Reverend Insanity

: Section 754: The pool song is to convince yourself

A shallow dark blue lake surrounded by lush green hills, quiet like a gem. Around the lake, there are white stones and stones that form white rivers.

It is the medium-sized resource that the southern Xinjiang Chi family has mastered.

Fangyuan searched the locusts inside into their own fairy tales.

There are more than 3,000 in the five-turn heart, and 50,000 in the four-turn.

He also used force to help him.

Like the previous world, the 澜 澜 澜 is still six turns.

For a moment, the river was like a piece of silk, and it was smashed by the invisible giant hand, and it was all invested in the fairy tales of Fangyuan.

The heart of the river beach, the environment is special, full of wisdom road marks, of course, there are other road marks, waterways, wooden roads and other road marks, as a cornerstone, but the total amount is not as good as the wisdom road mark.

The river water collected by Fangyuan also has a strong sense of wisdom. However, most of the roads of Zhidao are still on the surrounding land.

Fang Yuan is powerless.

He lacks the means to extract land. The land here is not a land, and at least seven means of turning the peak of the soil. Because it is necessary to overcome the wisdom road traces contained in the land.

And this means still needs to be clever, and can not destroy the wisdom road marks in the land.

The land that has destroyed the road of wisdom and morality is very low. If a famous painting is sloppyly altered, it is no different from Xiao Ge.

The acquisition and handling of spiritual resources in nature also requires means, and destruction is relatively easy.

This is like an unbeaten blessing in the heavens. Heaven has the means to destroy the unbeaten blessed land, but if you want to take the successful track marks from the middle, you have to spend a lot of effort, use the humanity fairy tricks, and report the Zhongzhou Refining Conference, which is time-consuming and laborious.

When Fang Yuan appeared, the news of plundering the heart of the river was quickly conveyed to the pool.

From the beginning, there was a dim sum in the pool song: "Is the information true?"

Soon, the luck in his heart was lost.

Because it is suspected that the Xiandao killings composed by Xianyou, and Fangyuan’s famous martial arts in the world, are the best evidence.

"How can Fang Yuan suddenly appear in the heart of the river?" Chi Qu can't help but twitch from the corner of his eye. "Does he need a lot of heart?"

Although Fangyuan is only a seven-repair, he is not an ordinary seven-turn. He can turn eight rounds, which is a special case!

Chi Qu also thought of the image of Bao Huang Tianzhong: "Now Fangyuan has regained the seven-turned immortal immortal, and it is even more suspected to have the means of stealing Xianxie. He has to be troubled by our pool, but it is troublesome."

Chi Qu is sighed by the heart.

He must admit that Fang Yuan is a big trouble!

Dingxian Youxian can make Fangyuan move freely and requires specific means to restrain.

Fangyuan's combat power can be turned eight rounds, so most of the pool homes can't play at will, and it must be an individual, or a seven-turn fairy house. In this way, even if the pool is a super power, there are only a handful of power that can be brought out.

"As for the means of stealing the road, it should not be the ability of Fangyuan."

"The source of this front does not show this means, but when the elderly ancestors cooperated with the thief, they have a sneak peek. In the blessed land, there is a thief innocence, and Fang Yuan relies on the foundation of the sacred land. The invasion of heaven."

"Fangyuan has swallowed up the blessed land, and it takes a while to master the innocent pass."

The pool song is estimated by.

He felt that he should have been in a bad situation recently. Fang Yuan suddenly came out this time and actually took the initiative to find the trouble of the pool home.

Is this not bad luck?

Although Fang Yuan felt quite troubled by Chi Qu, he had to fight.

The interests of the Chi family, the identity of the right way, and the dignity of the eight turns of the immortal, forced him to expedite as soon as possible to defeat the source.

Chi Qu was expelled by himself, manipulating Taiyu Temple and coming to the heart of the river beach to the maximum speed.

The big array was destroyed, a mess, and broken.

The massive locusts are gone, and the heart of the river beach is no longer alive.

The river is gone, and the river beach is dry, and it is terrible.

Even the stone blocks of the river beach have disappeared, and they have been taken away by Fang Yuan and looted!

The pool song was iron-blue, and the rest of the pool house was even more smashed, cursing Fang Yuan and his 18th generation relatives.

"This devil is too fat!"

"This is a medium-sized resource point for my family. This time it was plundered and it was badly damaged. It has not recovered in the past few years."

"Oh... the ancestral ancestors of the 18th generation are useless. He is the magic of the heavens, and the relatives of this world have been killed by him."

The curse of Chi Jia's curse gradually subsided, and the grim situation in front of them made them frown.

The heart of the river beach was ruined, but the foundation was still there, because Fangyuan could not take the land away.

However, the key to the problem is Fangyuan!

Fang Yuan is still alive, will he appear again next? Then start with the pool home?

What Chi Chichens do not understand is that Fang Yuan suddenly shot at the heart of the river, what is it for?

"Wait, before the attack and the gulf, the mysterious fairy who broke through the big battle, will it be the source?" Some people raised this suspicion.

"Well, it's very possible. After all, both are seven turns, and the strength is extraordinary. Fangyuan's rumor is good, destroying two big arrays, he is capable. In addition, he annexed 琅琊Fudi, who owns the refining sacred fairy, isn’t the mysterious sacred sacred sacred sacred?

"But if the mysterious celestial being is a source, why did he cover his own face when he attacked the gully? And at this time, attacking the sacred beach of my family, but actively exposed the true content?"

Many Chia's family think straight and scratch their heads.

They can't figure it out.

First of all, there is no evidence at all to prove that the mysterious fairy and the source are the same person. Secondly, Fang Yuan’s looting of the heart of the river was also unclear. No one knows what he is doing.

"Too much everyone is old, what should we do next?" Chi Jiaxuan did not discuss anything, so he had to ask the pool music.

Chi Qu has been somewhat relieved by his face. He has long cursed in his stomach. He also wants to know what Fang Yuan is doing!

They arrived here, but Fangyuan has long since disappeared.

The situation of Chi Qu is very embarrassing and very passive.

On the surface, he must maintain the master of the pool home: "Don't panic, first check the scene and collect clues. Even if Fangyuan escapes now, but this account we remember, I will let one day sooner or later. He repaid it thousands of times."

"Yes, adults." Chi Jiayu Xian went to death.

The large Taiyu Temple is suspended in midair, and it does not cover the imposing manner, highlighting the sound of the pool.

In a short while, the immortals who went out were all stunned and returned.

Fangyuan’s hands and feet are too clean, and there are no valuable clues left.

Even if there are some clues, can you count him?

Chi Qu has no hope in his heart, because there is not much way for Tianyuan to take Fangyuan. Chi Chi is good at the road, and the channel and the wisdom are weak.

"If the pool home is going to get back to the scene, you have to spend a lot of money to ask the channel to collect intelligence and clues, and then ask the wisdom to make a big calculation. Then you have to design an ambush, crusade the source, and fight with Fangyuan..."

"Oh." Chi Qu sighed from the heart.

This process, he thinks and feels discouraged.

Because the cost is too great, the risk is too high, and the benefits are still not obvious.

The ability to deal with the source of the channel, the wisdom of the power, of course, can only be eight turns. This kind of character has to ask them to help, and the pool home must cost a lot.

After finding the source, the pool home will still fight with Fangyuan, can you clean up the square source, or two words!

Reggae Zhenjun wants to clean up Fangyuan, his three sternum hanging in Baohuang Tianzhong. Tianting wanted to invade the blessed land, and the blessed land was swallowed by Fang Yuan. The fairy tales of Feng Jiu Ge were stolen by Fang Yuan. Ziwei Fairy took the initiative to be open and honest and bear the responsibility of defeat.

What is his pool home?

Yes, Chi Jia is a super power, but compared with Tian Ting?

There is no way for Tianyuan to take Fangyuan. What can Ziwei fairy hate Fangyuan?

"Fangyuan is only a person, but he has a multi-channel genre. There is no shortcoming at all. He is sinister and sinister, and he is fierce and savage. Even Wujia Wuyong has been played by him. Before the South Xinjiang was jointly pursued, He was born to escape. I led the pool home and wanted to find him trouble? Hehe."

Chi Qu is very angry from the heart, but at the same time very helpless, very sad.

Fang Yuan has grown too fast, and he has already felt deeply jealous.

"Although Fangyuan has only seven conversions, it is more troublesome than the usual eight-turn Zhuxian. The ordinary eight-turn Zhuxian, specializing in one, does not have deep intellectual martyrdom, and there is no fixed fairy tour."

"If Fangyuan is going to stop it and stop moving the resources of my pool, this is the case."

Chi Qu is sighed by his heart.

He has decided to close his hand.

The heart of the river is a loss, but the foundation is still there, and it can still be operated.

To put it bluntly: a medium-sized resource, the pool home can still afford it!

"Of course, on the surface, I have to be fierce and sorrowful, occupy the righteousness, righteous words, and make the momentum bigger, and I can’t marry the reputation of the pool."

"But in the dark is still bound to their own immortals, strictly guarded to operate and repair the main."

"If this is the period, Fang Yuan is the best resource for other forces, then it is best!"

After a while, Chi Qu was determined by the conspiracy, and he was hard to convince himself.

It is not easy to let a person turn around and lead a super power, and secretly bow to Fang Yuan!

But Chi Qu is a wise leader with a big picture. It’s no good to kill people like Fang Yuan. The pool mobilizes the whole family and shoots with all strengths. It can indeed bring great trouble to Fangyuan and even the threat of life.

But the pool home will inevitably pay a huge, even a heavy price!

In this case, if it happens in Beiyuan, it is very likely that the whole family will be angry and think about it and do it directly!

But in southern Xinjiang... calm down, the days are too late?

Losing a medium-sized resource, we have other medium-sized resources in our pool, as well as a large number of small resource points, large resource points, and giant resource points!

We can still live very well.

The face lost a bit, but the lining is still there.

The scorpion in the first place is bad. If Chi Jiaru is full of strength and Fangyuan’s death, killing himself, fighting for both losses, and letting other super-powers profit, what should I do?

The pool song was spit out of the air, as if to sigh and anger in the heart, spit out with this breath.

His mood gradually eased.

"Report -! Fangyuan once again appeared in the Yunzhu Mountain Range of my family. He broke the big array, and the two of my family lost their lives. Now Fangyuan is searching for various resources, including the wild wood that has just been formed. Tao Xianyi one!"

The pool song was heard by the words, and suddenly looked stiff.

The heart that has just calmed down is filled with anger and anger.

"Fangyuan, I am a ancestral board!"

:. :

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