Reverend Insanity

: Section 199: Going to their respective destinies


The glacier shocked and cracked, and the cranes of the cranes began to attack, and in a short blink of an eye, they almost rushed to the surface of the ice.

"Never let this old guy get out of trouble!" Fang Yuan shouted.

Bai Ningbing has been unable to speak. He resolutely blew his arm and turned it into a vast wind and hurricane. The glaciers spread and quickly added the ice layer to hòu nearly ten feet.

The crane crane roared in the ice and attacked wildly.

Bai Ningbing broke his arm again, and the glaciers repeatedly pressed and pressed down the town of Tianhe.

Under the special manipulation of Bai Ningbing, the frost is like a large army, and it is surrounded by the crane. Although the crane is a five-turner, after killing the ancient moon generation, he is also the end of the strong. He repeatedly rushed, but he was eventually trapped in the ice.

"It turned out to be the North Ming Bing body! But just relying on this, I want to kill the old man, you are insane!" He finally realized suddenly, urging the interest to save the jade.

A piece of blue jade shines, covering his body. Then the light is turned from a virtual reality to a transparent jade, and it is firmly guarded.

The jade is solid and abnormal, and Bai Ningbing has worked hard for several times. In the end, I can only continue to deepen the ice layer around the jade, forming an ice peak with a height of several tens of feet.

Fangyuan has been looking at the energy and witnessing the whole process.

"It's a ten-body!" Even if it was the second time, he couldn't help but admire.

He leaned on the side of Bai Ningbing. At this moment, Bai Ningbing has already completed his arms and became an ice sculpture. Even the face began to blur, gradually covering the frost.

Everything is superficial, and his consciousness is gradually dissipating. Once dissipated, he will die completely.

Looking at the ice around me, I began to spread my heart to my heart. It’s clear that I’m just getting out of trouble, and sooner or later I’m going to be frozen in the glacier!

"It's time." Immediately, he took a pair of mites from the open space.

The two locusts, one black light and one white light, chased each other around the circle to form a tai chi ball.

It is the yin and yang that turns around.

"Go." Fang Yuan thought that the black worms flew out and plunged into the ice sculpture of Bai Ningbing.

Although Fangyuan is a turn, but there are a lot of three-turn snow and silver real elements stored in the open space, almost all used, barely motivated the locusts.

In an instant, the black mans rises into the sky, and the yin gathers into the air and turns into a vortex. A brand new vitality, brewed in the ice sculpture, and then flourished.

The dazzling black light dissipated, the ice sculpture creaked, and the surface cracked into pieces and sprinkled.

Still white robes, silver hair, white condensed ice with good arms, a lovely blush on the cheeks, and ice-breaking.

The ice tide stopped, and the cold was exhausted. The ice layer around Fangyuan spread to only a few inches away from him, and he was still alive!

"I actually lived!" Bai Ningbing was quite shocked to see his own jade hand, and touched the whole body, incredible and ecstatic.

"Hehehe." Fang Yuanlang laughed. "I only used you to turn the yin and yang in your yin and yang. This cockroach can make you yang, making you reborn, turning to an adult, and renewing it. It is a four-turn treatment. It has the effect of returning to life. However, it has a shortcoming, that is, once it is used, the qualification of the teacher will drop by 10%."

Bai Ningbing was originally a ten-body body, which is a 10% qualification.

Now down 10%, and Fangyuan is flat, it is 90% qualified.

But this news, for others, may be a bad news. For white condensate, it is good news.

"This relationship is good. My qualifications have dropped, and it is not the North Bings body. Haha, nine achievements 90%, what's the matter?" She laughed.

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Ten are extremely difficult to change. Although this law has reduced your qualifications, in the future you will continue to practice and your qualifications will continue to recover. One day, you will still return to the North. At that time, you will need the rest of the impotence. It will make you turn around again, and the qualifications will be completed."

After that, Fang Yuan ignored Bai Ningbing's straight hook and stared at Yangshuo's gaze. In front of her face, he took it into his own empty space.

"The yin and yang in the world are all one-on-one. You have used that haze. You must use this impotence in my hands to have a role. With other impotence, there will be no effect. Don't think about it. Grab. This Yangshuo has been refining by me. When I think about it, I can make it self-destructive." Fang Yuan Shi Shiran.

Nowadays, Bai Ningbing is still a three-turn repair. He just turned around, and naturally needed the means to make Bai Ningbing slap the mouse and not be able to deal with himself.

"It turns out that. Fang Yuan, you are really good!" Bai Ningbing sighed, "What do you want me to do to get Yangshuo?"

"Hehehe",..." Fang Yuan smiled for a while, this is the right color. "This Qingmao Mountain has become an iceberg, the three families, and countless creatures have been frozen under the ice, no more than three or five days. It will all die. These visions will surely attract the attention and exploration of many people. Moreover, the old guy did not die, in the self-styled jade, waiting to get out of trouble. This Qingmao Mountain is definitely not to be treated, we must leave here. ”

"And me? I still have a change, the locusts are not comprehensive, and they can't be alone. In this case, you have to rely on your strength. This is so big, it is wonderful, but the green hills are A little corner. You will follow me in the world, it will be wonderful!"

"It turns out that. You really have everything in place. Hey!" Bai Ningbing bite his teeth, and his heart is full of happiness and surprises, but there are some helpless things, but Fang Yuan’s proposal just happened to be well received. "I can promise you. However, one thing needs to be clear."

"What?" asked Fang Yuan.

"I am not following you, but you follow me in the world!" Bai Ningbing's lips were slightly tilted and he smiled proudly.

"Ha ha ha." Fang Yuan laughed.

"So, next, where are we going? What do you think?" Bai Ningbing asked.

"Baigushan." Fang Yuan answered, laughter continued.

"Do you laugh and laugh, are you so funny?" Bai Ningbing is puzzled.

Fang Yuan laughed with tears: "Have you found anything wrong?"

"What's wrong with it?" Bai Ningbing raised his eyebrows, and suddenly his face became extremely wonderful.

Surprise, fear, incomprehension, horror, shock maple, anger..., all confessed to her face.

She looked at her full and rounded chest and shouted: "I, how did I become a woman?!"

The sound echoed in the Qingmao Mountain and shook a few white snow.

"That is of course! The yin and yang turned and the yin is used for the male body, then you can turn the yang into a woman. The impotence is used for the female body, then you can turn the yang into a man. The yin and yang turn, the yin and yang What do you think?" Fang Yuan is of course natural.

"I, I"... I am Cao! "White condensed ice glared at Fangyuan, and screamed at the mouth. This time, she had to get the only impotence."

"White brother is not safe to live, it is fortunate." Fang Yuan comforted.

"Fortunately, a fart, change to be your mother to try?!" The snow-capped mountains and glacier echoed the roaring roar of white condensed ice.

Two days later.

The sun is hanging high, the snow and ice are melting, and a clear spring is flowing across the iceberg.


The sound of ice cracked, a blue sky rising from the sky, hanging in the air, turned into a jade.

With a bang, the jade smashed the crane and the man screamed, and I saw the day again and regained my self-confidence.

This deposit of jade burial is as high as five turns, and the mysterious and extraordinary is extraordinary. Only the sergeant has a breath of breath that can hang his life and delay the injury. Not only that, but the jade that is formed is even more sturdy and can be called a defensive weapon.

"Damn thief!" He cursed, anger and anxiety.

Although he killed the ancient enemy of the life of the enemy, but did not get back the blood of the true biography, how to explain to the division after returning?

In the original memory, the ice hole in Fangyuan was already broken.

"I hope he didn't go far!" He was lucky enough to inspect around him.

He used locusts to scout and found deep layers of ice, and there were still many living things left.

Life is tenacious and often creates miracles. The glacier snow only covered for two days, and time was not enough to cause all the dead to die.

"Found it! I can't think of hiding here. Hey, the most dangerous place is the safest place? It's really blackmail!" Tianhe's man suddenly burst into shock, and discovered something that was inexplicable.

He rushed into the ice and, in a short while, fished out an ice cube.

In the ice cube, the Founder is covered with a layer of moonlight, which is the moon. He is already on the verge of death, only one breath.

Tianhe swears that he will never forget the appearance of Fangyuan in his life.

But after all, he was a five-turner. When he saw Founder, he immediately disappointed: "This person is not him, but it looks like a look. Hehe..."

He sighed deeply and suddenly saw it.

"Wait a minute, looks so cool, it is very likely to be twins! So, he is the thief's close relative!" Tianhe's old eyes in the dim, suddenly burst out of a sharp mans.

With a close friend, he can refine to a **** insect!

It was because of the five-turned **** worm that he found the ancient moon generation among the hustle and bustle of the world.

"I don't completely fail the task of the division. There is still hope. This kid is my only hope. I must save him!"

Founder opened his tired and heavy eyes and woke up with difficulty."

"Where is this?" He blinked his only saw a vague figure in front of him, and he was sore and sore.

His last memory picture is in the mountains of the three tribes, the iron-clad flying cranes in the sky, and everyone around them are running away.

He was stunned by the moon, but was attacked by the flying crane. In the middle of the battle, the flying crane has been shining on his forehead.

He immediately stunned and rolled down from the edge of the cliff.

"You are the old man on the back of the crane?!" Looking at the person in front of him, Founder was struggling to get up, climbed halfway, and fell down again.

"Kid, in front of my crane, you still want to escape?" Tianhe, a man who sneered.

He looked up and down the square and said: "Say, I am still your savior. Not me, you have already frozen to death. I advise you not to tamper with it, fall down, don't blame me."

Founder looked around and suddenly jumped.

Around the clouds, he was lying on the back of the giant crane, at high altitude, in the sky.

"You, who are you, and where are you going to take me?" Founder exclaimed.

"I am a crane, I naturally want to go back to Zhongzhou."

"Zhongzhou?!" Founder screamed.

(PS: The first big chapter, finished. There is no doubt that the latter will be more exciting!) (to be continued) [].

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