Reverend Insanity

: Section 926: Living and Loving

The battlefield of the Imperial City.

Rumble, the smoke is rolling.

The earth cracked, the huge deep ditch spread forward, and swallowed everything on the road, pushing the imperial city.

The destruction of the Imperial City is in sight!

At this moment, there are still a number of Zhongzhou 蛊仙 guardians in the Imperial City, but in such a short period of time, to save the lives of so many people in the city, these celestial beings are powerless.

The trench is naturally formed, and no one can measure where the trench will appear. Only Fang Yuan expected this.

Because this ditch was the same in his last life, destroying the Imperial City.

However, neither Zhongzhou nor Xi’an knew about it, and the trench appeared to be hit by both sides!

Only the West Desert side is a surprise, and the Zhongzhou side is frightened.

At the crucial moment of the charcoal in the imperial city, a fairy squatting house came forward and turned into a bimon, flying to the sky with lightning.

It is the Bean God Palace!

"Block him!" Zhongzhou Yuxians subconsciously screamed in unison.

"What should the elders do?" The eternal ancestors and others are also surprised that the behavior of the Bean God Palace is not in the battle plan.

The eaves were so shocked that he could not only contact the outside world at this moment, but he could not move all over the body.

The Bean God Palace trembled, and an invisible powerful force bound him.

In the murals surrounding the main hall, a will slowly drilled out.

The will quickly formed into a youthful appearance, dressed in a green shirt, with a leucorrhea on the head, a black hair scattered on the shoulders, and a gentle and elegant look.

Seeing this will, the eaves are long-faced, and they lose their voice: "Yuan Lian Xianzun!"

Yuanlian Xianzun... In the dynasties of the dynasties, Xianyuan is the most abundant. He is the third generation of the Heavenly King. He created the Tianlian School. He cleared the magical atmosphere and went all the way to order.

Yes, this will is the Yuanlian will!

"Awful, it is hidden in the murals, so I have passed me?" The eaves grew up for a moment and he never understood the painting.

"But why did this Yuan Lian will appear, I lost control of the Bean God Palace, was bound by death and death, lost freedom?" For a moment, the elders thought of Qing Qiu.

He was cold in his heart. He once thought that he completely refines the Bean God Palace, but the cruel facts in front of him show that the Bean God Palace still has secrets, and the ultimate authority is in the hands of Yuan Lian will.

This kind of means, whether it is the real house or the source of the source, can not be seen through, has been kept in the dark.

Is the sacred house of the Supreme Master so easy to capture?

With a bang, the Bean God Palace landed steadily and was located in the center of the Imperial City, and began to sit in the overall situation.

The endless Bimang spreads from the Bean God Palace, as the water is generally warm, the light is not glaring, reflecting half a celestial horizon.

Every corner of the Imperial City, whether it is the corner of the city brick wall, is saturated with the light. In the light, a mural gradually appeared in every corner of the Imperial City.

This is a picture of a sentient being, depicting a scene of a certain moment in the Imperial City.

Some are market fairs, crowds of people are moving, vendors are rushing to drink, and all kinds of goods are dazzling.

Some are the silhouettes of several houses, the high trees in the courtyard, the nests of several birds, and the nestlings to fly. Under the tree, a group of children are playing and chasing each other, full of expectations for the future.

There is a team that picks up relatives and wives, slowly turning from the south, the groom riding a horse, and behind him is a mortuary house. This kind of squatter house is usually used when the Zhongzhou is married. The surface of the sedan chair is full of flowers and colorful. Behind the sedan chair is a group of porters who pick up the bride's rich dowry.

There is a tea house, the pedestrians on the street at the entrance are woven, and the teahouse is full of guests. They eat early and look at the street through the window. The flagpole used by the teahouse to attract customers flutters in the slight morning breeze.

There is also a picture depicting dusk. In the corner of the street near the gate, there is a stall, a blind old man who may have a locust locust, who is acting as a fortune teller, a budget for a woman.


Whether it is early morning or night, it is the city gate or the downtown area. The scene of people living and working in the Imperial City has formed a picture.

There is no doubt that this is a means of painting, full of humanity.

Immortal killing tricks - live and work in peace!

"Is the Imperial City actually possessing the means of Yuanlian Xianzun?"

“Yuan Lian Xianzun once lived in the Imperial City for a period of time as a mortal... Can it be said that this rumor is not a story, but a fact?”

“Drawing the road is really mysterious!”

Zhongzhou Yuxian is naturally ecstatic.

The West Desert side feels very bad.

The Bean God Palace and the Imperial City are linked together to form a huge fairy house. The center is of course the Dou Jingu, while the periphery is the former Emperor City.

The trench was washed over, just like the giant beast opened a huge mouth, and instantly destroyed the foundation of the Imperial City.

However, the Imperial City has been completely different. It stands still and does not move.

Thousands of people in the city pool exclaimed.

They are happy to embrace each other, they are competing to jump, and the mortal situation actually escapes from birth!

A large number of people cried so much that they fell to the ground and worshipped a picture.

Suddenly, new pictures have been produced in many places, and the content on the pictures is exactly what these people are worshipping.

It seems that this killing and living in peace and contentment can continue to draw strength from mortals and strengthen themselves.

The power of the picture is constantly accumulating, and it continues to flow back into the Bean God Palace.

Yuan Lian will be in charge of this power, and more firmly control the Dou Jingu. He looks at the eaves and looks like a smile on his face. "Fang Yuan, I would like to thank you for bringing you to the Dou Jingu, exempting one. The world is catastrophic."

This is the means by which Yuan Lian’s body was originally laid out! The last Bean God Palace was not brought by the house, so the Imperial City was destroyed. However, this world was formed as a bridge through Fangyuan, and the Bean God Palace appeared in time to save thousands of people.

The feeling of bad feelings in the heart became more and more intense, and the elders struggled hard.

But then another mysterious force added, involved him, and sent him directly into the murals of the Dou Jingu.

The long view of the eaves suddenly changed, and then I fixed my eyes and found that I had entered the painting.

He was very familiar with the scene in front of him, a gray land, and a deep pit on the ground, which was where he planted the fairy beans.

Nowadays, the vast majority of bean seeds have hatched into the corpse of the peas, and only a few beans are left in this land. They are still brewing and growing silently.

The elders found that they were able to move freely, but they didn't work. No matter what he tried, they couldn't break through this mural.

"I was sealed and suppressed in the painting!" The elders in the moment associated with the flowers of the last generation, and she was suppressed in the murals inside the prison tower.

The elders tried to contact the ontology and found that they still could not communicate with the outside world. He can't even sense Bao Huangtian, and all related communication methods are invalid.

"Calm, calm, I still have the last hope!" The room chief was silent for a urged the cause and effect tree to kill.

Fortunately, this killing has undergone some improvement. Once launched, the Yuanlian will be slightly discolored in the painting hall.

This means is indeed the key to countering him, even if he is Yuan Lian will not completely stop.

At this moment, in the Imperial City, the final meeting of the Zhongzhou Refining Conference was held.

This thrilling big ratio finally ushered in the last moment, and the outcome is clear.

"I made it"


Ye Fan and Hong Yi were in unison, and they almost simultaneously became a locust.

If you really want to decide the outcome of the two people, you must ask the teacher of the Tao to learn the subtle gaps in time.

But at this moment, Biman suddenly emerged, and the two men were firmly wrapped and flew out with them.

This bi-speed is extremely fast, with Hong Yi and Ye Fan in between, and soon rushed to the front of the Bean God Palace.

In the Bean God Palace, Yuan Lian will not help but bite his teeth. Looking at this appearance, the two people in the blue light and Fang Yuan are the deepest involved. I am afraid that it is not his chess piece, but his effective ability!

Yuan Lian will quickly mobilize the Bean God Palace, and the blue light that wraps Ye Fan and Hong Yi rushes to the Bean God Palace. Suddenly, the stream is broken and thrown into the distance, eventually falling into a mural in the Imperial City. Fan and Hong Yi were also sealed.

"How is this going?"

"Who do we win and who wins?"

Both Hong Yi and Ye Fan looked at each other with a look of arrogance. They were placed in a mural that was peaceful and peaceful, and there was a peaceful and peaceful life scene.

This can not help but make them deeply confused.

"Where are we?"

"Is there not a singer in the fierce battle outside the Imperial City? How can you not hear the sound?"

"Is I dreaming?"

Hung Yi licked himself, suddenly licking his mouth, hurting!

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