale application demand for the array.

"However, even if you are a martial artist, you can do it. If you fight the whole power, my pool home is indeed a bit weaker. But when it comes to rumors, my pool home is the first in Nanjiang!"

There is a strong sense of family pride in the pool.

He concentrated on the problem and plunged into the problems of Fang Yuan.

The more he pondered, the more he forgot about me.

All the problems, in his analysis, were gradually broken down into dozens of difficulties.

"To solve the problem of water and fire, the ordinary means are not available."

"The whole array of requirements is a round array, and the things in the square array must be abandoned..."

"How can this difficult problem be solved?"

"Oh... a little difficult."

"But it's hard to beat me!"

The pool wounded with high morale, like a chicken blood, he told himself that he must give Fang Yuan a trick!

Let him know that his pool injury can not be humiliated!

"Adult, Luojiatun Xian feast invites your dinner, it is about to begin. We should leave." At this time, a six-turner of the Chi family slipped into the fairy pool and made a sound outside the door to remind the pool.

"Don't go, don't go!" The pool injury did not look up at all, while deducting in the mind, while rejecting.

"But we have promised..." The pool slipped.

"If you can't say it, don't go. Go away and walk away." The pool wounded back impatiently.

The pool slipped and had no choice but to leave.

The pool wounded and took a deep breath. In the face of the problem of Fang Yuan’s martial arts, he put his eyes on the light and said to himself: “There is nothing to do at the dinner. The urgent task is to defeat him! The problem is solved. The faster the time, the more Ok, look! Dare to humiliate me!"

One night, it’s like this.

The pool was not sleeping, and his eyes were red, his head was chaotic, and he was very tired.

It’s not a matter of staying up late, of course. However, the pool injury is quite expensive. He did not take a break this night, and he was working hard to calculate, design, and work hard.

"This problem is a bit difficult. But... I have already solved it. Hahaha, dare to come to me! I want you to **** strength."

Despite the exhaustion, the pool injury was very excited and laughed.

He can't wait to see how Fangyuan responded.

"I will send it over, I have to appreciate your expression!"

The pool wound went to the door and suddenly got a footstep.

"Well? No! I am now against Wu's remnant, just like the handsome, how can I personally dispatch, and take the initiative to send it? Too much to lose! Have to find a small **** to run errands..."

After a while, the pool's six-turn 蛊仙池 slipped and came to the front of the pool-wrapped study.

"Small sneak, this is handed over to you, and sent to Wu Wuhai, haha. I want him to learn a lesson!"

The pool should be busy.

He himself is less than a pool injury, and he knows that the pool injury is the hope of the pool family. The Chia Taishang elders have been told more than once. The pool injury can inherit his clothes.

This is of great significance.

Chi Qu is the master of the martial arts. Chi Qu is injured by the recognition pool. He feels that he will have a great chance in the future and he will become a great master.

The pool injury did not disappoint the expectations of the tribe.

From an early age, he began to reveal the talents and talents of the martial arts. Under the deliberate inclination of the family resources, he has been persevering and persevering, and he has been trained by the Chi family. Nowadays, he has not been underestimated.

"Well... comfortable." Fangyuan slowly opened his eyes and woke up and stretched out.

Although his soul has the courage to guard and drive, but it is too much, it will be uneasy.

This point, courage can not be solved, but sleep can make the soul re-stable and calm down.

Sure enough, after Fang Yuan had slept, he immediately swept away his tiredness, and the whole person was in a good state of mind.

The channel of the pool injury, when he fell asleep, was already sent.

When Fang Yuan took a look, the color of surprise in the eyes flashed away: "Oh? Really solved!"

"This is very fast."

Fang Yuan felt a sigh of relief, and his mind was immersed in it and continued to study.

His eyes are slick, and the solution to the pool injury is very important to him.

"It turns out!" Fang Yuan rubbed his chin. This is a brand new idea, like opening another window to Fang Yuan.

"According to this line of thinking, this answer is not very suitable for my overall array, and can be slightly adjusted in some aspects."

Fangyuan secretly thought.

He did not give the entire battlefield a pool injury. Just pick a small part from it and let the pool solve the problem.

Although the answer to the pool injury is correct, it still has a deviation from the overall design.

However, the realm of Fangyuan is now the quasi-master of the martial art. On the basis of the answer, it is completely achievable to carry out minor repairs.

The pool injury is the realm of the guru, and the source is the quasi-master. There is little difference between the two. If there is too much difference and you want to modify it, you can't do it.

It is as if Fang Yuan is now looking at this level of dreams that surrounds the dreams. It is still a fog and cannot be understood.

The problem that plagued Fangyuan was answered, and Fangyuan naturally gained a lot.

"Sure enough, it is the pool home in southern Xinjiang." He whispered, stunned at the pool injury, and admired.

Solving this problem, Fangyuan’s plan to improve the battlefield can continue.

His mind was calm and calm, and he began to deduct.

In a few days, it just passed.

The pool can be ruined.

After he sent the answer, he waited for Fang Yuan’s response. But if you don’t come to the left, you won’t come to the right, and even eating and drinking tea is not fragrant.

"What kind of ghosts do you have in this Wuhaihai?" The pool hurts.

"Is it a friend of the pool, I just said something?" Luo Jiaxuan asked inexplicably at the banquet.

The pool hurts, and I feel that I am still attending the banquet.

Before the Luo family's banquet was rejected, but after solving the problem of Fang Yuan, he had to come to the banquet.

Must go to the banquet, or is it not to give Luo family face?

On the side of the 蛊 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池 池. It’s the same when walking.”

The pool rule is a seven-repair, which is the head of Chijia Town.

Luo Jiaxuan Xian laughed: "I have heard about the performance of the pool-stricken fairy friend. It really is the seed of the practice. Oh, if I can get these two talents, I can only be like a pool injury. I am very pleased that the two friends are two or three."

On the other side, Fang Yuan's brow is locked.

I have encountered difficulties again.

"It seems that improving this battlefield has already exceeded my ability limit."

Fangyuan encountered a new problem, this time the difficulty is bigger than the previous one!

The last time he could still try, but this time, his idea of ​​trying even was immature and unreliable.

"If this is the case, then give it to the pool." Fang Yuan smiled.

"Come on, come." The pool injured back to the pool home, and soon got the channel of Fangyuan.

The pool injury was very exciting and the eyes were light.

"Is it easy?"

"I can wait for me to be impatient."

The pool was sneer at the mouth, and his heart was smug. At this time, he was like a winner, and he wanted to review the spoils.

He poured his heart into it and learned what was contained in the channel. He was glaring.

"What is this stuff in the Wuhai Sea!"

"Lust actually?"

The pool injury immediately smashed In the letter, Fang Yuan did not mention the previous challenge letter, but rather swears that the pool injury is a little capable. Of course, it may be Mongolian.

"If I can solve this problem, I will admit that you have the qualification to pursue the silk fairy." This is the original words in the letter.

When it comes to Josie Liu, the pool injury is even more intolerable.

"What qualifications do I have, are you saying that?"

"Wu Wuhai, I am wrong with you. You shameless guy!"

The pool injury seems to be standing in front of him, and his face is sneer and disdainful.

There was a strong impulse in his heart, and I really thought that Fangyuan’s face was directly torn open!

"I also said what and where Liu Liu is swimming in the mountains. I am alone with Silk Liu, I only have one time. Damn! This guy..."

The pool wounded in the study room, he gnashed his teeth and resentment.

Just use the force in the hands and crush the channel.

But he thought about it and still endured this impulse.

"If I crushed this cockroach, wouldn't it be a wish to marry him?"

"Hey, he can't help me, I must be afraid of me, deliberately say this."

"Yes! If I give up, I am afraid it is exactly what he wants to see."

"No, I will continue to win him, let him lose nothing to say, can not be denied. Let him fully realize that I am strong!"

"Of course, in order to prevent the next time he is jealous, this thing must be promoted. The more people know the better."

The pool hurts to eat a long and wise.

Originally, this thing was a jealous, and the pool injury was a little embarrassing, but now for the source, he is going out!

Ps: Tired state, just solved the babysitter thing, now I want to give my son a year old, today is even more. I can't refine the two. 8


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