Reverend Insanity

: Section 870: The big banquet is now bloody

A feast of gas and sea.

The transaction is in progress.

A celestial man walked on stage, wearing a black robe and messing around his shawl. At this moment, I looked up and revealed the truth, but it was the East China Sea.

Uma Yangying hooked his nose and looked cloudy. He seemed to be hurt, coughing twice, taking out a shell and floating it.

Looking at the people in the East China Sea, many people immediately recognized them and expressed their disappointment.

This is just a shell of a small sound shell, it is a seven-turn fairy.

The sound shell is an ordinary shell, which contains sound track marks. If it grows to the level of the beast, the shell volume will skyrocket and become a giant sound shell. After the age of the ancient wild animal, the volume of the sound shell suddenly decreased, becoming a small sound shell.

Wuyin Yang came out of the small sound shell, breathless and dead, apparently no life, just a piece of seven-turned fairy.

However, Wu Ma Yang sneered twice: "You are a little bit stunned, Wu Mou dare to shame on the banquet of the ancestors? Wu Mou is not selling this small sound shell, but the sound stored in the sound shell."

Speaking of this, Wu Ma Yang and the other source worship: "The ancestors are on, please forgive Wu."

The source of the sea ancestors played by Fang Yuan faintly nodded.

Speaking of it, Fang Yuan and Wu Ma Yang have already seen it. In the East China Sea, Fang Yuan sold the bone thorns to Wu Ma Yang.

Wu Ma Yang got the permission of Fang Yuan, which turned around and ignited a gap in the small sound.

Suddenly, the audience of the audience heard a cry of crying.

This voice is very weak, whispering, and there is no beauty of the temperament, but if people can't help but study it deeply, they will be bound by this voice, gradually sinking and unable to extricate themselves. The mortal is never fortunate to be excused, even if it is a celestial being, it is lightly wounded and heavy.

However, after Wu Yangyang released a sound, he immediately shut down. Xiaoyinbei no longer heard the sound, and many of the immortals in the field sighed, and immediately became alert, knowing that he was in the middle.

"This is a seven-turn fairy singer." Fang Yuan faintly commented.

"The old ancestor is like a torch. Wu willing to use this ghost voice, in exchange for the same seven-turn dark road fairy. If there is black hole wood best, dark seaweed is also OK." Wu Ma Yang quote.

The audience was silent for a moment, and there was a celestial opening: "I have a dark seaweed."

Wu Ma Yang nodded, his face was slightly hilarious, and he was about to answer. Then there was another person: "I have black hole wood, change your ghost voice."

After some negotiations, Wu Ma Yang sat down with satisfaction.

In recent years, there have been frequent occurrences of five-domain trenches. Although the trenches appearing on the East China Sea are the least, they also bring a wealth of spiritual resources.

The ghost voices collected by Wu Ma Yang may be derived from this.

Although there are frequent exchanges between the East China Sea and the Immortals, the auctions are held quite a lot, but the scale is very small, which is the same size as the source above. The gas sea feast almost covers the entire East China Sea fairyland!

The scale of Bao Huangtian’s transaction has also been rising due to the trench. However, in Baohuang Tianzhong, the transaction fee is charged.

Bao Huangtian's handling fee varies according to Baoguang's strength and weakness, so the more things you trade, the higher the value, the higher the handling fee.

The seven-turned fairywood is already quite high, and of course, Wuma Yang can save the province.

After Wu Mayang stepped down, there was the next one who went to the stage and took out a group of fire sellers.

This group of flames is yellow and the outer flame is orange-red, full of deadness. As soon as it was taken out, the surrounding air suddenly dried up like a desert, and the temperature rose sharply.

"This is drought and phlegm." The fairy who sold this flame smiled.

He is from the East China Sea super-power Su family, named Su Lun, attached to the right path.

The order of transactions arranged by Fangyuan is one of the right ones, one of them is scattered, and the two sides alternate one after another. This rule is obviously to take care of the East China Sea, and won the welcome of the East China Sea. What's even better is that there is no such thing as a magical Taoist immortal, showing a certain political attitude of the ancestors.

The East Coast of the East China Sea does not have much resentment. After all, the ancestral spirit of the sea itself is the identity of the East China Sea.

The drought and phlegm inflammation is not small, but it is a flame of up to eight turns. Fang Yuan had to wave his hand gently, and the power of the fireworks was **** and restrained.

The temperature and humidity on the gas sea feast returned to normal.

"This flame must have been recognized by many people. But what I want to sell today is not only the flame of this group, but also the supporting drought-stricken sacred life. This method can make Shouyuan’s approaching immortal, use this The flames of the regiment have been converted into droughts and stagnations. Everyone should hear about the drought and the stagnation, and the combat power can be turned into eight turns." Su Lun continued.

However, the immortals in the field are lack of interest.

Right now, everyone knows the plan to repair the fate of Heaven. Once the fate is repaired, it is very likely that the stagnation will not exist. The fate is completely repaired, and the existence of living dead will never be allowed between heaven and earth, and the **** will die.

Therefore, the prospect of renovating the drought and the stasis is not clear.

For a long time, this is why Xian Xian asked: "Is it possible to transfer to the drought and the immortal?"

Su Lun nodded: "Of course. But the body of the drought-stricken stagnation is not complete, it can only be regarded as a small drought, and its combat power is limited to seven revolutions."

He did not blow the air. In this case, the high-ranking people are everywhere, and they are likely to be debunked. At that time, he was openly deceived to give no face to the ancestors of the sea, and to offend such eight-turn power, whether it was Su Lun or Su’s family did not want to see it.

Representatives from the East China Sea are coming to the banquet. Which one is not a worship?

However, there is only a small part of the practice of distraction and magic.

After all, the East China Sea is full of great powers and needs to have a good relationship with the ancestors. Most of the scattered immortals and demons are free and independent.

Su Lun did not succeed on the spot.

However, there are also a few people who express interest and are willing to negotiate on the spot. If Su Lun can make the price, there may be a possibility of success.

"This drought and phlegm is probably from the headquarters of the East China Sea Zombie." Fang Yuan is secretly guilty. The film ancestral inheritance he obtained has a list of the squad of the local alliance. Among the stocks of the East China Sea Zombie headquarters, there are several droughts and phlegm. .

At that time, the demon sorcerer rebelled against the celestial celestial scorpion, and the shadow sect and the squad exposed the identity. After the defeat of the Devil's Ghost, the East China Sea Zombie was drawn by the power, almost became an empty nest, and was successfully annihilated by the East China Sea.

Looking at the geographical location, Sujia is one of the superpowers closest to the headquarters of the East China Sea. In addition to him, there are Qingyuejia, Songjia and Huajia.

After the drought and phlegm, another Donghai Zhuxian went to the stage.

He walked cautiously, and from time to time he had to take a look at the ancestors. However, Fangyuan did not respond, and the eyes were slightly closed, and the clouds were light and windy.

The Donghai Zhu Xian put a little bit of heart down and spit out a sullen voice. He said in a hoarse voice: "I am coming to change the fairy."

Said, he spread his palms to reveal a fairy inside.

Suddenly, a **** suffocation spread, and the hearts of the group of immortals in the field could not help but jump a few times.

This is the first fairy trade that has appeared since the opening of the feast!

All the immortals are looking forward to seeing, this is like a ladybug, small and delicate, the ladybug shell is bright red, the belly, the head is dark as iron. Listen carefully and it seems that you can hear the heartbeat of the beak from the ladybug. This kind of heartbeat has just been heard in the ear, very weak, but if you listen all the time, the heartbeat will be louder and louder, getting bigger and bigger, and the beat of the heart of Zhu Xian will echo each other, which will affect the heartbeat of Zhu Xian.

The immortals are inevitably amazed. Some of the six turns of the celestial beings are weaker, some are snoring, some are pale, and it is obviously a trick.

"What kind of fairy is this? Even the celestial being wounded, the mortal can't get close to it."

"It is obviously a **** fairy."

"This courageous cousin is so bold, actually publicly sells **** celestial ceremonies at the marital feast, not afraid of the sea ancestors and the East China Sea right way on the spot?"

"Lishui Weng was originally a magic fairy. Who knows in the East China Sea? The ancestors did not stipulate that the Magic Road can go on stage. He actually went up."

There are a lot of arguments in the group, and the faces of the immortals are not good-looking, and the murder of the people is not counted, but at the moment they are uneasy.

He specializes in waterways, but he restrains the ordinary waterways and celestials, killing countless mortals, and even succumbing to many sinisters of the right path. It can be described as killing and murdering.

So far, he has also been jointly wanted by the five superpowers of the East China Sea.

If it is an ordinary moment, the right way in the field, the fairy has already attacked him, but now it is a feast of the sea and the sea, is the place where the ancestors of the sea and sea, who dare not give face to the ancestors of the sea?

As for how to deal with the water, Weng Weng is looking at Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan is still there, and it seems that he is still in a false voice.

Qunxian looked at Fang Yuan for a while and gradually figured out the taste. It seems that the ancestors of the sea will not be shot.

Lishui Weng’s heart is uplifting, this is a gamble! He is very courageous. If not, how can he be right against the East China Sea? At the same time, he is also as careful as he is, not blindly taking risks.

"Since the ancestors can allow me to attend, it proves that he does not intend to deal with me. If he wants to deal with me, when he meets, he will directly shoot, not just fine? These characters, high above, how can it be difficult for a small person like me? What?"

With such an idea, Lishui Weng once again said: "This is a **** fairy, up to seven turns, I caught from the bottom of the sea, who will change with me?"

After a moment of silence, many of the immortals have offered prices.

There is no one in the right way The **** road was created and prospered by the ancestors of the sea, but then it was jointly suppressed and blocked by the five domains. The **** ancestors are extremely capable, and even the bloodcourse inheritance is widely spread within the five domains, leading to the bloodshed spreading all the time. Even the major righteous forces have been secretly studying.

Fairy's trade can only be exchanged for 蛊.

There is no bidding, just look at what kind of fairy 溺 溺 翁.

There are a lot of people who are willing to exchange in the field. Many people have taken out the water channel to exchange. The East China Sea is the most prosperous, and the scale of the water channel is also the first in the five domains.

This **** fairy is awesome at first glance, and may suddenly be sacrificed in battle to receive good results.

Under normal circumstances, Zhu Xian can not be repaired because the road marks are mutually exclusive. However, there are still many immortals in the East China Sea to practice blood, most of them are majors, several are seven-turn, a few six-turn, and also have a repair.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the immortals in the East China Sea are even worse.

There are many concealments in the East China Sea. I didn’t expect a **** fairy to make so many **** celestial appearances.

Fangyuan has no accidents.

In his memory of the past 500 years, the vitality of the bloodway is very tenacious. After the merger of the five domains, the number of **** celestial beings has been rising all the way. In the five-domain chaos, the bloodline was more popular and could not be banned.

Fang Yuan was one of the members of the world five hundred years ago.

"This **** fairy can fight for it. In the inheritance of Song Zixing, there is a wave of whim, and it is most appropriate to use the blood to be the core."

Fang Yuan’s thoughts together, Zhang Yin over there suddenly said: “This is a **** fairy, I want it. I also have a few seven waterways, I will choose it. In addition, I promise to owe you a favor.”

This is still the first eight turns of the celestial squad, and when the words came out, the field suddenly quieted down.

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