Reverend Insanity

: Section 180: Look at the opening ceremony

() One hundred and eighty-eight: look at the opening ceremony

"The time is almost up, can't wait any longer. m"

The night has already come, and in the dark room, Fang Yuan opened his eyes.

He had already lost his sergeant suit and wore a black robe to cover his legs and feet. Together with the long hair he raised, he walked in the dark, like a ghost.

In his previous life, he was used to long hair. Some locusts need long hair and power. Such as black scorpion, steel shovel and so on.

Long hair is very convenient, sometimes you need to change your face, he will cut the long hair. But short hair can only rely on the power of locusts to grow in a short time.

Not long ago, he and the ancient moon desert agreement. Up to now, the pig iron, and the 40,000 yuan stone were handed over to Fang Yuan in batches. Only the grasshopper used for treatment has not yet arrived.

"Without treatment, you can only forget it. How can everything be done, the reality is full of helplessness..."

Fangyuan sighed, stood up, gently pushed open the door, used the hidden scales, disappeared into the night.

He is also forced by the situation and has to act.

The ironclad father and daughter became more and more tight, and his intention to sell Xiongjiazhai was also prevented.

Most of the power of Xiongjiazhai was preserved, which made Baijia and Guyue families dare not go too much. Therefore, the claim was not exhausted, and the three parties agreed to conduct tribal competition.

Although Momai intends to recruit Fangyuan, this move has caused Fangyuan to fall into the political struggle and cause hostility to the rest of the family.

In addition, the closer to death, the stronger the white ice, the more and more unfavorable sources of the situation, and it has already forced him into a desperate situation.

Fang Yuan is a veteran, but the strategy must also be supported by his own strength. In the face of such a situation, although he has done his best, and has made great progress compared with the previous life, the repair of the third-level initial stage is still not enough, it is difficult to break.

"The situation is dumping, only the soldiers are in danger, the next dose of medicine!" Fang Yuan left and thought, and put his mind on Tianyuan Baolian.

As long as he takes off Tianyuan Baolian, the Yuanquan of the underground cave will be abolished. The family is bound to investigate madly, but apart from the investigation?

Yuanquan has been abolished. Even if Tianyuan Baolian is taken back, re-inserted into Yuanquan, or even destroyed, Yuanquan cannot be restored.

What else can the family survive?

The only way is to have one, that is to seize the new Yuanquan!

However, there are only three Yuanquan springs on Qingmao Mountain, each occupied by three. If one of them is destroyed by Fangyuan, then there is only one choice and two options in front of the ancient moon.

This choice is war.

Two options, the first is the white family, and the second is the bear family.

Only the Yuanquan of one of them has been captured, and the ancient moon family has the material foundation of existence.

Without the support of Yuanquan, there is no way to talk about the practice of Yanshi.

However, this move is dangerous. There is no way for Fang Yuan, chūn autumn 蝉 is getting faster and faster, and the air is already overwhelmed. He didn't have much time, he could only fight back in the Jedi, and he would survive from the dead and earn a life.


In the hall, the lights were lit.

The sergeant has already taken the picture and saved it, but this time it was pinched in the hands of Gu Yuebo.

"Iron God catches, what do you mean about my request?" Gu Yuebo smiled.

Tie Ruoman snorted.

The iron and blood were cold and indulgent for a moment, nodded: "Whether, if I find that Fang Yuan is really the murderer, I will leave plenty of time for him to participate in the time of the tribe."

"Father..." Tie Ruo’s eyes flashed differently, this is not a cold style.

"Hehehe. Tie Shen catches a word, never swears. I can trust you completely under the letter, and thank you for your understanding." Gu Yuebo smiles more and more, but his heart is cold.

The ancient moon medicine Ji privately led the iron family father and daughter, sneaked into the underground cave, and watched the family history books. Is this a patriarch who would not know?

It’s just that the ratio is imminent, and at the same time the political struggle in the family is complicated.

Although the iron and blood cold is a five-turn strong, but the powerful force can not kill the dissatisfaction of Gu Yuebo.

"Fortunately, the most authentic content is recorded in the secret history of the family. It has always been mastered by the patriarchs of the past. The official history is just for the outsiders." Gu Yuebo was secretly proud.

The history books of the ancient moon family are divided into a real history and a secret history.

The collection of the official history is in the secret room of the underground cave, and the content is covered by the posterity of the posterity. It is true and false, and it hides the eyes and ears.

The secret history records the most authentic content, without a trace of falsification, and even many secrets of ulterior motives are recorded.

For example, how the blood drop is summoned, there is absolutely no history, only the secret history records.

"The ancient moon patriarch, my father has promised your request, now it is time to show us the image." Tie Ruo male is not good tone.

"Even if the iron **** catches it, I will try my best to cooperate with you to investigate the case." Gu Yuebo smiled and clarified one sentence, and gently pinched it, and then shattered the shadow.

This smashed, but turned into a group of colorful smoke, mixed with all kinds of noise.

Gu Yuebo opened his mouth and blew it. The smoke flew to a wall and then did not enter.

It seems that the ink drops fall into the water, and the white walls soon appear a colorful mark.

The more the imprint is enlarged, the more images are formed, which is the case of the past.

In this image, Founder quickly found himself and had many familiar faces.

These faces are all looking around with caves with excitement, and their faces are filled with juvenile tenderness. Just like the chicks just fluttering their wings and flew out of the nest.

"That is the source of the source..." Similarly, Tie Ruoman quickly discovered Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan walked in the team. Although he looked around, his eyes were plain and indifferent. Standing in the same age, it seems to stand out. However, if you don't pay attention to him, ordinary people will not find this strange thing on him.

But now everyone in the church has focused on him, making this point of nothing.

"Hey? This source is really weird." At this moment, even Gu Yuebo can not help but reveal a slightly surprised look.

The pictures on the walls changed, and the teenagers came to the sea of ​​flowers.

To open up, a teenager crosses the underground river and goes to the flower sea on the other side.

I hope that the glory of the glory will come one after another.

The teenagers still have old voices and they are clearly heard.

The scene reappeared at the time, making people immersive.

First, the ancient moon and desert north measured the qualifications of B and caused a sensation. Then it was followed by Gu Yue Chicheng, which was also tested as B.

"Sure enough, this ancient moon Chicheng **** sè is too nervous, the body is stiff, the skin is not unusual, but the underground cave is not bright, but if you look closely, you can find that he is coated with something to attract Hope 蛊. Oh, it should be cheating." Tie Ruo-nan saw this, his heart has been determined.

But she wrinkled her brows.

Fang Yuan appeared, and he crossed the river and boarded the other side.

The glory of hope is not very strong. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, the disappointment of the teenager and the old family, and it is also introduced to the ears.

Everything seems to be normal, but the iron brows are wrinkled more tightly.

Fang Yuan’s **** has always been very calm.

At that time, he turned his back to the old and the young, so others could not see his god. But now, if Tie Ruoman is a bystander, she finds that Fang Yuan’s **** has always been indifferent and has not changed.

It is like, like... he seems to have known the result as long ago!

"It's impossible! Think about it. If it's me, the 15-year-old audience looks at it, but it is checked out that only C and other qualifications. How could there be no trace of loss, disappointment, and discouragement? How could this be, how could this be?" Iron Ruo’s brows are almost twisted into shackles.

Huge suspicion, shrouded in her heart, so that her breathing is suppressed.

Her heart is jumping at this moment. The thoughts one by one are flashing in her mind like electric light.


How could this be?

"Wait a minute, qualification... Can you say?!" Tie Ruoman suddenly looked up and felt that his heart was blown up. A very bold and crazy speculation came to her mind.


The splendid light and shadow is reflected in the face of Founder.

For him, the opening ceremony is the most important turning point in his life.

Before the opening ceremony, he had a kind of life, humble and small, unknown. After the opening ceremony, he has another life, shining and confident.

In his impression, the opening ceremony was vague, and it was over.

At this moment, Founder looks at the ceremony from the perspective of the onlookers. The complex feelings in his heart are difficult to express in words.

Founder saw himself appearing, how intimate and weak he was at that time.

Then, he saw himself falling in the river, struggling to smash, and was picked up by his brother Fang Yuan, and he was covered with a wolf.

There is a smile in his mouth, this is what he used to be, how many people are ridiculed!

Then he saw himself stepping into the other side, walking with a boring head, and the light of hope shrouded in his body, which shocked and impressed countless people.

This is a moment of This is a miracle moment!

A qualification, since then the world is different!

"Founder, I have a question, I want to ask you." Tie Ruonan suddenly spoke, disrupting the feelings of Founder.

"What? Please, I must know all the words." Founder looked back and smiled.

"It's your brother's business. When your brother helped you, I saw his lips twitching, but the sound around him was too noisy. What did he say to you, can you tell me truthfully?" Asked.

"At the time..." Founder was caught in memories. "It seems to be saying... road?"

"Yes. It's the road." Founder's eyes were clear, "I remembered. He said to me: The road ahead will be very colorful. Um? It’s weird, I didn’t think it, I remember now, I feel my brother’s This sentence has a deep meaning, as if he knew in advance that I had a qualification!"

"No, he doesn't know the qualifications of A, but the other is what he refers to." Tie Ruo's male body was shocked, his expression was complicated, and he spit out a sigh of gas. (To be continued.

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