Reverend Insanity

: Section 802: Justice of Heaven

Blood gas is very easy to get! Killing a group of beasts and extracting them with blood means can harvest a large number. In the immortal 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢 豢

It is precisely because the blood resources are easy to obtain, the blood line is terrible, and it is finally forbidden by the five domains.

In exchange for other fairy materials, Founder may ask for help from the martial art, but it is only bloody, and the Founder itself does not have much demand.

For Founder, getting the blood that you need, but the process is more troublesome, time is wasted.

Thinking of this, Founder informed Fan Xiliu of his plan. He has a special status and cannot walk out of Feihe Mountain at will.

After Fan Xiliu knew it, he handed it to Founder a task: "Exactly! There is a Jinshan cattle in the northwest, and you have to solve this problem. Kill it or capture it. If you can catch it, the contribution will be doubled."

Founder’s heart, Jinshan cattle is a wild animal, he has never fought with the wild beast.

After the reaction, his heart was a little excited and immediately agreed.

Founder is no longer a hairy boy. After a lot of tempering in the blessed land, I have thought about it.

He was not in a hurry to find Jinshan cattle trouble, but first went to the letter building in the crane gate.

The Baihexin Building is a fairy house with nine floors and a foothold on a remote mountainside in Feihe Mountain.

There are deep clouds of fog and lush vegetation.

Founder is driving away.

Although he specialized in blood, he learned art in Xianhemen in the early years, and he was also familiar with the cranes.

At the time of the blessing, he participated in the Sanlu War, there was no chance to conquer the flying crane, but there was always a feeling of flying cranes in his heart.

Change of fate, he was rescued by Feng Jiu Ge, and returned to Xianhemen, and he was valued by the heavenly court.

With the cultivation of Zhu Xian, it became the elder of the Taishou Gate. Founder was able to dispatch a flying crane to serve as a means of transportation.

In front of the gate of Baihexin Building, there was no guard, but there were two wild beasts flying around to live in the vicinity. Once there is any accident, the two wild beasts will appear in time to serve as qualified guards.

Fangzheng drove the flying crane, just approaching the Baihexin Building, the flying crane at the foot continued to tremble, and the snoring sound also turned into a whine.

Founder can not help but sigh: "My flying crane is a five-turned beast. When I first came to Xianhemen, I thought it was even powerful, but now it is no different."

"The difference between Xianfan, it really is the difference between the clouds and mud."

Founder fell to the ground in front of the gate of Baihexinlou. The flying crane under his feet almost fell to the ground.

Founder sighed and took it to Xian.

He has the status of a elder who is too elder. The gate of Baihexin Building is unopened and Fangzheng enters it.

Each floor in the letter building is filled with a large number of channels.

When Founder wants to get news from it, it is necessary to exchange it with his own martial art contribution.

The letter building itself can store information, but Xianhemen does not do this kind of thing. Because the letter building was destroyed, the information was destroyed. The letter building is a unilateral fairy house, just like the fairy house in the heavens, only the power of the channel.

If it is a complete fairy house, taking into account the defense, naturally there is no need for two wild animals, the white crane guard.

The channel of the Founder's channel is poor and white, and naturally it does not see the mystery of the letter building. But he can completely imagine that the letter building has a layout for the preservation, transmission, and even destruction of these locusts.

Baihe Xinlou has the function of collecting information and correcting the news. Most of the information can be inquired.

Of course, the real secret is just a high-level exposure.

Although Founder is a elder, it is impossible to become the real high-level of the crane. He has a special status and is always excluded.

Before the change, the Founder was not deeply involved and ignorant, but now he has experienced many and has a thorough understanding.

This thoroughness did not make him complacent, but more distressed.

He therefore understands the situation of Fangyuan in Qingmao Mountain. Depending on the circumstances of Fangyuan at that time, it was not for the high-level officials to see. If you want to seek progress, you will only be deceived and robbed.

"In fact, the creation of Xianhemen, the move to the present, isn't that the case? They occupy resources, and many of the resources are controlled by the former sacred fairy and the sorcerer."

"And heaven, known as justice, is nothing like it. Looking back at history, their territory is robbed from the hands of strangers."

"The heavens are just the justice of the human race." Fang Zheng thought.

In exchange for other Zhongzhou Zhengdao, I don’t think so. This kind of thinking is a bit of a big deal.

But Founder, he lived in the Maomin community. Although he was excluded, he really felt the customs and customs of Maomin and learned more about Maomin.

How can you survive and grow in a different environment?

The unique experience brings a unique perspective to Founder. The hardships and hardships that have been used have now turned into his wealth. Although his vision is not high and wide, he is also unique.

"It’s just the **** that determines the head. I still like this kind of justice." Founder smiled and began to look up the information.

"The wild animal Jinshan cattle, um, this is this." After climbing several layers, he found the corresponding channel.

God thought and explored it, and suddenly a wave of information flowed into my heart.

Jinshan cattle are as big as mountains, only females, like to devour Jinjing. After consuming hundreds of pounds of Jin Jing, they plunged into the cave and fell into a sleep.

"Eat sleep, sleep and eat? It is a good life." Founder smiled.

He then saw: Jinshan cattle body, is the highest value of the horn. The horns are one hundred feet long, hard and curved, and the vines are stretched and stretched, eventually winding the entire head and neck until they extend to the abdomen. When the golden horns of the mountain extend to the abdomen, the sharp horns will reach the cow's belly. Jinshan cattle only need to make their heads slightly, they can drive the horns, and cut their entire belly from the back to the front. The descendants of Jinshan cattle, a golden calf, will emerge from this huge wound and jump out.

Founder’s eyes twitched and whispered in his mouth: “This way of reproduction is somewhat similar to that of Shiren.”

Founder continues to browse.

After the Jinshan cattle gave birth to a child, because of the huge wounds, the pain, the great mourning, and the blood flow.

The newborn golden calf, if it chooses the wound of the cow, the unique trace on the calf's tongue will make the wound of Jinshan cow recover quickly until it is cured.

If the golden calf does not need a tongue to lick the wound, then the cow will die. The calf swallows the blood of the cow and can quickly grow itself, directly across the weak period of childhood.

"Interesting!" Founder lamented.

The lifestyle of Jinshan cattle is to eat and sleep, and to sleep. This means that cows give birth to children, gold cowboys save cows, cows still don't take care of them, and they will fall into sleep after eating a lot.

For the little cowboy, saving the cows is worse than not saving them, which is more conducive to their survival.

Therefore, most of the small cowboys are watching the cows die, only a small part of the wounds, save the cows.

"Cow giving birth to a child often means a human tragedy. Although it is understandable to survive, I prefer the little cowboys who save the lives of cows."

After the party saw the information, the mind had a countermeasure.

He even turned out the letter building, the grasp of this martial mission is completely different from before entering the building.

He decided to follow the habit of Jinshan cattle.

Does Jinshan Cattle prefer to swallow Jinjing?

Then he will make a gold essence, and others will use fishing lures, and this gold essence is the bait for hanging cattle!

Although the strength of the Founder is not bad, this time nest in his own fairy, familiar with a lot of **** killings, can already be hard and hard with Jinshan cattle.

But can use five-point force, why should we use it?

The safest and safest choice is to use wisdom to the enemy, try to use all the advantages around you, and leave a little effort to deal with any accidents.

This is the habit of exercising in the years of war.

A few days later, Founder came to the destination.

He quietly entered the valley and cast a huge gold essence on the edge of the activities of Jinshan cattle.

When the Jinshan calf arrived here, its nose swayed, and the golden eyes of the eyes flashed, quickly discovering the golden essence buried deep under the ground.

Jinshan cattle used their own hooves and huge horns to excavate.

The boulder was dug, the dust was flying, and Jin Jing was quickly exposed. Then, the golden mountain cows who were happy were divided into two, and then swallowed into the abdomen.

"It’s counted!" Founder witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

He waited patiently, watching the full-fledged Jinshan cattle get into the cave before, and once again fell into a deep After three days and three nights, the Jinshan cattle suddenly came out from the depths of the cave. Mourning voice.

The sleeping party was awakened by the call. After the reaction, he was overjoyed: "The toxicity is finally spreading and functioning."

But he still didn't enter the cave, but waited patiently at the hole.

The poisonous hair brought great pain, and the Jinshan cattle went crazy and mad, and they bite in the cave. The whole mountain was shivering slightly, and the surrounding forests were smashing, and a large number of creatures fled.

After a while, the terrible movement in the cave gradually stopped.

Founder entered the cave and started a fierce battle with the half-disabled Jinshan cattle.

After fighting for a little while, Founder saw Jinshan Niu being completely irritated by himself and voluntarily quit the cave.

It is too dangerous to fight against Jinshan cattle in this cave. Once collapsed, Founder is a six-turn sin, and there are also bad troubles.

Moreover, the Founder came here only to capture the Jinshan cattle, not to destroy the forest and destroy the forest.

Founder had a hole, and Jinshan Niu was also behind.

The two fight again in the valley. In the end, Founder relies on the blood to cool down and kill the Jinshan cattle, and then catch them.

However, just as he was going to bring this Jinshan cattle to Xianxian, a powerful momentum rose from the body of Jinshan cattle.

At the same time, a brass gold tripe was directly knocked out from the body of Jinshan cattle.

"This is?!" Founder was shocked.

In the next moment, the brass gold tripod jumped out of an eight-turn celestial.

"A little spirituality is hidden in the gold, and 300,000 is contained in the gods."

"The present is coming to see the sky, and Fengzheng is bloody."

The eight-turn female fairy slowly sang and fell to the front of Founder. The other party smiled and said: "Little friend, it seems that you helped me wake up?"

The Founder was stunned and did not expect such a change!

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