Reverend Insanity

: Section 743: I have been waiting for you for a long time!

Reggae Zhenjun only feels that the heavens and the earth are upside down, and the left and right are disordered. Suddenly, the visual field suddenly changes.

The next moment, she disappeared into the heavens and appeared in a large space.

"Hmm?!" She fixed her eyes and saw Fangyuan standing in front of her. The killing in her hand was already ready to go.

"Fangyuan, you are coming!!" Reggae really screamed immediately, it was the enemy who saw each other.

Fang Yuan is a faint smile: "The reggae is really, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

When the voice just fell, his palm was lightly glimpsed, and the shadows were printed on the reggae.

Reggae really wants to dodge, but the power of the super-large array has long been imposed on her.

Reggae really evades quickly, but the time it takes is very long, so the whole action seems to be a lot slower.

The expression of anger and anger is on the face of Reggae.

She was evasive and was shot in the shadow of Fang Yuan.

The reggae is really stunned, and it is covered with a huge black armor. The style of the armor is sturdy, the corners are high, the spikes are prominent, and there are constant flashes of lightning. On the armor of the chest, there is a dark blue giant ghost head with a big mouth. And her helmet, which is also like a ghost, and a beautiful and cute appearance of the reggae girl, formed a sharp contrast.

The armor of Reggae Zhenjun was shot down.

Almost the next second, the surface of the Reggae's armor showed numerous cracks.

Then a slamming sound, the entire armor split into numerous pieces, exposed the body of Reggae Zhenjun.

With the help of Luo Yi and the whole super-large array, Fang Yuan has completely smashed the maximum protection of Reggae Zhenjun.

Reggae really screamed, but did not evade, but rushed to Fangyuan.

This tactical choice is wise.

Generally speaking, if ordinary people encounter such a dilemma, they must choose to withdraw and adjust their positions. However, in the face of Fang Yuan’s choice, it will inevitably lead to complete loss of initiative, step by step and wrong, and finally the battlefield rhythm is completely controlled by Fangyuan.

Reggae really did not back down, but countered it, and Fangyuan desperately.

At this moment, Reggae’s rich fighting experience and courageous temperament are unveiled!

She slammed the blessed land and ambushed and got into trouble. The contrast between the front and back did not make her lose her calmness, but it aroused infinite pride and war.

It is worthy of being a character who has been saddened by the Ghost Respect. Such a character never knows what it means to be discouraged, and she can't beat her morale.

Her last move, Lei Xin’s smashing and killing, is a means of authenticity. Even if she is dead, she must drag the enemy into the water to see her heart.

However, the resurgence of Reggae Zhenjun, Fang Yuan has already been expected.

Ziwei Fairy is a Zhidao Xianxian, and of course Fangyuan is also!

As a wise man, you will count on all kinds of geniuses. How can the temperament factor of Reggae really be unexpected?

As Fang Yuan said, he has been waiting for a long time.

Immortal killing tricks - stealing!

After suppressing the squatting spirit, the thief’s innocent transmission in the sect was naturally in the hands of Fang Yuan. With the help of the sneak peeks, Fang Yuan took the eight-turn fairy singer as the core, and brewed the sacred killings.

Although Fangyuan does not have eight turns of Xianyuan, it can lend it to the land to make it shot. It has a long hairy fairy in its hands.

Stealing and killing is not the result of Fang Yuan’s display, but the spirit of the big battle.

I saw a red light with a fingertip, and it was flashing, and the eyebrows of Reggae really were in the middle.

The action of Reggae Zhenjun stopped short.

She quickly decayed, and in a blink of an eye, she changed from a fresh and lovely girl to a deep wrinkle.

She stretched out the skinny five fingers and grabbed Fangyuan. She opened her mouth and many of the teeth loosened and fell off: "How, how can it..."

This is her last last words.

She is dead.

With a strong unwillingness and hatred.

She is old and dead, and she is exhausted.

After her death, she still squinted her eyes and screamed at Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan smiled.

In the super-large array, the four ethnic groups are in vain!

"What is the situation? Is this dead?!"

"We killed the Reggae!"

"This is too easy?"

The strangers are stunned.

After a little calm down, they analyzed it.

"It is a good design for Fangyuan adults."

"Yeah, Reggae Zhenjun has suffered from our calculations and has no power to fight back."

"Although she is a turn of the Eight Immortals, but in the hands of Fang Yuan adults, I completely despise the storm."

"I finally understand why the people of the people are screaming and killing each other..."

The aliens and immortals are full of emotions, and they are expected to add a lot of jealousy, fear, worship and respect to Fang Yuan’s line of sight.

Looking at the body of Reggae Zhenjun, Fangyuan did not have any accidents.

Although she is an eight-strong, the death is not awkward.

The most powerful thing about Zhidao Zhuxian is to make a move. As long as you have the relevant information, you can exercise restraint.

Fang Yuan returned from a rebirth and knew the cards of Reggae Zhenjun.

Secondly, Fang Yuan’s reform of the blessing war of the blessed land was exhausted and a lot of fairy tales were added. Among them are the sneak pecans.

Thanks to Fang Yuan’s rumor, there is wisdom and halo. This is not something that ordinary Zhu Xian can do.

The two most powerful methods of Reggae Zhenjun are the thunder and the soul.

Therefore, when Fang Yuan met, he used the seal. This move is to restrain the spirit of Reggae Zhenjun, the effect of the group.

Without the soul armor, after the old reggae of the reggae, it was immediately suppressed by the big squad, and it was impossible to spur the thunder and smash.

Finally, there are stealing and killing tricks.

Unlike the last time I simply used the sneak pecans, the enemy and the enemy were not divided.

This time, Fang Yuan calculated the stealing and killing tricks, only for strong enemies.

There is a means of stealing the demon statue on the sneak pecans. It can only be used three times, and Fangyuan cannot be lifted.

Although there were only three chances, Fang Yuan did not hesitate to use it, giving the Reggae a real blow.

Reggae really has outstanding combat power. If it is really entangled, the other source will have a great threat to the entire blessed land.

If the thunder is burst out, the loss can be big.

Fang Yuan simply took a trick and killed her directly, killing!

Heaven court.

Looking at the starlight pillar, Chen Yi could not help but open: "I have also gone."

Ziwei fairy gave him a look and nodded.

As a wise man and a fairy, and a star-studded chessboard, she certainly understands Chen Yi’s mood and thoughts more or less.

With the permission of the Ziwei Fairy, Chen Yi could not wait to fly to the Starlight pillar.

"I have to hurry!"

"According to the strong strength of the predecessors of Reggae, the younger ones will have fewer achievements. Maybe at this time, she has already killed the aliens."

"Hey, I am here!"

Chen Yi was excited and his body was completely out of the star pillar.

The next moment, he came to the blessed land and entered the big space.

"Here is the blessed land? Um?!" Suddenly, Chen Yi's body was stagnant, and the pupil slammed into a needle tip.

He saw the body of Reggae Zhenjun.

On the side of Fangyuan, it is the use of super large arrays, with the ability to maintain the time and flow.

But on the other side of the heavens, the time flow rate is normal.

After the Reggae really entered, it was followed by Chen Yi who did not enter the star pillar and sent it.

Fang Yuan just killed the Reggae Zhenjun, only to take in her remaining soul, Chen Yi appeared.

"It’s quite Fangyuan smiles slightly.

Chen Yi’s eyes glared at the body of Reggae Zhenjun and shouted: “Predecess?!”

Reggae really did not respond.

She is dead!

"How can this be? This is impossible!" Chen Yi's full-fledged warfare and blood, like a fiercely slammed down a basin of ice water.

He was full of thought that the Reggae Zhenjun was killing the Quartet and killing him with a chicken and a dog jumping.

But the reality is that the reggae is really dead, and Fang Yuan has not looked like a hair, standing in front of himself and smiling!

Who can expect such a picture!

Chen Yi blinked again and again, and suddenly shouted: "Well, you are a devil, the illusion is so realistic, the old man was almost fooled by you!"

Said, Chen Yi's body is swaying, and propped up the defense.

He did not rush to attack, but stayed here, guarding the dark vortex behind him.

So, the next moment Chen Yi noticed something wrong: "Well? The power of the earth around me is affecting me!"

Defensive killings are formed very slowly.

Heaven court.

Ziwei fairy is calm and calm, and Feng Jiu sang: "You go too."

Feng Jiu Ge nodded and plunged into the starlight pillar.

"According to the strength of Fengjiu, there is no problem in self-protection. But the one we rely on is mainly the gas transportation of the guardians on his body. Heaven is full of means on the road, and now only use this method to restrain the source. ""

Ziwei fairy has a deep sigh.

Feng Jiu Ge also sent the past, and then she is herself.

But just as the Ziwei Fairy is about to leave, bang!

The starlight pillars burst into themselves and were broken into the stars of the sky.

Ziwei fairy is stunned: "..."

The rest of the heavens are dumbfounded: "..."

Ps: I sent the books today! Oh yeah! !

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