Reverend Insanity

: Section 15: I am the lord!

Because of Wu Shuai’s shot, Ice Crystal Xian Wang had to admit defeat. He thought that his idea of ​​uniting the monks was empty, but he did not expect Wu Shuai to coincide with him.

The ice crystal fairy king and the monk Wang Ting’s bet, the loser won, and the winner lost.

After the war, Wu Shuai talked with the ice crystal fairy king through the hall of the monk Wang Ting, and the hotter and hotter, and the face of the three immortals became more and more gloomy.

Wu Shuai heard that Ice Crystal Xian Wang had called the Dongtian forces to discuss and immediately asked to join, and urged Ice Crystal Xianwang to quickly convene all parties to conduct the second meeting.

In the plan of Ice Crystal Xianwang, the second meeting has to go a little longer, but Wu Shuai urged him very urgently. Ice Crystal Xian Wang thought: "With Wu Shuai this sign, it is also very big for me. It’s good to have some advances in the period of the meeting, and nothing to do.”

Ice Crystal Xianwang knows that even if the black and white forces of the two days are united, there is a huge internal problem. That is, among these forces, a small part is the human race.

He wants to be dominated by a different person, so during this time he is more actively seeking union. The alien forces of the parties, as long as he knows, he has already contacted. Even the East China Sea monk Wang Ting, he has not let go.

If he knows the depths of the sea and the existence of the ancients, he must have already found the door.

"But now there is Wu Shuai, the well-known dragon man's power. Even if the Terran side recruits more people, I am afraid it will not be affected by Wu Shuai?"

Wu Shuai attacked the heavens as a dragon, and he was the winner. This record brought him tremendous prestige.

Ice Crystal Xian Wang once again held a second meeting in Ice Crystal Cave Day, and the lineup is even bigger.

"Golden Rose King arrives!"

"Don't go to heaven!"

"Dazhi fairy mother!"

"Aomori is coming!"

The eight-turn power of the aliens has come a lot.

The Golden Retriever King is a Mao Min, with a thick blond hair. The celestial celestial being is the identity of the feathers and looks beautiful. Dazhi Xianmu is an old man, an indigenous race. Aomori is a small man, and his body is covered with a green glow.

These four alien immortals are the first to participate in the meeting.

As for the eight turns of the celestial beings, in addition to the previous night wolf princes and cold gray sages, the newly added sacred gods who specialize in the light path, the Shenzizi who practiced the wooden roads, and the female celestial celestial celestials Hey.

The Terran has not changed to five, but the eight turns of the aliens have nearly ten. Despite the efforts of the cold gray fairy to pull people, it is still better than the aliens, and even this gap is constantly widening.

After negotiating for a while, Ice Crystal Xian Wang presided over the scene: "This time I can invite the fairy friends to come. In addition to negotiating the overall situation of the world, there is still a very important thing. Please let me introduce a great predecessor!"

All the celestial beings followed the direction of the ice crystal fairy king and cast their gaze.

Wu Shuai slowly walked out from the screen, and under the gaze of the immortals, he sat on the subject.

"How are you?" The group of immortals was shocked.

"It turned out to be Wu Shuai Xianyou." An interracial eight-turn who was close to the ice crystal fairy king, said openly.

Ice Crystal Fairy Wang is not happy: "To call Wu Shuai's predecessor!"

The color of the interracial eight-faced face, under the gaze of the ice crystal fairy king, had to change his mouth: "The younger generation meets the predecessors."

With this tone, Qunxian also had to speak, and they called Wu Shuai as a predecessor.

"Good." Wu Shuai nodded with satisfaction. "There is no need to mess up the generations. But I would rather prefer you to call me the lord!"

“Allies?” The group of immortals face each other.

Wu Shuai laughed happily: "This is exactly the case. At present, the caves are exposed, and they will be attacked by the five sects. The reason why the five sects are not moving, but they are subject to the tide and cannot act freely. We must protect ourselves. It is necessary to strengthen itself. Only by forming an alliance can we have the capital and hope of countering the five domains!"

"Since ancient times, the lord of the lord has been able to live. I have no one in the audience to stand with me. If you disobey me, you can come to compete."

Wu Shuai’s voice just fell, and the celestial beings had no time to express anything, and they heard a dragon.

The dragon body of the Emperor Dragon was hiding in the sky.

Subsequently, a fairy house flew slowly out of Wu Shuai's fairy scorpion, small and exquisite, suspended in the center of Wu Shuai's palm, shining.

It is the narrow Dragon Palace!

Wu Shuai looked at the Dragon Palace in the palm of his hand and scanned the group of immortals in the field. The threat was overwhelming.

The group of fairy faces are not good-looking, one by one, silent, wanting to be angry and not afraid to be angry.

Although Wu Shuai is only a seven-repair, but the dragons and dragons of the Dragon Palace, everyone is very clear. In the field, the group of immortals join hands, and perhaps there is hope of resistance. However, there are few links between the major forces. Unlike the five domains, the super-powers in the five domains are bordered by each other, with friction and more interaction. Black and white are very empty for two days. The outside world is dangerous. There is little collision between the forces. It is even more difficult to have any close communication.

"Ha ha ha!" See no one against himself, the dragon public laughed loudly, and the laughter suddenly stopped. "Don't you come to see the lord?"

The masses are still silent, and the atmosphere is quite dignified.

For a long while, the ice crystal fairy king suddenly came out of the crowd and gave a gift to Wu Shuai: "Ice Crystal King sees the lord!"

"Ha ha ha, good." Wu Shuai pointed to the ice crystal fairy king, "You are the vice-president."

Later, he looked at other celestial beings and saw the fierce light.

The off-site Snapdragon swayed his body at the right moment and immediately stirred up the storm.

In such a scene, there is another ice crystal fairy king to take the lead, the group fairy has only a hard voice, acknowledging the identity of Wu Shuai's lord.

Wu Shuai sat in the main position and looked at the immortal in the field: "I know that you have your own minds. At this time, acknowledging the position of my lord is just because of the situation, but I am not really forcing you."

"The current situation is a golden opportunity. It is almost the only chance for me to resist the five domains. If I can't grasp it, I will wait until the five domains are wanted in the future. When Dong Tian is heavily encircled, it is useless to confess."

"However, let you be so deliberate, when can you act? When the action is really going on, the tide has already passed. If you have a strong leader like me, you can temporarily integrate most of the power and act quickly. ”

Although Wu Shuai’s tone is tough, but the words are reasonable, the presence of the fairy face is alleviated.

"Well, gossip is not much to say, then we will discuss the goal of joint attack." Wu Shuai continued.

This time even Ice Crystal King was surprised: "The Lord of the Lord, now I want to talk about the offense, it will not be too early? Black and white are too broad for two days, there are still many cave forces, we have not contacted."

"Can't wait for them. As long as we succeed in action and cause momentum, these people will take the initiative to attach. The so-called people's heart, that is." Wu Shuai put his hand in a straight line.

The group is silent.

Ice Crystal Xianwang had to continue to ask: "Where is the most suitable for me, according to the meaning of the lord of the lord?"

"Of course it is heaven!" Wu Shuai replied without hesitation.

"Tian Ting?!"

"The heavens are weak, before I retreat, I am not willing. As long as I win the heavens, the five domains must be terrible. Who dares to marry me and wait for the tigers?" Wu Shuai laughed.

"This is not appropriate!"

"The heavens are very strong, not the place we can get involved."

"Also ask the lord to think twice."

The group of immortals shook their heads and no one promised.

"Hey, no gallbladder!" Wu Shuai sneered in disappointment. "That God City."

“This Xianyu House is the first-class Xianyu House, which is made up of the Bean Palace and the Imperial City. For Tianting, it is of great significance. It is a gathering of people and a heavenly court. Take it, not only It is a huge blow to Zhongzhou, and it can also harvest an eight-turn fairy house, and even the true biography of Yuanlian Xianzun."

The cold gray fairy said: "Since the Emperor City is so important, if we attack it, we will certainly bring in the heavens, and even the rebellion and encirclement of the entire Zhongzhou. It is also the enemy of these people. What is the difference between this and the attacking heaven?"

"Of course there is a difference! If these people are attracted to the Imperial City by us, we can use another group of people to kill the heavens." Wu Shuai raised his eyebrows.

The group fairy listened, a cold sweat.

"In the end, I still have to attack the heavens."

"In this way, the people who attacked in the city of the gods did not become cannon fodder?"

"Wu Shuai's predecessors are too fierce, how can they want to die with Heaven!"

Wu Shuai is very unhappy: "How? You don't dare to go to the Imperial City?"

Ice crystal fairy king face a difficult color, as if it is constipation pain: "I also ask the master of the master to understand, I wait..."

Wu Shuai waved his hand and impatiently said: "Well, I don't want to listen to any Then let's do it, let's solve the East China Sea Summer."

Wu Shuai finally threw out the real goal.

There is a summer home in southern Xinjiang, and there is also a summer home in the East China Sea. This summer is not a summer, but it is also a super power.

Wu Shuai has a big appetite, and the primary goal is a super power.

If he first proposed it, he would certainly be opposed by the group. But the last two times he said that Tianting and Shendi City, the group of immortals could not help but find that compared with the first two goals, the East China Sea Xiajia can also accept!

Wu Shuai continued to analyze: "The East China Sea Xiajia is the shallowest in all the super forces, and it is the right way at the bottom of the East China Sea. Not only that, Xiajia is also located in the easternmost part of the East China Sea, and the region is remote, which is most suitable for me."

"What's even better is that the Xia family and the monk Wang Ting are in contact with each other. The monk Wang Ting has long been an ally of me and will provide us with a lot of help."

Speaking of this, Wu Shuai did not give the opportunity to discuss with the group: "I decided! The goal of our hands is the summer home."

Qunxian is naturally very disgusted with such a strong ally. But under the dragon and the Dragon Palace, they are helpless.

More crucially, they are caught in the general situation, and they are very clear in their hearts. If this opportunity is not seized, if they are uncertain, the five domains will never let them go.

"Ice Crystal King, this position of the lord should have been yours. You really want to let it go?" Afterwards, there was a sinister look that was innocent, secretly speaking to the ice crystal fairy king.

Ice Crystal Xian Wang secretly sneered, replied: "The tree is big, the scorpion is bad first. Let this Wu Shuai scream for me and wait for the charge. What is the position of a district leader? We got the strong dragon and dragon palace. Help."

"In the future, even if we fail to make a big plan, we will be able to make a decision on Wu Shuai after the fall of the Five Kingdoms, so that I can get away from it."

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