Reverend Insanity

: Section 712: Willing to join hands with Fang Yuan

Undefeated blessed battlefield.

"What is this?" Wu Yong asked.

Beside him, it is the wing of Haofang, Chi Qu from two or eight turns, and the southern Xinjiang's one turn seven elites.

Not far away, it is the leader of Yaowang, Baijun Tianjun, Chudu and other northern plains.

After the deliberation, the two sides reached a short-term covenant and joined forces to attack the heavens.

But the two sides are only the first cooperation, the covenant is relatively loose and broad, and there is still wariness between them. But Wu Yong is actually very satisfied.

"Beiyuan and South Xinjiang cooperation, this is the first time in history!"

"With the assistance of the North Plains reinforcements, our troops will not be stretched. Even if the heavens come to the reinforcements, the Ba Shi and the Fengxian Prince who stayed outside are enough to support for a while, so that we have sufficient reaction time."

Wu Yong’s heart is dark.

Beside him, the pool song was opened: "This line should be a new array. I have never seen a record of this."

Wu Yong nodded and deliberately said loudly: "So, you can only test it first."

There was someone in the North Plains who was picking up. It was the drug king. He walked with a cane and smiled. "The South Xinjiang allies waited for a while and took a break. We are new to the team, and we are ready to test."

Wu Yong suddenly looked like a happy face, holding a fist: "Beiyuan Xianyou's brave name five-domain Chuan, Wu and others will wait and see, if there are changes and improper, will definitely do their best to support one or two."

The drug king nodded and immediately ordered a moment to go to test the big array.

This batch of Beiyuan Zhuxian is a deliberate arrangement of Bingsaichuan. After Yao Yao learned about the order of Bingsaichuan, it was only in the name of Changshengtian that these people were brought together and brought here.

As early as before, Bingsaichuan drove the robbery altar and led a group of scorpions and rushed into the heavens.

It’s not that Ice Saichuan’s division is unreasonable, but it’s a matter of concern.

What a big event to assault on the heavens must be hidden. He worried that if the personnel spread and gathered too much, it would lead to the failure of the raid plan and the early exposure of the tactics, which would cause the party to become passive and even lose.

Therefore, Bingsaichuan only selected the most trusted ones.

I have to say that his move is correct.

Because the Prince of Fengxian is the spy who has the highest level of identity in the Yuanyuan.

The North Plains side, of course, is headed by Yaohuang.

The battlefield of Tianting lost, and Bingsaichuan sent a letter to go out. The first thing to do was to contact the drug emperor, followed by Fangyuan.

The drug king is therefore well aware that this storm is of great importance. The hope of winning the destiny in the heavens is getting more and more ambiguous. It can be said that the undefeated battlefield has become the most crucial place. Only by destroying it can Tianting stop the plan to repair the fate.

In this way, Heaven is bound to try to repair the destiny again. Delaying is also a little hope for the other four domains.

Therefore, the drug emperor and the southern Xinjiang Zhuxian teamed up, still sincere.

Wu Yong deliberately spoke loudly, and the drug king knew what he meant. He immediately took the lead and showed his intention.

The heavens are united, and Zhongzhou is united in one heart. The cooperation between Nanjiang and Beiyuan is an unprecedented scene in history. It is the first in history and the two sides have not put down their guards.

In order to be able to capture the big battle of the heavens, both parties are willing to cooperate sincerely.

It’s not someone else sent by the North Plains. This person looks like a child, seven turns to the peak force, specializes in Yu Dao, good at self-protection.

This big array is unusual, like an underground cave. The space in the cave is huge, and the celestial beings are like ants. There are countless stalagmites in the cave, some hanging down from the wall of the head, and it seems that the grass grows vertically. The stalagmites are colorful and full of glare.

Under the gaze of the celestial beings, Yan Fufu carefully entered the big battle.

He has already known Beiyuan, refined Yudao, and the vertical and horizontal battlefields, not only can protect themselves in danger, but also can see the needles, the big profit market, and gain wealth. Therefore, people call it a child.

But at the moment, in the heart of the second richest, he was uplifted with 12 points of vigilance and did not dare to have the slightest care.

This is a large array of heavens, and I don’t pay much attention to it. The meat of this white flower is resting on it.

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In the eyes of other people, the underground cave created by this large array is like a horrible behemoth. It suddenly closes its mouth, and countless stalagmites and teeth are biting each other. Chew into slag.

The second rich man was very alert and saw a trace of badness. He turned and ran.

The colorful halo was so difficult that it hindered his means of movement and even penetrated his defense.

"This colorful halo is a delicate seven-handed array. I will wait for the quick shot, attack the halo, help the second rich get out of trouble, and be afraid of it." Chi Qu called some clues and quickly shouted.

Nanjiang and Beiyuan Zhuxian shot together, killing and flying.

Yu Erfu got this strong help, and finally he was safe and dangerous, and he was separated from the halo and killed back to the Beiyuan group.

"Good insurance, if you don't have a shot, I will definitely be here." Yu Erfu still has a lot of authenticity.

"Your face..." Suddenly, Nurqin pointed to the second rich, and his face was a little scared.

"What's wrong?" Yan Erfu touched his face with his hand, but he felt a hard jade.

"You are still in the middle of the move. So it seems that this big array is not a simple and exquisite seven-handed array, there are jade shoots." Xuanjizidao.

There are four wild immortals and eight poles in the birthplace of the North Plains.

Among them, Xuanjizi is proficient in the road, and he has made extraordinary achievements. He used the pseudonym Sun List to harm the Xuehu ancestors.

The words of the mysterious son made the pool song endorsed by nod: "This array should be a fusion of the exquisite Qiqiao array and the jade shoots array."

"How can it be broken?" Wu Yong looked at the colorful Xuanguang that had spread, and countless stalagmites, urging the road.

Chi Qu said with a confident smile: "If we had to use these people alone to break this battle, there are many difficulties. But now we have the help of the North Plains fairy friend, and at most it is just a little trouble."

When the South Xinjiang and the North Plains were joined together, Fang Yuan was also fighting Li and Qing.

"This humane killing is really trouble!" Fang Yuan's eyes are flickering.

Li Huang, the night to get the blessing of the heroes in the squad, the other source is chasing after. However, there are only two of the sacred houses, and there are only two of them. The rest is not to deal with the immortals of the West, or to go to the ditch to rescue the surviving Zhongzhou martial artists.

After getting the news of Bingsaichuan, Fangyuan was running all the way, but the direction was reversed. He was farther and farther away from the unbeaten blessing.

"It's time." Fang Yuan suddenly waved his sleeves and flew out countless scorpions.

Immortal killing tricks - met and met each other!

Fang Yuan in the state of Emperor Sui, quickly changed his image and turned into a scorpion, and he was involved in it and confused.

"Fangyuan, where are you going!" Li Huang drank, dressed in a fire coat, flaming.

"You have been involved in my investigation and killing, just by district means, just like running away?" In the night, a white robe, sneer.

There are still some confusions in the two fairy houses, but the two heavens are turned into the real source of Fangyuan.

Obviously, Zhongzhou Tianting had met with Fang Yuan’s meeting, and also focused on care and prepared for restraint.

"It is really troublesome." Fang Yuan had no choice but to ascend to heaven and enter the day.

Nine turns to the fairy road killing tricks - the heavens!

Under the influence of this move, Fangyuan quickly found a large group of black and white inverted clouds.

"No, stop him."

"Destroy these upside down clouds!"

Li Huang and the night battle experience are very rich. I can see that Fang Yuan wants to use the reverse cloud to evacuate.

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled: "Two people may wish to try again, can you see my true body!"

Immortal killing tricks - Wan Jian ghosts!

This is one of the biggest achievements in the transformation of the ancient swords, the Wan, the Luo, the Emperor, and the meeting.

When the killing moves out, a loud bang, countless black and dark dragon-shaped soul beasts fly out, the claws, sharp corners and scales of these soul beasts are all silver and white, and the sun is shining out of the sword.

Thousands of sneaks, flying in the sky, some rushing to pursue the soldiers, and some are flying around.

"Awesome means!" After contact with the hands, Li Huang, the night suddenly changed color.

This killing is a threat to them, especially the sneaky blew, the power is good, not only is the soul of the beast blew himself, but also the swordsmanship, sharp and extraordinary.

Li Huang was wearing a sturdy shackle and was uncomfortable. After dozens of self-destruction, Yangshuo’s back fire swayed and the fire clearly declined.

The situation of the night is even more embarrassing. He left his right and left, and his heart is unbelievable: "How can this killing force be so huge?"

This is of course.

The infinite winds of Wan Jian’s ghosts and martial arts have the same drawbacks and costs. That is the permanent consumption of the traces of the fairy.

However, the infinite wind is used once and it consumes tens of thousands of marks. Fang Yuan’s display of Wan Jian’s ghosts this time is a trace of four thousand souls.

Li Huang, the night was entangled, Fang Yuan really took advantage of this opportunity, immediately drilled into the black and white inverted cloud.

From the day into the black sky, Fangyuan immediately destroys the inverted cloud, and then spurs the immortal killings with Dingxianyou as the core.

After a few breaths, he disappeared into the same place and came to the battlefield of unbeaten blessings.

"I didn't expect it to be here without defeat!" Fang Yuan said with emotion.

Since Bingsaichuan called him, he would naturally inform him of the location of the unbeaten blessed land.

Here is not like Shilian Island or Dragon Whale Cave Day, Fangyuan can rely on killing and direct transmission.

"Who?" The emergence of Fangyuan immediately triggered the vigilance of the South Xinjiang and Beiyuan coalition forces.

"I!" Fang Yuan snorted.

The beggar who asked for the question was sweating and the pressure in his heart was huge. As early as Fang Yuan’s answer, he discovered it, and he regretted his own impulse to blurt out.

After all, Fang Yuan is the big devil who is now famous for the five fields and fierce!

Fangyuan quickly scanned the battlefield, and the huge tornado of the sky--the infinite wind, the most attractive sight of the source Subsequently, his gaze was slightly stopped on the body of Prince Fengxian Then, I swept through the Eighteenth and other sects who stayed outside.

"You are coming." Chu Duo took a light injury and flew forward to meet Fang Yuan.

Prince Fengxian and Ba Shi used his complicated eyes to look at Fang Yuan.

Li Huang and others chased Fang Yuan too tightly. Fang Yuan was so hard to find an opportunity to temporarily get rid of them and come here.

At this moment, Wu Yong, Yao Huang and others not only broke the jade bamboo shoots, but also broke through two bursts, and now temporarily trapped in the fourth array.

Chu Du played a pivotal role in the second squad, but he was also injured. Considering that Fang Yuan is coming, he will stay away from it.

With the ice congestion dispatch, the North Plains side naturally knows that Fangyuan will come to support. In this way, the Southern Xinjiang Zhuxian also knows.

Fangyuan brought turmoil to both Beiyuan and Nanjiang. The righteous forces of these two domains have eaten his losses. The 80-degree Zhenyang Tower in Beiyuan was destroyed by Fangyuan, and many super-powers in southern Xinjiang were extorted by Fangyuan.

But now, they have to work together to deal with heaven.

"After the big battle, how can I block my way!"

"Time is urgent, don't allow more to say, you let go, I want to blew my dreams and seek truth!"

Fang Yuan nodded to Chu, and immediately succumbed to the big battle, scoring against time.

Chudu and others are very happy. They are waiting for Fangyuan and are willing to cooperate with Fangyuan. It is also for this.

Fangyuan has the means of dreams, as long as the self-explosive pure dreams seek the real body, let the dreams permeate, you can crack the big array, no disadvantage!

The arrival of Fangyuan was soon known by Yao Huang and others.

The drug king looked at it, not far from Wu Yong and others, deliberately said: "Oh, Fangyuan is coming?"

Wu Yong looked a little stagnation, and immediately turned to look at the drug emperor: "Let Fang Yuan first sign the covenant, then tell him, I would like to ignore the suspicion, temporarily join him!"

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