Reverend Insanity

: Section 193: God catches the hand


Section 193: God catches the hand

The crane on the crane was full of faces, his eyes were sharp and fierce, and suddenly he shot, sprinkling a bird's wing and arrow rain.

Arrow rain did not shoot at the ancient moon generation, the ancient moon generation was transformed into a blood ghost corpse, and its own defense is excellent, it is difficult to have a good effect.

Birds and arrows fell under the rain, and countless sorcerers were pierced through the body and died in an instant!

At the same time, Tianhe’s eyes were white, and two white beams of light smashed the cottage. Wherever they went, the bamboo building was broken and the street stone collapsed. According to the human body, the muscles and bones are like the snow, and the sun melts.

Five turns to the division to shoot, instantly caused a lot of casualties.

The screams, the screams, the shouts of despair are in one piece.

A bird-winged arrow feather flew toward Fangyuan. Fang Yuanxin grabbed one of his hands and left it. The bird's wings and feathers pierce the head of the person and get stuck. Fang Yuan took advantage of the trend and escaped the attack of a shovel.

The gap between the three turns and the five turns is too big to be done. Even at the moment, Bai Ningbing is constantly dodging. Every time he was injured, the North Bing body responded once, but it also made him go further from the death limit.

The five-turn sergeant has already stood at the peak of the mortal world.

"Stop!" The ancient moon yelled, and looked at the bottom of the sergeant was massacred, his heart hurts to be bloody.

He built a cottage and passed on the blood. It was not as simple as the incognito, but a big plot. The younger brother of the family is the rich fruit that he has brewed for hundreds of years. At this moment, it was destroyed by the cranes of the cranes. This is the hard work of the ancient moon generation for hundreds of years.

Forcing them to do so, the ancient moon generation had to give up the cranes, the razor-winged blood bats and the blood drops have changed their direction, flew down the cottage, and defended the attack of the crane.

Tianhe’s master laughed, and the **** sea passed on the heavy attack. The ancient moon’s generation was to abandon his strengths and deal with him in a shortcoming.

He knew the ancient moon generation and knew his plot. Therefore, these ancient Yue people were deliberately let go. At this time, they were attacked and killed. It turned out that the ancient moon generation had lost sight of one another, and he was in a state of crisis.

"not good!"

When the scene fell into a stalemate, the ancient moon generation suddenly shouted, and there was a black shadow of the whole body.

This shadow is instantly imaginary, and it really forms a chain of iron ropes, such as the snakes around the ancient moon generation, and **** the ancient moon generation.

A long strip of yellow paper rune is gradually revealed, and it is being posted on the forehead of the ancient moon generation.


The ancient moon generation was tied by this iron rope, and the wings could not be stretched. They could no longer fly and fell to the ground.

This kind of shock is not only to shock the ancient moon generation, but even the crane is a bow. However, the latter immediately laughed: "It turned out to be the town of the iron and the iron, and the bottom of the wages. Hahaha, it seems that the so-called **** catch, is not nothing. My good brother, today will die!"

These two big cockroaches are the locusts of Tiejiazhai.

The town's magic iron ropes can bind the sergeant's actions, so that they can't move, and they can be slaughtered. At the end of the game, you can extract the mites from the scorpion and seal the town.

The two bloods of cold blood use, I do not know how many magical sorcerers have been captured, and now they are used in the ancient moon generation.

"Which time is it?!" The ancient moon generation was furious at this moment. In his mind, he recalled the last scene of killing the cold.

The bronze mask flew out, revealing a national face.

Although it is already dead, there is no fear of fear on his face. The eyes of the vicissitudes of life have revealed a firm, **** palm of the hand and a shot, concealing the chest of the middle-aged generation.

But this is very small, and the ancient moon generation did not care at the time.

"It turned out that time! Damn, if I am a living body, I have already noticed it. But the zombie torso, although strong and defensive, is not sensitive." The ancient moon generation hated.

Turning around as a blood corpse, there are also many drawbacks. According to his original life, he should have died long ago, and he will die without delay.

"Hahaha!" Tianhe’s master laughed, and his momentum rose sharply. He attacked the ancient moon generation.

The ancient moon generation only got the hand to resist, and naturally fell into an absolute disadvantage.

The town's magic iron ropes not only helped his body, but also the black iron rope shadow appeared in his empty space, to suppress the entire open space.

The real sea surface is boiling like boiling water, and countless locusts fly in the open air, resisting the suppression of the town's magic iron ropes.

As a result, the real consumption of the ancient moon generation is extremely intense.

"You are defeated today, let's die!" Tianhe's attack on the people was like a slap in the face, and it was completely mad.

The ancient moon was bruised and bruised, and the pale bones were exposed on the chest. Both arms were cut off by the cranes.

Seeing that the crane is going to be successful, the ancient moon generation suddenly opened the blame.

"Central -!"

The sound waves are bundled, screaming to the extreme, and instantly hitting the crane.

The crane man heard this sound, suddenly as a big hit, flying back dozens of steps, the white eyebrows were straightened. Then I fell down and fell to the ground.

He got up hard, and his eyes, nose, ears, and corners of his mouth spewed out a stream of blood. The rest of the voice was still smashing in his body, causing him to run counter-current conflicts and unable to act again.

Many of the sergeants are cheaper, far from the moon blade, water bombs, etc., but they are blocked by the aura of the crane.

More than a dozen flying cranes rushed to the ancient moon generation, but the iron scorpion hit the body of the blood ghost, such as hitting the steel and iron bones, all broken.

The five-turn defense is not the same. Even if Fangyuan uses the sawtooth gold smashed scorpion corpse, the half-quarter clock may not be able to grind the next piece of flesh.

At the moment, only two five-turners can threaten each other. Although the two of them are embarrassed, but as long as the real elements are not exhausted, others can only look down and have a hard time doing something.

When the cranes of the cranes saw the flying cranes, they could not make meritorious deeds. The king of the flying cranes was killed with blood in the far distance. He himself was in conflict with blood and inconvenience, so he had to look at his eyes and concentrate all his mind, urging his eyes to exhale. The real yuan is more expensive.

This is almost the life of the ancient moon generation!

The true sea surface has rapidly declined. Once it is exhausted, the locusts do not have the support of the real yuan, and they cannot stop the suppression of the town. Once the town's magic iron ropes are completely suppressed, the bottom of the wages will be launched, seal the locusts, one by one. Then the general trend has gone!

The ancient moon generation shouted: "Hurry up and grab the white eyebrows, motivate the real yuan, help me!"

"Go help!"

"Helping a generation of ancestors!!"

"Let's go together."

A large group of sergeants flocked to the scene, not only the ancient moon family, but even the white family, the bear family's sergeant, all came over.

Even the ancient moon generation could not break this white eyebrow, and their means were even worse. Can only respond to the ancient moon generation, have reached out and grabbed the white eyebrows.

They just put their hands on them, and the white eyebrows were separated, and the wrists were tightly wrapped around them, and then stretched over the body.

"Ah..." The screams sounded again and again.

One turn and two turn of the sergeant, where can their real yuan and five turn true yuan? It was consumed at once, and the real sea bottomed out. The air was completely dry, then cracked, and eventually collapsed.

The empty space is the key to the human body. It is more important than the heart. When the air is broken, many of the teachers will lose their lives when they turn their eyes on the spot.

"Damn!" The old moon roared, the town's magic iron ropes tightened and tightened, into the flesh, the pressure of the white bones creaking.

It stands to reason that the iron and blood is cold, and the town’s magic iron ropes are not as true as the teacher’s true elements. However, the town’s magic iron ropes are polluted by blood and can absorb the vitality of the air. At the same time, the town's magic iron rope is the shackles of iron and blood, which is the will of the iron and blood to kill the ancient moon generation.

The ancient moon generation is really too fast, and it has gradually disappeared.

Seeing this scene, many of the sergeants who came to support, could not help but stagnate.

"Afraid of what, one generation is defeated, we are all dead! Do you still expect that the other party can let us go?" Fang Yuan shouted, rushed to the side of the ancient moon generation, grabbed the white eyebrow.

The tarantula has been dead for thousands of miles, and the other side has flying cranes, which can be pursued by flight. Escape alone, there is no hope at all.

On the contrary, it is to help the ancient moon generation, as well as the possibility of making the two sides fire and killing themselves.

The white eyebrow firmly locked Fangyuan's wrist and followed his arm, as the vine grows wild and spreads to his waist. In the open air, the snow and silver real yuan is consumed at a very high speed. Fang Yuan clenched his teeth and insisted on it.

His actions played an exemplary role. Other sergeants have been driven and are coming in.

"We will not be able to die together!"

"Yes, people are more powerful!!"

"Hey, what can I do? There is only one fight."

Countless hands are on the white eyebrows, and there are always sorcerers who die. The same continually has a sergeant to fill the gap and join the consumption.

"Ha ha ha, can play against the five turns, how exciting and interesting!" Bai Ningbing also came to join hands.

"It is life and death, look at this fight." Xiong Jiaoyu also stood up.

Fang Zheng disappeared, he lost in the wild, did not escape to the cottage, has been alive and dead, fierce and less.

Time has become extraordinarily long and difficult at this moment.

As time went by, there were always sorrows to die. Some of the sergeants attacked the cranes, but the white aperture did not move, and it was as stable as Mount Tai.

Only three transitions can only support the players in the consumption.

Many of the teachers’ confidence has shaken to show a hesitation.

The two sides fell into a stalemate, and Tianhe’s whispered: "I won, you all have to die!"

Three turns and five turns, the gap is too large. Four turns can be influential, but the three-four-four patriarchs have already been killed by Tianhe.

The ancient moon generation was tied by the iron rope, and it was wrapped around the white eyebrows. The forehead was at the bottom of the salary and fluttering. In the open air, the real yuan was already rare.

Suddenly, the bottom of the salary is a slight yellow light. From the empty space of the ancient moon generation, a yellow light was arrested.

This yellow light is bigger than a fist and smaller than a washbasin. Falling down to the ground, the yellow light weakens only the micro-mans.

I saw a skull like a crystal skull, showing the true shape. This cockroach is like a baby skull. It can be held by a slap. The skull is like a crystal, and it is covered with light red bloodline stripes.

"Blood skulls! After hundreds of years, I finally saw you again!" Tianhe, a man who saw it far away, burst into tears and looked very excited.

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