Reverend Insanity

: Section 3: Black Sky


In the darkness, an ancient soul beast hurriedly fled.

This soul is like a horse, but has a human face. But at this moment, the face of the person was shocked and terrified.

The ancient soul beast panicked and desperately flew, but soon its movements quickly slowed down, and the mourning in the mouth weakened very quickly.

After a few breaths, it completely stagnate and floats, floating quietly under the rich night.

Quietly, its huge body like a hill slowly dissipated, revealing a fairy.

This fairy is pale and his hair is black and his chest is a ghost.

In the hands of the demon sorcerer, a soul core is pinched, which is the essence of the soul of the ancient soul beast. The Devil's Ghost is not satisfied. Put this soul core into his mouth, like eating broad beans. After chewing a few times, he swallows it.

"There is no way to kill the enemy, but you have to wait for a while before you can digest it." The demon sorcerer snorted uncomfortably.

Since he was separated from Zhengyuan old man and Ziwei fairy, he has been hunting the soul beast in the dark.

However, I don't know if his luck is bad, or because the gas tide has wiped out too many creatures, he has encountered few soul beasts.

So far, the soul beasts he encountered are all single-shaped, only a small group of three or five. It really makes him wonder if it is still a dark day!

"This efficiency is too low!" The demon ghost continues to set off.

"If the realm is still there, I can judge the position of the Soul Army by intuition. Even Fang Yuan can't escape my feelings. Unfortunately, everything has to come back!"

"However, after all, it is ruined by fate. God's will no longer prevents me from returning to the position of the sage. After I have finished it, I have to see who dares to take the lead, even if it is a sage, but also kill him personally."

"Well?" After the moment of the sneak sneak, the face suddenly disappeared.

He finally found a soul beast army.

He approached quietly and saw that there were more than three million heads of this soul beast army. The number is not small, but the ghost is also happy, the quality is very good.

He only looked at it with a rough look, and he saw five or six heads of the ancient soul beast, more than thirty ancient soul beasts!

"Kill!" The sorrow of the demon sorcerer's eagerness to ascend, is about to rush to the past, and suddenly found.

This discovery surprised him: "How come there is a soul?"

There are three people in the Soul Beast army who are manipulating.

Three people are two men and one woman.

The woman is in the middle of the line, but the head is collar, the face is ordinary, the gray eyes are round, and the eight-turn breath is naturally distributed.

Two male sages, one of them burly, dressed in armor, with strong arms exposed outside, with traces of soul beasts on the arms. The other is tall and thin, with a bamboo stick.

Sanxian are dressed in black robes, similar in style, apparently from the same force.

"This is the celestial fairy in the dark." The demon sorcerer quickly discerned the breath of the three immortals, smiled coldly, changed the idea of ​​directly killing before, quietly sneaked into, and mixed into the army of the soul beast.

It is not easy for Sanxian to hold the army of soul beasts. Both male sages are exposed to the color of their power, and sweat on their foreheads.

The eight-turn female fairy just seemed to be resting. At this time, I said: "You stop first, let me manipulate the army."

Wen Yan, the two males suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, the tall and thin, the sneakers said: "Only the aunt can control the size of the soul of the army, I wait for the two to work hard for eight lifetimes, but also can not catch up with the aunt Half of your skills."

The eight-turn female fairy swept the male fairy, and said with disappointment: "If you can't catch up with me for eight years, it's better to cut it directly!"

"Hey." The tall and thin man suddenly knows how to slap on the horse's leg, and his look is inevitable.

The female sighed and sighed: "The two of you are among the ethnic groups, and the ones under me who are most promising to go further. The fate of the fate is destroyed, and I am responsible for my own life. The great times have come, and the life of peace and stability in the past has already been one. You are going to have an enterprising heart. If you don’t have such awareness, our souls will soon be overwhelmed by the wave of the times!"

"Aunt, you have learned." The tall and thin man nodded quickly.

As for the burly male fairy on the side, it has remained silent.

The female fairy sighed again and continued: "The five domains are unified, the heavens and the earth are in harmony, and there are actually the tides and the tides, and even the black and white two days can not be exempted. Wherever the tides go, the sky is turbulent, and the caves can no longer be Invisible, you must expose your position. This time, my meeting with Tiantian, who is in the dark, is to discuss how to face this situation. At that time, the two of you are simply your own, and the face of my soul, remember at this point."

"Yes, my aunt (adult) rest assured, we will remember five inside!" Two singers answered.

Sanxian did not know that when he was talking, the demon glory had quietly lurked around them and heard their words in a word.

"It turns out that." The demon sorcerer's heart moved. "The heavens and the earth are in harmony, and the fairy sacred caves hidden in black and white for two days have also been affected. This reason is the same as the five-field sacred priests who have to recuperate. The influence of the field is deeper. In the end, it is two days, and the impact is less. The people can still walk barely."

In the two days of black and white, there have been many cave days hidden.

The number of these holes, even the ghosts are not easy to estimate.

This time, the world has changed dramatically, and there is no such thing as a precedent. These holes can't be hidden, like fish being blown out of the water.

Ghosts feel that this is a great opportunity to continue to hide, and follow the three immortals.

It took a full half of the time, and Sanxian drove the soul and beast army and finally came to the destination.

This is also a hole in the sky.

The cave portal is wide open, and there are many people around it. The momentum is not small.

The soul of the three souls of the soul of the three immortals brought a lot of souls, put it here, not too much outstanding, at most a little more than a bit.

"It turned out that the fairy friend of the Soul Cave Day has arrived." When I saw the Three Immortals, I flew a fairy from a night wolf.

This celestial being has also been transformed into eight, and the eagle sees the wolf, and the image of a male.

"The night wolf is coming early." The eight-turn female fairy on the side of the soul of the soul replied with a smile.

"It's a slow step for us, the cold gray fairy aunt." The night wolf screamed with a smile, pointing to the open cave portal. "These aliens have already entered. I am waiting for you to go in, otherwise I will The eight races of the Terran are subject to a lot of exclusion."

The cold gray fairy nodded, and the face was dignified: "This time I met, it was the ice crystal fairy king. I was in contact with the communication. He was the Xuemin Zhuxian, and he opened his ice crystal cave, and naturally became the site of the aliens." Let's go in and see the situation."

The cold gray immortal hurriedly arranged for two seven-turns to stay and watch the army of the beasts.

And she only ordered a few ancient soul beasts, and together with herself, entered the portal of the cave.

The demon sorcerer has long been unaware of one of the ancient souls and beasts, and also sneaked in.

As soon as I entered the hole, the temperature dropped sharply and it was snow and ice.

Overlooking the earth, it is all white. The mountains are towering, they are all cast in the cold, very rare.

In the highest peak of the cold crystal, there is a snow and ice temple.

The cold gray fairy and the night wolf Jun came to the main hall, and placed the ancient soul beasts and the ancient night wolves that followed them on the main hall square, and then joined the temple.

The demon sorcerer pressed for a moment, smoothly glimpsed the bottom of the ice and snow hall, and immediately followed the loopholes found, and also drilled into the hall.

Sitting on the main hall of the main hall, a snow-minded man, the face is square, and the air is in the air, it should be the ice crystal fairy king.

In addition, there are three different people, eight people, from the stone people, Mao people and eggs.

"I didn't expect the situation in this dark day. It is actually the power of the aliens who have the upper hand. There are four eight-turns. In contrast, there are only two people in the human race." The demon sorcerer thought a little, and then it was clear.

After the Terran hegemony, the aliens could not survive in the five domains and were rushed to the edge and corners of the world.

Black and white for two days is naturally the preferred place for wandering.

The area is extremely wide, and the cave is hidden. It is impossible for the Sayādaw to find it, unless it is to find the exact clue.

Therefore, in the two days of black and white, it is true that the aliens have taken the foundation and developed.

Although the human races are involved in black and white for two days, most of them are based on adventure and collecting resources. Only a small part of the eight-turn 蛊仙 will be completely placed in the black and white for two days.

The human race is different from the alien cave. The latter is taken care of by God, and the power of the disaster is very small. The former is not the case.

Over time, the Terran Caves are constantly being located, and they are constantly being eliminated, and few of them survive. The alien caves have a long history, and the forces continue to grow quietly.

The six-digit eight-turn 蛊 议 议 议 议 议 议.

"Five domains are unified, and the gas tide hits the sky. I will be exposed to the I advocate unity and fight against the five domains!"

"How do you fight against the five domains? I am so rich in the hole, but how can resources compare with the five domains? Even if we all unite, it is definitely not the opponent of the five domains!"

"Moreover, our unions are not necessarily assured of each other. After all, our identity is different."

"You can rest assured that although I am a human being, but the ancestors of the souls were forced to flee to the black to survive, they have already broken off relations with the five domains."

"More directly, I don't want to reveal my identity in the night of the wolf. After all, we have a **** revenge with the birthplace of Kitahara!"

"You are a fairy friend." Ice Crystal Xianwang said. "Don't you just think of warming up the group, have you ever thought about going further? The fate of the people has been destroyed, and the pattern of the human race has been completely broken. Rehabilitating, this is the best chance for us to take the lead!"

"I waited for the birth of the black sky, suffered the least impact, and can barely act. If this opportunity is not used, I will regret it in the future."

"What plans does Xian Wang have?"

Ice Crystal Xian Wang sighed and looked very heavy: "The vastness of the five domains, the richness of the products, I will not be able to compare even if the caves are superimposed. The chaos in the world is expected. If I don't make progress, I will wait until the five domains are settled. The five-domain 蛊仙, who will be freed from the hand, will be extinct. Only the first to occupy the first hand, there is hope for survival."

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