Reverend Insanity

: Section 703: Death in the battle

"There are ancient people before this move, which should be similar to those who come later. It is not really summoning the celestial being from the future or the past to the present. It is similar to the mystery of the future, and it is only a certain person in the long river. Some moment state!"

"Because of this, these Beiyuan Zhuxian are almost at their own peak, and Xianyuan and Xianyu are all available."

"Cracking this trick should be similar to the one that I had after the cracking of 'there are those who came after the year'. It is the person who incites the display of the killings! In front of the eyes, the robbery altar is disabled, and the damage caused can be interrupted to some extent. 'Before the ancients' killed."

Long Gong almost bite his teeth, and the inference in his heart is not wrong. However, it is a pity that he is involuntarily and suffers from the shackles of nine-turn killings. He cannot use means to communicate with others.

"Wow, it's a beautiful view!" In the long river, he walked out again. His face was like a jade, and he was very romantic.

The fight between life and death in front of him, fighting fiercely, let him intoxicated. He took a deep breath and opened his arms. He said: "It seems that this is the big stage of my oriental jade!"

"Hey, the North Plains is the North Plains, what is the wind and the wind, come to fight!" A Tiantang, who just received the fairy, saw the oriental jade, very unhappy, and killed.

He is just a boylike look, his hair is black and bright, and there is a small slap in the face, and with a rounded face, the whole head looks like a peach, and it is extraordinarily happy.

However, the amazing momentum of his violent rush, but it is called the oriental jade moving, and quickly dodge.

The boy’s murder was not seen. Seeing the appearance of the oriental jade wolf, he giggled: “I know that I’m a singer boy?”

Dongfang Jade is angry: "My romanticism is the nature. You are the old monster, you are going to die, and you are so tender!"

The boy who emptied the air suddenly caught his smile and rushed to the oriental jade again.

Dongfang Jade has just been caught unprepared. At this moment, there is early warning, no retreat, and a counterattack.


The two played against each other and slammed it once.

Huge waves of air, facing another North Plains, who came out of the long river, came face to face.

"A big wind, I almost lost my eyes to the old man." The North Plains, a fairy, looks like an old farmer, his legs are rolled up, his hands and feet are muddy, his back is squatting, his face is wrinkled, and a bag of dry smoke is on his mouth.

"Oh, oh yeah." The old farmer had no murderousness, but instead sighed. "I am a farmer who specializes in earth roads. The best thing is to run a fairy."

indeed so.

In the history of the entire second tribe, the second farmer is not necessarily the most powerful one. But he is the one who has the deepest influence and brings the best interests of the two tribes.

Because he is extremely good at operating Xian, the site of the second family has not increased, but the overall practice resources have skyrocketed more than ten times, shocking!

"The wild scorpion has seen the two celestial friends." At this time, a heavenly emperor appeared, and he was also a thin old man.

"Do you know the old man?" asked the second farmer.

Tianting Yanxian smiled and said: "The speciality of the wooden road is also good at cultivating resources. When you are young, you will be one of the goals of the two."

"It turns out that." The second farmer smiled.

It seems that the atmosphere between the two people is harmonious. In fact, they have already moved their hands and feet and killed each other.

The red rainbow flew around, and Nur’s violent face was dignified, and he constantly pushed his hand, leading out numerous thunderstorms out of thin air.

Red Rainbow suddenly surged, and it was Suzaku who urged the killings. It was divided into eight and eight red rainbows from eight directions to Nur.

Nur’s violent screams, slammed into the air, and suddenly surrounded by a layer of grid-enclosed ball hood to protect himself.


Seven red rainbows hit the thunder tennis hood, causing a violent explosion, and the only remaining one was the real body of Suzaku.

"It's me." Nur violently reached out and pulled out his beard.

"Go." A mustache burst out, like a torrential rain, turned into a thunder gun in midair, forming a dense fire net, covering the Suzaku.

Suzaku said with a sigh of relief, and the red rainbow paused to manifest the figure, and a bright glow rose from the side, and the air temperature suddenly increased.

See the two people want to fight and kill, the nearby celestial celestial detachment.

On the ground, Wan Zihong looked up, looked envious, and cursed in his heart: "Damn, my slashing scorpion lacks the most, there is no means of attack. I really can't think of it, one day, the old lady actually became a treatment 蛊仙, 嗯?! ”

In the heart of Wan Zihong, the warning signs suddenly began, the pupils shrank and shook, and the body shape shook, turning into countless petals and disappearing in place.

The next moment, a bang, Jin Mang flashed.

Yelulu appeared on the ground, and he snorted, his heart said: "The heavens and the immortals are really different. I actually lost two hands in a row, but unless you fly behind the air wall, you can't escape!"

As he said, he held out his forefinger's fingertips and pointed at the direction of an empty person.

The front part of the fingertips first condenses a golden awn ball, and immediately the ball explodes. A magnificent pure gold giant column bursts out, and the air is blown up, and the speed is shocking.

"He can actually find my true body!" Wan Zihong wants to retreat at this time, it is too late.

The pure gold giant column is already behind her, she has no choice, she is back right, gnashing her teeth and trying her best to defend.

Yelu laughed, his trick was not so good.

But the next moment, his smile froze.

I saw the pure gold giant column slammed down, and then all invested in the mouth of a fairy.

Zhu Xian swallowed Yelu’s powerful killings into his stomach, and he still patted his belly. “I didn’t expect to wake up and have a chance to have a good meal.”

This heavenly court is very obese and has a fair skin. At this time, I laughed and was very satisfied.

"Where are you!" Yelu’s eyes were cold.

"Zhao Shanhe!" Bai Fatzi laughed. "I will not let you so easily, then kill our treatment."

Yelu is not vocal, and the momentum is rising, and it is apparent that another powerful killing is being brewed.

Wan Zihong is arrogant and arrogant: "The old lady does not want to do anything to treat. If it is to give the whole lady the fairy, the old lady can pick five!"

On the other hand, under the guidance of Ziwei Fairy, several celestial celestial groups rushed to the robbery altar.

Longgong, who was lying on the ground and unable to move, saw this scene. In his heart, he was happy: Ziwei Fairy did not drop the chain at the crucial moment. Presumably, she had already figured out that there was a flaw in the ancients’ killing, so she mobilized troops to attack the robbery. ”

In the robbery altar, Bingsaichuan has been leading the North Plains side.

When he saw Tian Tian’s singer’s rush, he snorted: “There was no strong killing of the ancients, but it was a one-time consumable. If it was interrupted by the heavens at this moment, it would not be able to continue. But I have already left the troops, special To defend your impact."

In the robbery altar, there are also a number of North Plains immortals. At this moment, they flew out and blocked the immortals who came to heaven.

In the distance, Ziwei Fairy is relieved: "Fortunately, Ice Saichuan is not a Zhidao. As a result, the situation is a little stable."

Ziwei Fairy took the most correct tactics!

Although the Tianting side is in a weak position, the Ziwei Fairy dares to gather forces to attack the robbery altar.

As a result, the North Plains side only needs to mobilize more power to defend.

The weak heaven is on the offensive, and the strong northern principle is on defense.

Everyone knows that the offensive side is more active. Therefore, members of the heavens got more breathing time.

Once they are injured or lose, they return to the gas wall and take a break.

When the North Plains side focused on protecting the robbery altar, the Tianting Zhuxian people obviously felt the pressure to ease, and it was easier to withdraw the gas wall.


Two records of the Taoist killings stunned, and He Fan and Gu Liuru both vomited blood and flew backwards.

Gu Liuru was about to withdraw the gas wall, and suddenly a figure flashed.

"Give me a life." The figure flashed.

Gu Liuru was only a few steps away from the gas wall, but his face fell incredulously on the ground and lost his life.

The winner is Liu Liu’s strong Liu Liu.

This person's temperament and slanders were called the shame of Beiyuan during his lifetime, because he never fought in front, bullied and feared, and always raided theft. His enemies often suffered heavy losses, but they could not catch a faint hair of Liu Liu, and they were so angry that they were dying.

The death of Gu Liuru has caused both sides to feel a shock.

Since the long-term invasion of the war, this is the first victim of the heavens!

Gu Liuru's locusts are not getting more and more as the martial arts of the war, and the fighting intensity is getting stronger and stronger, and it has reached a certain limit.

Like a signal, soon, the second and third victims appeared one after another.

Yelulu finally succeeded and killed Wan Zihong, but he was also hit by Zhao Shanhe.

On the North Plains side, the black man fell.

He and Gu Liuru were too fierce to fight. He did not have a good defense and murder. Unfortunately, he was suddenly set on fire by several heavenly monks.

In general, of course, there are more celestial sacrifices in the battle of heaven.


"These celestial beings are the foundation of my heaven, and they are so degraded."

"It's not worth it!"

Ziwei Fairy is not worth the victim's victim is just a part of the killing. When the killing moves were pushed again, these "degenerate" Beiyuan Zhuxian could once again appear in the battle.

These North Plains are not true.

However, there are not many birthdays in Tianting, but their lives are real.

"This nine-turn sect killing should be the handwriting of the red lotus demon! Hate, he is too embarrassed, it is completely against my heaven." Ziwei fairy is very angry, and deeply helpless.

The face of Bingsaichuan is also not good-looking.

Because over time, he found that these North Plains strongmen who were summoned, the combat power is declining, and the decline is very obvious.

Soon, Ziwei Fairy also discovered this.

"I understand, because the fate is repaired more and more, it is close to the final success." Ziwei fairy's eyes are shining, and my heart is overjoyed. "The red lotus demon statue is strong, but it takes advantage of the long river. Reversing history, it is against the fate. When the destiny is completely repaired, this killing will probably fail."

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