Reverend Insanity

: Section 931: Lagerstroemia

How many battle systems does Fangyuan have?

According to the current observation of Longgong, there are only two battle systems in which Fangyuan is truly mature.

One is the system of the ecliptic, and the other is the kendo system.

The system of the ecliptic system is the most comprehensive system. It has the following activities: the three-interest, the annual beast call, the 10,000-year-old fighting car, the spring-cut summer fan, the autumn winter 裘, and the spring ploughing, the summer harvest, the winter harvest, and so on, covering the battle and management. Two major areas. There are two ace means, one is the time-splitting and smashing time, and the other is the spring and autumn as the core of the spring and autumn will be!

The kendo system has the ancient sword dragon, the sword wave three stacks, the gold silk sword, the dark murder, the Wan Nianjian waterfall, the swordsman and other means, the bottom card means the five-finger fist sword. This system is stronger than attacking. At the attacking end, it is better than the system of the ecclesiastical system. In particular, Fangyuan has improved the five-finger boxing sword. However, in other respects, it is lacking, and the mobile and therapeutic aspects are even more overridden by the Longgong system. This forms a short board. In the face of the powerful enemies with extreme combat experience, these shortcomings have become weaknesses, dragging down the effectiveness of the entire kendo system.

In addition to these two systems, Fangyuan's airway also has many means, but in the eyes of Longgong, it is not comprehensive. The infinite amount of air and sea killing is obviously a trump card. It is powerful enough to break the Yuanqi gas wall, but it has not been used since it was used once. It seems that it is less likely to be reused.

In terms of the soul road, Long Gong knows that Fangyuan has a wealth of means, and the trump card killing is undoubtedly the fall of the seal. However, Tianting and Longgong have already fully prepared in this regard. Fang Yuan’s war has not used any means of the soul, and it is also a wise move.

In addition to these, the countercurrent body protection is a law road, and I am a humane. The power of the big handprint belongs to the strength. When I meet, I have known each other. It is a change of the way, the soul is in the dream, the dream is changed, the dream is changed, and the dream is changed. Although these methods are powerful, they are all independent, unilateral, like a large pearl. The mature combat system is a pearl necklace. Each means complements each other. Just like the small pearls are linked together, the overall value is better.

To deal with the vast majority of the world's immortals, Fang Yuan can change the battle with great pearls and lay a victory. However, in the face of Long Gong, the overall disadvantage of Fang Yuan will be revealed.

"Fangyuan, what you lack is still time. I believe that you have already noticed it. Unfortunately, a mature system needs at least centuries of accumulation!" Longgong overlooked Fangyuan, his eyes were as sharp as a knife. You can use all kinds of predecessors to ripen and still not be pure."

He spurred the swaying dragon tooth to kill the move, and the remote attack source was blocked by the countercurrent body print.

However, Longgong is not discouraged. Although the countercurrent body protection is very powerful, it lacks a mature system to support it and make up for its drawbacks. The biggest drawback of countercurrent body protection printing is that it consumes countercurrent river water. Although Fangyuan is fully saved after rebirth, how can it withstand such severe loss?

The countercurrent body protection is the use of the countercurrent river as the main body of the immortal killing, the defense is extremely amazing, and can reverse almost all external offensive. This move was created by Fang Yuan, which shows his talent. However, it is a pity that Fang Yuan lacks a stable combat system with this trump card. For example, early strikes, reduction of external defenses, auxiliary defenses, such as increasing the resentment of the power to kill, such as the treatment of the river itself.

In an inappropriate analogy, the countercurrent body print is like a fish that tastes delicious. Although the taste of raw food is also very delicious, if it is matched with salt, it can be turned into salted fish and can be stored for a long time. If it is paired with sugar, ginger, onions, garlic or other complementary ingredients, it can make a variety of delicious dishes, more intriguing.

Compared with the heavens, with the Longgong, the accumulation of Fangyuan is still not enough.

He is inevitably caught in a difficult situation.

Long Gong's repeated offensives, against the counter-current protection of the body, forced to weaken the reserve of the river. His treatment is also very good.

The fate song of Feng Jiu Ge has always been shrouded in Fang Yuan. The fate of the song is weak and weak, inspiring the counterattack of the countercurrent bodyguard. The mystery of the song is still on the counter-current body protection. Even if there is India, Fangyuan is still weakened by the song of destiny, but the degree of weakening is much smaller.

Worse, the fate song is not only weakening the source, but also helping the dragon. The dragon and the war are soaring, the stronger the Vietnam War, the air whistling again and again, completely in the upper hand, the offensive is like a mad, extremely powerful!

Fangyuan revoked the changes of the Taikoo Sword Dragon and restored the person again. The body of the stegosaurus is huge, and if it is covered by the countercurrent body protection, it will suffer more offensive and consume faster, but it is not as stable as the human body.

Using pure dreams to seek the real body, Fangyuan constantly counterattacks.

But very quickly, these pure dreams are also inexplicably targeted, and they are smashed and turned into dreams. Then the dream was transformed into a new pure dream for the real body, fighting for heaven.

It is Feng Jinhuang who is shooting!

Ziwei Fairy passed through Zhongtianmen, not only picking up the Fengjiu, but also Feng Jinhuang. With her, Fang Yuan’s dreams will be greatly restrained.

Sure enough, Fang Yuan’s method of dreaming at the moment was targeted.

"Feng Jinhuang!" Fang Yuan frowned in the dark. "On the last world, she used the help of Xianzheng to display the fairy-tale dreams and killing tricks. It is a bad thing for me. Now in Tianting, it is also based on Xianzhen or Xianyuwu. For me?"

Fang Yuan is eager to find an accurate position, and he started with Feng Jinhuang, but now he is involuntarily.

He can't even get close to the tower, and it is getting farther and farther away.

It is the Longgong and Fengjiu songs that deal with him!

New and old guardians join hands at this moment!

As for the Founder and Qin Dingling in the Devil's List, they have been unable to insert their hands and begin to deal with the chaotic beasts and swordsmen.

The main force of a heavenly court also returned to the heavens from the battlefield of Maozushan, through Zhongtianmen, and participated in the work of payment.

The beasts and swordsmen were not their opponents and they lost.

The hijacking of the altar was the focus of the main siege of the heavenly court. Some people flew back to the prison tower. The seven-times Lang was inconvenient and the situation was very dangerous.

"Not good! The main force of the heavenly court is re-withdrawn. Doesn't it mean that the undefeated blessed land has lost its effect? ​​The heavenly court has enough success trails to completely repair the fate only in an instant." Fangyuan face sinks into the water, bad news one by one The situation has become extremely harsh and dangerous.

"Ziwei Fairy, speeding up the spur of the same person, his counter-current body print is broken!" Long Gong passed over and urged.

"Yes!" At this moment, Ziwei Fairy has stabilized the injury and is able to fight again. She mobilized the fairy house and flew up the sky. The vision included Longgong, Fangyuan and Fengjiu.

The killing of the immortality - the same as a peer.

"Anyone has been successful, Fangyuan is already in jeopardy!" Ziwei Fairy sent a message back.

"Doing well, Ziwei." Long Gong made a big laugh, and the offensive was violent.

Fang Yuan had to retreat.

"No use, Fangyuan, how to persist, you will also be defeated." Ziwei fairy smiled.

But the next moment, she heard a female voice: "Is it?"

"Who is talking?" The Ziwei fairy was shocked. The voice was so familiar and unfamiliar that she was surprised. She never detected the existence of other celestial beings around her.

"What are you looking for? I am you." Ziwei fairy was so horrified that she found out that she was asking herself.

what happened?

I am not under control!

The soul is a problem with the soul!

Suddenly, her eyes were bright and swelled, and she spread all her eyes white and turned into a deep black.

Although the Ziwei fairy is extremely resistant and struggling, it is powerless. In the last glimmer of clarity, she suddenly understood: she was controlled by the demon sorcerer, and every soul search was actually a transformation of her soul. The means of the demon glory is too clever, and there is no way to find it. She has long been eroded and infiltrated by the power of the Devil's Ghost, and has made various decisions made before the Zhongzhou Refining Conference, as well as the secret participation of the Devil's Ghost.

It was only in the early days that there was very little interference in the darkness of the demon glory. In the mid-term, this darkening effect is increasing. Now, he can even give the Ziwei fairy a certain It is clear that Ziwei Xianzi has not shown the same opinion, but he believes that he has already performed successfully, and also informed the dragon!

"Maybe in the last life, I was also eroded by the Devil's Ghost. Although there is no difference, there is no real urging." This is the last sober thought of Ziwei Fairy.

The next moment, she slowly looked up, staring at the black-eyed eyes, quietly watching the battlefield, the corners of the mouth slightly tilted, sketching a touch of extremely gloomy smile.

While maintaining the Zhongtianmen, she continued to open, while covering her body shape, quietly came to the town hall.

She is most clear about the layout here.

She quickly shot, directly remove all kinds of restraints, and return the demon ghost to freedom.

"Ziwei, welcome to the Lord!" She knees on her knees and bows down. There is no such thing as the pride of the members of the heavenly court, and her face is respected by the devil.

The Devil's Ghost is so weak that it turns into a translucent soul ball that slowly floats in front of the Ziwei Fairy: "Let's go, let's go out and watch a good show first."

Ziwei Fairy holds the soul ball in both hands and walks out of the town hall.

At this moment, Wu Yong, Wu Shuai and other figures also appeared in the battlefield of heaven.

"What is going on? Ziwei Fairy!" Longgong was furious, and Zhongtianmen was still urging, and even sent these enemies.

Long Gong can't contact Ziwei Fairy, and his heart sinks, he wants to directly defeat Zhongtianmen. But at this time, Fang Yuan was once again rushing to the prison tower.

The dragon was angry and rushed to the crown, and had to intercept the source and give up the original plan.

One of the celestial beings in Zhongtianmen walked in.

"Following Wu Yong adults!"

"I didn't expect heaven to be like this."

"kill and kill!"

"Just Tian Tower is there, come with me!"

The final big battle finally began in heaven.

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