Reverend Insanity

: Section 155: Borrowing

"Congratulations. m"

"Fangyuan is honestly young and promising. It is a model for the younger generation!"

"In the future, I am really looking forward to Fang Yuan’s old style, haha."


A family is surrounded by Fangyuan and speaks beautiful words.

The school house is standing on the periphery of the crowd, looking at Fangyuan, and the eyes are very complicated.

He never thought that one day, Fang Yuan was promoted to become an old family. In that session, he was most optimistic about Founder, then Chicheng and Mobei.

I can't think of the first one that has a good future. It is actually a source.

"How can I compare this small achievement with those of my predecessors? I can still have a family cultivation today. I have a good old school, and I have always kept in mind your teachings." Fang Yuan face A gentle smile emerged, modest and cautious.

The school family did not expect Fangyuan to be the thorn, but actually took the initiative to ask him.

He bowed and looked gratified on his face. He said: "It seems that you have matured a lot in these years. Fangyuan is old and working hard. The family needs new blood like you, I am proud of you!"

Fang Yuan once again thanked the school family and sincerely responded to other family members.

He has five hundred years of experience, and this kind of play is just a hand.

He is advancing and retreating, his words are gentle, his attitude is humble, and he is as good as a spring breeze.

The ancient moon red training is watching the cold eyes, the more you look at the chill. This source handles the response, and the words are so subtle. Is he really only a teenager? Is he born to be a politician?

The old school is amazed. He thought of the time when he was in school. Fang Yuan is so unruly and even exploited along with the window. He felt a headache for this, and did not expect that there would be such a drastic change in Fang Yuan.

It is not the strangeness of the ancient moon and the dust.

He has already experienced the heart of Fang Yuan.

At this time, I looked at Fang Wen's gentle and elegant, and became the focus and center of the crowd. My heart was even more sighed that the ancient moon red had a good move.

This exchange is only a general flight, and the time is not long. But no matter what the family members have, they have any thoughts. What position to stand on, can not help but look at each other's source. I sigh in my heart, and the rumors are really unreliable!

In the end, Fang Yuan’s rumors resigned some of the old invitations, and smiled with the ancient moon and practiced, leaving the main house.

"Hey, are you satisfied with this? Pull down the ancient moon medicine Ji. Also drag our red house into the water!" In the study, the red practice is finally no longer disguised. The smile on his face was replaced by anger.

Fang Yuan sat opposite him. Long laughed: "Speak up, you have to thank me for this thing. The ancient moon medicine Ji Yi down, it is your red pulse accounted for a big bargain."

Gu Yuechi practiced his eyes flashing: "Hey, young man, you think too simple. Although Chikun is a member of my red vein, his wife is a drug. The patriarch appointed him to be a temporary pharmacy. The position is just to balance the infighting between my red veins and the veins. How do you know about Chicheng?"

Speaking of the end. Gu Yue red practice suddenly asked.

His eyes were fixed on Fangyuan. It shines like a eagle.

Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders, but said: "The old man. The stone of my body is not enough. You should give me three thousand pieces first."


Gu Yue red patted the table, he lowered his voice and whispered: "Fang Yuan! You don't think you know the secret, you will decide my red pulse. I am old, not many years old. Live, you can't leave this life alive! Oh, I can accept cooperation, but never threaten!"

"This kind of thing, I will never allow a second occurrence! If you mess with the enemy, then casually drag my red veins into the water, you will definitely regret it afterwards! You really think that the secret can destroy the whole Red pulse? Oh, don't be naive."

Fang Yuan was silent, his eyes were faint, and he was allowed to drink and drink.

After the ancient moon red training just took the table, the momentum is astonishing as a tiger, but the more the momentum is weakened, until the end is obviously becoming qi, the lack of confidence.

Until he stopped speaking, Fang Yuan smiled casually: "The old man, the fire is not so big. I have recently tightened the hand, these three thousand yuan stone, I am not white for you, I borrowed from you. I can give You make a loan."

The ancient moon is red and cold, and the tone is slightly slower: "You will not be missing Yuanshi. You have just become a family, and you don't know the family's preferential treatment for the family. As long as you are old, there are 100 yuan stone subsidies every week. This is still the amount in peacetime. Now, during the wolf boom, you will have a subsidy of 300 yuan per week."

"Not only that, but you can also get a three-turn locust for free. At the same time, the recipe of the family, from one to three, will open to you. You can choose the secret recipe to make your three turns. Aphids. There are other privileges, such as: a common sorcerer, can only marry a wife. After becoming an old family, you can marry a wife."

"It turned out to be like this." Fang Yuan knows these natural things, but on the surface, he has a first-time expression.

"However, even so, I still want to borrow 3,000 yuan stone. You also understand that I have just been promoted three times. It is necessary to consume a large number of Yuanshi." Fang Yuan "sincerely" authentic .

The ancient moon is barely practicing.

He thought: "According to the identity of Fangyuan's old family, it will not owe debts. Isn't his reputation still needed? Just in case, if he dies in the wolf tide, then I am the 3,000 yuan stone. Isn't it a hit? Wait, isn't it better to die? The things in Chicheng's qualifications can continue to be concealed. But this secret, how did he know it? What other people know? Lend him, lower his defense, and then test him."

In this regard, the ancient moon red training will no longer adhere to, immediately remove the pen and paper.

Fang Yuan wrote a debit and painted a handprint.

Gu Yue Chi practiced to call the housekeeper and squatted down. Soon, I took a few full bags and took them.

Fang Yuan smashed each purse and found no problems.

He really needs this stone.

In order to harmonize the human burial, he almost consumed all of his accumulation. These three thousand yuan stones counted as a timely rain.

The promotion of three turns is just the beginning. He needs to combine three turns of locusts to truly have the combat and survivability of the three-turn sergeant.

In this regard, he already has a general plan in his mind. Three thousand yuan stone is not enough.

But it doesn't matter, the red pulse will be his big money house.

This time I borrowed Yuanshi, but it was just the beginning. There will be a second time for the first time, and I will be familiar with it once.

As for debt repayment, huh, huh...

With this Yuanshi, Fangyuan did not rush, but smiled: "I still want to borrow another thing."

"You'd better not get the inch." Gu Yue red face sinking, but after all, he said, "Let's say, what?"

"The water is clean." Fang Yuan blinked and said frankly.

A clean water raft has been sold in the caravan. If anyone is most likely to buy this cockroach, it is very likely that the ancient moon will be practiced.

Because he used his own real yuan to warm up his grandson in Chicheng, and promoted his cultivation. Let it empty the memory of a different kind of atmosphere, you have to use the clean water to get rid of.

"This is absolutely impossible!" Gu Yue Chi practiced and refused.

He did buy the clean water, but the locust was prepared for his grandson, the ancient moon. If you want to buy it again, you have to rely on some chance.

"Do not say so absolutely." Fang Yuanhe laughed. "The reputation of a clean water and a red vein is very important. I believe that the ancient moon is a red-skinned person. clear."

The face of the ancient moon red was completely sunk, and the chilly one, he stared at Fangyuan slyly, gnashing his teeth: "Fangyuan, you have to figure out what you are doing. You are blackmailing me, blackmailing the owner of the red pulse !"

"No, no, no, this is not a blackmail. It is a discussion. I just use the water to use it. I will give you a new one in the future. I can also owe it." Fang Yuan smiled, but his tone was firm. Shows his determination to be sure.

"You can't think about it!" The attitude of red training is also very determined.


After half an hour, Fang Yuan left the Chijia with 3,000 yuan stone and a clean water.

When the ancient moon was practicing, he sat in the study room and looked at the two fluttering borrowings written on the top of the table. The anger and anger in his heart was like a rolling river.

The handle of the red vein is grasped by Fang Yuan, which makes the red training in the extreme passive. The victory of Fangyuan is also a matter of reason.

Three days later.

Fang Yuanpan sat on the bed and his face reflected white light.

A white light cluster suspended in the air - the locusts have come to an end.

Fang Yuan maintains the light group with consciousness, while throwing a block of stone into the light group.

The light group suddenly disappeared, and a brand new aphid flew into the palm of Fangyuan.

Its shape is like a big ladybug. The semi-circular milky white carapace is dotted with dark spots.

It is relatively large and has an adult's fist size.

Three turn canopy!

"At the end of the refinement." Fang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, this is his second refinement.

The canopy is made up of two turns of white jade, and a water line to defend against locusts.

Fangyuan's first joint refining used water cover and white jade. As a result, the refining failed, and the water scorpion died.

This time, the use of water to defend against locusts was replaced by Fang Yuan with the last bit of combat.

However, this canopy is not the first three-turn locust of Fangyuan. His first three-turn locust was taken directly from the family.

After the promotion of the third is turned into an old family, the family will reward a three-turn locust free of charge.

Therefore, Fang Yuan chose Lei Yi.

This is still the spoils that the old people got after killing a crazy wolf. Can condense a pair of thunderbolt wings, so that the sergeant has the ability to fly in a short time.

With Lei Yiwei assisted in moving, Fangyuan’s last piece of the shortcomings was also filled.

(ps: Today is even more, I started writing at 8:00, and Kavinka got me to die.) RQ

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