Reverend Insanity

: Section 928: Fangyuan is the strongest attack!

Heavenly battlefield.

Xiandao kills the move - Long Xiaobo.

Immortal killing tricks - flash with you.

In the fierce battle, the dragon figure suddenly appeared on the starboard side of the Wannian Fighter.

The distance is too close!

Almost at the same time as he appeared, the group of broken swords that flew around the Wannian Fighting Car swarmed up and instantly drowned the Dragon.

There are countless dragon-shaped tattoos on the dragon's body, which resists the fierce attack of the sword group.

This is the main defense of the dragon squad - nine dragon dragon guard.

Nine is nothing but imaginary, meaning countless tattoos. This is a rare passive defense method. It is usually lurking on the skin of the dragon. Once it is attacked, it will spontaneously ignite it. It does not require any thoughts of the dragon to maintain it. It is extremely convenient.

With this trick, Long Gong resisted the offensive of the Xiaojian sword group, and then he folded his hands and made a punch.

Fairy killing tricks - regret the world dragon hammer!


Under the heavy hammer, the dragon will fly directly.

The Wannian Fighter was repulsed and suddenly stopped, and the surrounding space suddenly collapsed, like countless broken glass pieces. Each of these pieces of glass is sharp and sharp, but when it hits the 10,000-year-old hopper, it will cut a deep trace of the road, causing the annihilation of a large number of locusts. And standing in the head of the boat, so the cheeks were cut through a **** mouth.

This is the handwriting of Cang Xuanzi. The invisible traps that are laid around the battlefield using Yu Dao’s killings are very powerful!

But this scene is only flashing in Fang Yuan’s mind and has not happened yet.

This is the killing of the sect of the earth - after the three interest!

After the three interest, it is now from the investigation and killing of the black truth, which enables Zhu Xian to see the future of his own within three breaths.

After the increase in the mark of Fangyuan's body, the power has soared 1,500 times, so it can play a role in the battle with the strong dragons. However, because this move is essentially only seven turns, it is not effective next time, sometimes it is effective and sometimes it fails.

next moment.

Xiandao kills the move - Long Xiaobo.

Immortal killing tricks - flash with you.

The dragon's body shape suddenly appeared on the starboard side of the Wannian Fighting Car, just like the three-person after the investigation and killing.

Fangyuan snorted and manipulated the 10,000-year-old speeding vehicle to stay away from it, and passed the shadowless invisible Yudao trap.

"Unfortunately!" Cang Xuanzi saw this scene, and felt a special regret in his heart. Only a little square source could set off the Yudao trap.

She hovered high above, without any obvious movements, but there was a hidden trap in the dark, which was constantly formed and quietly laid.

After a long battle with Fang Yuan, the fighting experience of sleeping deep in her memory has come alive, and the means of Cang Xuanzi began to become more sophisticated.

Since more than 300,000 years ago, after Cang Xuanzi and Yuanlian Xianzun reached a secret agreement, she moved to the heavens to live a stable life, and almost no shots were made. But before that, the name of Cang Xuanzi and the status of the legend of Taikoo were all played by her own hands!

Fang Yuan stepped on the 10,000-year-old speeding car, while dodging, while watching the Cang Xuanzi.

Although the strength of Cang Xuanzi is constantly recovering, the fighting style is very obvious. She retains the habit of being a sacred wilderness. She tends to park in one side of the battle, attacking and attacking, and using the means of ayu to open the distance between herself and the enemy. Then lay the Yudao trap.

From this fighting style, she can also see her disposition, like to sit still and fish, very patient, but it also means that she is not radical, not too risky.

Although there are still many mysteries in the means of Cang Xuanzi, Fang Yuan has begun to gradually understand the details of Cang Xuanzi. On the contrary, the Dragon King is still unpredictable and unfathomable.

Although Fang Yuan was fighting with Longgong in the last life, the methods of Longgong were mostly understood by Fangyuan. However, the combat style of Longgong was ever-changing, sometimes it was conservative and sometimes radical, and suddenly it was evasive and evasive, making people unable to understand the mind. No obvious veins can be found.

The realm of this battle is not only the combat experience, but also the talent of the dragon!

For Fang Yuan, it is difficult to defeat Cang Xuanzi, but there is great hope. But to defeat the Dragon, so far, he still can't see the slightest possibility.

"Unless it is directly cracked the dragon's defense and killing tricks!" Fang Yuan continued to analyze.

The main defense of the dragon is to protect the body. The source has been collecting clues in the battle and constantly analyzing it.

But the results are minimal.

It is very difficult to directly attack a strong enemy to kill.

Compared with the nine-grain dragon bodyguards, Fang Yuan wants to crack the dragon royal guest. However, this killing is even more unseen, and Fang Yuan does not have any way to search for intelligence clues.

Originally, according to the expectation, stealing and killing is the best means to deal with the dragon, but after personal experimentation, stealing and killing does not work...

"Wait, what do I seem to ignore?" Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s mind was in the air.

But when he wanted to go deeper, he was interrupted by the attack.

Fang Yuan does not need to know that this is the shot of the Fairy House.

This eight-turn fairy house is indeed a trouble!

It has no short board, the speed is very fast, it is not inferior to the Wannian Fighting Car, and the defense is also very strong. It is also possible for Fangyuan to break through. If it is single-on-one, the Devil's List is definitely not a source opponent. Of course, it costs. Good hands and feet.

The method of stealing is the only way to deal with the fairy house, but it is not easy to use it in front of the dragon and the clan.

Fang Yuan is currently changing to the Taikoo Monkey, and it is a perfect match for the Wannian Fighter. Once transformed into a sneak track, the combat power must fall a lot, bringing opportunities to Longgong and Cang Xuanzi.

What makes Fangyuan worry is that even if he turns into a sneak peek, he will display the thief and the thief, and he may not be able to hit the smashing list. Even if you hit it, you may not be able to steal the fairy. Fangyuan's advantage in the transportation of the road has been made up by Qin Dingling. In the list of the devils, it is the ancient moon, and the source of restraint is restrained from the fortune.

Therefore, stealing means is not the correct way to change the situation.

"Fangyuan..." At this moment, the ancient moon of the sacred list is quite complicated.

Is Fang Yuan a brother to him?

Not that.

Fang Yuan’s body has changed, and the soul is also the magic of the sky.

Is it a stranger?

Nor is it.

The memories of childhood and juveniles are indelible, and they have indeed been associated with each other.



Fang Yuan plays with himself, cares about his own life, and arranges himself in the blessed land. It is a sinister plot.


Of course there are also.

Fang Yuan’s slaughter of his relatives is the shadow and nightmare of Founder’s childhood.

So what about it?

After going through so many things, Founder began to gradually understand Fangyuan, and sometimes even had to admire Fangyuan.

People in the arena involuntarily. Founder gradually understood his own shallowness and possessed self-knowledge. The so-called A-class qualification is just a kind of narcissism, and the Founder has become increasingly mature.

In addition to understanding and admiring, Founder’s source even holds a gratitude.

He thanked Fang Yuan for the frustration he brought him, the pain he brought him, and the suffering he had brought him. These are all wealth, helping the Founder to grow up to the present. If there is no violent displacement in the wars of the blessed land, how can Founder merge the experience of the sorcerer's masters, and create a self-inflicted **** vendetta?

Once, Founder dreamed of having such a day, he was able to shoot, and Fang Yuan played against each other and personally took revenge.

But now, when this moment really comes, the mood of Founder is quite different from what he expected. He has no pleasure of revenge, and he is also gratified by transcendence.

His mood is complex and complicated.

"Dragon, Cang Xuanzi, Founder and Qin Dingling, in addition to this, there are ... Ziwei Fairy." Fang Yuan fell into siege, the more serious the complexion.

As the Longgong became stronger and stronger, the celestial celestial beings on the Tianting side cooperated more and more tacitly, and the thoughts in Fangyuan’s mind were almost all used to maintain the battle.

His judgment on the whole situation is steadily declining.

Whether it is to promote the killing tricks, or to manipulate the Wannian fighting car, it is extremely consuming. Fang Yuan also wants to take the overall situation, look after the battlefields of all parties, and secretly influence the various fields.

In fact, the same is true of Longgong and others. As the fighting situation becomes more and more fierce, they are urging more and more killings, and the more powerful the killing and shooting, the more steps are often taken, the more locusts are involved, and the more thoughts and minds that need to be involved.

"If you let the Ziwei Fairy recuperate, whether she is coming to the war or taking the overall situation, it is quite unfavorable to me." Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed.

"Ha ha ha!" Long Gong laughed loudly, the latest situation of Maozushan has been known to him, "Fang Yuan, how many times you re-live, it is useless. Use all your means, no longer need to be late. ”

Fang Yuan was as sinking as he was, and he was also informed of the latest situation.

In the battlefield of the Imperial City, he lost his ancestral house and the peasant palace was thrown into the enemy. Maozushan battlefield, Fengjiu song appeared, a fate song power is absolutely extinct, even the emperor Tibetan students are falling into the wind!

The foundation of the heavens is really too deep.

Fang Yuan is not only fighting with Longgong and others, he is in the contest with the accumulation of millions of years in the heavens!

The outside world is not worth relying on, all the pressure is transferred to the shoulders of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan’s gaze is like electricity, and suddenly it’s sharp: “You can’t stop it anymore.”

Since the fight, he has not found the flaws of the dragon. But now the situation is forced, even if there is no flaw, Fangyuan must thoroughly try.

The Wannian Fighting Vehicle quickly lifted off and opened the distance. Fangyuan began to brew and kill.

Long Gong did not pursue, hovering in the air, looking up and staring. He looks like an enemy, and he dare not take a break from the source.

Cang Xuanzi took a deep breath and took 100,000 minutes to guard.

Qin Dingling, Founder, and the Ziwei Fairy, who was injured at the edge of the battlefield, also concentrated on their eyes, and their eyes fixed on Fangyuan.

Even in the crazy destruction of the refining squad, the ice-sucking of the bombing of the tower of the tower has drawn a part of the mind, paying close attention to Fangyuan's every move.

Everyone knows that the next battle to win the negative pole may determine the overall victory.

Immortal killing tricks - 12 Zodiac battles.

Fang Yuan first summoned twelve ancient beasts and displayed this already exposed means.

But unlike before, the 12 Zodiac battles did not converge into a huge monster, but turned into a golden rudder.

The rudder is like a wheel with six axes. The rudder surface has twelve handles, and each handle has twelve different animal carvings.

The zodiac rudder flies into the Wannian fighting car and quickly merges into one. The surface of the silver-plated Wannian fighting car suddenly rises up to a large amount of gold and light, just like flying sand, and it is endless. The golden light and shadows sometimes become golden dragons, sometimes turned into giant tigers, and sometimes become roosters singing, and sometimes become bulls flying...

The twelve-year-old Taiyuan beast and the Wannian Fighter are perfectly combined!

Fang Yuan’s previous vision was presented to the world at this moment.

"He actually combined the ancient battlefield and the fairy house together!" Qin Dingling could not help but look at his eyes.

Founder stared blankly.

"It’s only a matter of love!" Even if it was a dragon, it would not be praised.

He has never seen such a scene, this is the first person in history!

Although the essence of the ancient battlefield and the fairy shacks are the killings of the immortals, but the two killings are merged, and before the source, no one has ever succeeded!

"Be careful, it has been attacked!" Cang Xuanzi yelled, showing a hint of horror, and the horror of the 10,000-year-old fighting car was shocking her.

Immortal killing tricks - breaking the rapids!

The Wannian Fighting Vehicle swooped down and smashed through the layers of air along the way, making a fierce sound explosion.

It is a very good eight-turn fairy house, and the integration of the ancient 12 Zodiac battles has the heroic battle with the Dragon. After the two blend together, the superposition of the forces is even more taboo!

The dragon public whispered and displayed the gas wall.

The Wannian Fighting Car crashed slightly and smashed the dragon's air wall.

The dragon's brow wrinkled and urged the wall again.

The Wannian Fighter has undoubtedly broke a wall.

Longgong was rebuilt, and the Wannian Fighting Car broke again. In this way, the five-way battle has finally broken down.

Fang Yuan sneered, and the sacred killings - Wannian hunting!

The next moment, the shadow of the long river under the Wannian Fighting Car suddenly expanded, and countless years of beasts rushed out like the tide, and immediately overwhelmed!

The great army of the beasts of the heavens began to charge the fairy tomb, like the tsunami of the sky to engulf everything.

There are countless years of beasts in the army, and there are a large number of ancient beasts, and the animals of the ancient times are not uncommon.

What is even more horrifying is that these years, the army of the beasts will listen to the source of the source, it is just like an arm.

"Terror! By this trick alone, Fangyuan can deal with any superpower under the sun by one's own strength!"

"Does he want to summon the beasts of the long rivers?"

"This is almost a revival of the ancients before the killing! Only Red Lotus's means is to summon the dynasties of the celestial beings, and Fang Yuan is to summon the young beasts in the long river!"

"But it’s not only the seduce of the beast that can be seduce, but can’t be manipulated?”

"This horror is the qualitative change after the integration of the 12 Zodiac battles!"

The heaven side is shaking.

Fang Yuan’s card is really strong, just turning out the first one, it shows the power of the sky. Longgong, Cang Xuanzi and others feel awkward.

The size of this army of beasts is really too big, and Fangyuan is still calling continuously. What is his limit?

The army of the beasts spread out and blossomed on all sides. The attack spread to every corner of the heavens, and the more difficult side of the heavens was difficult to defend.

Cang Xuanzi gnawed his teeth, constantly urging Yu Dao to kill, trying to kill as many young beasts as possible, alleviating current pressure.

"Be careful!!" Suddenly, Longgong exclaimed.

"Hmmm?" Cang Xuanzi seems to see the shadow of a knife, her pupils shrunk into the size of the needle tip, she just reacted, it has already been recruited!

"How could it be... so fast? I have already laid it..."

Cang Xuanzi looked at Fangyuan incredulously, and was stagnant. There was a blood hole on her forehead. The wounds are filled with strong traces of the zodiac, and even the self-healing ability of the legend of the ancient times cannot be restored.

Immortal killing tricks - time flies!

This is a super-method derived from the thin home of Zhongzhou. This blade is out of the way, there is no falsehood, nothing in it, no death in the middle, and it has made the whole Zhongzhou chill.

The content of the killing is extremely complicated, and the steps are very varied. Among the means mastered by Fangyuan, the complexity is the first deserved.

What's more abnormal is that it has harsh conditions and should not be brewed for more than three times. For this reason, every time the source is motivated, it is necessary to assist in killing and shrinking.

Its sequelae are also very horrible, and every time it is used, its records will be eliminated. It is like an eraser, and it also consumes itself while wiping out strong enemies.

After hitting Cang Xuanzi, Fang Yuan suddenly felt empty, and his memory of the flying blade was blurred.

"According to this degree, after I shoot the dragon again, I am afraid I will completely lose this trick." Fang Yuan’s heart is as calm as snow.

He bowed to the dragon.

Subconsciously, Longgong flew back a few steps.


A loud noise, Cang Xuanzi fell to the ground, in mid-air she restored the body, turned into a huge green vine.

This ivy has once stood on the ground, just like the Tianzhu is extremely eye-catching, but now it is planted on the fairy tomb, motionless ~ ~ breathless.

The tomb of the tomb suffered from this blow, and the loss far exceeded the sum before, but the dragon public did not care about it. His eyes were as electric, and he stared at Fang Yuan with a sigh of relief.

At least an increase of 1,500 times in the time of the killing of the blade, he must concentrate on it, it is possible to defend!

In the smashing list, Founder opened his mouth and looked at the sky vines on the ground, all of which were cold sweat.

Qin Dingling behind him is even stiffer, like a stone sculpture.

"If we just shot this in the smashing list, can we stop it?" Both of them were flashing similar questions, and they had no confidence to say "proof"!

The power of this move was too horrified. After a move, Cang Xuanzi did not know how to live and die, and his breath was weak.

"Don't be photographed by him. He just used this trick to cover up the atmosphere of hunting and killing." With this trick alone, the momentum must be broad and cannot be hidden." At the crucial moment, the words of Ziwei Xianzi spread throughout the battlefield.

"It’s not a good idea." Fang Yuan snorted and was said to have weaknesses.

The face of Long Gong has eased some.

But the next moment, Fang Yuan took the initiative to leave the Wannian Fighting Car and flew down alone.

"He wants to be desperate!" For a moment, Longgong was in a big heart.

Immortal killings - everything changes.

Immortal killing tricks - Taikoo Sword Dragon!

Hey -!

Fang Yuan instantly became a dragon.

Six turns and seven turns to beggars, and eight turns are called dragons.

Taikoo Sword Dragon!

The dragon body is up to a hundred feet long, and the dragon head is like a double gun on the faucet. The front is sharp and sharp, and the dragon's dragonfly is a silver light. The dragon scale is pure white, and the sword is scattered.

The traces of Fang Yuan’s body have thus turned into kendo road marks.

And Kendo, everyone knows that the advantage of this genre lies in the attack!

At this moment, Fang Yuan finally showed the strongest attacking posture.

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