Reverend Insanity

: Section 490: 3 into the Pirates of Heaven

Fang Yuan lamented, and after many twists and turns, he finally reached the soul of hundreds of millions of people.

"The Wandering Mountain and the Falling Valley are not the holy places of soul repair, plus the world's top soul repair methods in the true biography of the ghosts, so that my soul is soaring."

"But... I am now a soul of 100 million people, and then I have to continue to save, 200 million, 300 million, 400 million ... up to 900 million."

After 900 million, it is not one billion, if it is to break through to the wild. To reach the ridiculous soul, Fangyuan can fight against the wild-level soul beast with the soul alone.

Although Fang Yuan's current combat power, it is as easy to play the wild-level soul beast. But by playing against the soul alone, that is qualitative change!

After all, when people are congenital, the soul is not as good as other creatures. Can make up for the day after tomorrow, catch up, and even surpass, enough to see the power of the ghost.

With the soul of hundreds of millions of people, Fang Yuan did not go back directly, but continued to stay and constantly capture the soul beast.

After knowing the defeated old ghosts and the house, Fang Yuan did not plan to find the ancient soul beast again. Although he is not afraid of this existence, if he really wants to fight, not only these soul beasts under the hand will suffer heavy casualties, but their main means will be exposed.

Counter-current body protection, Wan Hao and so on, these signs of killing, once exposed, it means that Fangyuan's identity will also be exposed.

In the green ghost desert, there are also many ancient souls and beasts. However, under the leadership of Xiangyun, Fangyuan has never encountered it.

"Of course, it's not just a casual cloud. My own road has always been strong and strong. So I let me do things recently, and I have a smooth sailing. I have a lot of thoughts." Fang Yuan knows the reason.

In this way, I will continue to stay in the green ghost desert, and Fang Yuan will not shoot, just let the soul beast army against the enemy.

When he encountered the soul beast, he commanded the army to rush, and the soul of the war was taken, and the remaining prisoners were added.

In addition to manipulating the soul beast, spending effort and celestial elements, Fangyuan has no other input. On the other hand, the output is extremely high.

When acting in Zhu Xian, it is natural to consider input and output. Fangyuan is more immersed in this doorway and will always be able to take advantage of it.

This method of hunting soul beasts is that he has fully exerted the limits of his ability and achieved the best.

In this way, for dozens of days of practice, Fang Yuan’s soul has risen to 200 million! The whole soul is more solid and lifelike, and the palms of the hands become much tougher, far exceeding the soul of the previous 100 million people.

During this period, no matter whether it was a house, a defeated old ghost, or a Taikoo beast, it did not appear.

Fangyuan had a quiet and peaceful time.

Speaking of defeating the old ghost, Fang Yuan also wants to take his eight-turn fairy. However, after he used the wisdom method to calculate it again, he found that it was not the time, and even the vagueness was not small. Coupled with the house on the side, so even if you know the position of the defeated old ghost, Fang Yuan did not start.

"To reach the soul of 200 million people, this kind of foundation should be enough for me to explore the third act of stealing the dream." Fang Yuan thought of this, can not help but return to the heart.

He gathered the Souls and the Great Army into the Supreme Immortal, and then covered the trails and quietly left the Green Ghost Desert.

After spending some time on the road, he came to the thief again.

Tang Fangming rushed to meet.

He looked at Fang Yuan's gaze with a color of reverence.

In the days when Fang Yuan left, he got a lot of progress in the exploration of dreams because of the guidance of Fang Yuan.

After greeting with Tang Fangming, Fang Yuan was released according to the previous arrangement. He first released the Yingzong group and participated in the manipulation of Xianzheng. Then he entered the Pirates of Heaven for the third time.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed.

An oasis in the desert.

Fang Yuan once again became a bystander.

"It's here, it's here!" Shaying's voice trembled, very excited.

In the first two scenes, the youngsters were exiled by the tribes, encountering the sand shovel, and then refining into two sneak attacks, becoming a small name, and came to the tribe's key, that is, the pond in the center of the oasis, for election, as a small ratio reward.

Shaying naturally has a means of investigation and falls on the body of the youngster. At this moment, he notices the inexplicable atmosphere near the pond and knows that he has found the right place. It is very pleasant.

Juvenile thieves is a sinking heart, and Shafei is willing to pay for it. This is not what he thinks.

"Fast, throw the map of the sheepskin into the pond!" The sand squad immediately ordered the youngsters to steal the sky, which seemed quite impatient.

Juvenile thieves are extremely confused: "Is that sheepskin map not taken over by you? Where will I be?"

Sha Yuyin smiled twice: "The old man has already prepared for the perfection, and the sheepskin map has been sewed into your clothes by me. Grandma, you just take the clothes off and throw them into the pond. That's it!"

The youngsters stunned in the heart, and their brows wrinkled, and they thought about it: "The devil of Shaying is thinking about it. To throw the mysterious map of sheepskin into the pond, there must be a huge conspiracy. How can I do this? Kind of things, help him sin? Although this tribe once exiled me, but after all, I have adopted me for many years, and I am kind to me. I can never do this kind of enmity!"

"Come on, grandson, take off your clothes and throw them in." Satay yelled. "Don't forget that you have my means. If you don't, I will let you die."

Juvenile thieves were threatened with death and suddenly shrank.

He thought of his family and thought of going home, and he fell into deep hesitation.

If at this moment, he does not follow the instructions of Sha Fei, he is afraid that he will really die. At that time, what went home and what reunion thoughts were extravagant.

"Do you really want me to give up the rules of being a man because I go home? No, I can't do this. Although Shaqi is very powerful, I still have hope, I want to fight against it, and I will not bow to the evil forces! Not the name of my Benjasun!"

Thinking of this, the youngsters stunned in the eyes.

"Grandpa, I am afraid this time is a bit wrong. I have not chosen the election. There are tribal teachers around me. If I take off my clothes and throw them at the pond, I am afraid I will not fall into it. The guards in the interception. After all, this pond is the biggest source of water for our tribes." The youngster thieves in the heart of the sand.

After a slap in the sand, it was slow and slow. This is: "I am anxious, grandson, you said it is good. But you must look for opportunities, and you will not be prepared to make this happen. If you can't finish it, you Just wait for it! If it's done, hey, Grandpa will give you great benefits you can't imagine!"

Satay is a threat and a temptation. The youngsters should be rushing in the sky, but the heart is unwavering.

The tribal masters introduced the youngsters into the underground cave: "You are the first name of Xiaobi, you go in and choose, remember that you only have a quarter of an hour."

When the youngster screamed and thanked him, he walked into the cave and saw the walls of the cave, all of which carved out countless squares.

The squares are large and small, and most of them have locusts inhabiting them.

These locusts are strange and strange, and they are all in a state of turmoil.

He was amazed in his heart: "Although I heard that there are countless locusts in the world, today I saw the treasury in the tribe, and I really felt that this is a wonderful world!"

"Hey? Is there a door over there?"

The young thief opened the door and entered another underground hole.

The area of ​​this small hole is probably only 30% of the previous big hole. The same pattern inside, just the number of stored locusts, has been upgraded to two turns.

The teenager stole around the circle and sighed in my heart: "Hey! I don't have any advice. I don't know what locusts are better for me. It's more suitable for me. Also, there is a huge conspiracy in Sha's devil, how should I be? Ok? Ask for help from the tribe?"

The youngsters were stunned and shook their heads.

Satay has a means of investigation, which can sense the things around the youngsters. As long as the youngsters sneak into the sky, he will immediately be launched by Sha Fei and die immediately.

"Well?" The youngster thief suddenly changed his mind and showed a strange color.

Later, he changed his mind and started to move his hands and feet to fit his body.

"This time I have dominated the body of the youngsters, but there are some free time, and the two or three times before the dangerous situation can not be delayed." It turned out that Fangyuan also led the act of juvenile piracy.

"So, I am going to solve the problem for the youngsters." Fang Yuankou whispered.

"How can I deal with Shaying? The repair of this devil is, according to my speculation, at least four turns, five turns are also very likely Fangyuan glance around, looking at a lot of locusts, The eyes are fine, "The key to breaking the situation is the locusts here. ”

Juvenile thieves don't know these locusts, but Fangyuan has a broad vision and extraordinary knowledge! He almost knew the doorworms, and even if he didn't know it, he could guess the approximate number of contacts.

"There are still sand shovel even if there is a means of investigation, but when the youngsters sneak into the underground caves, they are clearly disappearing."

"It can be seen that the means of sand shovel cannot break through the protection of this underground cave."

This underground cavern certainly has rigorous and thoughtful defense measures. This is the heavy place of the tribe, which stores the locusts. If it is easily explored and attracted others to raid, the tribe will suffer a lot.

"Satay doesn't know what I am doing now. So, he wants to steal the adventure in advance and make his thing."

"Also, even if you go to the outside world, his investigative means may also rely on the sense of juvenile thief. As long as I spy on the mystery of his means, I can cope with it."

Fangyuan keeps thinking.

This third act of dreams has only just begun. The test he received was not too difficult.

Even if he fails, he can come back again.

At most, the soul is hurt.

If there is only a million souls before the source of the source, he will worry that the degree of damage will exceed his own limit.

But now he has 200 million souls, is quite confident, and how to be hurt, will not directly collapse the soul.


"If I follow the process of dreams, I will follow the steps, although it is safe, that's it."

"It would be worse..."

Fang Yuan’s heart has risen up with a fascinating light. He wants to test it. In the end, look at this stolen dream, how many changes can be made!

Ps: One more today. (To be continued.)

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