Reverend Insanity

: Section 804: Heaven and Earth without justice

A "wine is poisonous!" Chen’s body swayed and looked at Fangyuan with anger: “Single patriarch, is the wine you offered, what do you want?!”

This change was a bit sudden, and Fang Yuan stayed for a while.

He hasn't said anything yet. He is close to the teacher he is sitting on, but he stands up and sneer: "What to do? Of course it is killing you, removing the Chen family. This mountain has been since ancient times. It’s my single family. No matter your Chen family or Nie’s family, it was just a slave to my family at first!”

"You fart! It is clearly the mountain of my Chen family. When my ancestors were kind and sincere, they have taken two families whose homes were destroyed and forced to wander." Chen’s teacher immediately retorted.

The single singer who continued to sneer continued to sneer: "The shameless servant, and you say that it is useless. Now everything is late, your patriarch drank the poisoned wine. This poisonous wine was made with the heart of the woman. Resist the justice of your patriarch. Without your patriarchs, who of your Chen family can fight our single family?"

Chen Jiaxuan’s men suddenly paled and were said to have soft spots.

Fang Yuan is stunned again, whispering to the single teacher who is jumping around, "Who told you that the poisonous wine made by the woman's heart can restrain the justice?"

The single teacher was obviously the confidant of the deputy patriarch, and the words were also embarrassed. He asked in a desperate way: "Ah? Adult, isn’t that what you said?"

“唉?!” Fang Yuan was stunned.


Chen’s family broke out in the sky, and the paleness and anger of his face quickly dissipated, turning to a serious face.

He glared at the tiger's eyes, staring at Fangyuan, and shouting in a hurry: "Single star! You mean this shameless villain! I dare to do this conspiracy. I really misread you, have no eyes, I thought I thought You really take care of the overall situation, are willing to sacrifice yourself, and let the patriarchs give me a big position. It turns out that you have always been scolding my justice, and scrutinizing my strength, so I will not hide it."

Fang Yuan felt a headache, and he thought about it quickly: "The Chen family has five transformations, and my current strength is only four turns. At the same time, the locusts are also a grade. It is really not a fight for Chen’s family. what."

The confession around him screamed: "How, what happened? He obviously drank poisonous wine, but justice is still effective! Single star, you are not saying..."

When Fang Yuan suddenly appeared, he thought of the solution.

Yes, as long as the justice fails, the Chen family will be poisoned, the poison will attack, and his strength will plummet, and he will be able to play it.

"It turns out that." Fang Yuan died under the attack of Chen’s family leader, but he smiled slightly.

The second scene is a re-exploration of dreams.

In the hall, the lights are shining. The wine is fragrant, the dishes are full of dishes, and dozens of sorcerers gather together to push the cup for change.

Chen’s family drank a swig of wine and put down an empty glass of wine. He sighed: “There is finally victory! Good brother, telling you what you are saying, it’s only for the brothers to come to the present. Since I heard that Nie’s home With the conspiracy to destroy the mountain roots, I can't sleep. They can't compete with our two peoples to join hands, and we must implement such a plan of madness and ignorance, regardless of the spirit of life. Fortunately, there are eyes in the sky, and many people will be self-satisfied. These people will eventually fall to today. It’s really what they are looking for.”

Fang Yuan sneered and whispered: "This thing, in fact, there are hidden feelings. Nie has no such conspiracy, but I am responsible for orchestrating and deliberately deceiving you. The people you kill are innocent. ”

"What?!" The Chen family grew up in shock and looked at Fangyuan in disbelief. "Single Xiandi, are you drinking too much? What crazy things to say!"

Fang Yuan looked at Chen’s family in a sinister manner: “You are too naive, I have been kept in the dark. You are a scorpion, how many innocent people have been slaughtered? Your hands are covered with blood, your justice is illusory. You are just a coward, an idiot. Also, you drink too much."

"What?! You poisoned in the wine?" The Chen family was poisonous and shocked to cover the abdomen and fell down on the spot.

Chen Jiaxuan was stunned and horrified, and the single teacher of the family had long been prepared to kill the killers.

Chen’s family wanted to fight, but his body was powerless and he could only watch it.

Fang Yuan’s confession exclaimed excitedly: “Surely the poisonous wine is effective, and the justice of the Chen’s family is restrained.”

Fangyuan almost couldn't help but turn a blind eye.

To promote justice, in addition to the real yuan, you must also believe that you are a party to justice.

Fang Yuan’s words just made the Chen family’s long-term confusion, doubting themselves, being ashamed and difficult, and justice could not be motivated.

The battle suddenly broke out and ended quickly.

The single family was prepared, and the Chen family went up to the patriarch and went down to the sergeant.

When the hall was completely calmed down, Chen’s master was already dead and wounded, but everyone who was alive was captured.

The second act passed smoothly.

The third act is coming.

Fang Yuan was in the cage, and the only one in front of him was the Chen family.

He was bruised and bruised, his breath was extremely weak, his face was pale as paper, his eyes were purple and black, and his toxicity was heavy.

Fang Yuan saw his scars, apparently being tortured and tortured, on the verge of life and death.

This is the case, the Chen family leader was also locked by the chain and limbs and neck, spread on the ground, there is no air intake.

"What is this?" Fang Yuan looked at himself again and suddenly became speechless. He is also locked by a chain. The body is old and weak, and it is as slim as the Chen family.

Although he has four turns of open space, the empty space has been destroyed, and there are not many locusts.

"What do I want to do? I am no longer a patriarch of the traitor, but I have changed my identity. Um... At the moment, except for me, it is him. It seems that he has to talk to him and ask the situation." I laughed twice and was about to speak. The Chen family chief had already said: "You don't have to laugh at me, hehe."

"Hey?!" Fang Yuan is very surprised. What is he playing now? Then why is he locked here? And look at the situation, has been closed for a long time, is not a new cell like Chen’s family.

The Chen family said again: "Oh, I will defeat you and shut you in. But I have never regretted it! Because you are corrupt, the evidence is conclusive, there is no justice, you are not worthy to be the patriarch of the Chen family. According to the family rules You should be punished like this."

"It turned out that you were pitted." Fang Yuan snorted.

The Chen family leader continued: "The same, I have not regretted my current end. I am guilty! I killed so many innocent people, the hands are covered with the blood of the Nie family. I am damned!"

"Hehehe." Chen’s family smiled sullenly. “The single family tried every means to force me to surrender justice. But what did their persecution count? Their roar, the sound of their whip, the sound of the iron on my flesh. I listened to my ears and was the mourning and accusation of the Nie family."

"I would rather beat them more, and I will suffer more pains! But these can't repay my sins! Can't make up for my fault! I **** it, let me die like this! This is me. It deserves."


The Chen family snorted and screamed and died.

His death immediately alerted the caretaker, and soon, the successful single star came over.

"Really dead! Damn, justice is not available." Single star is very angry, gnashing his teeth.

Suddenly, he turned to look at Fangyuan, his eyes spurting fire: "Old things, we are not negotiating, let you persuade you this son! What have you done? You have nothing to use, follow your son." !"


When the single star said that it was hands-on, he started to cut Fang Yuan’s head directly.

Exploring the failure, the source of the wilderness was once again expelled from the dream.

This time, Fangyuan has been resting for a long time.

The third act of dreams is obviously the last scene. Fangyuan’s exploration fails, and the damage to the wild is quite serious.

While recovering the state, Fang Yuan carefully considered in his heart: "The third act, he is the old man of the Chen family, but it is a crippled goods. It is powerless to rely on oneself to get out of trouble."

"The real key is the Chen family leader itself."

"So, what are the conditions for passing the dream of the third act?"

Fang Yuan is now the first person in the world to explore the dream experience. This question has not been difficult for him, he will soon understand.

"My previous two dreams were all different identities. But the conditions of dreams are actually the same. That is to meet the needs of the parties in the situation at the time."

"In the first act, I am the Chen family leader. I need to lead the people to win, and this victory is still beautiful, and the power cannot be lost too much."

"In the second act, I am the deputy patriarch, single star. What is needed is the success of the rebellion. The key is to suppress the other party's justice."

"In the third act, I was the elder of the Chen family. I was beaten down by my son. I have been in the cell for many years. Of course I want to regain my freedom. Therefore, he promised to cooperate with a single star to persuade his son to surrender justice. In exchange for freedom."

Fang Yuan re-entered the dream.

Fang Yuan sneered twice.

Chen’s family chief has already said: “You don’t have to laugh at me, hehe.”

"You are my son, I laugh at you. Are you laughing at me? I just regret it. I just sacrificed myself to accomplish you. I want you to lead Chen to the glory and prosperity with justice. As a result, you become a prisoner. I don't believe it. I really misread you. I know that I will not fake my evidence of corruption." Fang Yuandao.

The Chen family stunned for a moment and was tempted by curiosity: "Hey, what do you mean?"

Fang Yuan sneered twice and said nothing.

Chen’s family shook his head: “No, you are corrupt and corrupt, and the evidence is conclusive. How can it be evidence of forgery?”

Fang Yuan sneered again: "Do you think it is true, then it is true? Then I ask you, what is Nie's?"

The Chen family is dumb.

Fang Yuan continued: "I don't have enough relationships with you on the surface. In fact, I have been cultivating you carefully in the back. To promote justice, you must be a teacher who believes in his own justice. You were too young to understand justice. It's superficial, so I have to do this, sacrifice myself and let you carry out your own justice."

"Hey, you said it clearly, what was the original truth?"

Fang Yuanhehe smiled: "What is the truth, is it important?"

The Chen family did not hesitate and immediately replied: "Of course it is important! There is no truth, how to implement justice?"

"So, your understanding of justice is too superficial. Is justice and truth really close?" Fang Yuan Xu Xudao, "I ask you, are you neglecting Nie, are there justice? Even if they really have The conspiracy to destroy Shangen, in their view: You are a butcher, a scorpion who slaughtered their entire family, resisted you, defended their homeland, and collected their wives and children. Is this just?"

"This..." Chen’s family grew up.

"The enemy of hatred, my hero, for them, the so-called destruction of the mountain roots, but it is a kind of deterrence, afraid of our strong Chen, single union. As a result, you have destroyed all their families, they are also always Did not destroy the mountain roots. Isn't it?" Fang Yuandao.

Chen’s family is silent.

Fang Yuan said with a smile: "It seems that you also recognize that they also have justice. You start a war, slaughter others, and even have their own forces and casualties. You think that you are just right, is it wrong? You are afraid that they will destroy the mountain roots. In that case, the mountains collapsed, the Yuanquan dissipated, the souls were smeared, and the homes were lost. You think about the overall situation of the family and eradicate the threats in advance. There is nothing wrong with it. Naturally, it is just."

"You see, both sides have their own justice, aren't they?"

Chen’s family was caught in meditation.

He has never considered this kind of problem in depth.

Fang Yuan observed the words and turned the corner: "I ask you, is the sheep grazing justice?"

"This... how can we talk about justice?" Chen family ignorant.

"In the sheep's view, without grass, there is no food, it will starve to death, it is necessary to graze. In the grass, it is hard to have life, drill the soil, grow hard, just for a little rain and Sunshine. It worked so hard, but it was miserable by the sheep's mouth. Not only the grass leaves were eaten, but even the grass roots were not let go. They all swallowed into the belly of the sheep and digested them. There was no hope of survival. Is the grass a victim? Not too poor?"

Chen’s family shook his head: “Is it not a matter of righteousness to eat grass? I never feel the pity of the grass, because this is the operation of nature and earth.”

"This is exactly the case." Fang Yuan nodded. "The truth between heaven and earth is that big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, and they are born so naturally. Why do sin say? There is no slogan of justice. Sheep graze, people Eating sheep is not related to justice, just for survival considerations."

"There is no justice in heaven and earth. Only human beings have justice."

"From ancient times to the present, people must unite to have more power, in order to be more conducive to survival and to earn their lives in a cruel environment!"

"So what can we make people more united?"

"Organization, the law, and morality."

"We form a family or a martial art, and carry out different divisions of labor according to individual abilities. We mainly use the law to bind people and tell people what can't be done. Then use morality to provide direction and encourage people to do what can be done. The maternal filial piety, the neighboring harmony, and the observance of justice are moral. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, any organization has been advocating all the time, because the organization also follows the instinct of survival."

"Or, organizations that often have sound laws, ethical ethics, and superior systems are more likely to survive. These kinds of things are passed down and become popular."

Chen’s family was so stunned that Fang Yuan’s words made him shocked.

He never thought of this layer.

He knows that justice is right, but he does not know why justice is right.

He knows that virtue is good but he doesn't know why virtue is good.

Now Fang Yuan tells him that the answer - justice, virtue, is human creation. This creation may be conscious or unconscious. People follow these standards in order to have a better living environment for their own individuals, and the collective survival.

Fang Yuan concluded: "When you understand the essence of justice, you should be clear - the so-called justice, like iron armor, is a human tool. You wear it on your body, you want to use it as a tool. But you look You now, the armor on your body has become your shackles and imprisoned you."

Chen’s family looked at Fangyuan with a sigh of relief and did not make a sound.

Fang Yuan smiled slightly: "The truth and justice, is the relationship important? The truth of Nie's family, what is the truth about your corruption? What is the relationship between this and the implementation of justice? You must understand, my son, your justice It's just your tool, you have to use it instead of being bound by it."

The Chen family has been silent for a long time. After a moment, his voice hoarsely said: "Hey, I understand."

After the words, a white light slowly bloomed from his body until it was full.

And the dream is also vanished in this white light.

Fangyuan Wasteland returned to reality.

Dream exploration is completely successful.

"It seems that I don't expect it."

"Chen's father and son are both patriarchs, and they hate the single family. If I help a single star and persuade the Chen family to succeed, even if I regain my freedom, I will not pass the last scene. At most, it is the soul and the exclusion. Out."

"Only teaching Chen's family leader to help him solve his happy knots, so that he can regain control of justice and get rid of the cage. This is the condition for passing the final scene."

"This dream is really interesting."

"Oh? Is it a promotion to the human master?" After Fang Yuan’s investigation, he smiled lightly.

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