Reverend Insanity

: Section 696: Legendary Wild Wars

The Sun Palace was broken, and then the Five Temples. After the Five Temples, it is the central hall where the Longgong, Ziwei Xianzi and others are located.

The longevity of the celestial beings is fierce, the offensive is fierce, and no sacrifices are made, so that the heavenly lords are under pressure.

"You can't let them go any further." Long Gong turned to face the Ziwei fairy. "Are they all transferred to me?"

The face of Ziwei Fairy is a bit ugly: "Take only two."

The dragon public glimpsed a little, and immediately became stunned: "I must have been Cang Xuanzi did not leave? Or, it promised to move into the heavens, and has already agreed with Yuan Lianxianzun. The two transferred, depending on their strength, can also block It’s a while to live in the robbery."

The Temple of the Five Gods is already in sight, and suddenly the sand is rising, forming a majestic sand wave and blocking the robbery.


A shit, shaking the earth.

The sand waves flew over the sides, revealing a hill-like giant tiger.

The tiger is so powerful that the whole body is like a metal cast, gold and silver teeth, a pair of tiger cubs like a crystal clear ruby, shining with fierce light. The pattern in front of the tiger is not a king, but a word of "sand".

The Grand Master of the Five Elements looked back and was taken aback: "There are also legendary ancient wild animals in the heavens?"

"That is of course." Bingsaichuan looked dull. "There are three legends in the heavens. This giant beast looks like a tiger, but it is not a tiger, but a dragonfly. This is a kind of agglomeration formed from the sea of ​​suffocating sea. Monsters. Now the airway is weak, the suffocating sea spring has long since disappeared, so there is only one left."

"It was cultivated by the ancient times, the heavenly airway, the mighty seven-Yuanyuanjun. After the seven-turned monarch made eight turns, he wandered around the world, looking for the suffocating sea springs everywhere, and extracting them from it. He extracted them all. Ninety-nine cockroaches formed a large army, and the army was mighty. These cockroaches could be matched with his sacred killings, adding even more magical effects, which was almost unstoppable in that era."

"But now, there is only one left. This is the last one, which is extracted from the last few, numbered ninety-five. It has been in this name. Later, Juyang Xianzu was invited to come to heaven and see this. Just swear, just name it 煞狴 ninety-five."

"There is still such a source. It is no wonder that the adults are very clear about this, such as a few treasures." The five elements of the Master can not help but sigh.

He looked behind him, only to see the ninety-five 掀 漫 黄 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄

Bingsaichuan then analyzed: "The ninety-five inhabited in the Hengsha Cave and was dispatched by the heavenly court. The jadeite crane is expected to come, and Cang Xuanzi will not come to the war."

The Master of the Five Elements asked: "Is it the two legends of the Taikoo that are the remaining ones?"

At the same time, I was a little puzzled in my heart: Why is Bingsaichuan so determined that Cang Xuanzi will not fight? Is it that Tian Ting has also placed a traitor here?

Bingsaichuan Road: "Yes. Sui Dan is a Taikoo green jade crane. It is cultivated by Xianhemen. It is a self-made Dandao. It is a practice in the heavens." The Cang Xuanzi is the Cangtian vine. This can be powerful and wonderful. Three hundred years of buds, three hundred years of flowering, three hundred years of results. The fruit is the fruit of the sky, dissolved in the sky, can increase the sky in the fairy. Therefore, Cang Tianteng is also known as the tenth day of the world! ”

"The tenth day of the world..." The Master of the Five Elements trembled, and suddenly he realized that he was pointing to the left front. "Is that the green vine that stretches into the sky?"

The palace of the heavenly court is heavy, and there is a huge green vine. It is even more grounded than the sky tower behind the central hall. It is extremely conspicuous. When the Five Masters entered the heavens before, they noticed it at first sight.

"Not bad. Cangtianteng was introduced by Yuanlian Xianzun personally. It has been agreed with Yuanlian Xianzun. It is also a very special existence in the heavenly court. You can not listen to the announcement, just give a batch of heaven every thousand years. Fruit."

When the Master of the Five Elements heard this, he felt that he had opened his eyes. He never thought that there would be a story of the Taikoo legend that could not buy the account of Tianting.

Think carefully and relieved.

The effect of Cangtianteng is too special, the only one in the world. With these heavenly fruits, the heavens can continue to grow the sky in the fairy tales, which can greatly enhance the heritage. It is not so much that Cang Tianteng does not buy the account of Tian Ting. More precisely, it is that Tian Ting wants to use it, so it is tolerant.

At the moment, the central hall.

"No!" Ziwei fairy suddenly frowned. "This robbery altar is fake."

"Oh?" Long Gong side.

Ziwei Fairy is in charge of the central hall, and has always relied on numerous palaces. Countless Xianyu houses pay attention to the entire Zhongzhou, and of course they are more vigilant against the battle of heaven.

The Supervised Sky Tower could not be mobilized, and the Ziwei Fairy would ignite other fairy houses and send out a glazed light.

Rainbow light quickly cut through the sky, in the middle of the "robbery altar."

The "carjacking of the altar" was awkward, and the original form came out.

This is a four-legged monster with a purple fur.

The size is huge, and it is three points bigger than the cockroach.

It is like a cockroach, the purple hair of the whole body is smooth and smooth, and a pair of eyes sparkle with amethyst brilliance. A dog tail was dragged behind him.

"Ah! Finally found out, you are the idiot of this group of heaven! Hahaha..." The sable monster smirked and taunted.

"You are... the head of the giant Yang Xianzun continued to name the ball in the hair?!" The ninety-fifths were shocked and vocal.

The purple scorpion looks sullen and sullen, and the figure is violent, like a purple lightning.

A bang.

Sha Shuo splashed, the tail of the dog's tail continued to squat under his body, his teeth licked his mouth, his face was low, his voice was low: "Remember, call me Mao!"

I was furious at the time of the ninety-five, and said: "On age, I am your grandfather!"

It struggled, and the tail of the dog's tail was still moving.

煞狴 煞狴 煞狴 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不

"Ha ha ha, stupid cat, stupid door, right, fighting, and fighting." At this moment, there was a burst of laughter in the sky above the heads of the two beasts.

The dog's tail continued to look up, only to see a celestial disk sitting on top of the cloud, looking at it and screaming, making a sneer.

The look of the dog's tail continued to linger, the look of doubt disappeared, and the light flashed in the eyes: "You are the same jade crane, why are you so beautiful? Down, Mao, teach you lessons, let you Redo the bird!"

The laughter stopped, and the jade crane was furious: "It’s a good splash, let the lord come and lick your skin."

Just about to fly down, the jade crane is still in shape. It was originally secretly received the order of the Ziwei fairy, so that it should not entangle with the dog's tail, but go to the Five Temples.

Although the real robbery has not yet been revealed, the way forward is certain.

The sapphire crane was leading, and was about to leave. Suddenly a huge shadow covered the front of it.

It looked up and looked down.

When the ball is not known, it is so high that the huge body is like a mountain, squeezing the air and pressing it to it.

The sapphire crane screamed and quickly turned into a prototype. The wings were fierce, and the slender body was about to break away from the shadows.

But the next moment, Mao Liqiu two claws violently grasp the crane foot of the jade crane.

"Give me the grandfather down!" The dog's tail continued to smile, and the strong and powerful forelimbs were fully slammed.

The sapphire crane frantically flapped its wings, but soon it was desperate to discover that all efforts were in vain.

With a bang, the blue jade crane was taken to the ground and immediately pulled out a deep pit.

The sapphire cranes creaked in their ears, and they were stunned in their minds: "The strength of this North Plains is great!"

The jade crane is struggling, but the ball has been thrown again.

Suddenly smoke and dust, the earth and stone flew.

The jade crane constantly screams -

"Oh! Flow, don't tear my feathers."

"Oh, beast, don't bite my leg!"

"Don't beat my elegant neck! Bastard!"

"The neck is going to be folded, it has to be folded!"

"Oh, the legs are broken and the legs are broken!"

Long Gong: "..."

Ziwei Fairy: "..."

Five Masters: "..."

Bingsaichuan: "..."

In the end, the screams of the jade crane reached its peak: "Stupid cat, why are you doing it, don't you come to help?!"

"Hahaha, have you just watched the show and you are very happy? You two are playing slowly, I am not going to make trouble with you." He laughed and flew to the Five Temples.

"Where are you going?" Mao Liqi sneered, his body swayed, and he flew out of a avatar, shot with lightning, and threw the fifteen to the Everyone is male, you can't move What is it like to throw us down? ! "煞狴95 is furious.

This sentence caused the Qingyu crane to resonate deeply. It screamed in the smoke of the sky: "Yes! There is a kind of let go of us... Oh, don't lie between my legs! You are a villain!"

I was very angry at the time of the ninety-fifth. In fact, I fell in love with this action. But it likes it, and the following words represent a deep shame.

煞狴 煞狴 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被

The next moment, the look of the ninety-five is stunned, and there is a hint of horror: "Is this true or avatar? Why is it so strong?"

In the central hall, Long Gong saw a clue: "This seems to be..."

Because of the full entanglement of Mauri ball, the robbery altar won the time and finally killed the Five Temples.

"The mystery of the Five Temples has already been explained to you in detail. Then I will see you." Bingsaichuan said to the Five Masters.

The Grand Master of the Five Elements looked at him with concern: "Can Mao go? How long can it support?"

"Reassure, it uses a pair of pairs to kill, this is the means of my lifelong collection of the thief! It can evoke a avatar, the body of the body and the body are exactly the same." Micro-warping.

"Understood!" The five elements of the Grand Master, staring at the Five Temples.

The five temples violently oscillated, and the five elements of the golden woods, the fire and the earth, formed together and rushed to the robbery altar.

The robbery altar burst into a mysterious light and shot the five elements of the Grand Master directly into the Five Temples.

The five elements of the giant spirits were furious and wanted to return to the defense, but they were erupted by the robbery of the horror, and they were firmly restrained.

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