Reverend Insanity

: Section 909: Meat Whip

Zhongzhou, Hidden Dragon Cave.

"What happened?" Eight people in the East China Sea quickly discovered the changes in the sky.

During the day, the sky in Zhongzhou is star-studded and shining.

"This is probably the means of heaven, that is, I don't know what the specific power is." Qing Yue An frowned.

"What are you afraid of? The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. If I wait for this lineup, who can stop it? Unless it is the main force of the heavens to attack." Yangzihe laughed.

"It’s said." Qing Yue’s brow stretched a little.

In the current situation, the heavens are mainly to repair fate, and the Dragon Cave can only be regarded as a corner in the overall situation. If the heavenly courts send troops to resist the East China Sea, they will abandon the big picture and ignore the real faint!

"Into the battle. Kill this big array, release the Emperor Tibetans, and make him turn upside down, we have more opportunities." Yangzi River encouraged the road without any trace.

"Well... I still have to wait a little longer. Since I have to shoot, why bother to do this?" Song Qiyuan is old-fashioned. "Since Tian Ting has revealed the means, we must at least find out what this means is?"

Song Qiyuan made a remark and made the East China Sea fairy hesitate.

The four dragons, such as the Yangtze River, will not be allowed to sneak. These eight turns of the East China Sea are really ink. When I got here, I have already shown hostility, and I still don’t hurry to break the line!

Concerning this inexplicable day star is nothing more than cherishing itself and not wanting to take too much risk. This has to be placed on the North Plains, and it has long been screaming into the battle. It is no wonder that the East China Sea Fairyland, despite its wealth, has always been crushed, and it is hard to see the battle with the various fields.

Fang Yuan may not want these celestial beings to wait outside the big array.

Since the four dragons have been enslaved by the Dragon Palace, they are naturally loyal.

The child-in-law smiled slightly and asked: "If this means is just false, it takes three days to push. Do we have to wait three days here?"

"This..." Song Qiyuan and others are hesitant to hesitate.

But at this moment, a star-studded giant column was shot from the sky.

The light column is blue and translucent, and the air is magnificent.

More than a dozen beams of light were shot in the middle, surrounded by eight emperors in the East China Sea.

Subsequently, the light column slowly dissipated, and each beam of light left a heavenly court.

The East China Sea is suddenly discolored.

In an instant, they were surrounded by heavy heavens, and the situation turned sharply!

"I am so small, I dare to commit my heaven!" Zhang Fei Xiong is cold and overbearing.

"Today is your jealous day." Wan Zihong licked the scarlet lips, killing the meaning.

"I am guilty of Zhongzhou, although it is far away." Qin Song is full of solemn color.

"Crap, I am going first, wow!" A heavenly woman immortal took the lead to rush.

Her body is extremely fat, like a meatball meteor, slamming into the East China Sea, is brave and fearless.

The hearts of the Zhuhai people in the East China Sea were distracted and immediately dispersed.

The obese female fairy rushed into an empty air and screamed: "You guys are hiding goods, hiding, hiding, coming, and fighting with the old lady for three hundred rounds!"

"The temper of the meat whip fairy, still so impatient." Tianting, who knows the female fairy, sighed reluctantly.

"Morning whip fairy is usually gentle and amiable. I didn't expect to fight. It's really the same as in the rumor." Many of them are stunned.

For a time, the female fairy known as the meat whip fairy actually chased the Eight Immortals in the East China Sea, and the mouth was swearing and lingering.

"The evil girl, it’s crazy." Qing Yue’an was not a thing, turned and went to war.

Meat whip fairy big joy: "I can't escape!"


Both of them were urging the killing tricks, and they smashed a fight and burst into a thunderous explosion.

The turbulent waves of the monks tumbling, and the surrounding winds changed dramatically.

"Speed ​​support for the small whip." Qin Song ordered, among these Zhu Xian, he is the oldest, the meat whip is his younger generation.

Zhongzhou Qunxian swarmed up.

In their trip, there are Suzaku, which is the sacred road and the change of the road. There are whirlpool boys, specializing in Yu Dao, killing and recruiting can be amazing. There are also wild scorpions, Zhao Shanhe, Wu Shuang, Yuzhuzi, etc., all of which are famous in the history of Qing Dynasty.

The Tianting side is not only a large number of people, but also has already discussed the tactics, and the tacit understanding is amazing.

The Eight Immortals in the East China Sea were beaten and defeated, and they could hardly lift their heads.

"This is a trap, we withdraw!" Song Qiyuan yelled and screamed.

His words immediately received the response of the other three correct ways. At present, the enemy is weak and weak, and it is obviously unwise to fight against it.

The four dragons will be silent.

Without the order of the source, they will never take it and then withdraw.

In the scuffle, Suzaku suddenly shot a single shot and fired a fire.

The flames are enchanting, just like a gorgeous knife light, screaming to Rong Po.

Rong Po is competing with Zhao Shanhe, seeing the knife and light hit, not even flashing.

At the end of the crisis, Zhang Yin suddenly started, the shadow floating room, successfully blocked the fire.

"Hey? These two immortals are a bit tricky." Suzaku looked slightly different and felt embarrassed.

Compared with the previous world, she awakened in advance and made a lot of preparations. Rong Po, Zhang Yin and other information, she is clear.

These two people are all scattered, and it is really rare to trust each other so much!

But soon, Suzaku found that not only Zhang Yin, Rong Po, but also the Yangtze River and Shi Yan, these four eight-turn mutual cooperation, truly handed the back to each other, extremely trust and understanding!

It was because of their exertion that they supported the overall situation and for the time they stood up against the storms of the Heavenly Emperor, they did not lose.

Ziwei Fairy has already taken the central eye at this moment.

The interpretation of the starlight in front of the scene is the scene of the battlefield of the Zanglong Cave.

Although she is far away from heaven, she grasps the first-hand battlefield intelligence.

"What are the four Donghai Sanxian? What is their relationship? Their friendship is not so deep. Is it because they have signed a rigorous cooperation between the two sides?"

Ziwei fairy can't think too much, it's not the time to calculate.

She thought about it and gave orders.

Get her orders, the tragic old man in the big circle of the Hidden Dragon Cave suddenly felt a spirit, and quickly rushed to the big array.

The bursts of glory emerged, and the power spread and slowly rolled back the battlefield.



"After entering the big battle, I am afraid we will be broken one by one."

The East China Sea Zhu Xian suddenly looked disorganized and exclaimed.

But how can the heavens turn around and how do they sit and watch them evacuate? Immediately, the display of killings and violent sniping, the East China Sea celestials can not break through, but with the Tianting 蛊仙, have been swept into the power of the big array.

Both sides entered the Dalong of the Zanglong Cave.

The sorrowful old man who manipulated the big array suddenly snorted and his face was slightly white, and two bloodstains flowed from his nostrils.

Although the Dalong of the Hidden Dragon Cave is very powerful, it is more than the limit of the strength of the old man of the tragic wind.

"Grandpa, don't worry about it." The wind zen around him looked worried.

He is the love and grandson of the old man of the tragic wind. If he was not punished on his behalf, he was atonement for the Hidden Dragon Cave. The old man of the tragic wind has long been a member of the official heaven.

"But if I can make a meritorious deed in this battle, I will be re-received by the heavens in the future!" The old man of the sorrowful wind flashed his eyes and his spirits were high.

Eight turns in the East China Sea were trapped in a large array and forced to split.

The same is true of Tianting Zhuxian, which is assigned to different areas.

"This large array is mainly used to suppress and seal the Emperor's possession. There is no power to cooperate with Zhu Xian. The Zhu Xian, who enters each group, will be assigned to an area. Unless the big array is damaged, it will not There will be two cases in which one is in the same area."

Ziwei Fairy knew the bottom of the Dalong Cave and immediately ordered the Tianting Zhuxian to withdraw.

The East China Sea Zhuxian was trapped by a large array.

"I will hand it over to you first." Qin Song left before he left.

"Please rest assured that the younger generation will stick to this place and close the door. Once there is any abnormal situation, it must be reported in time and waiting for support." The attitude of the old man is very respectful.

"Very good." Qin Song put down his heart and led a dried heavenly court to go out into the mountains.

At this time, a dozen light beams were shot again from the sky, and the blue starlight pillars covered one heaven and eight turns.

The light column disappeared, and even the eight turns of the fairy inside disappeared.

The elders and elders drove the fairy house and rushed straight to the Imperial City.

Although compared to the previous world, at this moment, the Zhongzhou Refining Conference was harassed because of the premise of Fangyuan. The progress was not as good as before, and it has not yet reached the final ratio.

But obviously, the Imperial City is the only place that can protect them without hindering refining and fatal repair. It was already guarded by the heavens in advance, and the eaves grew up to encourage the Xi Moqun to go straight to the Imperial City.

The western deserts are arrogant.

But in the next moment, the starlight giant column reappeared, and more than a dozen people in the heavenly court appeared.

"Kill!" The female fairy whip rushed up again.

But this time, the West Desert is amazed and not chaotic.

They are all in the fairy house, which is extraordinarily safe.

Looking at the meat whip rushing over, even if it is eight turns, it is difficult to instantly defeat the fairy house.

"What is the means of the heavens? Actually, the number of eight turns is transmitted out of thin air!" The eaves couldn’t think too much, and immediately dispatched several Xianyu houses to meet.

As a wise man, he is also in charge of the strongest Xianyi Bean God Palace, and was elected as the temporary leader has the first command.

The fairy squatting house collided and was unreasonable. It was the turn of the heavens to evade.

Only two of the immortals did not retreat.

One is Zhang Feixiong, who turned into a giant, a bear head, and a hard-hearted fairy.

The other is the meat whip fairy, she is also changing the Taoist fairy, and now becomes a Taikoo meat tree. The roots are like legs, flying around, and the branches are thousands of meat whip, fiercely waving.


She also regretted the fairy squatting house, playing a few seven-turn singapore houses, and suddenly turned dizzy.

In the Bean God Palace, the eaves are long and sinking.

"The heavens have indeed changed. But this change is too big."

"Zhang Feixiong, Wan Zihong, Suzaku, these people wake up in advance, and there are also strong people such as the meat whip."

"The most crucial thing is this killing trick. What is it? It can be said that it can send more than ten eight-turn Zhu Xian! It is unheard of!"

With this move, Tian Ting will take full initiative, arbitrarily mobilize the main force, and want to play where to fight.

This is a strategic killer.

This move is not broken, the heavens will be more than enough, and there are no differences between the major battlefields for Tianting. Wherever you want to go.

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