Reverend Insanity

: Section 539: Counterattack

"Death!" Well, drinking, watching the light column rushing to Fangyuan, her shackles are full of pleasure.

Although she is a master of eight transformations, she has a strong fighting power, but her life is living under the shadow of the ghost demon. In the heavenly court, she woke up because of the smoldering mountain, and saw that the demon sorcerer was recalcitrant, and the emotion buried in the deepest part of her heart was stirred up.

"Vibration, anger, compassion, gloating, and... fear! Ghost, you used to be so powerful, but now you are a prisoner in heaven. Now your descendants will be killed by me, and my wake is really right." Killing your descendants, I want to put you in the deepest fear in my heart, and also eliminate them!"

"Then, I will come to see you with the source of Fangyuan, and eventually you will be killed by me. Hahaha, one day, you will also die in my hands. Unbelievable, like a dream, hahaha!"

At this moment, the reggae really stunned in the heart.

"I'm not right, stop working!" At this time, Jing Hao suddenly heard a voice.

"It’s late!" Jing Jing’s eyes were filled with killings and bloodthirsty, but immediately she was slightly stunned.

"This voice is a bit familiar... yes, it is the younger generation of Ziwei! It was not Fangyuan's reinforcements, etc. What does she mean?" Jing Yi's thoughts in his mind, like lightning, crossed the sky.

The meaning of bloodthirsty in the eyes of Jing Jing suddenly dissipated most of the time, revealing reason and clarity.

She hastened to retreat.

"It's already late!" Fang Yuan suddenly changed his face. The previous shackles and panic disappeared in an instant, but they were replaced by the fighting spirit that must be won and rushed!

He swayed the dragon's torso, not only did not evade the slightest, but also rushed up against the sky, directly aimed at the well of the well, and then slammed it!

The light column hits the body of Fangyuan, but the layer of countercurrent protective cover on the Fangyuan dragon body changes its appearance at this moment, not only restores the original state, but also flows the mysterious mystery.

The countercurrent body protects the key moments and creates new changes!


The light column couldn't break through this layer of countercurrent body protection, and all of them were reversed.

"This?!" The hole in the well was shrunk, and Rao was her battle. At this moment, her face suddenly changed, showing a shock.

She had been fighting Fang Yuan before, and the means used were very restrained. Even if she bounced back, she could recycle or bear it.

But this shot is completely different!

This is a record she has done her best, and she is also a sacred killer with a level of eight turns.

This blow, she is bound to win, and it is expected that a move will be able to break through the counter-current body protection and not kill, but also kill Fangyuan.

But now, her all-out killings have actually bounced back.

Jing Wei forced Fang Yuan to have no chance to dodge, and the distance between them was very close. At this time, Jingjing wants to dodge, time is not enough, emotionally because of the shadow of the ghost of the demon in the heart of her heart, there is a sharp fluctuation, and the most important reason is that her state is not good. !

She is an eight-turner. Although she has the ability to penetrate into the wall, it is not the supreme body. It is still suffering from rebellion and injury.

This way to chase the source, quick and enmity, when the upper hand, the well does not think. But now when she wants to dodge, she is suddenly shocked - it turns out that her status is so bad!

Such a kind, superimposed, the well facing the light column, but also dodge, can only resist.


The light column bombarded the body of the well, and the glare of the glare was erupted. It seemed that the sun was coming to the battlefield. Even if Fangyuan turned into an ancient sword, this moment had to close his eyes.

But in the next moment, the brilliance slightly weakened, and Fang Yuan reluctantly blinked.


He barely recognized the incredible brilliance of the incand, the tiny and uncomfortable body.

Her original armor, covering her body, was heavy and heavy, and at this moment she had completely disintegrated and collapsed, revealing her body.

After being attacked by himself, the wells turned their eyes and turned white, and all the pores were squirting outwards, and they fell into a short fainting state.

Fang Yuan opened his mouth, the dragon tooth was sharp as a gun, and the dragon body slammed into the front of the well.

The muscles are stretched to an exaggerated curvature, and the dragon claws of Fangyuan are torn off!

"Damn! Damn! I actually got his plan." In the heavenly court, Ziwei fairy was full of eyes, angry and blamed himself. "He actually calculated the countercurrent body protection to such a degree, and there are still changes. Originally The counter-current bodyprint is a trap for me. Once I have calculated it, he will change his strokes. After the change, the counter-current body print is completely different and completely new. This source... incredible... his wisdom How could it be so deep?!"

Ziwei Fairy has always tried to overestimate Fangyuan, but the reality in front of her is that she has slapped her a slap.

She originally thought that she had the upper hand. From the battle of the countercurrent river, she began to collect intelligence and tried to calculate the countercurrent body protection. In the following process, including Feng Jiu Ge’s pursuit of Fang Yuan, she was all behind the scenes to calculate the reggae. Zhenjun is coming out this time.

She felt that this was the time when she accumulated many times and finally got the results, but she did not expect that all of them were traps and calculations of Fangyuan.

The source of wisdom from Fang Yuan’s accomplishments is far beyond the expectations of Ziwei Fairy!

"But how is this possible? Wait, is he taking advantage of the power of wisdom? But wisdom is clearly a wild thing. Only the nine-turned sage can refine this shackle and turn it into its own use. Fang Yuan is only a seven-turn. Throughout the sects, no one has such a ability. Even if you keep the nine-turn celestial, you need the will and wisdom of the sage to fight. The heavenly book contains the Ming Dynasty records. After the nine-turn, I used to spend nine hundred years before and after refining the service.

Ziwei fairy is puzzling.

Her forehead was covered with tiny sweat, and in a short moment, there was a layer of cold sweat.

"The wells of Jingjing have to suffer such a blow, they must be hit hard, hold on, and must hold on!" The three-turn killing trick that Ziwei Fairy deduced, naturally knows the power of this move. She once planted a detective murder on Jingjing, and because of this attack, she was destroyed. Ziwei Fairy has completely lost the investigation of the battle.

She immediately dispatched Chen Yi and others to the battlefield of the boundary wall to support the reggae.

But she still has to sit in the heavens.

Long Gong’s heart cultivation of Feng Jinhuang is no longer here. The demon spirit is recalcitrant and needs to be monitored at all times. The heavenly side also needs her Ziwei fairy to sit in the town and take the overall situation.

Click here!

A series of noises rang on the body of Jing Jing.

Fang Yuan's dragon claws, sharp as a knife, smashed in the chest of the well.

But at the crucial moment, a layer of dense lightning armor entangled in the wire was found on the chest of the well.

The dragon claws are caught on this layer of armor, just like the hardest steel.

This is an eight-turn killing, passive defense, even if it is a stunned stun, it can also be stimulated by the external offensive.

In the usual way, Fangyuan is like a mouse bullfighting. But now, this layer of lightning armor is just because of a blow, but broken, not complete.

Therefore, Fangyuan tried his best and smashed it!

The dragon claws steadily cut down, piercing the skin of the well, and slashing from her left shoulder to the right side of the waist. Wherever he went, the thunder flashed, the lightning armor was torn, and the sternum of the well was harder. It was also cut off by Fang Yuanlong.

Dragon claws are intact!

Xianyuan’s rapid consumption, the countercurrent bodyguard that has been propped up, has been protecting Fangyuan with loyalty.

If there is no such protection, the dragon claws alone, I am afraid that tearing half the distance, it will be countless fractures, broken.

The pain stimulated the well to open her eyes. She was worthy of the eight-turn power that could resist the ghosts and demon. In an instant, she understood her situation and made a sharp scream.

This scream is of course not meaningless, but a slogan.

Fang Yuan just frowned and was safe and sound.

On the contrary, this is the offensive. It was reversed by the counter-current body and printed on the well.

The well eardrum was destroyed in an instant, and the thoughts in his mind were chaotic. There was a lot of internal bleeding in the head, and a lot of blood appeared in the eyes, and a blood red was seen in the field of vision.

Jing Hao has a very good combat literacy, but perhaps she wakes up from sleep, not yet active, and fights with Fangyuan in the first game. Or maybe, after she was awakened, she realized that she was seriously injured, and she was self-defense in the subconscious. In short, her reaction was too I forgot that Fangyuan’s countercurrent body protection has changed completely. This led to this mistake, so that she once again suffered heavy losses!

He is sick and wants him!

Fang Yuan Long Yu is full of cold and embarrassing fierce light.

He slammed the dragon's tail, slamming, and slamming the well from the sky.

With a bang, the ground trembled, and the well was like a ball being smashed to the ground, and a deep pit with a radius of one foot was born.

"Damn!" Jing Hao gritted his teeth and struggled.

Her injury was very heavy, her armor was correct, her sternum was broken, and her beating heart and lungs that swelled and contracted were visible from the outside.


The next moment, Fang Yuan slammed the dragon mouth to the maximum, and ejected the dragon's breath from the throat.

Jianguang Dragon Breath!

Extremely sturdy, sharp and ugly!

The silver-white dragon's breath, like a waterfall, falls into the sky and slams heavily on the well.

Jing Wei just stood up, and the thoughts in his mind were mostly settled. He was stunned by the sword dragon, and he slammed on the ground with one knee.

"I was actually beaten by a seven-turner, and I was beaten to the ground?!" Thought of this, a strong sense of humiliation filled the heart of the well, and anger and hatred suddenly emerged.


The electric light is intertwined and swells open.

Rumble -!

Endless thunder light forms a hemispherical reticle that repels everything around it.

Wherever he went, whether it was Fang Yuan’s dragon's breath or the surrounding suffocation, he was completely destroyed by lightning.

"Eight turns of energy, it is really extraordinary. But this blow is also the last strength? You are already the end of the powerful! Wan Hao!" Fang Yuan Da Yu. (To be continued.)

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