Reverend Insanity

: Section 344: Dragon Dreams

The next moment, Zishan Zhenjun suddenly snapped a finger.

A memorable killing move is motivated, and the purple halo quickly spreads around thousands of steps.

Long Gong’s figure came to an abrupt end, and he could no longer use the teleportation method to deceive the side of Zishan Zhenjun.

"Is it broken? The speed of the reaction is really fast... Zhidao Yuxian, it is still as trouble as ever." Longgong stopped the offensive and sighed in his heart.

His method of killing is based on the previous dragon scream.

Where the voice of Long Xiao once covered, he was able to spur the killing and teleport.

Of course, this has a certain effective time limit.

Zishan Zhenjun explored this point and quickly used the means of wisdom to simulate the effect of the sound path and purify the environment around him.

Long Gong’s body method has no use, and therefore fails.

"If this is the case, then try this trick again." Long Gong hovered in the air, his mouth slightly open.

His teeth suddenly fell off two pieces, and the wind rose and quickly became bigger.

In the blink of an eye, the two teeth are turned into a knife-like snow-white dragon tooth.

Long Gong took a deep breath and brewed a few breaths of time, suddenly urging the sacred killings -

Swirl dragon teeth!

Two white snow dragon teeth, quickly shot, the speed greatly exceeded the purple mountain Zhenjun, and soon caught up.

The dragon tooth is like a machete, constantly circling around the Zishan Zhenjun. Every time you slash, you can find a glare of glare on the body of Zishan Zhenjun.

"I want to rely on this means to contain me?"

"Dragon tooth... This is an entity, unlike ordinary killings."

Zishan Zhenjun immediately felt a sharp increase in pressure.

The slashing and killing of dragon teeth is not the same as Xiaoke, and Zishan Zhenjun quickly realized that he must solve this fairy murder as soon as possible!


"The purple man has already used his old means, but he is still gradually being pushed into the wind by the dragon." The shadow flies in the air, while paying attention to the battle between Zishan Zhenjun and Longgong.

His perspective is very good. In such a complicated battle environment, he was able to see the scene of two eight-turned singers.

So far, the two sides are still testing.

Obviously, the dragon is to be strong in Zishan Zhenjun.

If you talk about the combat power, the dragon can be as beautiful as the thin green, and the purple mountain is really weak. Although the latter is already the pinnacle of the eight-turn power!

"The strength of Zidai will continue to weaken, because he always urges the sacred killings, constantly creating a pure dream to seek truth, and get through the dream. This process requires him to constantly divide his soul. Extremely painful!"

Shadows are not worried.

Zishan Zhenjun was not an opponent of Longgong, but now he still has to create a pure dream for truth. When the means of Zishan Zhenjun was found by the dragon, it was the time when Zishan Zhenjun was defeated.

"Quick and fast!" Shadows constantly urged themselves.

This information, of course, he will not say the other source.

Although the two sides are to cooperate, but did not sign any channel covenant, the shadow is not evil or the other source does not trust.

But to sign a covenant, let alone the situation is not allowed, even if the situation allows, Fangyuan does not dare to sign.

Both sides actually want to cooperate, but they don't trust each other. Because of the enemy of heaven, I have to work together!

"Found, in your southeast direction, there is a light that is about to form and form, and go there quickly." At this time, Fangyuan's voice was conveyed.

I looked at it innocently and suddenly hesitated.

If it is in the direction indicated by the source, he will go deep into the hinterland of the southern Xinjiang. There are a large number of immortals in southern Xinjiang.

Is Fangyuan reliable? Is this a trap to lure him?

It’s hard to avoid the indecent hesitation.

"I want to frame you, I can just let you die." Fang Yuan’s words came again, as if he knew the innocent voice.

I have to admit that Fang Yuan is right, but he immediately thought: "Maybe, Fang Yuan is not trying to let me die, but wants to take a living and catch me? To catch me, I have to arrange it, maybe Is it a battlefield, or a battlefield killing?"

But this time, the shadows did not hesitate.

He wants to gamble.

At this moment, he must also go to gamble!

In the direction of Fang Yuan's direction, he flew away.

Soon, he bumped into a southern Xinjiang road.

"To be affected!"

The Southern Xinjiang Zhengdao also found him.

But when he was about to rush to the shadows, his face suddenly changed. After hesitating for a moment, he took the initiative to fly away with an inexplicable look and let the road open.

"How could this be?!"

This is already the second time.

Is it that he is also a source of Fangyuan?

But if it is, his expression is not changing, very weird, as if not unwilling, and some angry elements?

The more innocent, the more confused you are.

He continued on, third and fourth. He successively bumped into the two southern Xinjiang roads, and they all took the initiative to retreat.

This is of course the result of the manipulation of the square source.

He used the general situation of the overall situation to mobilize the dispatch of the Southern Xinjiang Road, and the reason for persuasion was very simple.

For example, "That place needs you more", "The fairy friend in a certain place is in danger, at stake, if you don't go, he will die", and "This area is six turns, you don't care, I have arranged it." The man is waiting to pack him at the rear..."

All kinds of reasons make the shadows go straight and go smoothly.

No one would have expected that Wu Renhai would collude with the shadows.

The right way of the Southern Xinjiang, who can think of it?

At this moment, Tianting has not publicly disclosed the true identity of Fangyuan.

With the help of Fang Yuan, the shadows gradually approached the destination.

"Well? Is there a light in the shape here?" The seven-turner winged black scorpion suddenly had an unexpected discovery.

The electric light on his body exploded, driving his body and quickly shooting towards the light.

"Stop!" The shadow that had just arrived came to see this scene, and suddenly yelled.

Winged Black Skull is also strange: "Who is this? Actually, it’s coming here!"

The sound of innocence, did not interfere with him, he is very close to the light, seeing him will succeed.

But in the next moment, the view of the wing black scorpion suddenly changed.

He was forcibly moved to the inside of the super squad.

"Wu Renhai adults! I just wanted to..." After the wing black cockroaches reacted, they shouted immediately.

This is a pig teammate! Seeing it is going to succeed!

"I know, but there is a place that needs your fighting power. You can rest assured that the light and the enemy, I have already noticed it. I will deal with it." Fang Yuan directly interrupted the words of the wing.

The wing black cockroaches still want to open again, and suddenly the vision changed. This time he was sent out again and went to another place.

"Wu Wuhai, the guy, is arguing that he is acting as a pawn." Hey! He is very uncomfortable, but he does not doubt the true intention of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan did not move him at random. Beside him, there was a poisonous hand of the Southern Xinjiang Immortal to be a wonderful fairy.

The wing black cockroaches quickly joined the battle, leaving the uncomfortable source of the other party behind.

Shadows are like being in a dream!

Seeing the wing black scorpion to start with the light, he is almost desperate.

But the next moment, he came to heaven from hell, this change came too suddenly, too much surprise.

There are some flaws in the shadows.

When he reacted, he used the channel locust to contact the source and shouted: "You, you are actually manipulating the entire super squad! What identity are you now?"

Fang Yuan knows that he can't hold it at this time and simply reveals: "What is the identity? The current Wuhaihai is me."

I heard this in the shadows, and my eyes almost came out.

This answer is too astounding. When was the source of Fang Yuan’s use of it, can it penetrate this point?

After accepting this reality, the shadows are completely stunned.

It is no wonder that these southern Xinjiang dynasties, the immortals, all voluntarily retreat, and their look, now the shadows feel innocent, suddenly a little funny.

But soon, the shadows were innocent and heartbroken.

"Fangyuan has a dream solution. He has been hiding here for so long. No one can find him. There must be a huge plot! There must be a huge gain!"

"It's a good risk. If the non-Zi adults carefully plan, they will be caught off guard by the right way. Otherwise, there is Fangyuan sitting here, which is a huge trouble for our shadows."

After the shock, stunned and instigated, he finally came to the front of the light this breath! This is seven turns of light. "There is no excitement in the shadows."

"I chose, can there be a mistake? You still don't hurry to start?" Fang Yuan smiled.

Shadow nodded nodded, immediately urging a certain killing.

This killing trick is very effective. In an instant, the light that has not yet been completely formed is instantly stable and completely condensed.

Shadowless souls, as well as locusts, have been thrown into the light.

And his powerful six-turned sacred body was directly abandoned.

The light broke open, and the seven turns of shadows appeared innocent!

"Don't resist, let me send you a ride." Fang Yuan's voice came, and the shadows obeyed his words.

In the next moment, the shadow was removed from the distance, and once again, the dragon and the purple mountain Zhenjun fought each other.

There is no hesitation in the slightest, and the innocence has spurred the ace.

The immortal kills the trick - to bring the soul into the dream.

"Hey!" The face of Longgong suddenly changed. In an instant, he broke into his dream.

All of a sudden, lost control of the outside world.

Zishan Zhenjun stunned: "What happened? Is it a conspiracy?"

But immediately, he got a letter of innocence: "I am coming, Zi Daren, now I am seven dreams, I am a fairy!"

"Very good." Zishan Zhenjun suddenly rejoiced, this buried foreshadowing finally started.

"There are some twists and turns in the process. I am able to exchange the fairy body with the help of Fang Yuan. At this time, he is pretending to be the identity of Wu Haihai and manipulating the super squad of the South Xinjiang right path. He wants to cooperate with you."

"Oh?!" Zishan Zhenjun's eyes are great, "Good, send my channel locusts to him, I need to talk directly to him."

Under the joint efforts of Fang Yuan and Ying Zong, the battle seems to be overturned!

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