Reverend Insanity

: Section 515: Earth Lake

Tie Ruojiao sighed and jerked his fist and greeted him.


A loud bang, the fists hit each other, bursting out of the white light.

The ray of light burst, and the ground stone cracked.

The two sides smashed a fight, and the figure flew like a cigarette. After reversing more than ten steps, they each stood still, looking at each other and sighing.

At this time, the faces of both of them were very dignified, and they all regarded each other as a major adversary, regardless of the slightest intention and contempt.

"It's really amazing. The two men's fighting power is very ordinary five turns, they are the seeds of Zhu Xian!" Business sympathy and sigh, her eyes are not the same as before, because of the favor of Shang Qingqing, familiar with some things in the fairy world .

Ye Fan swept around and suddenly opened his mouth: "Tie Ruo Nan, if you can take me this trick, I will admit defeat on the spot!"

When the iron gaze condensed, he nodded slowly and promised: "Okay."

The mortal sergeant is really limited, and the time for the two to fight is not long, but the intensity is extremely high. If the tactics are not used, the consumption of the real yuan is extremely severe.

Therefore, there are very few real elements in the air of the two. Therefore, Ye Fan proposed a move to win, and Tie Ruoan also agreed to the situation.

Ye Fan took a deep breath and began to brew.

Where to kill the move - Xia bird!


A series of rushing bird songs sounded abruptly.

Ye Fan’s body is like a stream of water, colorful, steaming, and then gathered on his forearms and right hand.

Xiaguang is extremely spiritual, and the sound of screaming, between the light and shadow, the shape of a bird is looming.

The Xia bird is ready to go, the momentum is amazing, the iron man's face is dignified to the extreme, and the body is swaying with a black gas. Black gas condensed on her face, gradually forming a thin black iron mask.

Where the road kills the move - iron face armed!

This move comes from the iron-faced true biography. If the use of immortality is the core, it is the immortal killing trick.

"Go." Ye Fan snorted, the colorful rays on his right forearm, at this moment, as if he really had life, violently jumped out of his body, flying into the air, turned into a colorful bird.

The bird's wing slammed, and the colorful safari bird burst forth with a striking degree.

"It's good." Tie Ruo-nan sighed and didn't stop at the place, but rushed straight up.

The next moment, she collided directly with the colorful Xia.

The iron-clad squadrons exclaimed, worried about Tie Ruo-nan, did not expect that she actually flew directly with the flesh to counter Ye Fan's strongest move.

The height of the clouds, the iron face **** is not moving like a mountain, it is clear that the iron-clad armor knows this, and its protection power is emboldened.


The colorful Xia bird hit the body of Tie Ruo, and turned into a large group of Xiaguang, and covered the iron and the whole body.

And Tie Ruo-nong is constantly rising out of black air, resisting the erosive attack of the colorful Xiaguang.

The two sides are deadlocked and it is difficult to separate the results.

"The seeds of your business are not bad." Iron face gods open, appreciate.

Shang Qingqing smiled and said: "Hey, it’s just the seeds of the foreign surname."

Iron Face nodded: "I see the killings he made, he has his own ideas, and ten are his own creations. At such an age, he can create his own path, which is not comparable to ordinary genius."

Hou Yao was envious at the side and sighed: "The seeds are the pillars of the future family."

Shang Qingqing is modest, but one is secretly strange. Ye Fan also had contact and pointed out, but Ye Fan did not show such talent.

"My business has a system to play the military field. Therefore, the iron face **** and Hou Yao have mistakenly thought that this is the foreign surnamed immortal seed that my business absorbed. In fact, this is not the case."

"Ye Fan's brilliance, I am afraid that during this time, he has got some chances. Of course, he created his own tricks, talents are not to be underestimated. Such characters are indeed eligible to enter the eyes of our people, can be My family absorbed."

"If it is clear, he will recruit him innocently. Right, he seems to have a crush on business, this can be used. If he can achieve the immortal, pay a business What is it? If it is passed out, it is a good story."

In the heart of Shang Qingqing, he is constantly thinking about and planning a strategy. At the same time, in the lake between the distant mountains, there are also two Zhuxian who are conspired.

These two immortals hide their tracks and have actually been planning for a long time.

One of the celestial beings is a weak young boy with a surname of Wing Ming. At this moment, he looks sad: "When we shot this time, wouldn't we really alarm the three immortals?"

"No." His companion, Yinanmen, replied affirmatively. "If my detectives and killings are unique, I will not accidentally present this cigarette under the warmth of Yutian. There is still an ancient monster in the possession! Our wing home The waterways are the most outstanding, and the three Zhu Xian want to do this, it may be small."

"And this time, we are not directly shooting, but because of the situation, the ancient sleeping monster that is sleeping is alarmed and let it riot."

Having said that, the wing of the South Gate has turned slightly: "Of course The immortal means are endless, and it is difficult to ensure that they will not appear. But if it is, we are exposed, we also have rhetoric, after all, our wing is also The level of power, they are at most skeptical, will not turn their faces and ruthless to fight with us."

"If they haven't been present, hey, when the monsters are in trouble, they will definitely suppress. At that time, you should do it, kill one of them, and lead three suspicions and battles!"

The wing south gate is a seven-turn repair, and the wing fishing has only six turns of breath, but the plan of the two is the means of assassination of the wing fish, and does not know what means the wing fishermen have mastered.

Wen Wei’s young wing is more worried about the face of the fisherman’s face: “I’m still not very skillful in that move. What if I’m not motivated? What should I do if they are present?”

The south wing of the wing is dignified: "You are talking about the worst situation. If you are born, I will abandon this life, and I will drag the three celestial beings to escape your life. I am also dead." I will never admit that I am a fairy of the wing family, and you should do the same."

"Well!" This time, there was no sad look on the face of Wing Yu, replaced by dignity and determination.

The wing south gate took a deep breath: "I started."

He spurred the immortal killing, and the breath converges to the extreme. It is really silent, and the wing fishermen are also slightly relieved.

The next moment, the water waves in the depths of the ground violently turbulent, and I have been sleeping for a few years.

On the ground, Ye Fan and Tie Ruo-man’s fight are about to split up and down, and suddenly the ground is shaking.

Puff puff!

A series of fountains, breaking through the black iron soil, running through the battlefield, rushed out of the hustle and bustle of the merchants.

Dozens of huge water columns, each up to several feet, are distributed in the whole piece of smoke in the warm jade field. (To be continued.)

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