Reverend Insanity

: Section 945: Destroy fate!


Under the increase of the heroes of the people, the Dragon Palace has toughly block the dragon.

"Get out of the way." The next moment, Long Gong hit a dragon claw and hit the Dragon Palace.

Long Gong reopened in front of his eyes, but he did not have the meaning of joy. Therefore, Fang Yuan was already close to the Tiantian Tower.

Not only him, but also Wu Yong, Bing Saichuan, and the wounded are also rushing to attack. This offensive frenzy is extremely terrifying.

The dragon lord has been unable to stop it, and seeing this scene can not help but smash.

At this moment, even if the tower is falsified, it cannot evade the crisis. Because Fangyuan itself has the means to dream!

Although Feng Jinhuang was able to restrain, she was only a mortal teacher. To resist the square source in this state, there is definitely more than enough power.

"Quickly use the fate!"

In the tower of the tower, the immortal spirit is a spirit, no matter what enemy and me, and fight for life again to remind the killing.

The sky is white!

It’s all light.

White light.

Filled the earth on the ground, in all directions, the universe, the four wild.

This is the most powerful means of the Superintendent, with the complete nine-turn fate as the core, and the urge to send out!

Regardless of the heavens or the three domains, both sides are familiar with this killing.

White light floods the entire battlefield, ruthless coverage, regardless of the enemy!

For a moment, no matter who it is, which is the fairy house, all the hard work, all retreat!

"Damn, hateful!" Wu Yong gritted his teeth, and his mouth bleeds out. He feels his ambitions are dissipated in the white light like snow. "This is the case again, and it is like this! Whenever there is a breakthrough, there will be a fate to kill." Recruited for the defeat of the heavens!"

"Well?" Wu Yong suddenly looked at the condensate, and immediately revealed a complex color.

On the empty battlefield, there is a touch of blood red!

what is that?

It is a cloak, like a flag flying!

"Oh oh oh oh!" In the cloak, the madman will clench his fists and slap his chest, like a gorilla.

He was so excited that he screamed: "That's it! It's like this! Who is it between the heavens and the earth? At the crucial moment, I have to rely on me! Handsome, really **** handsome!!"

If it is a simple three-blame, it will naturally be difficult to stop the power of defeat.

However, when they merged one trick and focused on Fangyuan, relying on Fang Yuan’s complete identity as a magician of the heavens, it’s not enough to stop the killing.

In a long white light, Fang Yuan was dressed in a white robe, and the black hair and **** cloak fluttered.

He is rushing!

He is moving forward!

Nothing to stop!

"I will wait... hope." The robbery altar is retreating, but Bingsaichuan is wide-eyed, staring at the most vivid red back in the incandescent.

Shen Congsheng vomited blood, and the plexus fell down. He also looked at Fangyuan and tried his best!

He shouted in his heart: "Fangyuan, you **** big devil! Now, it's up to you!!"

Fang Yuan is like a sharp arrow, but it seems to be a catastrophe from the ground to the sky!

"Chong, rush!! Man's pride, just on the road to charge, oh yeah!" Fang Yuan's ear, is the wild will is noisy.

Whether it is Longgong, Fengjiu, Tianting, or the people in the three domains, as long as they can barely see the target, they will focus on Fangyuan.

The heavens and the earth are pale. In this paleness, the road of assault seems to be extraordinarily long and long.

It seems to run through the history of the river, from ancient times to the present!


Three million years ago, when the aliens prospered, there was an inconspicuous human slave.

He is called Wei Yushu.

He heard the position of the heavens, he did not want to be a slave again, he fled and was caught.

His master screamed.

"Wei Yushu, I bought you at the beginning, you are just a teenager, even the practice does not know anything!"

"I am cultivating you step by step, promoting you to a celestial being. Is it my favorite, repeatedly indulging you, sheltering you, making you so daring?"

"Tell me, why are you betraying me?"

"Where do I miss you?" You are a jade food, life is safe and worry-free, you just need to serve me, and I have never been cruel to you."

Wei Yushu sneered: "However, I live a good life, I am only your slave!"

The ink girl is even more angry: "Being a slave to me, where is it bad? There are many ink people who want your life, there is no such opportunity!"

Wei Yu’s book was awkward and slowly said: “I didn’t feel bad before, but when I heard that there is still a heaven in this world, there are people who are alive... I understand that I am so depressed and unhappy. Because I am missing something."

"Oh, I have read "The ancestral ancestors", I am really stupid. I am stupid than those who have lost wings, toothless beasts, and lack of fish! At least they know that they have lost their freedom, desperately I am rushing to pursue freedom, but what about me? I have lost my freedom, I don’t know!"

"So, you want to escape, flee to heaven?" The ink-skinned female fairy sneered. "You are too naive. You can also believe in the confusing words of the evil devil."

Wei Yushu closed his eyes and his voice was hoarse: "I am not a letter, but I am willing to write."

"The heavens are never the focus!"

"Without heaven, there will be courts, and there will be people!"

"There will always be a place where there are a group of people who are chasing freedom!!"


One million years ago.

Long Gong snorted: "You tell me, Hong Ting, who can do whatever you want in this world? Your thoughts are too naive. You think it is a fairy. If you think the leader is right, there is no sacrifice? Which one in this world?" Do you need to pay for things? Do you think that the two words are so shallow? Wrong! Maintaining the right way is the most important thing to pay, the most need to sacrifice. If you don’t even have the spirit of sacrifice, then I will tell you You don't even have the qualification to join the heavens!"

Long Gong brows up and his face looks like an ice: "Who are you going to resurrect?"

"All who died because of my position as a fairy. My parents, Liu Shuxian, and so many people."

"Even if it is a tragic tragedy, I have chosen to bear it! Master, there has always been a problem with the disciples. Why? Why do we have to accept the fateful arrangement? If there is no fate, will the world really be confused? Is there no change? Is it better?" Hong Ting was in a hurry and asked questions.



"Huanger, do you believe in life?" Longgong stared at Feng Jinhuang and solemnly said: "Huanger, you have to understand that you will be the future dream of the great lord, beyond all the past! You will create a dream, In the world, you will be invincible. You must shine through the ages and become the monumental monument of our human race. Don't be afraid, don't hesitate, you will succeed again and again, go forward and bravely, until you are on the peak of the world!"

Feng Jinhuang listened, the light in her eyes was getting brighter and brighter, and she laughed and was beautiful.

Long Gong also smiles.

Feng Jinhuang said: "If all this is destined... then I will not believe in life!"



Fangyuan directly broke through the top floor of the tower and rushed in.

The inner court of the heavenly court is standing up and stopping.

Fang Yuan hands directly into his chest, tearing it apart, tearing the heavenly fairy into two halves!

The blood rain is floating on Fang Yuan's face. His skin is snowy and cold like frost.

The **** rain falls on the black hair of Fangyuan, and the black hair is like the night, emitting a deep glimmer of light.

The blood rain sprinkled on the **** cloak of Fangyuan, and the cloak fell to the ground, just like the path of the **** long march that came out of the world.

Fangyuan strode forward and came to the center of the top floor. The fate was in front of his eyes, always there, as if it was enshrined and extended for more than a million years of worship!

Fang Yuan grabbed a stay!

At this moment, the madman will in the cloak stayed, and closed his mouth involuntarily, staring at Fangyuan.

Because he realized: This is the whole human race, no, the key moment of the whole world.

At such a moment, Fang Yuan looked at the destiny in his hand, and his eyes showed a complex emotion.

I finally caught the fate, which is what he imagined countless times.

The goal was reached at the moment, but he did not think of himself, and he thought of "The ancestral ancestors."

The ancestors said: He wants freedom, gets rid of the shackles of fate, and goes wherever he wants to go. He will never be separated when he wants to be with him.

The flock of birds rebuked him: Your life is destined to be All the results of the gathering will be separated. Man, you have to pursue freedom, and you must keep your duty, but don't think about it.

The ancestors said: He wants freedom, gets rid of the fate of fate, has countless wines and delicacies, unlimited wealth, and a variety of warm and beautiful clothes.

The herd ridiculed him: Your life is destined to come empty-handed, and both hands are empty. Man, you have to pursue freedom, and you must keep your duty, but you should not think about it.

The ancestors say: He gets freedom, gets rid of the **** of fate, wants to breathe freely, and always exists. He wants to live forever!

The fish veto veto him: your life is destined to be eternal life, and you will die and die. Man, you have to pursue freedom, and you must keep your duty, but you can't think about it.

The ancestors are puzzled.

People's ancestors.

The ancestors are bored.

People are crazy!

How can you think like this?

Why can't I think this way?

Why can't a person be separated from his lover?

Why can't a person be well-fed and wealthy?

Why can't a person live forever?

Is it because fatality is not allowed?

Just because it doesn't allow, I can't do it! ? I can't think about it? !


What the **** is for?

Why can't you think about it! ?

Why is it impossible to live forever? !


If you think so, let me go crazy.

Then let me be a madman!

If you pursue this, let me be magic.

Then let me be the devil! !

Fang Yuan looked at the destiny in his hand and smiled coldly.

He gently applied his hand.


A soft bang.

The fate was crushed into pieces by him.

Nine turns of fate -


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