Reverend Insanity

: Section 152: Promotion 3 turns

After half an hour, Gu Yue Yao Le was almost completely swallowed by the black bear. m

Black bears seem to be reluctant to eat intestines, as well as girls' heads. But Fang Yuan does not want to see such things happen.

According to the secret recipe of human burial, the beast will eat people, and it is best to eat it. This will ensure maximum success.

To refine this animal burial oyster, you need nearly ten kinds of materials.

The two most important ones are people and beasts.

This person must have a virgin and a qualification for a teacher. And this qualification, at least C and so on. Of course, B, etc. are better, which can greatly increase the success rate of refining.

This beast refers to the beast. The raccoon raccoon, the scorpion scorpion scorpion, the scorpion scorpion scorpion, etc. It is only convenient for carnivores such as bears, wolves and tigers. If it is a deer, a cow, or the like, it is necessary to have a locust to manipulate the beasts and force them to swallow them.

After the beast swallows people, they must quickly start to refine. If the beast digests the flesh and blood of the human being, then it will not be perfect.

Seeing that the black bear did not want to swallow the intestines and heads of the drug music, Fang Yuan snorted with a sigh of relief, and thought of a move, urging the raccoon to plant on the black bear.

The black bear roared, and under the pressure of Fang Yuan, he had to swallow the intestines and his head. At the same time, the remaining white skeleton of the girl is also bitten and bitten, and then swallowed into the stomach.

The spurs are sharp, and they rush to eat under the strong force of Fangyuan. Many bone fragments are stuck in its mouth. In the esophagus, the giant bears have fallen into tears.

However, Fang Yuan only insisted on strong reminders, and his body has completely ignored its own command.

See the black bear finally stuffing the entire spine into the throat. Fangyuan knows that the time is ripe.

He reached for a shot and flew out a single bonfire.

The locust flew into the open mouth of the black bear and then plunged into the depths of its body all the way.

The black bear screamed fiercely, and the power of the charcoal smoldered it to burn the internal organs.

The black bears were shaking violently. The screams are so fierce that you want to roll around, but the raccoon is firmly in control of its every move.

After burning for a quarter of an hour, Fang Yuan pointed his hand and flew out three fire oil.

The simmering oil scorpion belongs to a consuming sputum, and it is put into the black bear body, and it is self-exploding into a large stock of kerosene, which increases the fire in the black bear body.

The black bear is so dumb. Fang Yuanqi was on time, and several locusts were thrown in succession and put into his body.

These locusts are all using his exploits. Constantly redeemed.

The black bear squatted on the ground and did not move at all.

After a while, from its seven squats, the red flames were pulled out after the buttocks. Then the flame suddenly became bigger and instantly spread its whole body. Light it into a giant torch.

The entire dark cave was illuminated by fire.

But this flame is not an ordinary orange, but a strange blood color.

Fang Yuan patiently waited for a moment. When the flame had a slight extinguishment, he steadily flew out of the last one.

This is a two-turned drug lord.

Put into the flame. Suddenly caused a drastic change.

A group of white light clusters are derived from the flame. At first it was only the size of the fist.

Fang Yuan quickly took the Yuanshi from the money bag and threw it into the light group.

The light group digested the Yuanshi and expanded dramatically.

After Fang Yuan cast thousands of Yuanshi stones, the light group expanded to the size of the door, and then slammed.


The flame on the bear's body suddenly went out, the cave reappeared into the darkness, and a locust swayed to Fangyuan.

People are buried in oysters.

Three turns, consumable mites.

It is shaped like a black spider with furry feet. But the head is the head of the bear, and the back is a **** pattern, which outlines a vivid girl's face.

Look at this face, it is the ancient moon medicine.

She seems to laugh and laugh, like crying and crying, as if staring at Fangyuan, full of hatred and resentment!

Fang Yuan laughed happily and didn't care.

People die, even if they were born before, how can they still be born after death?

He opened his mouth without hesitation and swallowed the beast.

The human burial oyster crawled into the throat in his mouth and then drilled into the esophagus, which suddenly turned into a black and red mixed stream.

The airflow is from top to bottom, such as the Tianhe River hanging upside down, and the air is directly emptied.

After entering the open air, this black and red water flow immediately merged into the Chi-Taiyuan sea.

Almost for a moment, the whole real element was dyed into a strange black and red, filled with **** atmosphere.

Fang Yuan thought of a move, and quickly mobilized the black and red yuan, and seized the time to wash around the wall.

One percent, two percent, and three percent, when the three-tenth of the real yuan was consumed, the violent explosion of the air, the transparent white crystal wall shouted and shredded.

Instead, it is a brand new light film wall that is round and round.

At this moment, Fangyuan is promoted three times!

However, Fangyuan did not relax, but immediately drained the remaining black and red elements.

This real element can't be used. When it is poured into the mites, it can cause the mites to die. Staying in the open space, the time is long, it will pollute the wall of the light film, making its own qualifications decline.

After Fang Yuan completely emptied the black and red yuan, he picked up a piece of Yuanshi and began to recover the real yuan.

First, the first mist of silver appeared, and then condensed into water droplets, eventually forming a white silver real Yuanhai!

The first turn of the teacher is the bronze true yuan, the second turn is the red iron true yuan, and the third turn is the silver real yuan.

But this silver is really pure in the sea, but it is mixed with a layer of black and red. This is the sequela of the use of human burial.

Fang Yuan is not surprised, sinking his heart, and completely excreted the accumulated silver real yuan, and then condenses the real yuan again.

In the second real sea, the black and red was reduced by more than half.

However, Fang Yuan was not satisfied, and he also emptied the silver real yuan and re-consolidated the real yuan.

After doing this three times and five times, the black and red color is reduced to a slightly invisible degree, even if Fang Yuan then empty the real yuan. It can't reduce this residue.

This is the sequelae that will inevitably remain after the use of human burial.

The effect of human burial and oysters is extraordinary, and it is possible to promote a lifelong hopelessness to two peaks and promote it to three turns. It is simply a change of life. Therefore, there will naturally be some shortcomings.

There is no way to clear this black and red color. The most common method is to use clean water.

The clean water can wash away the different kinds of real elements in the open space. It has appeared in the tree house of the caravan, but it has been bought by the Chi family.

Within a short time of Fangyuan, there is no way to take this black and red color.


"You are a group of wine casks, what are you doing! A good living person, can't find it?!" In the pharmacy. The ancient moon medicine Ji was in the thunder of the big hair, and the roaring sound shook the window slightly.

Her heart was extremely anxious, fearful, worried, and violent.

Three days and three nights have passed, and four madden wolves have been eliminated. The ancient moon cottage has turned dangerous. However, her granddaughter, Gu Yue Yao Le, has never disappeared.

Even if she mobilized all the network of contacts, the entire battlefield was searched, and the vicinity of the cottage was a large-scale search for a few round trips, and no new clues could be found.

I saw the ancient moon drug music at the latest. It is some of the teachers who participated in the war. The last thing they saw was that Gu Yue Yao Le was deeply trapped in the wolves, and he was in a hurry.

These words are all showing that the ancient moon drug music is really fierce. It is very likely that the wolves will swallow the belly.

But the ancient moon medicine Ji is not willing.

She was not willing to accept this cruel fact.

If you change to another girl, you will die if you die. But Gu Yue Yao Le is her granddaughter. She has been growing the heir to the veins since she was a child!

She is so smart and pitiful. It is so lively and lovely. Make people happy.

These days, the ancient moon medicine Ji did not sleep, and the images that appeared in my mind were the images of my granddaughter.

The ancient moon medicine Ji Benlai was well maintained, but in just three days, she was ten years old. Her heart seems to have been dug away, and there is boundless pain in the emptiness.

In her roar, dozens of sorcerers hang their heads low and endure the relentless reprimand of the old man.

"The old man of Kailuan Pharmacy, there is something to worry about." At this time, the doorstep quickly walked into a second-turn teacher.

"What is it! Is there any news about the drug music?" Gu Yue medicine Ji eyes suddenly brightened, and quickly asked.

"It is someone who is promoted to three turns. The patriarch is arranging the family at the home cabinet, and is certified as a church."

The ancient moon medicine Ji double eyes suddenly faded, waved impatiently: "Not the news of medicine music, but also used to bother me? Wait, what do you say... Someone promoted three turns, became a new home?"

When it was halfway through, Gu Yue Ji Ji reacted fiercely, and his brow wrinkled gently.

This matter is too sudden, there is no warning.

The emergence of new homes and olds will affect the political structure of the ancient moon family. This is an invisible blow to the veins of the new bereaved.

In the pharmacy, the standing teachers began to communicate in a whisper, guessing the identity of the new family.

The ancient moon medicine Ji Brow wrinkled, simply asked directly: "Who was promoted three turns?"

"If you return to the medicine, you will be the source of the ancient moon."

"What? It turned out to be him!" Time, the ancient moon medicine Ji Xiao Kong shrink, this is a complete bad news for her.

In the hall, the sergeants also burst into a wave of sound.

"No mistakes, is it a source?"

"Is he not a C qualification? How is it so fast, it has become a three-turn teacher?"

"Once the three turns ~ ~ is the old family, is the family's top. After we see him, we must take the initiative to ask good!"

"How could this be... this is a skyrocketing!"

"Isn't that said that he was dead? He disappeared for three days and three nights. He couldn't find his body on the battlefield. He thought he was smashed by the electric wolf..."

The sorcerers were shocked, embarrassed, and confused.

"The missing three days and three nights, the body can not be found on the battlefield, is this not the same as the drug music?"

The ancient moon medicine Ji Ji moved, a woman's intuition, so that her source has inexplicably produced a strong suspicion!

She suddenly changed her mind, and she was going to the home cabinet to go on a trip.

(ps: There is no time codeword today. There are only two more...) (Welcome to your support is my biggest motivation.) RV

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