Reverend Insanity

: Section 21: Qigong

"The heavens are heavenly..." The night wolf looked at the channel locusts in his hands, full of emotion.

Sure enough, what he expected, Tian Ting really shot to deal with the two-day coalition.

He had estimated that there would be such a situation before.

People in the rivers and lakes are involuntarily, and the night wolf hole days have to participate in the two-day coalition. If you don't do this, it will be besieged until it is destroyed.

However, joining this power has only delayed some of the demise.

At that time, the five domains counterattack, the two-day coalition forces are only afraid to fall apart, and the casualties are heavy. There is no egg under the nest, and then the night wolf hole will be liquidated.

So at the beginning, the night wolf Jun decided to rely on the five domains. This is for himself and for the night wolf to find a way to survive.

Therefore, he took the initiative and secretly contacted Heaven.

The situation has developed to the present, the ancestors of the sea and Wu Shuai confrontation, the heavens have secretly dispatched the team, intending to pay the bottom, directly attacking the base camp of the two major aliens for two days!

Since the night wolf king took the initiative to vote, Tian Ting Qin Ding Ling secretly wrote to him, let him act as a response, and cooperate with Tian Ting's action to clear and pay.

"The heavens did not disappoint me!"

"Even if the loss in the fateful battle is heavy, but in any case, it will abide by the human righteousness. Regardless of sacrifices and interests, for the entire human race."

This kind of qi is a reminder of the night wolf.

Because he is the celestial being of the Terran!

Compared with the magnificent volume of heaven, whether it is the ancestors of the sea or Wu Yong, it seems stingy. Even the longevity of Beiyuan is the same.

What is the policy left by Juyang Xianzun?

Home world!

Even if the night wolf hole and the longevity are not enemies, the night wolf will never take the initiative to rely on the longevity.

The night wolf did not hesitate, and immediately responded, promised to secretly cooperate with heaven.

According to the agreement between the two parties, when Wu Shuai and the qihai ancestors confronted each other, it was the opportunity for Tianting to take the initiative to attack! If the two don't do it, then about a month later, the heavens will also do it directly.

"Now look at Wu Shuai and the ancestors of the sea." Night wolf is looking forward to.

Also paying attention to the East China Sea War, in addition to the night wolf, there are countless forces and celestial beings.

Wuyong in southern Xinjiang is one of them.

"If the ancestors of the sea and the sea are defeated, the alien forces will definitely expand and snowball-like development, and it is likely to become a big problem for the five domains!"

"If the dragon is defeated, then the alien forces will shrink into a group and actively stick to it. For the five-domain Terran, it is a blessing. But for me, I don't want to see it."

Wu Yong is a careerist.

He wants the world to be more chaotic, the more chaotic, the more he has the opportunity to squat, to benefit from it, to continue to grow and eventually win the world!

Therefore, he is the most hated and hateful of the tide.

It was because of the gas tide that the five-field 蛊仙 had to be forced to recuperate, so that he missed the great opportunity to completely defeat the heavens.

This is really a pity.

"Adult, Wu Ji Niang and other people have been resurrected. What should be arranged next?" At this time, Wu Bazhong came to report.

He is a martial artist who is too old and old, and he is very stable.

The most significant change in fate is that it is quite easy to resurrect. The original Wuji Niangniang, the seeds of the sinensis, were all damaged in the Yitian Mountains. But now they have all been resurrected by Wu Jiaxuan.

Wu Yong nodded: "These people are the hopes of the future. They have experienced sufficient setbacks and tempering in the stage of the martial arts. If they succeed in the future, they must be elite. They will pass on the law of the immortal and give them a good A detailed preparation for resource supply. I want to increase the number of martial arts in the Wu family by more than ten in the next few years!"

"Yes, adults." Wu Bazhong did not question the slightest.

The future five-domain chaos will also be a long-lasting battle, and it will not be a day's work. Under such circumstances, it is the respective details and long-term calculations to consider the major forces.

"There is another thing that is related to the airway." Wu Bazhong said, handing Wu Yong a channel.

Wu Yong explored the mind and quickly browsed it again.

This channel contains all kinds of fairy materials, all of which are airways, all because of the new changes brought about by the tide.

"It seems that the airway has to be prosperous again. The qigong fruit inside, really has such a good effect?" Wu Yong sighed and asked again.

Wu Bazhong said: "There have been many used in the past, this is indeed true. This fruit is the airway crystallization, five gas reconciliation, extraordinary. When put into the fairy, can be turned into a turbulent airflow, make the world The change of the second gas is greatly advanced. Whoever can get more qigong fruit, the sooner anyone can get rid of the current recuperation situation."

"Then collect this kind of fairy material. In addition, collect the treasury in the unified family and sort out an airway inheritance. We must try to use it to cultivate the airway 蛊仙." Wu Yong told him to go down.

"Yes." Wu Bazhong immediately took the lead.

The Wu family is good at the wind tunnel, and the airway is rarely involved. But these giants naturally have a slight accumulation of airways, and the various fragments of the inheritance are stacked up, and perhaps one or two airway can be cultivated.

Of course, even if these sorcerers become airways, they will not achieve much in the future.

However, since the Wu family needs to fill the shortcomings in this respect, these teachers can only sacrifice their own development potential and become the airway.

Southern Xinjiang, Luojia.

The three 蛊仙 went deep into the hole.

"Breakthrough!" Luo Ran was excited.

His face is blue and The look is cold, but it is the general of Luojia, the name is Nanjiang, and it has the power of seven turns.

When he was recuperating all over the world, Luo Ran secretly led the other two immortals of Luo's family to explore the atmosphere and ignore the development of his own fairy tales.

This effort and effort was not in vain, they finally broke through the hustle and bustle.

Going deeper is the true center of the world.

"Unexpectedly, under the tide of the gas, it actually led to the change of the air, which led us to move forward smoothly." Luo Muzi felt very much.

"It's still faster. The gas tide sweeps the world, and the air can only be invisible for a while. We must hurry to pass the whole world before we discover us. We will pass the truth to the truth. With this true biography, we can quickly adapt to the family." This big era, grab the first opportunity!" Luo Haoze eyes exposed.

A few days later.

East China Sea.

The ancestors of the sea and the sea suddenly moved out, wrapped in thousands of waves, and rushed to the base camp of the East China Sea Xiajia.

"Well come!" Wu Shuai sensed it thousands of miles away. He laughed loudly, rose to the Dragon Palace, manipulated the Dragon Emperor, and bravely fought.

A big battle that touched the eyes of the world suddenly broke out.

Ps: One more today.

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