Reverend Insanity

: Section 816: Heavenly Spots

Heaven court.

Qin Dingling suspended the sky, his face was solemn and solemn.

This killing trick, she has been brewing for three days and three nights.

"Oh!" The next moment, she finally broke out, urging a magnificent Jin Mang. Jin Mang, such as the five-tailed peacock, snorted and fluttered.

When the golden mang flew to somewhere in the sky, it suddenly burst open and scattered into countless pieces of broken awns.

Among the broken awns, a huge passage appears faintly.

The Ziwei fairy next to Qin Dingling suddenly lost color: "There is such a channel!"

Qin Dingling's seven cockroaches slowly bleed, his body swaying, his face pale, and he retired.

"Working hard for you." Long Gong is also on the scene, and this moment is also moving.

Qin Dingling sighed a few breaths and exclaimed: "Good insurance! If it was not for me some time ago, I would like to search for souls and pity clouds. I learned that some of the giant yangs have only a scale claw in the true biography. Respected here."

Long Gong snorted: "This giant Yang Xianzun is not doing anything. When he came to heaven to browse, he actually arranged this secret hand. This road is really mysterious, and the vast heaven is never found. But God is still my heaven, in the key At the moment, Qin Xianzi wakes up and sees the tricks of Juyang Xianzun."

Ziwei fairy breathed a deep breath: "According to this arrangement, Juyang Xianzun will open the court. Once it is launched, it is likely that there will be a long-lived immortal directly killing Tianting."

"Yes, this is indeed the style of the North Plains." Long Gongdao.

Ziwei fairy's eyelids are bright and sturdy: "However, since we found this, we can target the arrangement. Even the plan will be counted, and the ambiguity will be ambushed. This will be of great help to the Zhongzhou Refining Conference a few years later."

Qin Dingling made great achievements, but his face was still stunned. She sighed: "Juyang Xianzun has his own luck, all the people, and the heavens and the earth." In order to deal with him, I specialize in the life of the people, and I have worked hard for so many years. I thought that It’s like him. It’s only this time that I understand that the gap between me and him is still that big.”

Ziwei Fairy will persuade: "The sages of the dynasties can't be ruthless. The predecessors have such a way of doing things, it is already the fortunes of heaven, making up for the historical imperfections of heaven. Since then, heaven has also had a good pass. It is."

Qin Dingling said: "In order to prevent accidents, I have already sent my true pass to Xianku. But it is better to get the true biography of Juyang Xianzun. Unfortunately, Zhao Liyun was in Wang Tingfu, although it was I witnessed the true life of the people, but the eyes were limited, only the scales were clawed. And the horse Hongyun was possessed by the Fortune, and certainly knew more, but unfortunately it was captured by Fang Yuan."

When it comes to Fang Yuan, Zimei Fairy's brow suddenly wrinkles: "Speaking, Fangyuan has not appeared for a while. We have made a strict deployment in the long river, but Fangyuan has never appeared. He It is clear that there is a 10,000-year-old fighting car, but it seems that there is not much enthusiasm for the red lotus true biography. This is whether we can't detect his trace, or he..."

Referring to the true biography of Hong Lian, Long Gong’s brow is also slightly wrinkled, Shen Sheng said: “Then the worst plan, I believe that Fang Yuan has already received the red lotus true biography.”

"To subdue Fangyuan, in my opinion, the focus is still on the ancient moon Founder." Qin Dingling smiled and smiled.

Unlike the previous world, the ancient moon is getting the most attention, and has already entered the eyes of the dragon and Ziwei fairy.

With the arrangement of the heavens, a lot of resources are tilted, and the strength of the ancient moon is also rapidly improving.

The immortal killing blood is getting cold!

The action of the three-headed beasts became slower and slower, and eventually they were frozen and stumbled on the ground.

The winner of the ancient moon is suspended in the air, overlooking the three wild beasts lying under the feet, a gray robe, unscathed.

"The **** killings are really powerful." Zhao Liyun stood beside him and stood side by side with him.

Founder Gong Dadao: "Thanks to the help of the genius fairy, otherwise I have so many real opportunities."

Zhao Piyun laughed: "You and I have a common goal, since we should work together, isn't it?"

Like the previous world, this world Zhao Puiyun still took the initiative to come and make a correct.

Zhao Liyun loves Ma Hongyun, but Ma Hongyun is killed by Fang Yuan. Although the latter is dead, the soul is still there, and there is still the possibility of resurrection.

"Tian Ting advocating God's will, in fact, does not want to resurrect the good fortune. If he resurrects if he dies, isn't it a violation of fate!"

"Although I became a contemporary fairy of Lingyuanzhai, Heaven is still only when I am a chess piece, and I continue to use it."

"Before, the female fairy Qin Dingling wanted to search for the soul, it is the best proof. At this point, the situation of me and Founder is the same. It is also a chess piece, but the court is more concerned about the square."

"So, I want to resurrect my fortune, only rely on myself to find opportunities!"

Zhao has a heart in his mind.

Zhao Liyun knows his own situation, Founder is no longer simple, has experienced a lot, understands his own situation, and understands why Zhao Weiyun makes himself.

Founder does not dislike Zhao Liyun, the two sides are in the same situation, and he has many feelings of compassion in his heart.

During the conversation between the two men, the ancient moon Founder has already collected these three wild animals into the fairy.

The three-headed beasts have not died, and the blood has become a good means of catching hostility after getting cold and killing.

The party is indeed doing a lot of hard work on this killing.

Originally, the plan for the cultivation of the ancient moon of Ziwei Fairy was to let him continue to retreat. However, after Qin Dingling was awakened, he persuaded Ziwei Fairy to change his course.

This time, the ancient moon Founder is leading the martial mission, to come to suppress the three beasts of chaos.

Now that the mission has been completed, Fangzheng intends to organize the battlefield and return to Feiheshan.

I never thought of being in a nest of wild animals, but I found a secret passage.

In order to prevent the young beasts from remaining in the depths of the passageway, Founder and Zhao Piyun summed up and flew into the passage.

As a result, the two people were very surprised. The passage was far deeper than imagination. The two continued to fly down, and the passage was wider and wider.

"This should be a trench. The three wild animals on the ground should have little relationship with the ditch." Zhao Liyun analyzed.

The Founder nodded, but still had doubts: "I guess so. It's just that the trench is a bit weird. According to common sense, it should be alive and well, and the beasts are planted, but we have been flying down for so long, but there is no life at all. There must be some flaws in the trenches. You may wish to explore."

Zhao Liyun originally wanted to return, but the listener was determined to do so, and he continued to sink.

"Hey, there is a blessed land here?!" Not long after, Founder suddenly discovered the vision.

Immediately, Zhao Liyun also found out, and exclaimed: "This blessed land is being robbed, causing the blessed land to be damaged and forming a loophole. This is only apparent. The timing of our arrival is too good. If this opportunity is passed, the blessing will close the portal. , pinning the void, even under our eyes, we all found it impossible."

"Go in and see." Founder was slightly excited.

There are blessed land, I am afraid that there will be a heritage. After all, the blessed land is the sacred fairy.

The two easily entered the blessed land, and the blessed land was in a catastrophe.

"Weird, the human race here seems odd, is it an extinct orc?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there should be no such thing as a fairy."

Founder and Zhao Weiyun discussed it together, and they all helped each other.

Although they were a little shallower, they were not ordinary sages. The means were very subtle and immediately calmed down the disaster.

The people who survived the blessed land worshipped the two immortals on the spot and thanked Dade.

Under the inquiry of the Founder, it was discovered that the residents of these blessed land were not the Terran, but the Dragon.

"Dragon people, which is a different race? How have I not heard of it." Founder is surprised.

Zhao Liyun was a modern fairy in Lingyuanzhai. For a while, she suddenly frowned. "The dragon is indeed one of the aliens. We are in trouble here."

She knows that she and the Founder are all heavenly chess pieces. It seems to be free to move, but the body must have the monitoring means of heaven. Sure enough, after a while, there will be a fairy.

It is two female immortals.

Founder and Zhao Liyun know each other, one is Ziwei Xianzi, and the other is Qin Dingling.

Founder also felt a little strange: "This piece of blessed land is unremarkable, not outstanding, how can we work in heaven?"

Qin Dingling and Ziwei Fairy are in a good mood, which can be easily distinguished from their faces.

"Founder, you have made a good job and done very well. Now there is no such thing as you both, go out." Qin Dingling nodded and smiled, and sent Fang Zheng and Zhao Piyun in one sentence.

Founder and Zhao Liyun had to obey, and flew away and returned to their respective gates.

A moment later, Ziwei Fairy has collected intelligence: "This piece of blessed land originated from the hand of Long Gong, Sun Wushuai, and it is no wonder that it can be hidden for so long, and even the Longgong adults can deceive."

"The dragons in this blessed land are descendants of Wu Shuai, who have pure dragons and mixed races of dragons and people."

"These dragons are not important, but there is a clue buried in the depths of the blessed land, pointing directly to the fairy palace! The predecessor of Qin is right, the Founder is really our blessing!"

Ziwei fairy is happy.

One of the main founders of the Dragon Palace is Wu Shuai.

Heaven has been looking for Dragon Palace, but progress has been slow. Now that we have got this key clue, as long as we crack it, and combined with the efforts of the heavens over the years, we should be able to calculate the specific location of the Dragon Palace.

"It is not too late!" Qin Dingling's face is serious. "Founder is a Godly arrangement, specifically suppressing the existence of Fangyuan. He discovered this piece of blessed land and led to the Dragon Palace. This means that Fangyuan is likely to secretly conquer the Dragon Palace. ""

Ziwei fairy heard the words, but did not dare to neglect, immediately turned the heavens, and fully calculated.

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