Reverend Insanity

: Section 552: Wan Xian Xian!

Fortunately, the cloud covers the mainland.

Geng Di Ling took a deep breath and then whispered: "A big burst!"

Like thousands of bees madly dancing, noisy buzzing sounds, the refining of the super-matrix slowly urging. Soon, there is a large piece of platinum luster that spreads out and fills the world.

"Into the battle!" 琅琊地灵 another order, at the same time, his figure first entered the fairy squad.

Subsequently, Mao Six, Mao San, Mao Si, Mao Qi and many other Mao people and immortals, also entered the battle.

Fang Yuan is on the edge of the fairy tales as a bystander.

This time, the refining was not done by himself, but to the spirits of the Sui School and the Maomin.

Although Fangyuan has a quasi-supplementary realm of refining, the basic skills of the refining and the level of actual manipulation are incomparable with those of the sects.

"If you change to the usual time, maybe I can participate in the refining. But this time, the refining of the scorpion, but the land is not willing to use the long-haired ancestors to arrange the sacred sect of the sacred ancestor. This fairy squad is not a non-Mao I am a human race, and after I go in, I will be refining and smashing.

The foundation of the blessed land is very deep. This time, a long-haired refining road emerged.

Of course, depending on the means of the source, it is entirely possible to use the rumors of the change of the road and change itself into a Maomin. However, I am afraid that the sects still want to stick to this secret and are unwilling to announce the opening to Fangyuan.

"I used the ghost to pass the truth and exchanged the truth with the scorpion. But obviously, this long hair squad is the essence of the bottom of the box. It is not exchanged. Just like the ghost biography. Like the killing of dreams and other killing tricks, I am also a self-cherry."

Fang Yuan stood by and observed, and the eyes were stunned.

Even if the sects of the sects are excluded from the source, Fang Yuan is actually very satisfied with this.

In the face of the strong pressure of the heavens, the sects were eager to get up and down, and they did not hesitate to open a long-haired refining squad, and refining Wanyuan as soon as possible. Fang Yuan joined the 琅琊派, can be regarded as his own people, and now increase the fighting power of Fangyuan, it is of great benefit to them to move to Fufu!

The long hair refining road was suddenly spurred by the glory, and the glory was constantly changing. At first it was a platinum luster, which later turned into orange gold, and then turned into ink.

In the glory of Mojin, it began to flash a little bit of starburst, dazzling.

The humming sound of the fairy squad gradually became smaller. After a few breaths, it became quiet and silent, without a trace of sound.

The number of Mao Zemin who entered the battlefield also had a squatting spirit, each standing and forming a large circle.

琅琊 灵 灵 灵 灵 灵 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先 首先

This fairywood seems to have been frosted, and the sunflower flower that has been smashed has just appeared in the center of the fairy squad, and it has turned into a smog of smoke and merged into the glory of the Taojinjin.

Fang Yuan's eyes are condensed, this is the first key step, and it is necessary to get the same smoke, and the perfect integration in the golden glory can proceed to the next step.

Fangyuan does not have much psychological pressure.

If this step fails, he will not lose much and he can return again.

However, after half an hour, the fairy material was completely turned into smoke, and the fusion with the golden glory was quite perfect.

In the fairy tales, the glory of the golden glory condensed and concentrated, from the scale of the half-day sky, completely condensed into the size of the house, and was restrained in the center of the long-haired refining squad.

In the glory of the ink, those little stars were completely transformed into ice stars, and the earthly spirits spurred the fairy tales, and the tactics changed, and the second step began.

Time has passed continuously, and a group of sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects have been steadily smelted into one.

After three days and three nights, Mao’s palms spread and began to throw mites into the center of Xianzheng.

The first thing he puts in is self-reliance.

This kind of aphid is only three turns, shaped like a scorpion, flat in shape, and dark brown throughout. The filaments of the filaments are divided into front and rear wings.

Self-reliance is a forceful aphid with therapeutic effects. The stronger the strength of the teacher, the better the treatment effect.

This is a rare locust, and mortal sorcerers often find it hard to find one, but now Mao has invested hundreds.

There are of course strict rules on the number of self-reliant people.

Because this involves the amount of road marks, refining the fairy, it is necessary to compare in this respect!

When all the self-reliances were put into it, the spirits screamed and screamed.

For a time, in the big array, the rising pillars of fire, hundreds of pillars of fire, up to a few feet, in the glory of the golden, burning and burning.

The hustle and bustle of the waves continued to spread around, but they were all blocked by the large array of refining tracts. The Maomin immortals who stood on the edge of the fairy sensation did not feel the slightest increase in temperature.

The long hair refining fairy squad is very good!

The orange-red pillar of fire has been burning for twenty-four hours, and it has slowly stopped. The glory of the gilt has been burned thoroughly, together with those who are more self-reliant and turned into a wagon-sized quirky stone.

Waiting for a while, seeing the stone completely solidified, Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. This is the second step of refining the eternal mystery, and I have successfully passed it.

Later, Zhai Diling and others began to rest and return to the state. Mao 4 and Mao 6 did not stop, and continued to mobilize the fairy tales to sculpt the stone.

After two or three musk scent, the stone was completely ground and turned into a broken stone block, scattered on the ground.

Mao San stopped to take a rest, took out the drink, and watered the gravel.

This drink is the spoils of Fang Yu’s not long ago. At this time, use the right medicine, immediately melt all the gravel into a group of gray smoke.

These flue gases float and do not merge with each other, but condense into individual cigarettes, like small lanterns, hovering silently in midair.

Mao Si, Mao Liu began to rest, Mao San took out all efforts to go to the hustle and bustle.

This kind of locust, like a unicorn, is of course a scorpion. One is only the size of an adult's palm, heavy. They are long oval, draped in armor-like back shells, and the ridges are arched. The head is a majestic and powerful horn, thick and powerful. It has several pairs of long legs, all strong and powerful, with a dark brown body and a shiny metallic luster. It is obvious that this is not an ordinary thing.

Fang Yuan has not yet refining the immortality that goes all out to the shackles. These are the geniuses. From one to five, the number of revolutions in each layer is covered.

The locusts rush into the smoke and do not blend.

At this time, the scorpio began to sell, he opened the warehouse door, and took out the processed fairy fire.

In this kind of transparent flame, a lot of efforts to go to the sputum and the gray smoke group began to slowly merge.

This step takes a long time.

After half a month, the fusion was completed. Whether it was a floating fire, a full-fledged or a gray smoke group disappeared, it was replaced by drizzle.

This drizzle, under the constraints of the refining fairy squad, was imprisoned in the center of the big squad, constantly leaping.

When you reach this step, the third step becomes the key.

Time becomes urgent, drizzle is unstable, and itself is rapidly cutting.

All Maomin and Xianling have their own shots. Each person has different tactics and the responsible refining content is also quite different.

Positive and negative scorpion needles and other fairy materials, continue to throw in. In addition, there are a lot of people.

Fang Yuan’s calculation of this time is because I don’t consume any fairy scorpion, so I use a lot of fairy wood and Fan Yi as an alternative.

In doing so, there is no loss in Xianxie, but the consumption of Xiancai and Fanzi has skyrocketed dozens of times, and the workload of refining has risen wildly. This is one of the reasons why the sectarians did not hesitate to open the long-haired refining squad.

As time went by, the key steps of the step-by-step process passed without a hitch.

The time of the blessed land lasted for more than two months, and the process of refining the 10,000-year-old 终于 终于 finally ushered in the last level.

Fang Yuan naturally has the means of the Tao, but this time there is no way to concentrate. The reduction of the time of the ecliptic is essentially to engrave the traces of the ecliptic and influence it. In the process of refining, the traces of the ecliptic roads are added, which will greatly affect the results of the refining.

Being able to concentrate for more than two months is already the current limit of power of He has already applied the method of the ecliptic, and will add the daodao track marks and perfect as the material of the smelting Clean up.

The fairy tales roared and the glory of the glory was everywhere.

The squatting spirit sighed with relief, and the rest of the Maomin singers looked tired and tired, but they all revealed their happiness.

The last step was also successful.

Caixia suddenly converges and condenses into a seven-turn fairy.

This locust is slender and long, a few feet long. It is shaped like a scorpion, like a red copper pouring, and it has a metallic luster on the body. The head of the mouth is squatting. The front pair of long beards are like smoke. There are 5,000 feet on the left and 5,000 feet on the right. There are a total of 10,000 feet.

Seven turns to the fairy 蛊 me!

"I didn't expect the first time I refining, I was successful!"

"Haha, we finally got it."

The Maomin singers screamed and their faces were happy.

Wan Xianxian was restrained in the center of the refining squad, because it was not Fang Yuan who presided over refining, and at this time it was still nothing.

However, very quickly, Fang Yuan refining it with the help of the refining sect.

"Seven turn fairy, one-time refining, haha." Fang Yuan is also full of joy, this kind of thing can not imagine before!

The success rate of 50% is really too high.

Fang Yuan tried to instill the immortality. After Wan Xianxian got the immortality, he immediately swelled out of the light, bursting out from the brilliance and spurting out the power of countless sources, just like the killing strokes before.

"The power is only slightly weakened. After all, there are too many locusts required for killing." Fang Yuan realized the change. "The loss of Xianyuan is greatly reduced. At the same time, it is extremely convenient. It only needs A thought. Before the killing, no matter how skilled, it takes time to brew, and the maintenance and consumption of the mind is also very much!"

Fangyuan auditioned a bit, I am very satisfied with this million!

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