Reverend Insanity

: Section 814: Green Ants

East China Sea.

The source of the square source hidden in the clouds suddenly changed his look: "Well? The air transport of the avatar has changed!"

Fang Yuan looked around and saw a large group of heavy black clouds and gas transport beside the cooking pot.

Among the black clouds and air transport, there are four groups of visions, representing the four eight-turn Zhu Xian, guarding this black cloud.

The purple dragon, which symbolizes the source of the source, is surrounded by the black cloud and air transport group, and it is low in the inside.

The spirit of Xiaolong is more exciting than before, and the blue-and-white air transport is constantly transformed from the black cloud and transported to the purple dragon.

The purple dragon was so funded that it seemed to expand a little, and the claws seemed to be sharper.

The most obvious change is this little dragon, which was originally in the same place, but now it is stretching the body, taking the initiative to attack, and starting to circulate around the place and to the black cloud.

"Since the static movement, the morale is high, it seems that the avatar has made a breakthrough in the dream, mastered the context, so it became so active. This is a good thing!"

"Unfortunately, I can no longer use the means of transport to help the separation."

If the dragon is separated, if the soul of the light enters and keeps the flesh, Fang Yuan’s body can barely infuse him with gas.

But now, the dragons are separated into souls and dreams, completely wrapped in dreams, and any means of transport are isolated.

Fangyuan's ontology can't help, unless it takes part of the dream and exposes the dragon.

Or wait until the distant future, the research of the dream path has achieved results, Fang Yuan can blend the dreams of the road in the way, so that it can be shielded from the dream.

The dream continues.

The dragon man was divided into thoughtful thoughts, cautiously analyzed, and clarified the context. Some dialogues revealed his "mind", and he was recognized by his father. He also passed the test of the second scene of dreams.

However, intelligence still needs to be more spy.

In the study, Fang Yuan immediately said: "Hey, since our fathers and sons are united, how can we do it to make my dragon family prosper? I must have decided to teach my baby."

Longren Zhuxian smiled and said: "It is indeed a long-term plan. I tell you the truth, not only you and the father, but also many people of insight who have a lot of dragons. But the identity of these people, you should not know now. This is both a protection for them and a protection for you."

"When you do something big, the first thing is secret. The dark things are easy to do, and the hard things are difficult. This is a child's understanding." Fang Yuan nodded. "But if you have a plan, you must have a charter."

"This charter is this." The dragon man smiled loudly, raised his hand and took the pen, and wrote the last word on the big paper on the desk - "down"!

Combined with the previous three words, it is "Dragon World".

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed in the eye.

The dragon man Xianxian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, this breath sharp as a knife, directly cut the big paper.

Dragon Man Zhu Xian took a small part of the paper and took it to Fang Yuan. There is only one word on it - "down".

The rest of the "long line", the dragon man 蛊仙一拂 sleeve, the paper suddenly spontaneous combustion, quickly burned to ashes.

The dragon man looked at the ashes on the desk and sighed: "One day, our dragons will be high-flying, and the heavens are at our feet. But now, the human race is extremely powerful, but it is a well-deserved hegemon. Looking at the big picture, our dragon people are alone, and there is no reliable alien alliance outside. We are attached to the human race."

"To be high in the sky, there must be a process from the bottom up. Now, we must succumb to the people, silently accumulate, and precipitate. The dragon people have just formed, the foundation is too thin, but fortunately we are born in the human race, and the relationship with the human race is the most Close. Especially in Zhongzhou, we have people of the same family in the top ten ancient factions. What we need is continuous learning, continuous accumulation, and catching up with the human race."

Fang Yuan asked: "How should the child do it?"

The dragon man smiled and said: "You have already started doing it. When you were a child, you discovered your talents as a father, and then deliberately cultivated you to become a slave teacher. Now your slaves are rumored and have already entered the room. Down, the father has made arrangements for you to participate in the Green Ants's apprentice ceremony."

"Green ants lay?" Fang Yuan is pretending to be incomprehensible, but his heart is stunned, reminiscent of a name - Juyi Xian.

These two people are husband and wife, the famous sacred power in the history of Zhongzhou. The man named Green Ants, the woman named Yi Jiu Xiang, the two of them have been since childhood, two small no guess.

Originally a mortal, but each has a fairy. Because of a disaster, men and women were forced to separate, and each missed each other, thinking that the other party had died.

After the achievement of the immortal, the man does not marry, the woman does not marry. The beauty of the day, let the two of them happen to meet each other, for a time unbelievable, surprises, such as beautiful dreams.

After the two sides confided, the woman laughed and said: "I still remember that when you were a child, you liked to play with mud and fight ants."

The man also laughed: "When you were a child, your family opened a wine cellar and your family was better than me. When you were a boy, you took the burden and walked the streets to sell wine. I have been with you all the time. I really hope to accompany you until this time. ""

Therefore, the man claimed to be a green ant layman, and the woman also changed her name, called Yijiu Xiangu.

Both of them have outstanding talents and good moral character. After the fellow initiates, the piano is harmonious and the eyebrows are raised.

Long Ren Zhu Xian continued: "The green ant layman once gambled with the floods of the top ten ancient factions, and promised to accept a singer and teach the cloak. Now according to the agreement, it is already the time to accept the apprentice. But the top ten In the ancient faction, there was no discussion on the selection of candidates, because the party’s 蛊仙洪贞 had already been robbed and died.”

"The green ants are the great power of the human race, but they are scattered. If my son can become his only apprentice, he can not only learn his slavery, but also build a relationship with the emperor. If there is a difficulty for a family, these two eight-turn power can be a strong help!"

"It turned out that the child understood." Fang Yuan paused and continued. "The baby will try his best to become a green ant layman."

Dragon Man Xianxian nodded: "Well, the apprentice ceremony will be at the beginning of next month. At this stage, you will use your skills to retreat and ask for many lessons for the Father to help you train."

The second scene of the dream dissipated, and the third scene of the dream came.

The mountains are towering and the clouds are haunting.

In the green bamboo forest, in front of a hut, on a small open space, it is a young generation crowded with the top ten ancient factions.

These people are all young talents, and all the talents are outstanding, all of which come from the apprenticeship of the green ants.

Fang Yuan stunned and looked at the environment and found himself in the middle of a teenager.

However, most of the aristocratic teenagers have subconsciously alienated him. There are only two dragons in his family.

In the middle of the open space, the two young teachers are fighting.

Fang Yuan suddenly recognized one person and said: "Isn't that a pair?"

At this time, Zhang Shuang is already at a disadvantage. His opponent is a girl with a yellow-brown eyebrow, beautiful appearance, and a bright eyes.

Fang Yuan has just come to the third scene of dreams, still do not understand the situation, immediately stabbed the report: "Who are you optimistic about?"

The two dragon-aged teenagers of his family, after listening to this, the dragon on the left was green, and said: "Wu Shuai, you are too much to look down on us. Although we are both eliminated, only you are promoted. However, the situation in the field is so obvious that there will be another ten rounds and Zhang Shuang will be defeated."

The young dragon boy of the blue scale is more proud and has a cold tone.

The youngsters of Huang scale are obviously milder and more convinced: "Calic acid, why are you so. Victory is victory, defeat is defeat. You failed, what do you care about? Wu Shuaixian asked this question, it is not to find you." ”

Qinglin juvenile green acid is indignant, biting his teeth: "That is all humanity blackmail, seeing my strength, deliberately arranged the three Terran, deliberately to fight me in the wheel, so that my strength is much reduced, and then let the Thai piano lightly beat me. Huang Wei, don’t you see it?”

The youngster of the yellow scale sighed: "I don't know? You and I are all blocked, but in fact this is because of the lack of strength of our two. If it is the strength of Wu Shuaixian brother even if it is blocked, there are Why? Still let the wise brothers reach the finals!"

Fang Yuan listened in silence, and said: "The young Linren is called green acid, and the yellow scale boy is called Huang Wei, but I have already reached the final."

At this time, Huang Wei said again: "Wu Shuaixian brother, I admire your slavery. But your next enemy is also very different. The strength of the Taiqin girl is also very high, and the difference between the husband and the brother seems to be like. You are fighting endlessly, step by step, winning the battle, and being promoted. Your opponent is protected all the way. Only in this battle will you encounter this strong opponent of Zhang Shuang."

Fang Yuan understands that the original girl, the yellow-browed girl, is the next opponent.

He is a little dignified.

Because of the moment of observation, he has had many assessments: "This Taiqin is obviously also the realm of slave masters. Many times she dispatches troops and wants to do it. I don't want to think about it. According to my instincts, it is often very effective... It is a rival. ”

Fang Yuan’s slavery realm is only a master class.

This made him regret slightly. As long as he knew this, his body should be prepared in advance to let the slavery realm mention it.

But who can know, there will be such a situation.

"I lost." After a while, Zhang doubled pale and his body shook his hand.

"Concession." The girl Taian returned, her expression was indifferent, and then her eyes turned to Fangyuan, and she kept her eye on it.

Finally arrived at the last game.

Fangyuan walked forward.

He and Zhang Shuang passed by. Zhang double complex face, want to encourage the source, after all, they belong to the same door, but also read the identity of Fang Yuanlong, after all, just opened his mouth, did not speak.

After a short break, the two sides officially started the war.

The teenagers are tightly circled and pay close attention to the war.

An ant, broke out of the ground.

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