Reverend Insanity

: Section 830: 1 tragedy!

During the period, Wu Shuai deliberately turned to Nanhua Island.

The Thai piano is finally born!

"There is finally a continuation of blood between us! Taiqin, you have worked hard." Wu Shuai, holding his newborn baby, happily turned around several times.

Subsequently, he carefully placed the baby on the bed, next to Taiqin.

He looked at the weak Taiqin just after production, and his eyes were very gentle.

"You said, what is the name for the child?" Taiqin smiled, full of maternal brilliance.

"I think this child has a big pair of eyes and is very smart. Just call him Long Ling." Wu Shuai said.

Taiqin nodded: "Long Ling, Long Ling, is a good name."

The birth of his son Long Ling made Wu Shuai very happy, but at the same time he also realized that shoulders shouldered greater responsibility.

"Huang Wei, my father has gone."

"The only thing left is my sister Taiqin. Now, my son has been added."

"I want to give Taiqin a name, but also give my child a bright future, and not let him live in a discriminatory environment. I want him to be upright, stand up and live as a dragon. Living proudly!"

The responsibility in the heart urged him. After a few days of rest in Nanhua Island, Wu Shuai hurried on the road and swam five days and two days to collect the dreams.

The process of refining a dream like a fairy is very mysterious.

Everything is going on in his sleep.

With a refining of the fairy material, such as the dream, Xian Xian finally ushered in the final pass.

"This?!" Wu Shuai was shocked.

The final enlightenment brought by dreams is that he wants to sacrifice Taiqin. Only she voluntarily sacrifices and sacrifices with life to complete the final step of the dream.

"No, I can't do this!!!" Wu Shuai was hit hard and pale, unable to accept such revelation.

For a few days, he was so devoid of God that he wandered freely during the day in Taikoo.

It wasn't until he suffered an ancient wild animal that he was almost killed by it, and he suddenly woke up.

He killed this ancient wild animal, but he was still very upset because he could not find a solution.

"Do you really have to sacrifice the sister! No, this is definitely not feasible."

"There must be other ways, there must be!"

Wu Shuai decided to temporarily suspend the plan for refining, such as a dream, and he wanted to get more enlightenment from the dream.

The next night, the dream brought him new enlightenment.

This revelation made him extremely shocked--"Longgang's ancestors actually mastered the immortal killings of the extinct dragons!! And the dragon has had many intentions to drive this killing."

Although he is now extremely trusting in his dreams, the news is sensational and unbelievable.

He meditated for a long while, absolutely returning to Zhongzhou and finding out the truth.

Wu Shuai spent a lot of time and energy to refine the dreams of Xianxian. During this period, the imperialists of the Zhongzhou were turbulent, and the conflicts between the masters and the priests of the Longgong and Honglian became more and more fierce.

Because of the death of Wu Shuai's father, Heaven has many doubts about him, but Long Gong still trusts him.

Wu Shuai mobilized all the forces that could be mobilized and tried his best to investigate the matter.

At the same time, the dream also brought him more enlightenment.

With the help of Meng Qi, Wu Shuai got more and more clues. These clues have confirmed the correctness of the previous dreams, and even Wu Shuai has mastered the name of this key killer - the dragon is dead!

"At the beginning, the dragon publicly created the Longren Yanshou Law and created the Dragon Man. More and more dragons are gradually developing, and only the Dragon People are born."

"Dragon is the ancestor of the dragon, the source of the race, and at the beginning of the creation of the dragon race, he left the backhand, that is, the dragon man is killing."

"As long as this trick is reminded, the dragons in the world will all blew themselves and die, and there is no escape!"

"And Long Gong has already wanted to provoke this killing, but it is suspended because of the meaning of the stars. Your ancestors are so good! You are really too worried!"

Wu Shuai is cold, helpless, anxious, angry!

His past efforts, the prosperity of the dragon family, in front of this killing, is a joke, a real and incomparable illusion!

"what should I do?"

Wu Shuai is doing a good job in heaven. There is no way to think about it.

"Right, I have a dream!" Suddenly, he remembered, his eyes shot the glory of hope, and he had the last straw to save lives.

That night, the dream scene returned to a few years ago.

Meng Qi is about dreams like Xian Xian.

The final step in refining the dream is to let the Taiqin devote himself.

Dream revelation Wu Shuai, if you want to deal with the death of the dragon, you must first make a dream like a fairy!

Wu Shuai woke up from his dreams, and in the dark night, he cried and was silent.

He stared blankly at the lover around him, the woman he loved all his life - Taiqin.

Taiqin was already asleep, as if she had some sense. She opened her eyes and was seeing Wu Shuai’s sad look.

"What's wrong?" Taiqin quickly hugged Wu Shuai gently.

Wu Shuai also hugged her and hugged her. He is so hard, but never has such a moment, he feels so weak and weak!

Wu Shuai had to tell the truth to Taiqin.

Taiqin quickly accepted it. She stroked Wu Shuai’s cheek with a warm palm and smiled. “It’s like this, my brother. I love you, I am willing to sacrifice everything for you, even if it’s mine. Life. This is no big deal, but in my life, besides you, there is another concern, that is our children."

"After I die, please be sure to raise them and cultivate my children. Promise me, okay?"

"I promise you, use my life, use my dignity, and promise you with everything I have!" Wu Shuai burst into tears and grief.

Such as the dream of refining.

Subsequently, the eight-level series of Dragon Palace was also built out.

After the completion, Wu Shuai lived in it all the year round. He often squatted in the pavilion and sometimes stroked the wall column. He fancied to feel the softness of the Taiqin, but he only got the coldness of the fairy house itself.

He and the children of Taiqin gradually grew up, sometimes asked him: "Father, where did my mother go? Why haven't you come back yet?"

Every time I ask, Wu Shuai feels like a gun, poked in his heart, poked his blood.

Every time, he would kneel down and hug his son, Long Ling, in his arms, hugged tightly and lied gently.

The young dragon full of pure dragon spirit is like an antidote, the only medicine in the world that can heal his inner wounds.

There is an eight-turn dragon palace, but Wu Shuai has no intention to fight for fame and fortune.

He secretly slandered the green ants, the Yijiu, and the master of the book. But by doing what he once dreamed, he could have confined the book Nine Spirits, and even captured Fan Ran, and he was executed in the face of Shu Niling.

However, Wu Shuai did not do this. Instead, she let the book Nine Spirits let her go with the people she really loved.

He has not cared about the past honour and disgrace, even though he once cares about it, and he has been suffering for it.

Many things in life, Wu Shuai experienced, let go.

Now Wu Shuai feels tired and tired, but he can't stop, he can't stop, because the dragon's silence has never been solved.

Once again, the dream is enlightened. To solve the problem of the dragon's demise, it is necessary to use the eight-turn dragon palace and experiment with the body of the dragon.

The dragon man itself is the product of the dragon's life extension law, and the creation of the dragon man's silence is still rooted in this. The three are closely related.

Long Ren Yan Shou Law, Wu Shuai has already mastered.

With the help of the Dragon Palace, it is entirely possible to launch the Dragon Man’s killing and killing according to the two.

But to do this, Wu Shuai alone can't do it, so he summoned the dragons and the people, told them the truth and asked for their help.

In the vast Dragon Palace, there is an unprecedented history, and the dragons of the Dragon People are almost all coming.

These dragons and immortals did not believe at first, but Wu Shuai gave a full ironclad and clues, and they could not believe them. At the same time, there is also the ancient cool to testify, the secret of the father of Wu Shuai, the destiny of the gods, was also made public!

"To do experiments, you need a huge number of dragons. These people will almost die. Even if they survive, they will die. So, I can't arbitrarily decide this decision. Anyone who opposes it can do it." Wu Shuaidao .

"I object!" Then there was one person who jumped out.

Everyone regards it, it is the same generation with Wu Shuai, in the blood or Wu Shuai's seventh brother, Ping Su Li is the most favorite of the Longgong ancestors of the seven young masters.

The seven young masters pointed Wu Shuai on the dragon chair and said: "Old eight, you bastard, you are really crazy!!!"

"In order to win the trust of heaven, you killed your most loyal brother of different surnames!"

"In order to cover up the secrets of the Dragon Man, you killed your own father!"

"In order to refine the fairy tale, you even use the woman who loves you the most is the coffin of refining!"

"Now, in order to cope with the killings of the dragons, you have to extend the poisonous hands to thousands of innocent people, and use them to do experiments!"

"Why is your heart so vicious, why is it so indifferent?!"

"Do you think that you have given these so-called evidence, we will trust you? Oh, you are too ridiculous, really we are fools!!"

"Oh, no, you are not ridiculous, but sad and sad!"

"You want to give your woman happiness, what is the result? You told her to sacrifice, in order to refine a cockroach. Hehehe."

"You want to be the pride of your father, what is the result? You killed him! Kill him by hand!!"

"You promised Huang Wei a great cause, a hope. But you have killed him, and now, big business?"

"Hehehe, hahaha!" Seven young masters laughed and laughed and tears came down. "You do everything possible to lead the rise of the dragon family. What is the result? The result is that the dragon family will be destroyed and destroyed!"

"It's you, it's you! If you have been ambitious, occupying Nanhua Island, migratory people, desperately developing, and constantly creating the contradiction between the dragon and the human race, how can there be so many things? If the dragon family has been peaceful, nothing. It’s stable and steady, and the ancestors are not moving, they want to destroy our dragon family!”

"Wu Shuai, Wu Shuai, you are the strongest of our dragon family after the ancestors, but you brought us the dragon people, it is not brilliant, nor hope, not equality or dignity. But... ...destroy!"

"You are a tragedy! Your life is a tragedy!!"

The hall is silent Wu Shuai Duan sits on the dragon chair, faceless...

At this point, the dream finally disappeared completely.

Deep in the sea, there is only one gorgeous palace, and there are four great dragons.

With their complex and obedient gaze, the dragons watched the dragons of Fangyuan and walked to the gates of the Dragon Palace.

The gate of the Dragon Palace opens itself.

The dragon man took the step and walked into the Dragon Palace.

He is also expressionless, but there are countless vicissitudes in his eyes.

Looking at the Dragon Palace, it seems that like the original, the accusation of the old seven is still lingering, and the surrounding dragons and immortals seem to be still alive.

Looking at it again, the hall is empty and everything is gone.

"It has been... for a million years."

"I am back." The sound of the dragon's avatar floated in the hall, like the cry of the ghost.

"But I am no longer me." The dragon man again smiled.

It is no longer his voice, no longer his face, no longer his body, not even a soul.

There is only one layer of will -

It has continued the will of millions of years, and it has been lingering!

"Dragon spirit welcomes the master!" Long Ling appeared, his attitude was respectful, and there was a hint of excitement between the eyebrows. "Finally, finally, Long Ting has a new owner!"

The dragon man looked deeply at Long Ling, and his eyes quickly reddened.

How much he hopes, Long Ling can call himself - father!

But it is impossible.

"Thaiqin, I have lost you, and I have lived up to your only entrustment." Wu Shuai looked up and gave a deep sigh, and the sigh was endless sorrow and embarrassment.

But he did not cry.

In the past million years ago, his tears have already flowed away. Nt

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