Reverend Insanity

: Section 169: Pathfinding

Bai Ningbing was bruised and bruised, panting and stunned. m

When Fangyuan arrived, both of them bowed.

The fate of this thing is really wonderful. Before the moment, the two were still enemies of death and death, and they were to kill each other. But at this moment, they need to join forces to have the opportunity to survive and escape.

Join hands with Bai Ningbing?

Fang Yuan’s eyes faintly flashed, and he thought about it: “Bai Ningbing is mad and realizes his fate, but it does not mean he does not want to live.”

Survival is a person's original instinct, the most basic needs.

In fact, it is precisely because Bai Ningbing has a strong desire to survive on the one hand, and on the other hand, it faces the irreversible destiny of destruction, and this kind of disposition will be formed.

There is no eternal enemy in this world. Joined with Bai Ningbing, it has a foundation. But how can you speak to convince him?

"Hehehe, Fangyuan, I can't think of you!" Bai Ningbing spoke first, laughed loudly, and his tone was tough. "Then you will accompany me to die. You can have fun together, and it is interesting to end my life."

"Interesting?" Fang Yuan thought about it, smiled slightly, and slowly walked toward Bai Ningbing.

Around the electric wolf attacked, Fang Yuan smashed his hand, sawing the golden whistling, and shooting two or three electric wolves on the spot and hitting them out.

Up to now, the two rows of serrated teeth of the sawtooth gold plaque have been damaged, and the ability to cut the saws is greatly reduced. Can only be used with a slap.

"Under this group of wolves, we are going to have a life-and-death battle, isn't it more interesting?" Fang Yuan slowly approached Bai Ningbing. The corner of the mouth outlines a cold smile.

Bai Ningbing's eyelids could not help but shake, and did not expect Fangyuan to be stronger than him.

But this is with his heart. If Fangyuan’s attitude is soft, in order to survive, he will cooperate with him to escape. Instead, he will look down on Fangyuan and even create a sense of shame. He will not help but want to kill Fangyuan.

Some people in this world are like this. You are kind to him. Instead, he feels that you are bullied and look down on you. Tough to him, but to be respected.

"Do you really want to die? Then I will fulfill you!" Bai Ningbing raised his eyes and revealed a dangerous atmosphere.

Fang Yuan sighed and smiled, his footsteps slowed down, and he said in a leisurely vicissitudes of life: "Life has been in a hurry for a hundred years, such as a dream bubble. What is it for people to live in this world? It is nothing more than a go. Witness is wonderful. Although I don't want to die, But I am not afraid of death. I am already on the road. I will not regret it."

This is the heart of Fang Yuan.

Who has never died in life since ancient times?

Even if it is a nine-turner. Even if it is a ancestors, it is only a longevity, not an eternal life. After all, it must face extinction.

If you die, what is the big deal? Even if it is the next moment, Fang Yuan really died in this wolf tide, and he will not regret it.

Because he has struggled for his goals. Work hard, everything has lived according to your own wishes!

Put down life and death. Only when you see great magnanimity in life, can you be really chic.

Bai Ningbing heard the words. It’s a shock!

He is not afraid of death, but he is not really free and easy, but can not see through, can not let go of life and death.

When a person is afraid, he becomes a slave.

I want him to be white, but it is a slave under life and death.

But this does not blame him, he is still too young. Many things need to go through a lot of things to really see through.

However, Fang Yuan’s remarks have actually opened a window for him who has been entangled in this.

"Wit the wonderful... It’s on the road... Don’t regret it?” Bai Ning’s mouth muttered, suddenly asked, “Road! What is the road?”

Fangyuan sneered and continued to approach: "The individual has a personal path, my way does not have to tell you, how can I know your way?"

In this world, many people have no way from birth to death. Some people are walking on the road, constantly groping, and moving toward the holy land in the darkness.

The white blue eyes of Bai Ningbing suddenly burst into a dazzling luster.

"The road... yes, I have to find my way!"

At this moment, the excitement in his heart is difficult for others to understand.

It’s like a man who is struggling to find a girl and suddenly finds the right way. It was like a treasure hunter. It was blocked in the last level for a long time. Suddenly one day he found a way to break through. It also seems to solve a difficult problem. I have been thinking hard about not progressing for several years, and suddenly found the correct means to solve the problem.

Bai Ningbing has no way to find the meaning of life, so he is confused.

Fang Yuan could not directly dispel his confusion, but he slammed the side and gave him a hope. Give him a relief to face death - as long as you are on the road, you will not regret it, and death will not be terrible.

"I feel that I am going to find my way!" Bai Ningbing clenched his fists and his expression became very exciting.

He looked at Fang Yuan and said profoundly: "I finally understood that you are different from me. You are on the road, but I am jealous."

"Hehehe." He suddenly laughed again, and his excitement was almost ambiguous. "Fangyuan, you have to fight me to be absolutely with you, but not now! We may cooperate, I have electric eyes, but my eyes are blocked, I can only peep into thirty." Step out. Let's go to war one day and work together with the old enemy. Don't you think it's more exciting and more interesting?"

"Oh, how do I believe in you?"

"I didn't let you believe me. You can choose to believe, you can choose not to believe. You can give me the back, but you can also shoot at any time and attack me. Oh, it depends on your mind change!" Bai Ningbing shrugged with a smile and gave birth to a sigh of relief.

The smoke is rolling and the surrounding groups are wolvering.

Fang Yuan slightly lowered his eyes and seemed to be thinking about Bai Ningbing.

In fact, it is difficult to convince a person, but it is also very simple. The key is to accurately hit the mind of this person.

"Alright." Fang Yuan reached out and touched the dark gold carapace of the sawtooth gold, and raised his eyes. "But you have to be prepared to be attacked by me!"

"Hehehe." Bai Ningbing opened his mouth and smiled very evilly. A wave of gas hits. The black smoke is heavy, and the sleeves at the broken arm are floating in the wind.

In thick smoke, it is extremely difficult to judge the direction. The narrower the line of sight, the easier it is to get lost.

However, Bai Ningbing has electric eyelids, and the scope of reconnaissance is fifty steps. Now it is restricted by heavy smoke. The scouting distance has been reduced to thirty steps. But this is also much better than Fang Yuan’s naked eye.

However, Bai Ningbing has electric eyes, but in the overall situation, there is no clear understanding.

He could only see the sight in front of him, sometimes rushing, but slammed into the encirclement of the wolves.

On the other hand, Fang Yuan, he listened to the ear grass.

Smoke can weaken the field of vision. But it can't stop the spread of sound.

There are sounds around, and the ear can be detected up to two hundred steps. However, Fangyuan can only follow the trend. His vision is too narrow. I can only see a tree around me, a piece of rock, no reference material contrast, and I can't tell the direction.


Bai Ningbing's electric eyelids, plus the top source to listen to the ear grass.

The two cymbals are superimposed and assisted each other, and the scene is suddenly slowed down.

"This is the south. In this direction, it is against your ancient moon cottage." Bai Ningbing's eyes flashed. Then the road.

"No, there are too many wolves. You have to detour." Fang Yuan's right ear must be fluttering.

"Oh... then turn southeast, how?" Bai Ningbing licked his lips.

Fang Yuan squatted down, and the ginseng was rooted in the soil and listened carefully.

During the period, the electric wolf rushed and was sent by Bai Ningbing.

Fang Yuan listened for a while and stood up straight: "There is a gap in the southeast, but as soon as possible, it is about to close!"

"Then rush." ​​Bai Ningbing said, but did not rush to leave.

He also had a lot of jealousy from the source of the other party. He dared not rush in front and exposed his back to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan sneered, and he also had scruples about Bai Ningbing.

In the end, the two were separated by five steps and killed in the past.

The electric wolf, trying to kill them.

However, relying on the combination of electric eyes and listening to the ear grass, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing shunned the virtual, constantly swam, captured the opportunity, and then broke through.

The advantages of intelligence are undoubtedly revealed at this time.

Bai Ningbing or Fangyuan are both alone, and they are all embarrassed. But now, with one hand, they have mastered the initiative and become more comfortable.

It was rushed for a while, and the eyes were suddenly wide open, and the bright sunshine shook the two eyes at the same time.

"Crushed out!" Bai Ningbing raised his head and laughed.

Fang Yuan looked back and saw a thick black curtain behind him, as if the bottom of the black lacquered pot covered a vast mountain.

There was a violent blasting sound in the smoke, and roaring. Obviously the two patriarchs are still fighting the embarrassment.

"I can't think of working with you, it's quite enjoyable." Bai Ningbing smiled slightly and sideways.

"I also feel the same." Fang Yuan's mouth also smiled.

Then the next moment, the eyes of the two men burst out.

Ice blade!

Sawtooth gold!

The slender ice blade draws a cold light in the air.

The stout gold cymbal swept across the slap, bringing out a whistling wind.


The two collided together, and the ice blade scratched a scar on the back of the golden dragonfly and then collapsed and broken.

Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing each jumped one step backward, and both eyes showed a strong killing intention.

With a short period of cooperation, it is difficult to change the hostility.

Fangyuan's black hair flutters, white condensed ice and white fluttering, and there are too many similarities between each other. But because of this, the two became natural enemies.

The black and blue dragons look at each other and almost collide with Mars in the air.

The killings of both sides have gradually converged.

"Hey, the person who will die, I don't have to shoot, God will take his life. The most important thing is not Bai Ningbing, but Tianyuan Baolian! Once the electric power attack hits the ancient moon cottage, I am afraid that there will be more and more fierce. At this time, I am decisively shot..." Fang Yuan thought about it and his eyes drooped.

Bai Ningbing's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. He murmured in his mouth: "The road... no regrets... yes, even if the ancestors are going to die. People have to die, if they live wonderfully, why not die?"

With this in mind, his eyes suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance.

"Ha ha ha ~ ~ I also found my way, that is to witness this world wonderful! Fangyuan, we choose to fight again. By then hope that your death, can bring wonderful life to my life !"

After that, he jumped again and again, and after he opened the distance, he turned and left.

Although he was embarrassed, he was wounded, his face was dark and gray, and his arm was disabled. But his waist is straight and sword-like, he is no longer confused.

He has found his way.

In other words, he really became himself!

(ps: Some people are not sprayers, the eyes of the masses are bright. To show morality, at least first put out the example of “helping the grandmother to cross the road.” Everyone is equal, advise you, don’t put it If you think that you are not a sprayer, I apologize to you! You have been banned in other people's book review areas, thinking that I am bullying here? Haha. Give some people a piece of advice, If you don't like reading books in the future, don't look at them. It's also responsible for the squirting. Well, the posts that involve personal attacks in the future will be deleted and banned. No longer condoning, um, this matter will stop here. Later in the book review area, Click here to process. The above is the notification.) RQ

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