Reverend Insanity

: Section 846: Room Power Interpretation

The home base camp.

On the sickbed, "the eaves are long" lying, his face is still pale.

A young, six-turned immortal, standing by the bed, is Fang Yun.

Fang Yun is the adopted son of the eaves. His age is very light, his face is handsome, his eyes are like a star, and at this moment his face is full of concern. He said: "Father, you are seriously injured, you can have a good rest. The child can What do you do, please do not hesitate to order."

Fang Yun did not know at all that the father in front of him was already changing others, and he was a detached party.

In a sense, Fang Yuan is considered to be the father of Fang Yun, and Fang Yun is a thief.

The eaves coughed twice, and weakly waved: "Yun, you don't have to pretend. You still don't know your temper for the father? Come, sit down, don't be cautious."

Fang Yun heard the words, his face suddenly relaxed, shrugged his shoulders, shook his eyebrows, and sat down at the bed with a smile: "Hey, my son was really scared by you. I didn't expect you to play so big this time. It is really It’s too risky! It’s a pity that it’s not a predecessor, but it’s lost.”

Having said that, Fang Yun reveals a sad look.

Fang Yuan disguised as inexhaustible, once saved the life of Fang Yun. Fang Yun has always been thinking about this, and he is not very respectful.

This time, the eaves chief laid out a plan, and did not tell Fang Yun the truth. In addition to the incompetent manpower, it was limited to the elders, the two elders and the three elders.

There aren't many people in this plan, especially the house cloud.

I can't count on the usual contact with Fang Yun. He is a wise man. If Fang Yun knows the truth, it is easy to get rid of his temperament and the city.

The elders are the masters of Zhidao, and this detail is also taken care of.

In all fairness, if you change to other immortals, I am afraid I will really plant it in the hands of the elders. Even if it is Fang Yuan, if there is no previous hunch, it will make it difficult for Fang Yuan to raise the cause and effect tree beforehand.

There is nothing wrong with the eaves, he has tried to overestimate it. But when he learned the true identity that he couldn't count, he realized in an instant that he still greatly underestimated Fang Yuan.

In fact, let alone the longevity of the house, the wisdom of the heavenly court, the great wisdom of Ziwei, also underestimated Fangyuan. Even the current five-field 蛊 immortal world has greatly underestimated Fangyuan – they all thought that Fangyuan was still a seven-transformation.

In fact, Fang Yuan has long been an eight-turn, and he has also used the identity of the ancestors of the sea to deceive some of the Yuanshiqidao true biography from the hands of the dragon.

However, the length of the eaves was only seven conversions, and the layout of the eaves and squatters was well understood by Fang Yuan. At the same time, Dou Jingu has also become a source of help.

The eaves long would have been treated as a crocodile. I didn’t expect the crocodile to be a raptor.

Therefore, he planted it. Planted too embarrassed, there is no chance to turn over when you miss it.

"Yun, come, reach out." The eaves long.

Fang Yun was confused, but he didn't want to go against his father's life and slammed his hand.

As a result, the elders saw three fairy tales in his hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Fang Yun was surprised.

"I intend to hand over the wisdom to you." The eaves long.

Fang Yun stunned: "But oh, I am practicing the cloud road, not the wisdom road. And, have you allowed me to practice the cloud road before?"

The eaves nodded a little longer: "I used to allow you to specialize in the cloud road because your own temperament is lazy and fits the cloud itself. But the cloud road is just a small genre, and after all, it can't be compared with Zhidao."

"The most important thing is that you have told me that after this time, these days have been introspection. It is the best vigilance for me to count the death of a fairy friend. I need to pass on the wisdom of the family, once I have happened. Accidents, and the replacement of the younger generation."

"Hey, don't say anything unexpected and not unexpected." Fang Yundao.

"Fate is impermanent, what accidents will not happen? Life is full of accidents. I am seriously injured in bed, which I did not expect before. Moreover, our house is in such a situation, you have a few hearts. I must plan for the future of the house."睇Long language focuses on the earth.

Fang Yun nodded, and his face rarely showed a solemn color: "Hey, you are right. That son, I will change my mind."

The elders smiled and nodded, shaking their heads again: "You are my son, you know that you are not suitable for the wisdom, the cloud is the best for you. I want to calculate for the family, and will not miss you. So the embarrassing Arrangement is, first pass the Zhidao inheritance to you, you do not have to change the wisdom road. After all, you are already the foundation of the cloud road, change the words, it is quite troublesome, and the loss will be great."

"At present, you only need to master this wisdom and inheritance. If the situation is critical and you need to sacrifice in the future, you will change it. If one day, if you are old, you will choose a suitable descendant and use this wisdom. Pass on and pass on, know?"

"Hey, your arrangement is too wise, I understand!" Fang Yun laughed, not letting him change his mind, he suddenly relaxed.

"Let's go, stinky boy, I need to rest. These three wise minds, you first go down and experience. There are miscellaneous thoughts that you can't count on your predecessors. Although he is dead, I have to pass on his inheritance. Stayed." The elders said as they waved.

"The baby retire." Fang Yun quickly left, and gently closed the door when he left.

In the house, only Fangyuan is left alone.

He closed his eyes and looked tired. His mind was thinking: "My flesh is the body of the eaves, so the bloodline is not flawed. The eaves are not dead, and the plaques are not different. The soul is the body to personally shot, after the soul is transferred to a number of soul means, coupled with the advantage of the time flow rate in the Supreme Xianyu, so that the soul is also very close to the flesh, there is no flaw at all."

"However, it is not enough to do this alone."

The elders thought of the house.

Although this person has a lot of time with Fang Yuan, but his temperament has long been well understood.

From the outside, the room is wild and heroic, broad-minded and informal, but in fact his heroic appearance is extremely shrewd and cautious.

This point, from the time he conceived Chen Yi, it is very clear.

He is an eight-turner, and he is always in the battle, always hiding his own cultivation, pretending to be a common fairy. Then suddenly broke out, hit Chen Yizhen, let the latter out of the way, and caught off guard, and ate a big loss.

Fang Yuan knows that it is okay to deceive such a person by relying on "there is no flaw in itself."

He also needs active performances.

"Oh? The two elders intend to pass on the wisdom road and hand it over to Fang Yun?" Fang Gong soon received the news.

Reporting the news, it is his grandfather and grandson, the leader of the 6-turn, the successor of the house--fangling.

Fang Ling Guozi face is a little older than Fang Yun. At the time of the prime time, Fang Yun had been very close to Fang Fang. This time, he was handed down by the elders and did not conceal the respectable brother.

Fang Fang apparently the city government is deeper than Fang Yun, and reported this matter to Fang Gong that night.

Fang Gong frowned slightly, and he was speechless.

He knew the plan of the elders.

The situation outside the house is difficult and the pressure is great, but there is always a struggle inside the house.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Even if there are more and more resources, they must consider how to distribute them. Family resources are limited. Whoever uses them first and who uses them first is the natural contradiction. It is never reconcilable.

The two biggest factions of the house are the two series of room power and house.

These two factions have always cooperated closely, but it does not mean that the two departments have no infighting. In fact, these two factions have been competing, but the housework is due to the fact that there are too many elders in the old house, and the elders are only seven years old, so they have been firmly holding the highest regime of the house.

The inheritance of Zhidao owned by Fang Yichang has always been the fundamental foundation of the second faction of the family.

The reason for the fragility of Fang Gong is that he originally thought about whether he could take the opportunity to pass this Zhidao.

You see, you almost died this time, Zhidao passed on in your hands, if there is a three long and two short, but the house's major loss!

This is the family's righteousness, and it is indeed possible to force the elders to surrender their inheritance, at least part of the wisdom.

There is still a difference between the politics of the family and the sect.

The family politics is the inheritance of blood from generation to generation, focusing on family. Although Fang Yun is the adopted son of the eaves, his feelings are very good. This is because Fang Yun was raised by the elders from the hour. Fang Yuchang is really sincere to this son. In this way, he will not be allowed to specialize in the cloud. This is to take into account his personal feelings and happiness.

In the future, the elders will retreat. His position as a second elder is, according to the usual practice, it is Fang Yun’s takeover.

There are quite a few immortals in the house, but this position is only Fang Yun.

Unless in the future, the elders have developed a heir who can specialize in martial arts and is better than Fang Yun.

The Zhidao inheritance mastered by the elders is nominally a house, but it is actually in the hands of this faction and passed down from generation to generation.

Fang Yun specializes in Yundao and is not qualified to inherit this Zhidao inheritance. This is the most obvious weakness of Fang Yichang’s faction.

This time, Fang Gong wanted to seize this weakness and started to work. I didn’t expect the elders to plan ahead and block this in advance.

"I don't think it's a great master of wisdom." Room's wrinkled brows came loose, and a smile appeared on his face. He waved his hand.

Fang Ling knows the machine: "The baby retire."

"This time there is no chance, then forget it. After all, the same family name is self-family." There is not much anger in Fang Gong, but there are still some concerns in my heart.

After all, this time, the eaves long plan to succeed, sacrificed the endless, refining the Dou Jingu. With this eight-turn fairy house, the strength of the second faction of the house has risen sharply, and Fang Gong feels a lot of pressure.

As a high person, the aspects to be considered are far more extraordinary.

The elders of the house’s elders have been in charge of the house for so many years. He not only pays attention to personal practice, but also cultivates younger generations, and he wants to lead the house, fight against foreign enemies, and strive to expand the territory. At the same time, we must always pay attention to the power inside the house.

"However, the actions of the two elders are so rapid, they can see their true heart. It is impossible to be pretending to be pretending." At this point, the last trace of doubts in Fang Gong’s heart was completely dissipated.

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