Reverend Insanity

: Section 148: The situation

Two giant pythons floated in the wind and hunted.

One is the martial arts list, and now Fangyuan has ranked in the top ten. On one side, all kinds of materials are recorded, and all need to be combated before they can be exchanged.

But at the moment, on the square where people come and go, the sights of many of the teachers are attracted by a decree that has just been issued.

The content of the notice is: the wolf is fierce, and the death and injury of the family sergeant is getting worse. In order to strengthen the ability to treat, the Pharmacy ordered all the sergeants who had the ninth leaf machine to hand over the Jiuyeshengji in their hands to the family. The pharmacy will organize personnel to carry out unified production.

At the end of the announcement is a list. Named after the family’s sorcerer’s name.

Needless to say, Fang Yuan is naturally famous on the list.

At this moment, he stood in the far corner, looking at this notice, his face was a bit ugly.

At first glance, he immediately realized that this is the ancient moon medicine Ji is targeting him and shooting at him.

"Hey, this ancient moon medicine Ji, I had not bought my worms before, but I have never lost my heart. I have already accumulated enough military skills, and I want to redeem the three-step grasshopper, which was also secretly blocked by her. This time Actually licking my nine leaves and my body..."

However, Gu Yue Yao Ji can do this, you can understand.

Peers are born and enemies.

Gu Yue Ji Ji strengthens the power by controlling the sale of raw leaves, deepens the influence and maintains the relationship between the people. Fang Yuan was secretly selling and raising the price, which invaded her interests and shook her influence.

"I have a lot of locusts on my body, such as white jade, moon awning, strong cockroaches, water hoods, earthworms, etc. Jiuyeshengcao is my main economic support. If it is lost, etc. If it is being pumped at the bottom of the pot, the ancient moon medicine Ji this trick is really hot." Fang Yuan frowned.

The voices of the surrounding teachers were introduced into his ears.

"The pharmacy is really a good move! There are too few living leaves. It can't satisfy our needs. Every time a batch appears on the material list, it is immediately bought."

"Pharmaceutical Jijia Laoguo is really kind and kind. You see this list. Some people are the teachers of the red veins and the desert veins. She did not offend many of the autocrats."

"Drug Ji Daren is dedicated to the family and deserves respect!"

"Oh, there are only medicines and talents who have such a strong force. If you change to other homes, who would dare to do this?"

"Oh! Look, the contents of the notice have changed. The clerk of the red vein and the desert veins have all turned over the nine leaves of the grass."

The crowd is boiling.

Jiuyeshengji grass is concentrated and unified production, representing more living leaves. This is for them. It is a big good news.

When Fang Yuan looked at it, he really saw it: after the names of some of the priests, three words “has been turned over” have been added. And his own name has become more prominent.

He added a heavy heart to his heart.

In the end, the ancient moon medicine Ji is an old man, deep in power. This move is based on the general trend and oppressed Fangyuan. If Fang Yuan wants to resist hard to comply, it will cause more trouble and be handled by others. It is not a wise move.

This is the power of the family system.

The family calls you sacrifice, not directly. Instead, put on a layer of sleek skin and wrap it up. Let you have to follow suit.

Just like recruiting those veterans who have retired and let them sacrifice their lives, who can dare to defy?

Now it is necessary to collect the nine leaves of raw grass, that is, some source teachers such as Fang Yuan, sacrifice their interests, to satisfy everyone, it is fundamentally the interests of her drug Ji. Whoever dares not listen is to violate the family and get rid of the masses! It is a thief, it is reactionary!

"To solve this problem, delaying the swearing will not work, but it will make you more passive. Because these are conspiracy trails, the drug Ji Ji's move is wrapped up in the righteous public opinion, and any trail conspiracy will be defeated. Only useful The situation, the righteous counterattack of the past, from the front to defeat her momentum, is the solution."

Fang Yuan has a fundamental solution in mind.

This strategy is simple and grand, and it is promoted to three turns.

The status of the three-turn and two-turn teachers is completely different. In the family, as long as the teacher is promoted to three turns, he is immediately an old family and joins the decision-making high-level circle. Even if it is a patriarch, it cannot easily violate its interests.

Don't look at this notice, the sorcerer in the desert, the red veins, etc., sneaked into the nine leaves of the grass. It seems that they have sacrificed their respective interests. In fact, in the back of the land, the ancient moon medicine Ji has long been with the ancient moon red training, ancient moon desert and other old homes, completed the secret exchange of interests.

This is political trading.

But most people can't see the truth behind this scene, so they are all cheated by medicine.

If Fang Yuan is a three-turn teacher, even if he has turned over the nine-leaf machine, he must be compensated in other aspects.

Why is Gu Yue Yao Ji so anxious to deal with Fang Yuan?

First, because of the interests, Fangyuan’s actions violated her interests. At the same time, some locusts on Fangyuan’s body were also wanted by Gu Yue Yao.

Secondly, Fang Yuan is already the second peak. If he does not start with him, he will have no chance until he becomes a three-turner.

"It is necessary to promote three turns. For the family, the two-turn master can also sacrifice, but by the third turn, it is the pillar, and one less person is a huge loss. Moreover, I have a lot of troubles now. Dead, the family did not investigate in detail. I have a water mask in my hand, a strong sputum, etc., and the family has one eye closed. I am making progress so fast, the family’s tops are watching, but always Forbearance, did not explore the secrets of me."

Fang Yuan knows his current situation.

On the surface, he has a strong scenery, in fact, behind the crisis.

The family did not target him because it was drawn by the wolf tide. Without resistance to the wolves, the family will perish. Under such pressure, the source of Fangyuan is only a small detail.

But once the wolf tide has passed, the family's top executives have energy. How can they not find him to settle accounts after the fall?

At the time of the school, the old people did not deal with Fangyuan because he was too weak. Little fight. They did not violate the interests of the family, and they did not put Fang Yuan in their eyes.

But it is different now.

Fang Yuan’s cultivation is already the second peak and the next step. It is old.

This repair alone has already touched the nerves of the family. Every move, will be seen in the eyes of the old family, remember in mind.

Any new family member will affect the entire political structure of the ancient moon family. Therefore, the solicitation and suppression of Fangyuan will follow. If Fangyuan does not enter the system one day and does not enter the camp, these solicitation and suppression will intensify.

The middle school is also a camp.

No one will tolerate the current source. Free from the family system.

"If I am promoted three times, although there will still be soaring and suppressing, it is definitely more calm than the second. This is a qualitative change point, a threshold. Crossing the past is the new world. At the same time, the three transformations can make I am moving forward and retreating. It is a big deal to leave the family directly." Fang Yuan is ignorant of this situation.

But promotion to three turns is no easy task. In particular, the other party's qualifications such as C is almost an insurmountable obstacle.

When he was alive, he was stuck in the peak of two turns for more than a hundred years. Until later. After paying a heavy price, I got a shackle and improved my qualifications. Only then did I overcome the difficulties.

Yanshi practiced. Small realms are easy to promote, as long as time is enough. They are all water mills. But in the big realm, every road is a level. The harder it gets to the back. Especially the five to six turns, the difficulty is beyond imagination, it is harder than going to heaven!

Fang Yuan has been promoted from two to two, and it is already very difficult. Nowadays, from the second to the third, the conventional method has no chance of success.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan has a life experience of 500 years. In his vast memory, there are two or three remedies. To say good things is to find another way, and to say that it is hard to hear is a bad way.

This method chosen by Fang Yuan is best suited to his current situation.

To be promoted to three turns, it is necessary to refine it into a strange and **** locust, named - a human burial oyster. This is the secret of a demon Taoist in ancient times, in order to strengthen the subordinates' cultivation, deliberate and invented.

The human burial oyster is specially used for the second turn to break through the three-turn realm.

Fang Yuan was searching for secrets in the past, and he was very impressed by the secret. He was always in the mind.

The key is that the materials needed for refining are not rare.

If it is normal, under the conditions of the source, it takes two or three years to collect these, but the wolf tide has given him a lot of opportunities.

These days, he has collected enough Yuanshi and locusts. There is only one left and it takes time.


"Let's see you soon, the pharmacy has just issued a notice."

"It is actually to collect the nine leaves of the grass, the unified production of machine leaves?"

"This is a big good news."

In the bamboo building, a group of sergeants surrounded the notice on the wall and watched the dance.

"Ha ha ha, this way, the source is estimated to cry."

"Hey, tell him to sell the leaves and exploit our hard-earned money!"

"I really want to see what kind of expression Fang Yuan is. It must be very ugly."

Many people are gloating.

"Oh, huh, this is really a bad smell for us. But I have to thank Miss Yao Le for this matter. Without her persuading the drug Ji Daren, how could there be such a day?"

"Yeah, thank you very much, Miss Miss Yao Le is not only beautiful, but the key is to be kind, to give justice to us, to preside over justice. There is a style of medicine Ji Daren."


The praises around me are endless, and the ancient moon medicine hysterically hangs his head, and his heart is very happy.

"Pharmaceutical sister." At this time, Xiong Jiaoyu walked into the bamboo building from outside the door. "I came to say goodbye to you. I also read the notice of the pharmacy. Thank you for giving me a sulking. Like Fangyuan. People, the black sheep, must be rectified."

"Pride, sister, are you going to leave?" Gu Yue Yao Le voted with concern.

Xiongjiao squatted with one hand on his hips and raised his thumb in one hand. He pointed back to a group of sergeants standing outside the door: "I have already invited the reinforcements and must go back as soon as possible. We will see you next time."

In the heart of the drug music, there was a sadness.

When Xiong Jiaoyu started, he was ten sergeants. When he arrived here, there were only seven people left. Now these sergeants outside the door are about to enter the cruel battlefield. How many more people can return safely? (To be continued.)

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