Reverend Insanity

: Section 783: Not counting

West desert.

The home base camp, the garden is a blessed land.


The eaves spit out a bit of blood and fell to the ground.

"Yifu!" Beside him, the adopted son Fang Yun quickly stepped forward and helped the eaves.

The eaves were so injured that when they were standing up, they still wobbled and dizzy.

He quickly inspected his own situation and immediately smiled.

This time he was injured, his mind was hit hard, and there was a huge crack, almost splitting his mind in half. At the same time, his soul is also wounded, and there is a strange green blue glow in the flesh, which gives off the atmosphere of the wooden road.

The eaves sighed and looked at the huge palace in front of him.

The palace is like a mountain, with blue brick and gold tiles, giving off the fresh fragrance of the rich vegetation. Sturdy and solemn, but full of vitality. At the top of the gate, there is a plaque, and the three characters of the book - the Bean God Palace!

"In the end, it is the immortal house created by Yuan Lian Xianzun. It is comprehensive and has no loopholes. I forcibly calculated that I suffered such a counter-attack. It was because I was too embarrassed, and I was too anxious."

"Yifu, the situation of our house is still good, let's take it slowly." Fang Yun advised.

The elders shook their heads: "My house situation has stabilized, but it is still not optimistic. The reason why the family did not send it, but was shocked by our killings, never gave up on us. We must Take time, don't be slack."

"Yes, the righteous father."

The eaves looked at the Bean God Palace and sighed again: "Oh, unfortunately, our house does not have the celestial cult of the wooden road. The core of this Bean Palace is the wooden road. If there is a wooden road, the seven 蛊 蛊 辅 assist me, I am inferred that there will be no small progress in this house."

There are many deserts in the West Desert, emeralds, and the two genres of wood and waterways are the least.

In the five domains, the number of wooden roads is the first in southern Xinjiang, and the waterway is the largest in the East China Sea.

Fang Yun thought for a moment: "There is no wisdom road in our house, but there is still a wisdom road."

"You mean nothing?" The eaves looked long and gaze, flashed a hint of vigilance, and immediately looked at Fang Yun. "Is he asking you to refer?"

Fang Yun snorted and shook his head. "No, no, the baby just said this. It’s not always the case that adults have never hinted at it. In fact, after he joined my family, he has been guarded and never contacted the child. ”

The elders were only slightly slower: "I don't know if this person is not a surname. Although he joined the house, we have to count."

"Yifu, are you skeptical of the loyalty of the adults?" Fang Yun scratched his head.

The elders raised their eyes: "If I have his help, there will be progress. But I know that people don't know, especially the treasures of the Dou Jingu. Even if he didn't have this thought before, he would see this palace. When you get along with each other, you can’t afford to be greedy."

Having said that, the elders are still not at ease: "Isn't that over there, what has happened recently?"

Fang Yun replied honestly: "There is no movement. However, there are rumors that it is not a big man. He said that he is actually a descendant of the old **** of the split, and the embers of the magic road are absorbed by my family. There are also rumors that Wanjia will pursue this. Things will really verify the identity of adults."

The eaves suddenly screamed coldly: "This group of people still want to hold on and count! But this excuse is looking for a similar, at least than before, he is rumored to be the source of the devil, to be true and credible. ”

The elders sneered in a row, but they did not know that the previous rumors were the truth. Instead, they were rumors that were now circulating and distorted the facts.

The old man of the split **** is the wise mind of Wanjia, but because of the mistakes in practice, he became crazy and unconscious. The old man of the Split God has seven transformations. After the madness, the combat power is stronger, causing huge losses to the Wanjia, and also slaughtering the other sects of the right path.

At that time, there was a sensation in the western desert and the immortal world. After that, several right-hand forces joined forces to kill the old man. Life and death did not find the traces of the old **** of the split, and eventually the old **** of the gods disappeared without a trace. This matter is gone.

The eaves grew up and said: "I don't know how good the strength is. This kind of worming technique is sure to be true. But after he joined the house, he was considered to be a loophole in the house. It is also normal to take care of him. He concentrates on guarding, not to be easily dispatched, and leave it to the opponent. As for his identity, our house will clarify for him and give a perfect explanation to the West Desert."

When the words were just finished, the face of the elders changed.

Fang Yun met his father's face in a wrong face and quickly asked: "What happened?"

The long face of the eaves was pale and weak. At this moment, it added a hint of iron and blue: "I can’t just write a letter, saying that he’s going to a certain wise road, it’s nearby, and it’s probably a rumor spreader. He I have already gone to catch it at the moment."

Fang Yun suddenly stayed: "This?!"

In accordance with the normal rules, but those who are defying resources, want to attack, must first report to the family. Only after the family has been approved can it be dispatched.

But it is not obvious that this is an obvious first play, he directly dispatched, and then reported. Regardless of whether the house agreed or not, he opened the guarded place and acted directly.

"In the end it is a loose repair, the wild is difficult to tame!" The eaves long hated the teeth, but this time, he suffered heavy damage, can not be calculated more.

He had to contact the house to go to the elders' house, so that he could not get support as soon as possible.

Fang Yun on the side is somewhat puzzled: "The father of the righteous, the situation may not be so bad. Let the elders of the elders support, is it a little too big a problem? It is not a big man but a wise mind, he will definitely calculate If you are too, you will be sure."

The long face of the eaves is very gloomy: "There is no limit to being outstanding, but he is arrogant, and I am afraid that he will be counted. If those righteous deliberately attract him, it would be awkward to set up a serial. Once he was captured or killed, those When the family creates an iron case, you can fall into my house at will, and then further suppress my family."

"Of course, this is only a possibility. I hope I am pessimistic. The key is that at this juncture, our homes are not allowed to have such mistakes."

Fang Yun listened, and this was suddenly realized, and his face was hard to look at. He barely smiled: "Isn't things going to be so serious?"

Things are so serious!

When Fang Yuan kills, Zhidao Yuxian Wanlianghan is leisurely calm: "I can't count it, you are finally here, let me wait."

Saying, the already ambushed Xiandao battlefield was launched and the Fangyuan was covered.

"It turned out to be a trap!" Fang Yuan disguised as not a sneer, his eyes flashing, watching the three immortals approaching him.

These three celestial beings are all seven turns.

A tall and thin body, dressed in a green robe, surrounded by whirlwinds, surnamed Wan Ming, confident and calm: "I can't count, you are still a wise man! I am so easy to fall into the trap of me."

The second person, Xian Xian, was light, and he did not see his face. He was covered with a layer of light armor and radiated huge heat. There is a rumbling voice in the heavy light armor: "If you can't figure it out, if you know each other, you will turn your hand and turn to my house, and testify to the house. We will not embarrass you, but will also treat you as a guest!"

The third 蛊仙 is the wise seduce of the source of the seduce, named Wan Lianghan, whose forehead is swollen and looks ugly. At this moment, he laughs: "I don't know how to be a fairy, you are a wise person. The situation. Even if you escape today, there will be a lot of trouble to find you in the future. You should not join the house at this time."

Fang Yuan's face is cold, just sneer.

At this moment, he disguised himself as an inexhaustible, thin-faced, long-haired shawl, double-spotted white, a pair of black scorpions, containing vicissitudes of life and wild vision. After listening to the words of the Three Immortals, they were trapped in the battlefield of Xiandao, but there was no slight wavering.

This is of course!

Because the strength of Fangyuan is hidden, let alone three or seven turns, even if it is three-eight-turn, he is not afraid.

Wanjia Sanxian thinks that Fangyuan is calculated. I don’t know that Fangyuan’s special trip from South Xinjiang is to solve them and stir up the West Desert!

Recently, Wan Lianghan repeatedly calculated Fangyuan, Fangyuan has the defense of the Emperor, no flaws, but it also weakens the soul of the soul ~ ~ trouble is not annoying, this time to solve them It is imperative.

Fangyuan immediately opened the Xianyu portal and released the soul beast.

A wild-level soul beast and an ancient soul beast are released, so that Wan San San Xian is very surprised.

Doesn't it mean that he is a fairy of wisdom? How can I manipulate so many soul beasts?

"In this battlefield of the Immortal, more soul beasts are useless!" Wan Hao launched the battlefield of Xiandao, suddenly picked up a huge tornado, slowly oppressed.

Soul beasts are closely united around Fangyuan, and follow the source slowly, and the number is increasing.

"How does he have so many soul beasts in his hands?" Wanjia Sanxian became more and more surprised. It is not clear that it is a wise mind, and it is too imperious to manipulate the soul and beast army.

The tornado is faster and approaches the soul of the enemy.

The soul beast is stunned, but the hurricane of the tornado is like the power of heaven and earth in this battlefield of the immortality. It is only weakened and the foot is extremely stable.

Fang Yuan will be hands-on, urging the killing to block the tornado.

I saw the three immortals, and the surprise in my heart was a little slower.

In the end, Fang Yuan used the wisdom to kill, not the soul to kill.

"It doesn't work like this, his soul beast seems to be endless. I want to shoot!" Wan Guangguang said.

"Go, let's cover you." Wan Lianghan snorted.

Marriott Light has entered the army of the Souls, and he is extremely fast, giving full play to the advantages of the light.

Every source of the source mobilizes the army of soul beasts, and encircles him. Wan Lianghan and Wan Hao rush to kill and slap the light.

With good cooperation, Wanguang will make a breakthrough in the middle of the road.

Fangyuan's face color is unchanged, and four soul beasts are released.

"Well?" Wanhao rushed to the stagnation, and immediately shouted, "Taiwan Soul!"

Wan Lianghan and Wan Hao both stayed together, unbelievable: "Is it still four?"

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