Reverend Insanity

: Section 722: Yuan Shi Tian Ting!

The atmosphere in the cave is getting more and more depressed. A young human race, Yan Xian, smiled and said: "Xianzun adults, you are only a few hundred years old, and there are thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. Now consider these Is it too early?"

The face of Yuan Shixianzun was suddenly awe-inspiring. He stared calmly at the young Zhuxian who spoke. The latter could not support a few breaths and bowed his head.

Yuan Shixian respected the low voice: "If you don't think about it, you must have near-worry. If you don't think about it beforehand, make prevention. After my death, our sacrifices will become meaningless. We work hard and hard. The results obtained will also fall apart."

"Don't say anything else, once I die, the aliens counterattack, who among you can shoulder the burden?" Yuan Shixian respected.

The human races and the immortals face each other, no one should accept, no one speaks.

Although the Terran rises, it relies on Yuan Shixian, a person, and the rest of the people, whether it is the level of Zhu Xian or the number of Zhu Xian, is far less than the race of aliens.

Yuan Shixian respected deeply: "Zhongzhou is too big. How many of our people are there, how many immortals are there? Not mentioning the immortals, talking about mortals. What is the population of the entire Terran? Their population How many? There is always a gap of a million times."

"Even if we were in our lifetime, we dominated Zhongzhou, ruled Zhongzhou, and there are other four domains?"

"Now, my strength is exposed, and the strangers are well aware of it. We have taken measures to avoid it. We have no effective means to find their exact location. Especially those caves of the strangers, once they are entrusted to the outside world, Even if I waited in front of me, I couldn’t find it."

The meaning of Yuanshi Xianzun, the celestial beings thoroughly understood.

Even if the Terran has risen, it depends only on Yuan Shixian. Yuan Shixian has a limited life and will die one day.

In the time when he survived, it was very difficult for the Terran to want to unify Zhongzhou. It’s hard to find someone else, they can’t escape, they can still thrive.

Yuan Shi Xian Zun is invincible in the world, but there is no effective means to dig out their position.

An old man in the ethnic group, the immortal voice, said: "So, according to the meaning of the immortal adult, for us, the long-term solution is to abandon the family and form a division?"

Yuan Shixianzun looked solemn and solemn: "Yes."

"How can we overcome the aliens and bring bright prospects to the entire Terran? I can't do it alone."

"The aliens can't beat the big ones and hide, so even if I am invincible, I will only lead the people of Zhongzhou to be independent, and stand by the aliens and stand firm."

"To really rise up, we must rely on our own people. We must expand our population and thrive, and at the same time cultivate as many celestial beings. As long as we have more people than the aliens, stronger celestial, the prospect of our race. It will be brighter."

"If we adopt the family system, what is the difference between them and the aliens? We are now very backward, and then adopt the family system, which is beyond the limits of them."

"Only by creating martial art, we will actively explore all talents, and we will only be able to raise them at a cost, and abandon our stereotypes to cultivate them. We can hope to catch up with the alien family!"

The words of Yuanshi Xianzun once again made the people and the immortals fall into silence.

Many people's looks have calmed down, and they know that the words of Yuan Shi Xian Zun are justified. But there are still some celestial cents, which are frowning and unacceptable.

One of the priests asked: "Is it possible that the sectarian system will allow us to cooperate sincerely? We will be able to act only with merits, no internal factions, no pressure to squeeze out?"

"Of course not." Yuan Shixian Zun shook his head. "As long as it is an organization built by people, there will be selfishness and self-interest. The family is based on blood and the teacher is judged by ability and talent, of course, the latter. More open and transparent, the limited allocation of practice resources will be more suitable for the people, it will be more beneficial to the overall situation!"

The man opened his mouth and found that he could not criticize the superiority of the martial art. He had to change his perspective: "Can the family not find talents? The family also has a system to absorb foreign talents, such as marriage, or righteousness."

"This is indeed the case." Yuan Shixian nodded. "But can there be a couple of marriages? Even if there are more sons and daughters, in the family, they will be squeezed out compared with those who have blood relationship. And suppress it?"

The people and the immortals are finally speechless.

Yuan Shixian respects in a sincere tone and continues: "I know that it is really unacceptable to create a martial art. The way of the immortal is the result of our hard work, which costs us a lot of money. Give it to your own offspring, but pass it on to other names."

"But in fact, the creation of the martial art does not mean that the mystery of the fairy tales is to be imparted to others at will. Instead, the talents are chosen. This kind of talent is not only good at talent, but also has moral character. The most important thing is to be loyal to oneself. The sect."

"Furthermore, even if you don't create a family, can you not be able to get your care of the descendants? Of course, this is not the case. These people will naturally be taken care of by joining the sects, but I hope that you must operate in a black box, not to violate the Ming The sects on the surface."

"Only we can start from ourselves and guard the rules. Our descendants, apprentices, and children can actively abide by the rules. As long as we create martial arts and actively unite in everything, I believe that our human race will definitely rise completely! ”

"I can't manage that far in the other four domains, but in Zhongzhou, I hope that all of you will create martial art and abandon the family. For the sake of the entire human race, I must emphasize this point: any Zhongzhou 蛊仙 needs to create a martial art, not a family. Anyone who is promoted in the future must be in accordance with the contract. Once someone violates the rules, he will be subject to joint sanctions by myself and other fairy friends!"

The tribes of the Terran are silent, and when the Yuanshixianzun is strong, no one can violate it.

However, they are gratified that Yuan Shixian is not blindly banned from the family system. The sect system only stipulates the immortals, which means that mortals and priests can continue to survive in the form of the family.

And even if you create a martial art, you can take care of your descendants and friends.

This is the compromise of Yuan Shixianzun's reality, but from this point, he can also see his sagacity.

Yuan Shixian respected: "As your leader, I will lead by example! I am here to swear, I will create a martial art, not a family. I will widen the disciples and pass on my disciples without any reservation. ""

"And, in the future, when I fall to death, my immortal will also contribute, to serve as a martial art, not as a descendant of my blood."

"Yuan Shi Xian Zun adults!"


For a time, the people who were present were shaking.

At this moment, they all looked at Yuan Shixianzun, and felt the greatness that the other party was willing to sacrifice from his calm face and the determination to maintain the overall situation.

Since Yuanshi Xianzun has done this, what reason do they have to do this?

"Yuan Shi Xian Zun adults, you are right, I am willing to respond to your call!"

"From now on, create a martial art, not a family."

"There are people who are immortal, it is the blessing of my people!"

"Following you, it is the most correct choice for my life."

"Xianzun adults, I have some things that I don't understand about the creation of the martial art."

"Well, please let me know." Yuan Shixian Zundao.

"What kind of martial art do you want to create, and where do you want to choose a martial art station? What are the rules of the martial art and what are the main points for creating a martial art?"

Yuan Shixian respected a deep breath: "I have been thinking about the martial art for a long time. When I say this, I have to deal with all aspects. Let me take it as an example. First of all, my martial art is called Tianting..."

a long time.

Yuan Shi Xian Zun is a solution to the human race.

There is no confusion in the fairy.

Yuan Shixianzun glanced at the immortals: "The next step is to see you. I believe that as long as we have a wide martial art and develop correctly, even after I die, the Terran will surely prosper. If the aliens do not change, they will surely fall. !"

"Please have confidence!"

"Don't look at our martial art, it's just a simple idea, never realized."

"I believe that as long as we follow our plan and develop, the martial art will gradually shine in the long river of history. My heaven, our martial art, will grow into a world famous ~ One side, the enemy is discolored!"

Three hundred and eighty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven years later.

Heavenly battlefield.

The fierce battle continued, and the longevity side received the support of the giant yang, and took the upper hand.

However, in the fairy tomb, one after another members of the heavens are constantly waking up.

"Who is it? Dare to commit me to heaven!"

"This is the result of the ancestors of the past, and I will never allow you to destroy."

"How many people throw their heads and sprinkle blood, the longevity of the family system, and want to beat my heaven? Hey, delusion!"

"For a long life, you are abominable. In order to self-interest, is it necessary to trigger a civil war?"

"Our heaven is always the holy land of the human race, the humane paradise, the orthodoxy of the human race!"

"We represent the spirit of the human race and have remained unchanged for millions of years!"

"I will follow Yuanshi Xianzun, follow the star fairy, follow Yuanlian Xianzun, and defend us by death - heaven!!"

A shout of screaming, old or young, male and female, all kinds of heavenly members from the fairy tomb, to participate in the battlefield.

Just like the three thousand years ago, Yuan Shixian said that his heavenly court grew into a behemoth and overwhelmed the world.

His spirit has been passed down and never changed!

Countless talents were cultivated by the sects, followed by the already dead, defending his spiritual philosophy!

The spirit of the North Plains is unparalleled, but the heavenly celestial beings show a crazy momentum, even if they are not enough, even if they are the same, their faces have never been confused or feared.


Their faces are shining like lights.

The glory of the martyrs...

It’s so bright and dazzling!

"Why? It is clear that our strength is stronger, why is it suppressed by the momentum of the heavens!" Bingsaichuan gnawed his teeth and looked blue.

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