Reverend Insanity

: Section 188: The predecessors drive the road after the road

Among the blood bats, there is only one male bat, and the rest are female bats, commanded by male bats. M

The male bat and the female bat have similar shapes and the difference is not big. However, Fang Yuan’s past life was familiar with this kind of razor-winged manta ray, and he was able to distinguish it if he gave him enough time.

Without the male bats, the blood bats are in chaos.

Fang Yuan took the opportunity to swing the sawtooth gold smash and kill.

A moment of hard work, more than 20 razor-winged blood bats are annihilated, can be described as fruitful.

However, the fierce fierce battle also made Fangyuan empty and expensive.

"It's time to withdraw!" Fang Yuan resolutely retreats and walks away.

When the blood bat group behind him reacted, Fangyuan had escaped a hundred steps. About 20 razor-winged blood bats are still chasing after Fang Yuan, and the rest are scattered.

"Where..." In the narrow cave, Fangyuan gasped and ran wildly while urging Tianyuan Baolian.

After the consumption of the first war, only the snow and silver real yuan remained in the air, and the low sea level of the real yuan was slowly and resolutely picked up.

The longer the time delays, the faster the battle of Fangyuan will recover.

Suddenly, behind the source, Lei Feng suddenly slammed his body, and the momentum drove the body of Fang Yuan, almost letting him hit the wall.

Thunderbirds are polluted by blood madness, have reached certain limits, and begin to show signs of being unmanipulated.

"After a long time, Lei Yiyi will turn into a pool of blood and become a new source of pollution." Thinking of this, Fangyuan did not hesitate, even reminded three times, this made the disobedient Lei Yi, from his post Back.

"Go." Fang Yuan resolutely gave up the thunder wing and threw it behind him.

Behind the group of blood-winged bats, the squadron is surrounded by thunderwings, and then swarmed and smashed the thunder.

Such a resistance, it is also considered as a source of time for Fangyuan to take some breath.

When Fang Yuan was caught up by the razor-winged blood bat, the real yuan in his empty space has already recovered to nearly half.

Snow and silver are more real than pale silver. To be durable many times. Fang Yuan’s combat power at this time has exceeded the initial stage.

He laughed and waved the jagged gold to fight again.

After killing only the winged blood bat, the rest flew away.

"Unfortunately, I don't have any mites like this. The scorpion-winged bats fly too fast. The fins are sharp like a blade. It is difficult to capture by hand. If you can catch two or three, it is good."

Fang Yuan put away the sawtooth gold plaque and turned to walk deep into the cave.

He took Tianyuan Baolian, but he was taken down by blood. This is definitely the means of the ancient moon generation.

The ancient moon generation used the blood corpse to become a flying stiff. The air is dead, and I can't recover myself. Unless you use Yuanshi to supplement, how much is the real yuan in the open space?

But if he has a Tianyuan Baolian. To a large extent, it will make up for this weakness.

Therefore, not long ago, he deliberately mobilized two groups of razor-winged blood bats and flew to Fangyuan in an attempt to capture him. Fortunately, Fang Yuan saw the machine is not good, timely transfer, while the iron and blood cold also indirectly helped him a favor.

"I don't know how cold and **** the battle of the ancient moon generation is going." Fang Yuan looked calm.

No matter which side wins. I am looking for trouble.

The blood is cold and he is going to arrest him, and the ancient moon generation is picking up the Tianyuan Baolian he picked.

Although the group of blood-winged bats has broken, the crisis of Fangyuan has not been lifted.

"You must escape from Qingmao Mountain as soon as possible, the sooner the better!" Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, he could not go back. Just follow this cave and walk to see if there is a way out.

This cave is obviously a sign of man-made, but it has been a long time since there was a small landslide in some sections.

Fangyuan is burying his head. In the face of these landslides, you can only use sawtooth gold.

The sawtooth gilt is originally a bottom creature. Good at drilling holes, at this time for great use.

Fangyuan itself also has the power of two pigs, digging up the soil and moving on.

This greatly slowed his speed. After three or four hours, he went to the end of the cave.

A hard stone wall completely blocked his way.

Even if you use a sawtooth gold plaque, you can't break the mountain wall.

“Did this cave have been sealed up by the ancient moon generation?” Fang Yuan’s heart sank.



The two sides are in the palm of their hand. The bear family is like a sack, and throws it high, then falls heavily on the ground.


After Xiongjia’s teacher spit out a blood, he immediately fell into a coma.

In the sky, the sun shines, and the radiance shines. The sun shines through the trees, and the mottled spots shine on the fat face of the white heavy water.

The young man of this white family is smug and smiles: "Hey, what about the Xiongjia master? Dare and aging my strength!"

Her fascinating "sweet body" is about to put on a knife, and by the way, the nameplate is scraped, and suddenly a month of attack comes.


White heavy water body turned, Zhang mouth spit out a water bomb.

The water bomb and the moon blade collided in the air and both exploded.

The three sergeants, led by Founder, jumped from the treetops.

"The ancient moon family, this man is my trophy." White heavy water picked up his eyes, his eyes flashing dangerous light.

Founder is full of bloodshot eyes, and is closely staring at Bai Zhongshui: "How about this? Now you are our prey!"

At this time on the other side of the woods, there were footsteps.

Several figures came out, but it was the genius boy Xiong Lin of the bear family. His bald head reflected the sun and looked dazzling.

"Hehehe, this situation is much more fun!" Bai Zhongshui laughed, but the next moment, her laughter came to an abrupt end.

The two sides and the men and women launched an offensive together, and the white heavy water was caught off guard by the group.

White heavy water spit out a blood, his face is ugly: "How? Ancient Yuejia, you actually join hands with the despicable guys like Xiongjia?"

The party is full of expressions, killing, and not saying a word, approaching Baishui.

Xiong Lin smiled and said: "This war is related to the tribal situation in the next 100 years. To tell you the truth, the ancient moon family has established an alliance with our Xiong family. Bai Zhongshui, your death is here today."

"Hey!" White heavy water spit out a **** water, she looked at it with disdain. "Why is the old lady dead? Hey, join hands... is afraid of my family's white condensed ice. No use, this is the first battle, then there is Personal performance. Who are the two of you who are Bai Ningbing's opponents? Our white family is destined to be the first!"

"Hehehe. So we decided that in this first battle, we will join hands and kill Bai Ningbing!" Xiong Lin laughed.



Sawtooth gold plaque with silver edges. Grinding on the stone wall, the noise echoed in the cave.

This stone wall is hard and heavy, and it appears very strange. Fang Yuan was full of sweat, and he used the sawtooth gold cymbal and the **** moon to smash, so he worked hard for half a day. It is only grinding half a meter away.

"Is it really impossible to make a road... Hey?" Fang Yuan felt a move. Suddenly I felt that there was a vitality in the stone wall.

He hurriedly listened to the earweed and listened to the stone wall. The other side of the stone wall really contained mysterious creatures, but the breath was weak.

After half an hour. Fangyuan dug a hole, and mysterious creatures revealed the original shape.

It is all black and has a metallic luster, such as steel. Whether it's a chest or a carapace, it's a hard line. Show the hegemony. It has three pairs of feet, each of which is in the form of a spiral. Let Fang Yuan can not help but think of the electric rotation on the earth.

"It turned out to be a thousand miles of tarantula!" Fang Yuan suddenly realized, immediately associated with the wine drinker.

The fog in Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly dissipated more than half.

At the beginning, the wine drinker, in order to cultivate Tianyuan Baolian, came to the ancient moon cottage. But at the last moment, it was stopped by the ancient generation and used as a means. Break it into the Blood River Cemetery.

The flower drinker is also a five-turn strong, and must have a fierce battle with the ancient moon generation.

The ancient moon generation has been in business for hundreds of years, occupying a geographical position, and the wine drinkers are invincible and can only escape.

He used the tarantula to open up this cave. After the battlefield, it has been seriously injured and refractory. At the last moment of his life, he hastily left the inheritance and made the final revenge. Attempts to let future generations pick Tianyuan Baolian. Destroy the foundation of the ancient moon family.

This explains the wine drinker, the reason why he is in the blood. The whole body is the cause of the scar.

But why the tarantula is so long, it is still a mystery. There is also the ancient moon generation, what is the plot, is also a question.

"These questions are now only the details, or leave here and say!" Fang Yuan reached out, and when the real yuan spit, it refining the long-distance wolf spider.

This hard stone wall is actually a sarcophagus that has fallen into a dormant, sleeping, self-wrapping. It is extremely weak, just as Fangyuan takes out the worms from the flowers of the earth.

Therefore, although it is a five-turn, it is easily refining by Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan lost Lei Yi, who is guilty of his own mobile, and has a short board. At this moment, I got a tarantula of thousands of miles, which is called a dark flower.

This thousand-mile tarantula is a giant dragonfly like a mount. It feeds on the soil itself and is easy to feed.

Fang Yuan infused the snow and silver into the past, and the tarantula gradually recovered and the breath began to strengthen.

It began to eat and swallowed a lot of soil on the spot.

When the state returns to a certain degree, the source of the night long dreams jumps on its back and drives it to move forward immediately.

Although the tarantula has only recovered a part of, after all, it is five turns, and the three pairs of tentacles alternate, and the speed is very fast.

Together with the stone chopped, the cave appeared again.

This road was originally created by the wine drinkers. After the predecessors planted trees, people took advantage of the cold, and the predecessors used the road to run, which greatly facilitated Fangyuan.

The only thing that makes Fangyuan anxious is that any action by the locusts of the mounts will consume the true elements of the sergeant.

The tarantula is a five-turn mile, and the three-turn true yuan can't afford it. Every once in a while, Fangyuan had to stop, sitting on the back of a long-distance tarantula, while urging Tianyuanbaolian, while taking Yuanshi and extracting natural yuan.

This two-pronged approach, coupled with the resilience of C and other qualifications, the speed of the real source of Fang Yuan’s emptiness has become quite rapid. It is not the same as before.

Drive the tarantula forward, stop and reply to the real yuan, and when you encounter a small landslide, you will drill directly. . In this way, the process is reciprocating, and Fangyuan gradually moves away from the blood lake cemetery and approaches the ground.


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