Reverend Insanity

: Section 717: The Greatness of Juyang


Yuan Qiongdu, who has been presiding over the restoration work, has a black eyes and went down on the spot.

He himself was wounded, and the refining squad was broken, and the aftermath was stunned and immediately fainted.

Without him to shoot, although the success of the track is still transported in small shares, but the repair of fate is immediately stagnant.

There are still strict impediments.

This heavenly turn to the celestial, originally joined forces with the rear of the car, against the North Plains 蛊 fairy cow magic and the five elements of the Master.

The demon and the five elements of the Grand Master attacked the refining squad, but they were prepared from the early days to spread their damage to the squad.

Now, the robbery altar has smashed the refining squad and smashed it, and this damage has also taken a large part of it.

From the stern eyes of Venus, his eyes creaked, and the seven spurts of blood, almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, the rear of the car was assisted in time to protect him behind him.

"How are you?" The side of the car resisted the combination of the demon and the five elements of the Master, and shouted.

"Also, I still can't die..." When I said this, I vomited hard and vomited.

"Go support them!"

"Who will reorganize the large-scale refining squad?"

"Repairing fate has always been hosted by Yuan Qiong, and it is difficult for outsiders to take over, or to wake him up first!"

The glare of the road dissipated, and the heavenly celestial beings were all crazy, and they rushed back.

"I didn't even completely crash it..." In the altar of the robbery, Bingsaichuan looked chilly.

His eyes turned and he made a decisive decision: "The demon! Five elements Master! Come back quickly."

The glare of the road can't last, it dissipates quickly, and all the members of the heavenly court are attracted back. The cow demon and the five elements of the mages are left to be fierce.

After all, before, Tian Tian Zhu Xian was afraid that the refining can not bear the big battle, can not install more Zhu Xian, only to support the strict and the tail.

The cow demon and the five elements of the mage also knew the importance, and they retreated backwards and entered the robbery altar.

The tail of the car is helpless and can only be watched.

The cow devil entered the robbery altar, and he was worried: "Hanako is still stuck in the tower of the prison, I don't know the details."

Bing Suichuan nodded his face and resolutely determined: "To completely destroy this refining squad, and then save it..."


The words of Bingsaichuan have not been finished yet, and the robbery altar has been shaken, causing the three people in the altar to stand on the ground and shake.

A burly stalwart figure, stepping on the robbery altar.

Throughout the robbery, most of the altars fell into the ground.

It is the dragon!

"There is me, this is the limit you can reach." Long Gong's face is like iron, dragons are cold, and the horror of the genius has turned into cold, and the air is murderous and suffocating.


Long Gong leaned over and smashed his fists at the robbery altar.

A fist is like a thunderstorm, bombing on the robbery altar.

The robbery altar continued to tremble violently, sinking deep into the ground. The boxing quickly caused cracks on the surface of the robbery altar, and then the cracks expanded to form pits.

A large number of locusts died, and Ice Saichuan quickly divided his work. He hosted the killing tricks of the counterattack, while the Niu Mo was responsible for repairing the robbery altar. The five elements of the Archmage calculated the semi-destroyed refining squad, but he specialized in the martial arts.

"The speed of breaking is too fast, I have no time to rest the robbery!" After a few breaths, the cows screamed.

The five elements of the Grand Master were sweating and tried their best to calculate the big battle.

Ice Saichuan gritted his teeth: "hold on!"

The dragon glory was extremely fierce, and the eight-turn robbery altar, the sacred box of the sacred shack of the giant sacred ancestor, had been unable to support it.

"Give me up -!" Bing Saichuan drunk, the robbery altar broke out again with a glare of glare, violently looked up and soared upwards.

The dragon in the bombing and bombing, obviously felt a strong force, uploaded from the robbery altar.

"Give me down!!" Long Gong screamed, his hands and fists, held high above his head, and then his arms slammed down, like a giant hammer.

Immortal killing tricks - the dragon hammer!

A loud noise, the robbery altar that just climbed up, like a ball, was once again suppressed by the dragon.

A large number of locusts were destroyed and the debris flew. The surface of the robbery altar directly broke a large hole, and the angle of the ice suichuan could be seen from the outside!

It’s hard to hide the stunned color.

The dragon's strength is beyond his imagination.

Even the members of the heavens are stunned.

"Beiyuan Zhuxian, rushing with me!" At this time, the former North Plains, who had been created by the ancients, had come to support.

Tianting 蛊 宛 宛 like a group of birds, do not evade, directly meet up.

The melee broke out again.

Behind the chaotic battle group, the dragons are constantly robbing the robbery.

Behind the dragon, it is a large array of refining roads that begin to be urgently repaired.

The seven poles were all **** and killed, and finally they rushed to a **** road and came to the dragon.

"The strength of the dragon is strong, and it is impossible to fight against the robbery altar." Bingsaichuan had to admit the facts at hand.

After receiving the support of the Seven Extremes, Bing Saichuan finally had a breathing space, barely urging the robbery altar, with two enemies and one, fighting the dragon.

Immortal killing tricks - circling dragon teeth!

The dragon public opened his mouth and the teeth of his mouth fell off.

Hundreds of sharp teeth, like a dagger, see the wind and rise, quickly become larger, turned into a group of bright dragon tooth machete, smashing to the altar.


The dragon tooth scimitar hit the robbery altar and made an agitated voice, just like hundreds of weapons constantly collided.

The robbery altar was like a small hut in the storm, and was beaten to the head.

Longgong sneered, and after a while, his teeth grew out of his mouth.

The teeth are once again detached, and they gather into a snow-white machete storm, covering the robbery altar and the seven poles.

Soon, the seven-pole wasteland will be riddled with holes and the robbery altar will be full of holes.

Immortal killing tricks - dragon claws!

Immortal killing tricks - chaotic dragon fist!

The fist shadows flew around, the claw marks spread and spurt, and the seven-pole shortages were repeatedly blown out of the head. The robbery altar was more and more ruined, and the wind was leaking everywhere. The cows had no time to repair.

Immortal killing tricks - Jiulong pattern bodyguard!

The dragon shadow of the nine purple dragons is entwined in the dragon's body.

It is not that the seven poles and the robbery have no strong counterattacks, but these methods of attack and killing are firmly resisted by the nine dragons.

The situation is very clear, Longgong has a great advantage.

Over time, the longevity side will inevitably fail.

"Dare to invade my heaven, you have to pay the price of life!" Longgong cold drink.

"What else do you want to resist? You have no hope." Longgong slammed, smothered and smashed, and trampled the entire robbery altar to the ground, and slammed his hands and smashed the seven poles.

"I said, this is the limit you can charge."

"You will fail, and the heavens will never be invincible!"

Longgong shouts, the sound waves roll across the battlefield, stirring the hearts of everyone.

"What other means? I will make it out, I will personally send you all into the abyss of despair." His tone is slow, the dragon is indifferent, the tone is cold, and it is chilling.

The ice is full of worries, and the robbery altar is no longer protective. He has many wounds on his body.

This is caused by the swaying dragon tooth killing.

The situation is getting more and more critical, but there is a glimmer of light in his eyes that has never been extinguished.

He still has hope.

In the deepest part of his heart, there is a scene that will never be forgotten.

"Is this the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building? It's really amazing! It's a big man, your handwriting." Bingsaichuan stood next to Juyang Xianzun and looked up.

Juyang Xianzun smiled and looked quite satisfied: "With this fairy house, my children will thrive."

"You are really good at adults." Bing Suichuan praised.

"But." Juyang Xianzun said, "I am more expecting it to collapse."

"What, what?"

"I built this building for the collapse of it. Ice Saichuan, you are the celestial celestial being, go to sleep. In the future, when the 88th yangyang building collapses, it will indicate that your chance to attack the heavens is here. ""


In the altar of the robbery.

"Even if I am seriously injured, even if it is a desperate predicament, even if the cards are exhausted, I will never give up. Because this combat plan is the layout of the giant Yang Xianzu!"

"Heavenly, the victory will be us!"

Ice Sagawa.

"Blind confidence." Long Gong sneered disdainfully. "Strong support will only add a hundredfold to your pain."

Bingsaichuan coldly said: "That is you never know the greatness of that man!"

not far away.


The ball in the tail of the dog's tail was suddenly turned into a smog and dissipated on the spot.

"I finally lifted the double-entry attack!"

"It’s not the trick of the thief, it’s so powerful."

"Fortunately, here is the heavenly court, which can gather four legal sects, and there are detailed information on the squad in the heavenly treasury. If you change the usual situation, you will be in trouble."

Originally, the two legends of the dog's tail and the heavenly kings were the ancient sacred beasts, and the ninety-five struggles.

Relying on the double-in pairs to kill, the dog tails continue to smash and their avatars, and their opponents can not lift their heads.

However, as the members of the heavens awakened, many people began to attack the pair of pairs and finally cracked it.

"You are crazy again!"

"Puppy, how many times have you threw me down? Grandpa and my feathers will be lighted by you."

Qi Dan, Yu Jiuwu, and the same number of heavenly courts, and the siege of Maori ball.

Although the strength of the Maori ball is outstanding, it falls into such a field. Of course, it is a four-handed, hard-to-early four-handed hand. It will soon be scarred, and the blood will not spurt from the wound.

But there is no good place to go there.

The counterattack of Maori ball is specifically for these two.

Although the Maori ball has more and more injuries, the more vulnerable, the advantage of the heavens is getting bigger and bigger, but the 阮丹和煞狴九五 is the heart shaking, the eyes are amazed.

"This madman is not afraid of death!"

"Even if you die, I am afraid he will bite my piece of meat before he dies."

The two ancient legends of Tianting could not help but be jealous. One of them shouted: "Maori ball, why do you fight for the giant Yang Xianzun? He certainly feeds you, but your fancy instinct is to kill You gave him a life."

The Maori ball is almost in the pool of blood, and its injuries are shocking, and many wounds are deeply visible. The original shiny and shiny fur is stuck together because of the blood.

Its eyes are black and the body is shaking, as if it will be planted on the ground in the next moment.

It knows its own state, this time I am afraid it is to be accounted for here.

"But what about it?!" Mao Liqi opened his mouth and gave a silent smile.

A scene in memory emerges.

The sun is like blood, on the top of the hill, the ball in the hair is shrunk into a puppy, and it is at the foot of Juyang Xianzun.

Giant Yang Xianzhao touched its head, and it shivered.

It has already heard the plan of Juyang Xianzun, and now the giant Yang Xianzun is coming to an end. At this time, it will be called, I am afraid it will kill it.

However, Maori did not dare to resist, it is very clear: even if he has the power of eight peaks, it is not the opponent of Juyang Xianzun. You don't even need a giant Yang Xianzun to shoot, it will find its own way.

"Don't be afraid, Mao Lie, I won't kill you and renew my life." Juyang Xianzhao laughed.

The ball in the hair is in a stiff state.

Juyang Xianzun looks at the sunset on the It’s like a fire: “I still remember the first day of raising you, hehehe, time has passed, you have grown to this point.”

"Speaking to the bottom of my heart, are you my child, and what is the difference between my children and my children?"

"How can parents go to harm their children?"

Mauri ball understands the temperament of Juyang Xianzun, he will never deceive himself, because there is no such necessity.

The ball in the hair was stunned and asked, "But the master, you killed me, you can really give you life."

“Renewal?” Juyang Xianzun smiled. “It’s just a stagnation. People are always dying, aren’t they?”

He shook his head: "What do you mean by continuing to live under fate? Death is not so unacceptable. Besides, children are destined to leave their parents to truly grow."

"the host……"

"Promise me, be sure to live well. Do what you like to do, I will not leave you any legacy, you will be yourself, happy and happy."

"the host……"

The memory subsided and the ball was watching the strong enemies around.

It raised his neck, laughed happily, and his momentum suddenly soared: "Master, even if it is dead, I will repay your kindness!"

"It is no longer enough!"

"Yes, it's just barely."

"But be careful about its dying and counterattack."

The heavenly celestial celestial faces are cold and slowly surrounded.

black sky.

Township Tiangong.

The giant yang immortal sat sat like a stone statue.

He looked at the south and his eyes reflected the scene of the battle in the heavens.

There was no sadness on his face, and then he slowly lifted his palm.

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