Reverend Insanity

: Section 328: The situation is abrupt

In the Chamber of Deputies, the eyes of the people were concentrated on a fairy.

This immortal is young and looks ordinary, but it is not eye-catching, but in fact he is an important figure in Chai Jiaxuan, and the Chai family is a confidant of the elders.

As a channel 蛊仙, Chai has a word, brewed a bit, and then slowly said: "I think things may be different from everyone. These days, I am actually pondering Wu Renhai."

"Wu Yong is missing, and death is heard. Regardless of whether it is a fact or not, who is the one who is taking the hand, the Wu family is currently the commander of Wu Haihai. His temperament, how much his sincerity is, is a problem in my heart."

"We all know the origins of Wu Renhai. We know too little about him. After all, he is not a native of Nanjiang."

"Well, let's go." Chai's eyes are in the eyes of the elders, and the light of interest comes out.

Chai had a smile and laughed. This continued: "In fact, the information before the Wuhaihai, everyone knows that I am here, there is no need to repeat. From this information, you may know how much this person's disposition and mentality. I said something that everyone might ignore."

"Oh? We all ignored it?"

Chai had touched his nose: "That is the letter. In the letter sent by Wu Yuhai, he said that he wants to join the alliance with my family, and fights Bajia and Xiajia. He did not choose Bajia. Or choose Xiajia alone, but list both as opponents."

"The style of Wu’s behavior has always been overbearing. Isn’t this their consistent style?”

"No, no. Wu Wuhai is not the same." Chai Youyan slowly shook his head. "This point can be seen from his handling of the Guanghan Peak, and the agreement with the drive of the old monster. Acting is closer to dispersal. After all, how long has he joined the Wu family?"

"Wuwuhai lacks the domineering of the Wu family, but there is a shrewd savvy. He is good at compromise, and in my opinion, he is very talented."

"Why should he directly list the Pakistani and Xiajia as the targets of the attack? Just as some of us have just said, why not choose one and compromise with another? Because when we really join hands with the Wu family, we choose One of them is going to war, and the other is likely to be on the sidelines. It is bound to unite one family and fight against the alliance between my family and the Wu family!"

Chai Jiaxuan heard the words, could not help but nod and agreed with Chai Youzhen.

Chai, Bajia, Xiajia, these three families are concentrated in the heart of the Chi Bi River, the relationship is very complicated. A strong, the other two must join forces to resist the enemy.

The three formed a balance of strength and mutual restraint. This is why Chaijia has not been playing for so many years.

If Chai Jiaru joins hands with the Wu family, it is bound to break such a partial balance. How can the Bajia and Xiajia not join hands?

Therefore, in the letter, Fang Yuan simply listed both of them as targets. Because he knows that this is bound to happen!

"So, Wu Zuhai has a fairly mature vision. Since he can propose to unite with my Chai family, there is bound to be a lot of preparation. It seems that there is no need for the Wu family to play with us." Someone said.

Chai nodded. "What I want to say is that Wu Renhai has a deep political attainment. From these various performances and details, he is very sincere in cooperation."

"In fact, our firewood home is definitely going to be dispatched."

"My family has developed to this day. It is not easy to suppress Bajia and Xiajia. It is the efforts of several generations. There are also elements of luck in this process."

"Once the Bajia and Xiajia embezzled more resources, the foundation will grow. The advantage of our Chai family will be lost."

"Of course, cooperation with the Wu family also needs to be cautious."

"How to fight, how far is this war restricted? You need a big elder to decide."

"However, at least we should separate some of the celestial sects and carry out smashing attacks. At least not let the Bajia and Xiajia, too easily expand the territory?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Chai family and the immortals in the hall nodded.

Almost at the same time.

Nanjiang, Wanshe Mountain, Chijia Base Camp.

The Chia Taishang elders hold a letter in their hands and sink into it.

The Chi family is located in the westernmost part of southern Xinjiang, with the sheep house on the lower right and the Qiao family on the right.

The Chijia and the two have borders with the territory, but they are closer to the sheep's home, and the site is the most connected.

Far-reaching and close attack has always been the usual diplomatic choice.

Therefore, Chi Jia and Yang Jia have always had a bad relationship. The Ghost Mountain of the Yangjia Mountain is located in the birthplace of Huanglong River. It is rich in resources and has a dangerous terrain. The sheep’s family is the mainstay of the soul, and its fighting power is outstanding. It has always been the heart of the pool family.

In the past, the Yang family and the Chi family have also had many contradictions and historical accumulation.

On the right side of the sheep family, along the Huanglong River all the way to the east, is the site of the Wu family.

In fact, Wujia and Chijia are also squatting. Although the two are not bordered, but Qiao family and Chi family border.

Qiao’s family is a great elder of the Wu family’s generation and is strongly supported. Qiao Jia'an is inserted in the center of the western part of southern Xinjiang. It is against the Bajia and Xiajia in the north and the Chijia in the west. It can even contain the most southwestern sheep house in southern Xinjiang.

There is friction between Chi Jia and Qiao Jia. Everyone knows that Qiao’s family is a watchdog supported by Wujia. Therefore, the relationship between Chijia and Wujia has always been good and bad, and it changes with the current situation.

If you use a word to describe the relationship between Chia and Wu, the word 暧昧 may be more appropriate.

Not long ago, Chi Jia’s shot was difficult to beat the Wu family. However, in the super squadron on the site of the Yitian Mountain, the Chi family cooperated with the Wu family to start the business of Xianyuan.

"Wu Wuhai, you have a problem for the old man." In the study, the Chia's Taishang Grand Elder Chiqu was sighed by a long sigh.

In the letter, Fang Yuan asked the joint pool home to deal with the sheep family.

Chi Qu is heart-warming because he knows this is a good opportunity. This kind of opportunity is rare in his lifetime.

Any force must grow and develop. The annexation of the resources of the sheep family, even if it can not be swallowed, reducing the strength of the sheep family, for the pool home, it is a harmless thing.

The pool home is very spare.

Not only because of the remote location of the Chijia Base Camp, but more importantly, Chi Chi is good at squad. A set of immortal squadrons were placed, the pool home base camp, and the resource points of the various places were excellent.

There are very few worries about the pool home. There are also two Xian Houses in Chijia. Don't forget, there is the existence of Chi Qu from the eight-turned immortal.

Wu Yong always, the news of the death came, and half of the southern Xinjiang was chaotic.

In such a chaos, where the Chi family goes, you need the quick decision of the pool music!

A few days later, in the super squad, Fang Yuan went out.

There was a touch of joy on his face.

The practice of retreat has been very fruitful. He has completely improved the killing of the back and has practiced several times.

In the past few days, the situation in southern Xinjiang has also undergone tremendous changes.

Chaijia sent Zhu Xian, descended on the river, and made a threatening situation. Bajia and Xiajia had to converge some strength to prepare for it.

Chijia Yuxian directly invaded the Yangjia site, and the two lived for many years. It is naturally easy to find some excuses.

The two sides have already started playing directly in the Jiuyou Mountains.

The old man of Chijia is very energetic, and he is directly carrying a fairy house and is self-contained. As a result, the sheep family was very nervous and had to send a fairy house and a large number of fairy faces. The sheep family did not turn eight times, which made them fall into the passive.

In addition, there are also abnormal movements in Luojia, Tiejia and Yijia.

Because of these families, Fang Yuan also went to the letter. Of course, the content of the letter is different from Chijia and Chai.

After all, these four, the location is too far away, are in the eastern part of southern Xinjiang.

Even so, the abnormal movements of these families have brought the attention of Hou Jia and Yao Jia to a few points. Although they also know that these families may not be very big, but this kind of thing is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, they have to guard against it.

As for the merchants, the family has always adhered to neutrality. Although Fangyuan went to the letter, the merchant immediately wrote back and rejected the joint proposal of the Wu family.

Suddenly the spring breeze came to Wujia, Qiao's originally tense and severe situation suddenly eased.

Wu Jia and Qiao Jiayu were greatly amazed at the results.

Don't look at Fang Yuan only a few letters, but in fact, through a letter, it is not easy to convince other super forces to take shots. Especially in the letter, how much resources the Wu family abandoned and how much sincerity they expressed were issues that deserved consideration.

Fangyuan is handled very well, and it is beyond the limits of many people's imagination.

Few people know the content of his letters, but many people understand that these letters directly touched many of the super-powerful immortals. This gives the Wu family and Qiao family the opportunity to directly switch to attack!

"It seems that my skills in this area have not declined much." Fang Yuan had served as a head of power for five hundred years. At that time, the five domains were in chaos, and the political situation was even more chaotic. The alliance, deception, design, calculus, betrayal, etc. outside the five domains are endless.

The current political chaos is nothing but a partial chaos around the Wu family and Qiao family, only in the western part of southern Xinjiang.

In Fang Yuan's view, it is not complicated.

There is no need to smear it, and he can strike the key.

"Wu's fairy house, finally arrived?" Fang Yuan received another piece of information.

Originally, Xianyu House was dispatched early, but there was an accident in the middle of the road. It was delayed for some time. No matter who made the hand, it might be an accident. In short, Fangyuan had to wait for one day to get the connection of this fairy house. .

"It seems that we must leave here." This dream brings too much promotion to Fang Yuan. There have been many things happening during this period. For such a treasure, Fang Yuan has some reluctance.

Ps: second.

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