Reverend Insanity

: Section 18: Let the past flutter like smoke

In the face of his brother's question, Fang Yuan did not speak and still had breakfast. He knows the character of his younger brother, and he is unsettled.

Sure enough, Founder saw his brother and did not look at himself. He seemed to regard himself as the air. The next moment, he shouted with dissatisfaction: "Brother, what have you done to Shen Cui? Since she came out of your room yesterday, I cried a lot, I comforted her, the more she cried fierce."

Fang Yuan looked up at his younger brother and looked blank.

Fang Zheng frowned, staring at his brother tightly, waiting for his answer.

The atmosphere is getting tighter.

However, Fang Yuan just looked at him and lowered his head and continued to eat.

The younger brother Fang Zheng was suddenly anxious, and Fang Yuan’s attitude was simply a naked contempt for him. Under his shame, he slammed the table and shouted loudly: "Gu Yueyuan, how can you look like this! A little girl who has served you for so many years, I have looked at you gently and thoughtfully." Yes, I know that you are very lost, and you can understand your decadence. You only have qualifications such as C, but you can't anger others because of your own experience. This is unfair to her!"

His voice has not yet fallen, Fang Yuanteng just stood up and raised his hand like electricity.


A crisp sound gave the Founder a solid slap.

Founder slammed his right face, squatting back two steps, with a look of horror.

"Miscellaneous things, what kind of tone do you use, talk to your brother?! That Shen Cui is just a small beggar. If you want such a small woman, forget that I am your brother?" Fang Yuan whispered .

The Founder reacted and the pain on his face was transmitted to his nerve center. He rounded his eyes, gasping, and incredulously said: "Brother, you hit me? You haven't beat me since childhood! Yes, I was tested for qualifications, you are just C. But you Can't blame me, this is the arrangement of heaven..."


Fang Zheng’s words have not been finished yet, and Fang Yuan’s backhand is a slap in the face.

Founder clasped his cheeks on both sides, and he was stunned.

"Innocent idiots, what do you remember! From small to large, how did I take care of you? When my parents died, we lived in hardship. After the New Year, my aunt and my mother only gave us two new clothes. Have I worn them myself? Who do I wear? When you were a child, you loved to eat candied porridge. I told the kitchen to make a bowl for you every day. You were bullied by others, who brought you back to the field? There are other kinds, I don’t bother to say it. Well, now that you are talking to me for a prostitute, ask me?"

Founder blushes, his lips groaning, both ashamed and furious, but can't say a rebuttal.

Because Fang Yuan said all the facts!

"It’s all right." Fang Yuan sneered again and again. "Since you have abandoned your biological parents and re-recognized others, what can I count as my brother?"

"Brother, how can you say that? You also know that I have longed for the warmth of the family since I was a child, I..." Founder quickly resolved.

Fang Yuan waved his hand and prevented him from speaking: "From today, you are not my brother, and I am no longer your brother."

"Brother!" Founder was shocked and opened his mouth.

At this time, Fang Yuan said: "Do you not like Shen Cui? You can rest assured that I have not done anything to her, she is still a virgin, Huanghua prostitute. You gave me six yuan stone, I transferred her to you, from She is your personal maid now."

"Brother, how are you..." Suddenly, it was said that the mind was broken, and the Founder was in a panic, and some were caught off guard.

But at the same time, his heart is certain, and his most worried things have not come true.

On the night before, Shen Cui personally waited for him to take a shower.

Although nothing substantive happened, Founder will never forget the gentleness of that night. Every time I think of Shen Cui, I think of her dexterous hands, soft red lips, and his heart is filled with a stir.

The feelings of youth have already accumulated in the chest of the teenager and sprouted.

So when he learned about Shen Cui's abnormality in the evening, his heart suddenly burst into a breath. He immediately gave up the refining and moonlight, and turned to the cottage to find Fangyuan, to come and discuss.

Seeing the party does not agree, Fang Yuan frowned: "Men and women love, normal, you are honest, dodging what. Of course, if you do not change, then forget."

Fang Zheng suddenly worried: "Change, how not to change. But I am not enough stone, it is not enough."

As he said, he took out the money bag and his face rose red.

Fang Yuan took the bag and found that there were six inside, but one of them was half smaller than the complete Yuanshi. He suddenly knew that this was Founder who took the real element in Yuanshi, so that he could refine the moonlight as soon as possible.

As the natural element is extracted, the volume of the stone becomes smaller and the weight is lighter.

Although there are only five and a half, Fang Yuan also knows: This is all the Yuanshi in the hands of Founder. He did not have any savings. The six yuan stones were not given to him by his aunt and his aunt.

"Yuanshi I accepted it, you can go." Fangyuan expression is indifferent, and put the bag into his arms.

"Brother..." Founder still wants to talk.

Fang Yuan raised his brow slightly, and slowly said: "I have not changed my mind, you better disappear from my eyes."

Founder was in a tight heart, biting his teeth, and finally turned away.

Stepping out of the inn of the inn, he subconsciously grabbed his chest and felt a sigh of relief in his heart. There is a feeling in the dark that tells him that he seems to have lost a very important thing at this moment.

But he quickly got a hot heart, he thought of Shen Cui, and the night of the dream.

"I can finally get you righteously, Tsui Cui." He did not return, and walked out of Fangyuan's field of vision.

Fang Yuan's face is expressionless, standing for a while, then slowly sit down.

The bright sunshine, through the window, shines on his indifferent face, giving people a feeling of coldness.

The business in the dining hall was a bit deserted, and there were more and more pedestrians on the streets. The noise came from the crowd, which further highlighted the silence here.

The breakfast was already cold, and the guy came over diligently and asked if he needed to reheat it.

Fang Yuan has never heard of it, his eyes are like a cloud of smoke, and he seems to be remembering something.

The guy waited for a while, but he saw Fang Yuan’s worry, and he never responded. He had to touch his nose and walked away.

After a long while, Fang Yuan’s eyes must be.

The memories of the heart, like smoke, have gradually faded.

He returned to the real world, and the sun shone in, illuminating more than half of the desktop. The hot air floating on the food has already dispersed, and the noise of the pedestrians on the streets has also passed to the ears.

Through the clothes, I reached out and touched the five and a half stone in my arms, and the corner of my mouth showed a bitter, ridiculous smile.

But the smile is on hold.

"Man, take this meal and get hot." Fang Yuan glanced at the food, whispered and shouted.

At this moment, his eyes are very clear.


"What! What did your brother say?" In the hall, his uncle frowned, his voice chilling.

The aunt was sitting aside and looking at the bright red palm print on the side of the Founder's face, very speechless.

"Yes, when I saw my brother, he was eating early at the inn, and the whole thing was like this." Fang Zhenggong replied succinctly.

The uncle's brow wrinkled deeper and he became a Sichuan word.

After a few breaths, he sighed deeply and said with a serious tone: "Founder, my child, you have to remember that the prostitute Shen Cui is not the private property of his source, but the one we allocated to him, how Can you buy and sell? If you want, you should tell us early, we will transfer her to you."

"Ah?" Founder was stunned.

My uncle waved: "You go first, your Yuanshi is given to Fangyuan, and I will give you six more. Remember, this time you have to use it on the refining, to win this first, we will You are proud."

"Father, adult, baby..." Founder was moved to tears.

My uncle sighed: "Go ahead, go on, go back to the room and smelt, you have wasted a lot of time."

The Founder retired, and the uncle showed his angry face.


He slaps and slaps on the table, whispering in a low voice: "Hey, this little rabbit scorpion, actually holding our people to do business, it is a sinister act!"

The aunt was busy advocating on the side: "Master, it is suffocating. It is only six yuan stone."

"You are a woman, know what! His source is only C and other qualifications. To refine the moonlight, you have to use Yuanshi. With his first refining method, the six yuan stone is definitely not enough. But now he With twelve pieces, it is more than enough." The uncle hated his teeth.

He continued to say: "The practice of the sergeant, as long as the resources are sufficient, not caught by the bottleneck, will be very fast. Two or three years of hard work, the family can train one by one." Low, the hope of taking home after one year is getting smaller. Now he is young and just practicing, we are stuck with him, so that he is behind his peers at the beginning. The resources of the school are rewarded to outstanding students. The qualifications will not be available when they are behind, and there will be no resources to assist in the practice. The vicious cycle will continue. After one year, can he still have the strength to inherit the family?"

My aunt is puzzled: "Even if we don't contain him, he will only turn at the middle level at most one year later. Master, you are second, and still afraid of him?"

My father is very angry: "Women and women, really long hair and shortsightedness! In my identity as an elder, is it necessary to confront a younger generation? He wants to recover the inheritance, reasonable and reasonable, and can not directly block, only from the family rules. The book rules clearly stipulate that: At the age of sixteen, if you want to become a family, you must have at least one middle-level repair. Otherwise, it means that he is not qualified to waste family resources. I say, you understand?"

The aunt suddenly realized.

The uncle raised his eyes and the inside was flashing. He shook his head slightly and said with emotion: "This source is too savvy, too deceitful. The lure is seen by him. What kind of mind is this? At a young age, he is scheming, horrible! Originally, he wanted to design him, he would I moved out directly. I also wanted to rely on Shen Cui to monitor him to interfere with him. As a result, he was sent away and earned six yuan stones."

"Hey, if he can be as stupid as Fangzheng. Right, you want the other party to be just a little better in the future. He is a qualification. And I can see that his source is very unconvincing and very unwilling. This is very emotional. Ok, I have to guide it. I have a hunch that he will be the best weapon to deal with Fangyuan in the future!"


In a blink of an eye, it was two days passed.

There was no light in the inn room. The moonlight sprinkled in and photographed a frost.

On the bed, Fangyuan closed his eyes and sat around, mobilizing the bronze real yuan, and refining the wine worms.

A small body of wine worms was dyed in bronze green, but the will is still tenacious, constantly struggling in the smoke-like real yuan package.

Fangyuan’s refining and chemical industry is not going well, and it can be said that it is difficult.

"I spent two days and two nights, only two hours of rest every day, costing twelve yuan stones, but only refining to one-fifth of the progress. According to time, that is, these days Someone will succeed in refining."

Fang Yuan is ignorant of the situation.

However, his qualifications were worse. Now the refining and drinking worms are extremely tenacious, and they are much higher than the usual moonlight. It is also normal to cause this backward situation.

"A moment's backwardness is nothing, as long as there is a wine worm..." Fang Yuanxin Lake is like a mirror, without a trace of anxiety and discouragement.

But at this moment, the worms suddenly collapsed and the group became a group.

"Not good, the locusts are back!" Fang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed a horror. In front of the eyes, the worms became a round dumpling, bursting into a glare of white light.

It is desperate!

Suddenly, Fang Yuan felt a strong will, from the body of the worm, directly crossed the real yuan, and came to his empty sea.

The situation of mites reversing is very rare. Only the locusts with the strong will will do their best, and if they are unsuccessful, they will become loyal.

If you change to other teenagers, you will be panicked in the face of this situation.

However, although Fang Yuan was shocked, he was slightly overjoyed: "It’s good to be desperate. As long as I take this back, I will greatly weaken the will of the wine worm. But then I will concentrate all my spirits and fight against this. The stock will impact, there must be no external interference. Otherwise it will be bad, hehe... I hope no one will bother me during this period."

After he thought about it, he was about to spur the empty real yuan and meet the will. Get entangled with it and fight for 300 rounds.

But at this time, the change is reborn!

A locust appeared in the open air of his empty center


This locust has a powerful atmosphere.

This breath is like a torrential stream, a flash flood, and a horrible behemoth that has been violated by majesty. Open the scarlet eyes and see who dares to offend its territory!

"This is the Spring and Autumn??" Seeing this locust, Fang Yuan was completely shocked! !

(ps: Thanks to fans 789, Lost の光, ㄨ太岁乂, Wei Luhui, Shuiyunyunqing's reward, thanks to the old friend Mingfeng soul classmates have always supported. The new book was released just a week, many old friends have come, Some even years ago. I saw the id you are familiar with, and I feel very warm in my heart. It can be said that without your support, I can't go today.

I will continue to go on, three years, six years, nine years... During this period, some friends will leave temporarily, and some friends will always be there. In the journey of life, we prove each other's existence, and we prove each other that we have lived.

I am imagining a situation like this: When we are old, my friends will see the id of "蛊人", smile and say to themselves: "Oh, it is him, I saw his novel when I was young. I I also voted for him." Or I flipped through the previous layout and saw a familiar id, a reward, a monthly vote, and a comment. I will recall that when I was alone in the code, these names were trekking, giving me a warm light.

This book is a small turning point here. Fangyuan will begin to truly show its unique style. The friends who can see here are all good people. I am here to guarantee, this book will be more and more exciting, the update will be very stable, much better than the previous one. Please vote for more referrals, which is currently needed. )

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