Reverend Insanity

: Section 852: Spirit

"Yuan Lian Xian Zun, Le Tu Xian Zun and the madman demon statue?" Fang Yuan hearted a move.

According to the description of these humanoid clouds, Fang Yuan quickly compared the three saints with the three saints in history.

Fang Yuan’s thoughts flashed like lightning: “These three sages have been here? Then on the seventh floor, I also saw the way that the ghosts, the goddess, and the giant Yang Xianzun stayed. The Road of Traces... As a result, at least five of the Sayādaws have been here."

Fang Yuan is a bit stunned and more confused.

When he saw the path of the three Sayādaws on the seventh floor, he was puzzled at the time: Is it true that only these three saints have been here? If there are other honors who have come, why not leave their way?

"Now it seems that other Sayādaws have come here, such as madness, such as Yuan Lian, but even if the road was left at that time, it was destroyed because of the long time."

The Promise Demon is an ancient era. A million years ago, after him, there was another madness and red lotus.

Then came the Middle Ages, 300,000 years ago. Yuan Lian, Pirates, and Giant Yang appeared one after another. In this era, there are also long-haired ancestors. Because he is a Maomin, he has lived for a long time and has cooperated with both the Pirates and the Giants.

After the Middle Ages, it was the ancient times. One hundred thousand years ago, there were ghosts and two gods.

Then now, according to the prophecies of the three, there will be a big dream fairy, she is an unprecedented sage, will surpass the history of the top ten sages.

Juyang, Ghost, and Happy Land are in the seventh layer, leaving their way, in fact, they are traces of their swaying.

They are the three most recent sages, so the traces can survive.

The former sages, even if they left the road of traces, because the time is too long, they have been ruined.

Fang Yuan’s doubts are solved, but more questions arise.

"Why did these nobles come one after another?"

"The Mad Cave is too attractive to these people."

"These sages have arrived here. Have you ever been to the ninth floor?"

"The ninth floor of the big squad should still be in operation. If these sages have gone to the ninth floor, why not ruin the big squad and take away the nine turns of the inside?"

"If they don't go, they stop at the eighth floor. Why do you want to build a dojo and create a world?"

Fang Yuan thought about it and immediately decided to go to the world of these saints.

He could not find the ninth floor.

At the seventh level, he never expected that the eighth floor was so magnificent.

Perhaps in the dojo and the world of these saints, can he find the corresponding clues?

Even if there is no corresponding clue, even if these later sages have not entered the ninth floor, then these worlds are likely to leave their inheritance!

Even if there is no real biography, what is left behind, the scales of the Sayādaw are also of great interest to each other.

"This is interesting. Do you know where these dojos and the world are?" Fang Yuan asked.

These digital humanoid clouds shook their heads and said that they did not know, but they heard it.

"Sage, we live in this world, we have no ability to go out. It is too dangerous and fatal outside, not that we can get involved."

Fang Yuan frowned: "How do you know the news?"

The humanoid cloud replied: "Every once in a while, there will be disciples and disciples of the saints, shuttle the void, to the world, to trade or plunder. Our news is from their hands."

Fang Yuan’s eyelids are shrinking: “These disciples are all from the generations of the sages. What is the fighting power? The ability to shuttle the emptiness and shuttle the world, the strength should be good!”

But immediately, Fang Yuan realized that something was wrong. He once again asked: "Since there are many disciples and disciples, why did you first see me, but call me a saint?"

The humanoid clouds will answer: "That is because all the saints are like you, and their disciples and disciples are in various poses."

Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly became clear: “It seems that there is no human settlement here. The so-called saint disciples and disciples are probably some strangers? Just like the humanoid clouds in front of you?”

Speaking of these humanoid clouds, he was the first to see it. It was neither a beast nor a plant, nor a stranger, but it was a blurred form of human beings.

"Also ask the saints to save me!"

"Please sage the sermon and save the world."

The digital humanoid cloud once again bowed to the church.

"Well, it’s good." Fang Yuan smiled, but he shot it.


"what are you going to do?"


The exclamation and screams echoed at the ear of the source.

Just two breaths, Fang Yuan will hold these humanoid clouds, he looked at these humanoid clouds, his eyes sparkling with chilling light.

Just relying on inquiry, how reliable is this information?

If the humanoid cloud wants to deceive the source, it is too easy to operate.

Between the Fangyuan conversations, the surrounding and the other party have been secretly investigated for 7788, and they are immediately taken down.

Then he mobilized the means of searching for the soul, he wants to check it out.

The result is a bit embarrassing.

These humanoid clouds have no soul!

Isn't the soul a living creature?

Even the plants have their own souls.

Fang Yuan stunned and then stunned: "It seems that there is no trace of the soul in this small world, which leads to the existence of souls here."

This is a very novel discovery.

In the five days of the five domains, because of the traces of the soul, all life has its own soul.

These humanoid clouds are not.

There are still some troubles to search out their memories.

However, these troubles were quickly overcome by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan got all the information that the other party has mastered.

Judging from these intelligences, the humanoid clouds did not deceive the source. Their survival experience is very monotonous, and since they have been wise, they have been here until the world is about to be destroyed. Even during the period, there were sage disciples who shuttled and entered the transaction once, and the time was also very short. Therefore, the temperament of these humanoid clouds is quite simple.

Fang Yuan also found that these humanoid clouds are not individuals, they are still part of the world. They simply cannot leave the world and go to the outside world.

"These humanoid clouds are actually very similar to the spirits and the spirits." Fang Yuan’s mind suddenly had another flash of light.

The earthly spirits and the heavenly spirits are all formed by the combination of heaven and earth, and there is no soul, but they are intelligent and can communicate.

In fact, not only the spirits, the heavens, but also the spirits and dragon spirits.

The apse is born from the shackles, and the dragon spirit is the secret of the dragon family.

"That is to say, these humanoid clouds are the embryonic form of the spirits and the spirits. If I can understand their mystery, can I create the spirits and the heavens in batches?"

Fang Yuan’s eyes were light, and he saw the most valuable things at once.

However, after half a day, he looked regretfully at the destruction of this world.

He would like to realize the mystery of these humanoid clouds, but he does not have enough world. Just a little bit of research has been done and the world has been destroyed.

"It doesn't matter, I can continue to search."

"While such a world is rare, there are still some."

"If it makes me meet the dojos of those who are honorable, it would be better!"

So next, Fang Yuan shuttled through nothingness and searched for valuable targets.


Fat Mountain spits out a blood and slams back one step.

He was huge, and this step back stepped heavily on the ground, and immediately made a loud bang. In exchange for normal land, it will surely sink into a pothole, but in the seventh floor here, every inch of land is a quasi-nine-turn fairy, which is very strong.

"There was no trace of any source of Fangyuan." Fat Mountain wiped the blood of his mouth and said.

Not a fairy silence.

The sinner sighed.

The madness and blame are all gathered at this time. They were used to prevent the source, but now when the magic sound is over, they immediately come together.

First, I feel that even if Fangyuan survives, it will be a lingering fear, and it will never pose any threat to the Three Monsters.

Second, I also want to do my best to save the source.

Zhu Xian is injured, often troublesome, not so easy to heal.

It’s not that the immortals and the conspirators are wounded. Only the fat mountain is innocent, but now he is also injured.

It is not a good idea to mobilize the detectives in this seventh layer.

Because the traces here are too dense, almost equivalent to a battlefield killing, the traces are mutually exclusive, here it is not friendly to all the genres.

The detection range of Fat Mountain is very limited, because the track marks that match his genre are always only a small part of the total track mark.

"The magic sounds up, the seventh layer looks like I am clear. Two, according to me, just like this. Fang Yuansheng hopes..." Fat Mountain slowly shook his head.

"I didn't expect Fang Yuan to be like this."

The secret person is also extremely sorry.

They have nothing to do with the minds and thoughts of the people. Their life goals are very consistent. It is very simple. It is to explore the ninth floor and master the evolutionary array to find some possibility of eternal life.

Fang Yuan’s body has not been in the eighth layer for a long time, and his avatars are nervous.

The home base camp.

The Bean God Palace floats in the air and bursts into the sky.

At this time, outside the palace, the house’s Taishang’s elders’ house, the three elders’ houses, and Fang’s and Fangyun’s far away.

The blue light suddenly changed, turning into countless thunderbolt light **** and bombing around.


A series of popping sounds earth and stone flying, the air flow is arrogant.

After the bombing ended, the uneven ground was suddenly covered with green grass, while the small saplings of the tree smashed the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye and grew into towering trees.

This is the killing trick of the Bean God Palace - Wan Sheng Chun Lei!

This killing move is convincing, which proves that the elders basically control the Dou Jingu.

The palace opened, Fangyuan split the room and smiled and walked out.

"Good!" Fang Gong laughed. "Two elders, you have made great achievements." Although there are some concerns about the factional balance within the house, it is undoubtedly a great good news for the entire house.

"With this house, our house can break through the predicament and really rise!" Fang Yunxing happily cheered.

The elders smiled and smiled: "With this house, we are already in an invincible position. But we are still not busy, and there is a place where the Bean God Palace can be upgraded. The most important thing is the Bean God Soldier. Need to prepare in advance."

"It doesn't matter, what kind of wooden road fairywood is needed, even though it is extracted from my house library." Fang Gong laughed again and laughed from the heart.

Ps: I have been through this for a long time without knowing it. I saw the book review and I know that today is the birthday of this book, for five years. It’s awkward and a little gratifying. I wrote slowly, but still writing. Still have friends who are willing to watch and willing to wait. Thank you very much for your support! It is really not easy to get to this step. We are not easy with each other, but we must continue to go on. No matter when the book "蛊真人" ends, when we think about it, it is not just a source, or just a book, that is the youth time of our own life for five or six years. Years are embarrassing, we have changed in each of our own appearances. What has not changed is the source of each of us, the persistence and persistence of each of us. Nt

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