Reverend Insanity

: Section 322: Brothers go to the younger brother

Clan ancestral hall.

The clan ancestral hall located on Wuyi Mountain is a mortal house. The use of a large number of five turns of the shackles, although not comparable to the power of the Xianwu House, but the important significance of the entire Wu family, but extraordinary.

Basically, whether it is a super power or an ordinary family, a clan ancestral hall will be built. There are plaques or soul lights, or blood ropes.

The first two are more common, and the blood rope is scarce. After all, it involves the blood.

Even the large and small sects of Zhongzhou have similar architectural facilities similar to the clan ancestral halls, as well as the storage of plaques and soul lamps.

At this moment, Wu Bazhong stood in the clan ancestral hall, staring straight at the worm fragments on the table.

After the plaque is broken, it is like a block of wood chips, and after the destruction of the soul lamp, it is a broken ladybug, and no dark blue candle can be produced.

Although Wu Bazhong is quite old, he is physically strong like a bear. His eyes are white, his nose is wide and thick, and his eyes are thick and eyebrows. He is steady and dare to take responsibility.

He is the elder of the Wu family. He has experienced great winds and waves, and he is as stable as Taishan. But at this moment, his forehead is full of cold sweat and breathing disorder. His persistent gaze is actually a mess.

"Wu Yong adults are dead?!" Wu Bazhong stared at the two shards of scorpion. He stood there for a while, but at the moment his mind was still in chaos.

"How could this be the case? The eight turns of the monarchy existed, and the pillars of my Wu family were so degraded?!" Wu Bazhong did not dare to imagine, unbelievable.

"Wu Yong adults, is there any fall?" He kept asking himself.

After all, the plaques and soul lamps are just shackles. It is not difficult to interfere with some means.

However, Wu Yong is in a state of loss of connection at this moment, no matter how the Wu family contact him, it is a sea of ​​sinking. This is also an indisputable fact!

No matter whether Wu Yong is dead or not, in short, his situation is definitely not good.

"Is it possible to let an eight-turn singer, who is in this situation, who is the slap in the hand?"

"Is there a revolution in the magic and the repair?"

"It’s still the super family of the right way. Will they join forces in the dark to deal with my martial arts?”

Wu Bazhong’s heart is constantly speculating.

The more he thinks, the more his eyes are scattered.

Wu Duxiu passed away, Wu Yong disappeared, the big Wu family, the first super family in South Xinjiang, there is no one eight-turn existence.

This situation is very serious. The Wu family is already in a state of turmoil. It is even more fearful that the black hand behind the scenes has not yet been revealed!

The shocked emotions slowly calmed down, and the confusion and fear were overwhelmed in the heart of Wu Bazhong.

When Wu Duxiu and Wu Yong presided over the overall situation, he still didn't think anything.

Now that the two have lost everything, Wu Bazhong discovered that he thought he was a generous shoulder and could not provoke the burden of the Wu family.

In the era of Wu Duxiu, he was too old and Wu Yong was in the upper position, and he continued to assist. On the qualifications, he can be regarded as the middle of the whole southern Xinjiang, the oldest and the most qualified.

But it didn't work.

He is only a seven-turn, and his combat power is not outstanding. If he fights against the tree, he is definitely not the opponent of Bard. Even among the Wu family, there are quite a few seven turns, and they can compete with him.

However, he was the first martial artist who came back after the incident.

This point makes him take the lead.

"How to do it?"

"Wu Yong adults are not dead, but he is lost, his life cards and souls are broken. Once this news is transmitted, it will definitely cause an uproar, which will cause people to change dramatically."

"Is this blocked message?"

Wu Bazhong quickly shook his head.

Not to mention, this amazing news has been guarded by the Wujia six here to turn the fairy, and announced the majority of the Wu family.

If Wu Yong is ruined, the black hand behind the martial arts will definitely not let go of this excellent opportunity to combat the morale of the military.

Therefore, even if the Wu Bazhong blockade news, it can not be blocked.

"The most urgent task is to focus on finding the missing Wu Yong adults, or to shrink the defense line, to call the foreigners who are outside, to defend the base camp?"

Wu Bazhong frowned.

Both options are dangerous.

Looking for Wu Yong, the crisis is so heavy that Wu Yong can be lost, and his life cards and souls are broken. The power of the black hand behind this scene must be extremely powerful. The Wu family sent seven turns of Zhu Xian to track the search, just like the sheep into the tiger's mouth.

The shrinking of the defense line, recalling the old and the old, is also a huge change in housekeeping, which will cause a lot of resources to fall. If the surrounding superpowers are taking advantage of the opportunity to embezzle, then the loss of the Wu family must be extremely heavy.

What should I do?

Wu Bazhong hesitated in his heart and fell into a dilemma.

After a while, he only licked his dry lips and decided that the two measures were suspended. First, the two old identities were called to convene the Wu family to discuss. Discuss the results and implement them.

Wu Yong disappeared and could not be contacted. A huge storm centered on the Wu family began to take shape.

South Xinjiang, super squad.

Fang Yuanpan sat on the bed, closed his eyes and practiced, and distracted and listened to the report of the white rabbit girl.

The white rabbit girl inherited the true biography of the white rabbit.

This true biography is very famous in southern Xinjiang, and the successor must be mentally simple. In the next practice, it is necessary to maintain this simple mind. Otherwise, most of the means of true transmission will not be used, forced to push, and will suffer from counter-attacks.

For this reason, the white rabbit girl has a natural trust, and has a good relationship among the scattered and the magic fairy.

Wu An was at this point in the first place, persuading the white rabbit girl to act as a middleman and preside over the fairy tales business.

Every once in a while, the white rabbit girl has to enter the super squad to report to Fangyuan about the situation of Xianyuan business since this time.

Although Fangyuan has never obtained a small profit in the Xianyuan business, listening to the business situation can help him understand the environmental changes in the super dream environment.

The white rabbit girl voice is gentle, slowly spit, the tone is like soft water, she reports, while using her gentle eyes, looking at Fang Yuan's face.

Fang Yuan is the face of Wu’s relics at this time. His face is full of heroic, his nose is straight and his nose is wide, and the male arrogance is undoubtedly revealed.

The white rabbit girl has long been heart-wrenching, deliberately delaying the speed of speech, and cherishing the time when she and Fang Yuan are alone.

It is a pity that Fang Yuan received her every time, and the words were very pitiful. Two sentences were greeted before and after. One sentence was to greet the white rabbit girl to sit down and report the second sentence to let her leave.

But even so, the white rabbit girl is very satisfied.

She is well aware that Wu’s identity is noble and she is conscious of her own low birth. I was able to get along with Fangyuan every once in a while, and I was very happy and felt very happy.

Just then, the white rabbit girl suddenly sounded a meal.

Because she saw the side of the source slightly changed.

This situation is very rare, the white rabbit girl immediately worried, and wondered what happened to Wuhaihai? Is it that the practice has encountered trouble?

Fangyuan slowly opened his eyes and opened his mind to open the palace gate here.

"There is a time to go to the sea, you have a leisurely mood, and people?" A female fairy smoldered into the temple.

The white rabbit girl turned her head and saw that the girl who was born in the eighth and eighth ages looked like a green dress, and the sleeves fluttered. The skin is tender and snowy, and the posture is awkward.

Her face is exquisite and beautiful, especially a pair of wonderful eyes, the most eye-catching. Under the cover of thick eyelashes, it looks like a clear ripple of clear water.

"She is the silk fairy of Joe's family!" The white rabbit girl recognized the person, suddenly a panic in his heart, his eyes immediately lowered.

She knows the relationship between this person and Fang Yuan.

In fact, a while ago, the anecdote of Fang Yuan and Josie Liu was rumored.

"The silky fairy is so beautiful, and it really is one of the three fairies in southern Xinjiang today."

"The only person who has such a character is worthy of the Wuhaihai adults."

White rabbit girl in the heart of the dark, a burst of sorrow and grief, brewing in my heart.

Josie Liu glanced at the white-breasted girl who looked down and looked like an unintentional one. In fact, she highly valued it.

Qiao’s family wants to display the beauty plan, so that Wu Renhai becomes a Qiao family son, and how can Josie Liu not pay attention to Fang Yuan’s intelligence.

In the information of Fangyuan, the white rabbit girl has long been known to Josie Liu.

This time, it was Joshua who first met the white rabbit girl.

I saw the white rabbit girl like a powder carving jade, eyes like a ruby, a pair of rabbit ears furry, towering down, eyebrows drooping, I see pity. Although under the close look, the face is not as good as her Joshua, but men usually like this cute and full of pity.

"But now it is not the time to care about her." Josie Liu snorted in the heart, crossed the white rabbit ~ ~ quickly came to Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan has opened his eyes, got up from the bed, stood in the same place, and looked at Joshua Liu with a smile in his mouth: "The fairy suddenly visited, it was really pleasant."

The white rabbit girl stood far away and looked at Fangyuan with insaneness. He thought: "Wu Renhai laughed again. I haven't seen him laugh for a long time. He laughs like the sun in the spring. If he can laugh at me, how good it is!"

Josie Liu looked at the source and then interrupted Fang Yuan’s guest words: "It seems that you really don't know! 唉 Then I said, but only shocked, no joy."

Fang Yuan suddenly changed his face: "What happened?"

Josie Liu did not answer directly, but turned slightly, and said to the white rabbit girl: "This little girl, you first retreat, I have something to discuss with your family."

"Ah?" The white rabbit girl gave a slight glimpse.

Fang Yuan waved his hand: "White rabbit, you go down."

The white rabbit girl did not dare to violate the source order, and quickly rushed away from the hall.

The temple door is closed, Josie Liudao: "Wu Yong is missing, his life card and soul lamp are broken. This news is temporarily unknown, but now the Wu family is already in chaos."

"What?!" Fang Yuan shook a bit.

This news is amazing.

The death of the plaque and the soul lamp means that Wu Yong may have fallen.

He is the big tree of the Wu family. If it is really down at the moment, how can you keep it?

Josie continued: "There is the legacy of the sea. I am here to help you. You are the younger brother of Wu Yong, the closest person to the blood relationship, and it is enough to cultivate. When Wu Yong goes, you should take over as Wu Jiatai. The position of the elders! From now on, you will be in charge of the authority of the Wu family." To be continued.

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