Reverend Insanity

: Section 662: Honglian Zhenchuan

Dahe, always come and go to live. Pen ΔΩ趣阁 Ω』

Fangyuan stood on the edge of Honglianshi Island and looked at the long river in front of him. His face was calm and his eyes were faint.

The long river can be said to be the most special world secret.

Because it runs through the whole world, without its existence and operation, the entire world of Yanshi will become a static picture, without any change and vitality.

Fang Yuan took the Wandering Mountain and the Fallen Valley. The two world secrets were owned by him, but he could never take the entire long river.

This heaven and earth mystery is shared by all things in the world.

Every beast, every plant, every earth and stone, every water vapor, enjoys the benefits brought by the long river.

Even Zhu Xian, at most, only has a tributary of time and glory in the fairy.

The long river is a wealth shared all over the world.

Every drop of time is pale and transparent. The billion trillion water droplets collide with each other, entangle and rotate, and produce the most dazzling dazzling brilliance. Therefore, the entire river of the long river is always covered with a layer of trivial, constantly jumping and changing colorful halo.

It is the most concentrated place in the world, and it is the largest hotbed of the zoro.

Fang Yuan stood on the edge of the island. He only saw a small meeting. He saw several years of beasts, one-headed sharks, and a large number of wild locusts.

The long river is full of vitality.

It has been a few days since Fang Yuan came to this Red Lotus Island.

During this period, he has completely swallowed and digested the true meaning of Honglian. The realm of the universe has soared and risen to the height of incredible thoughts.

With such a realm, Fang Yuan has a lot of new feelings when he looks at the long river. These feelings are not superficial, but the deeper the essence of the long river, making Fangyuan more and more fascinated. The ultimate mystery of the avenue was in front of his eyes, silently opening the corner of the mystery, making him begin to understand the world and understand the operation of the world.

Although he had a realm of refining before, he was far less sensitive than it is now. After all, Fang Yuan is now facing the long and cold world.

There is no limit to the realm of the Zhou Dynasty, which will bring Fangyuan all-round improvement.

For example, the magical immortal killing of the flying yin, Fangyuan is fully capable of understanding its essence, thus changing the locusts in it, and restoring the killing power.

For example, Xia Wei's Zhou Dao Xian and Xian Dao's killings, Fang Yuan can be improved, making them more suitable for themselves.

The biggest improvement is also in the serenity of the Tao. The sermons and the refining roads are all quasi-superior. Fangyuan can almost improve the immortal side of any one of the world's celestial tracts.

There is no doubt that Honglian is the most valuable treasure. Below it is the eight-turn fairy--repent.

Not to mention the legendary nature of this locust, it has been worthwhile by its own number of revolutions of up to eight revolutions.

Fang Yuan got this locust, and there are as many as five locusts in his hand. They are attitudes, wisdom, sorrows, sorrows, souls, and remorse.

With remorse, Fangyuan has no level to build a penitent pool.

Of course, the difficulty is still there, but the biggest difficulty is lost because of the control of remorse. When Honglian Mozun first arranged this kind of true biography, it also calculated the situation of Fangyuan, so a large number of Jiaodao fairy materials were also prepared.

There are remorse, as well as the celestial celestial material, Fangyuan only needs to step by step, and it takes time to build a repentance pool. Even more excellent in the fairy house of the repenting pool.

In this way, Fangyuan will be able to refine it. On the one hand, he is able to refine more of the zodiac, and on the other hand, he will upgrade the number of cents around him.

These celestial celestial materials left by the Red Lotus Devils are extremely high. The lowest has reached seven turns, and a large number of eight-turn fairy materials are dazzling.

If you see it in the heavens, you have to spit a big blood. They have tried every means to interfere with the source of the source and prevent Fangyuan from acquiring the Taodao Xiancai, which is costly. This did cause quite a lot of trouble for Fangyuan, but now their actions are all useless.

Red lotus true meaning, eight turn fairy repentance, a large number of Zhoudao fairy wood, there are also killing tricks.

One of the biggest gains is the various kinds of immortal killings with the spring and autumn as the core. The most important thing for Fang Yuan is that the Spring and Autumn Period will become a killing trick. This kind of assisting number is only a fairy, which can make the Spring and Autumn Festival spurt up, the success rate reaches 100%!

Simply using the Spring and Autumn Period, the probability of failure is great, and there are also drawbacks of luck decline. However, the Spring and Autumn Period will become the killer of this immortal. Although it has not changed its drawbacks, it has suppressed the probability of failure to zero.

As a result, the practicality of the Spring and Autumn Festival has been greatly improved! Fang Yuan has made up his mind to prepare for this killing.

Almost all of the sacred killings are just a message, and they need to prepare themselves. However, there is a record of the killing of the Tao, which is specially displayed by the Red Lotus Demon and left to Fang Yuan. So after more than one million years, it used to be a nine-turn level. Now that power has been greatly reduced, it still has utility.

This is the name of the killing of the sect - the future body!

This move relies on the Changhe River and the Honglian Stone Island to temporarily borrow a certain state of Zhu Xian in the future.

For example, a sergeant has only five turns, and in the future he will succeed in the robbery. Under the influence of the future killings, he can now borrow his future Zhu Xian body and temporarily upgrade to Zhu Xian.

The mysterious horror of this trick made Fang Yuan also stunned.

But unfortunately, this move has been attenuated to seven levels, the other source has been invalid.

In the calculation of Honglian Mozun, when Fang Yuan found this stone island, the repair was seven turns. However, after all, the Red Lotus Demon is not a Zhidao Xianzun. Even if it is a Zhidao Xianzun, there are times when it is missing. Especially when the fate of the fate is injured and the road is born, everything in the world becomes more and more difficult to predict.

"My repair is already eight turns. This is the future killing, only to the subordinates around him."

"This can make up for the shortcomings of their lack of strength and be able to qualify."

"Unfortunately, I lost a lot of people before."

The above is the entire content of the Honglian true biography, it is worthy of the true biography of the Red Lotus Demon, which is extremely rich. However, Fang Yuan is still somewhat disappointed.

The thing he most expects is a certain method or shortcut, which can make him accidentally destroy the fate.

But the Red Lotus Demon did not stay.

Even in a memory left by the Red Lotus Demon, it only describes his life experience that he has achieved regret and regret. How to refine the Spring and Autumn Period after him, how to attack the heavens and hurt the fate, there is no record.

After becoming a dignity, the memory suddenly jumped to the red lotus demon to arrange on the red lotus stone island such a layout, what is the deep meaning?

Fang Yuan asked about this before he swallowed the true meaning of Honglian.

The answer that Hong Lian really gives is that you want to destroy the fate, there is no shortcut. Even if the Red Lotus Devils used some shortcuts, it is definitely gone now. Don't underestimate the heavens. If any kind of shortcut exists, be careful. This should be the trap that the heavens set!

As for the Red Lotus Demon, why not leave more memories, and Honglian has no answer. He only speculatively replied: "I don't want to give you any guidance, because it is very easy to cause misunderstanding. Whether to destroy fate is your own choice."

Fang Yuan asked: Where are the other red lotus islands?

Honglian really does not know.

However, this answer is in the expectation of Fang Yuan.

If each of the red lotus islands can mark each other, then they will have been left by the ghosts or the heavens. The Red Lotus Demon is to prevent this from happening, so each Red Lotus Island is specially arranged and cannot be touched by each other.

"The fate is absolutely destroyed!"

There is no concept of a heavenly court with no fate. If the fate is really repaired by the heavens, although the source is not bound by fate, other people and things in the world are affected and even manipulated.

At that time, the enemy that Fangyuan will deal with is all people and things except him!

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but the nature is absolutely serious.

Another point is even more crucial. The existence of fate is the biggest obstacle to Fangyuan's pursuit of eternal life.

It is obvious that fate is not allowed to resurrect and stipulate that the living will be fixed.

So, no matter what, Fangyuan has to destroy the destiny.

I am afraid that the Red Lotus Demon has already approved this, so I am not worried about Fangyuan’s motives.

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