Reverend Insanity

: Section 197: Change your life!


Section 197: Change your life!

A large number of Yuanshi, successively inhaled into the mouth by the ancient moon generation, and then bitten.

Bai Ningbing stood by and watched.

However, Fang Yuan moved. He did not stand idly by, but made a different choice.

"A generation of ancestors, the situation is critical, I have Tianyuan Baolian to offer!" He was full of sincerity, walked quickly, and looked helpless, but it looked like a determined expression.

The ancient moon generation laughed happily: "It’s very good, it’s my descendants of blood, I have such filial piety, I am so pleased!"

He had long wanted Tianyuan Baolian and then quickly sent a group of blood-winged bats to chase Fangyuan. However, Fangyuan escaped quickly and did not give him a chance.

But at this moment, he has no doubts.

First of all, he did not tear the face before, and said that he sent a group of blood-winged bats to protect the source.

Secondly, Fang Yuan just took the initiative to go forward and set up a white eyebrow to help the ancient moon generation to consume the real yuan and let the hesitant people make up their minds. The performance of these loyalty and filial piety, the ancient moon generation is still vivid.

Finally, this situation is very clear at the moment. Fangyuan only hopes that the ancient moon generation will be able to defeat Tianhe’s superiors in order to save his life. The ancient moon generation never believes, Fang Yuan will self-destruct and support him.

Therefore, Fangyuan came, the laughter of the ancient moon generation continued: "With Tianyuan Baolian, my victory will skyrocket by 20%. You will let it go and let him in."

"Tianyuan Baolian?" Outside the blood hood, Tianhe’s screaming, screaming, “Never!”

In the eyes of the public, Fang Yuan went to the side of the ancient moon generation.

"A generation of ancestors, I have figured it out! It is you who set up the ancient moon cottage, and you have our later generations. In the past, you have such great achievements. Today, you will lead us to the ancient moon family, to the glory. Yuan Baolian is being used by the ancestors." He is full of adoration and his tone is generous.

The ancient moon generation heard nodding and nodding, thinking: This young man's eloquence is not bad, but it is a pity that he still has to kill him to take blood.

But it is at this time!

Fang Yuan bent down and suddenly shot.

He grabbed the ancient moon generation, and then he ran the waist strength, and he became one of the best.

He spoke low and screamed, and the strength of the two pigs burst into strength, and he threw himself all out and threw it!


The ancient moon generation was thrown out of the blood hood by him.


A dead silence!

Time is at this moment, as if it is still.

The wind outside, blowing slowly. The ancient moon generation was degraded on the ground, and the red hair that was full of heads was blown by the wind. He looked sluggish and did not react.

In front of him, less than ten steps away, that is the crane on the day.

This old man is still resentful, annoyed and anxious about the fact that he has not contributed to Yuanyuan Baolian. He never expected that the next moment there was such a major turning point.

He also stunned and looked straight at the ancient moon generation.

The ancient moon generation is a big enemy that he does not share in the sky, but at this moment, the cranes of the cranes are stunned, and the suspects are dreaming and there is no movement.

Inside the blood hood, everyone is like a sculpture, silent.

Some people open their mouths and can put the next fist. Some people have rounded their eyes and almost have to look out.

Even Bai Ningbing lost his grace and looked at Fangyuan with a dull look.

Until a half-destroyed bamboo building in the blood hood was no longer supported, and collapsed, everyone was awakened by electric shock.

"I, I... I am going!" Someone yelled.

"Fangyuan, what stupid things you did!" Someone fingered Fangyuan and trembled all over.

"A generation of ancestors!" Some people tried to run out to pull back the ancient moon generation, but the blood screen Tianhua blocked their way.

"Awful little thief! Dare to lie to the ancestors, I want to cramp your skin!" The ancient moon generation reacted, lying on the ground, yelling.

"Ha ha ha..." Among the people who were horrified, some people laughed.

Not others, it is Bai Ningbing.

He smiled and tears came out, and the other source raised his thumb: "Interesting, interesting, it is wonderful."

"Fangyuan, are you nervous?"

"Fangyuan, you framed a generation of ancestors, you even the ancestors are calculating, are you still people?!"

"Wow, Fangyuan, you must have been bought by the old man. You are a spy, traitor!"


Around the thousands of people pointed out, the group sentimental excitement, Fangyuan faint and laughed: "I am the peak of three turns, who can kill me? Who can kill me?"

At this moment, there are only a handful of three-turn sorcerers in the blood hood, and they are all scarce because they participate in the consumption. Yuan Shi also contributed and did not get much supplement. As for the rest of the crowd, it is mostly a mortal, or a two-turner.

Going to the ancient moon generation, Fang Yuan is in this blood hood, it is indeed proud of everyone.

"Hehehe." Fang Yuan smiled and slowly leaned over and picked up the two skeletons from the ground.

He held a **** skull in his left hand and turned his yin and yang in his right hand. These two ancestors are the things of the ancient moon generation, but at this moment, the whole body is covered with a layer of slight yellow light, which is sealed by the bottom of the stroke, and can not respond to the desperate call of the ancient moon generation.

But this seal, the source of the other party, is also an obstacle.

He wants to unravel the seal before he can refine and refine the two locusts. Forcibly destroying the seal can only lead to the destruction of these two locusts.

This situation is different from the blood curtain Tianhua. If the blood curtain Tianhua wants to use it, it will be crushed. The seal was smashed and the homeopathic was used.

But Fang Yuan is not in a hurry.

He knows what is going to happen next. Whether it is the town of the iron and steel, or the bottom of the salary, it is polluted by blood, and will soon be turned into blood and death.

"Ha ha ha, my good brother, you actually have today! Give me a life!" Tianhe, a roaring man, rushed to the sky, launched a fierce offensive, and killed the ancient moon generation.

The ancient moon generation was **** by the town's magic iron rope, and it could not be moved. It became a humanoid meat target and could only be beaten passively.

He was so angry that he kept groaning and struggling.

Suddenly, the iron was turned into a pool of blood, he regained his free body, and quickly flew up and slammed into the blood hood.

A loud bang, no doubt, he was blocked by a blood mask.

This blood curtain Tianhua is the most proud invention he has personally refined. Defensive excellence, once used, can not move, can not be closed. For him, he can only go out.

"Bunny rabbit, you can't die!" The grievances of the ancient moon generation, and the resentment of the other source, simply squandered the world, but also washed.

The cranes of the cranes are naturally chasing after them, and laughter is not enough.

The ancient moon generation had to abandon the blood hood and turned to resist the crane. He had chewed a lot of Yuanshi before, and he was really good. Although he fell in the wind, he could hold his foot.

"A generation of ancestors, come on!"

"A generation of adults, we shouted for you!"

"Once, you are our only hope..."

The battle between the two five-turners attracted the attention of almost everyone. Fang Yuan took back his sight and he looked at Bai Ningbing.

Now this situation, like two tigers, and his source is just a rabbit. Whether it is the cranes of the cranes or the ancient moon generation, they are all generations of old traitors. It’s too small to want them to lose both sides and let them ask for cheap.

No one is stupid, neither of them are people who have a fever because of their battles.

Moreover, this blood mask can only keep the peace of the moment. Once the blood aging has passed, all the people inside, including himself, will inevitably be killed by the ancient moon generation and the crane.

Just now he has been born again, Chunqiu once again fell into a weak state, unbearable.

For the sake of the present, only as strong as possible. Do your best to fight for the vitality of the front line.

Fang Yuan has already made a decision on this. But in this plan, one person will play a pivotal role. This person is Bai Ningbing.

The self-destruction of the North Mingbing body will be a tremendous force affecting the battle. Especially when the two strong outside the blood hood, continue to consume.

However, how to persuade Bai Ningbing?

Fang Yuan looked at Bai Ningbing, Bai Ningbing had a feeling, and also looked back at Fangyuan.

In the crowd, they look at each other.

Fang Yuan has a black robe, black hair and black hair, and his mouth is slightly tilted, revealing a smile of evil spirits.

"I have a temporary solution to the ten limits, which will allow you to come back to life." He said the first sentence.

Bai Ningbing was shocked and he certainly wanted to live: "What method?"

Fang Yuan has turned around: "But this method, success may not be high, and it is very likely to fail."

But this made Pan Baibing even more convinced.

Then Fangyuan said the third sentence and only listened to him: "But I think that even if it fails, it will make your last time become wonderful."

White condensate ice is heartbroken.

Fang Yuan used three sentences to hit the deepest part of his heart and convinced him!

He is also a wise man. After thinking a little, he asks directly: "What do I need to do?"

Fang Yuan mouth smiles and spreads, just at this time, the bottom of the salary is also turned into a pool of blood.

The blood cranial sputum and the yin and yang turned to the seal at the same time, and when they left, they were detained by Fang Yuan.

He used the breath of spring and autumn, and these three cockroaches were only four turns and immediately convinced. Fangyuan uses the real yuan to irrigate, and refines it for a while!

"What is the situation? Damn!" Outside the blood hood, the ancient moon suddenly felt a pain in his mind, losing the connection between the **** skull and the yin and yang.

He was terrified and immediately lost his square inch. Crashing into the blood mask!

"How is it possible? How can you get so fast, I will refine my three cockroaches!!" The ancient moon generation made a miserable roar, made a madness and attacked the blood.

Fang Yuanhukou grabbed food, robbed the blood cranium and yin and yang turned to 蛊 It was his life.

Everyone is ashamed, and Qi Qi takes a step back. The ancient moon generation is like a beast that has fallen into desperation, and it is so angry that it really starts to spurt out.

But soon, Tianhe was attacked and killed.

"I want you to die, I want you to die!" The ancient moon generation was violent, and there was attack and defense, and the gas was scattered on the crane.

Tianhe was shocked and suffered a headache.

The two sides are once again entangled in one, and the battle enters the stage of white heat.

Fang Yuan laughed aloud and confessed to the white condensate: "Come with me!"

When the voice did not fall, he resolutely started. The sawtooth gold screams and roars, and a sorcerer around Fangyuan cuts off his waist!

Blood skull!

Then, Fang Yuan urged the blood cranial sputum and collected his blood.


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