Reverend Insanity

: Section 30: Large and small qigong fruit

The tide of the sky, the rolling tide, and soon rolled the entire ice crystal cave days.

It’s a shame that the Devil’s Ghost is deeply sighed. He originally intended to let the two sides fight each other, and eventually they packed up everything. It was much more helpful to swallow the sacred soul.

It is a pity that his plot is not to be destroyed by this temper.

"I don't have a sorrowful mountain in my hands. I lack the courage to devour my soul and the soul nucleus. But these require a certain amount of digestion time. It is not as good as courage and can directly contribute to the soul."

"How could it be so clever? Not long ago, the ancestors of the sea and Wu Shuai played against each other, causing a wave of gas. This battle also attracted the momentum."

The demon sorcerer thinks of it here, and has a clear understanding: "Is it true that the fight between the celestial beings will lead to a wave of anger?"

The Devil's Ghost is just guessing, not sure.

"Unfortunately, my airway realm is just ordinary. If it is still there, there will be a decision."

He has the skills of searching for souls and swallowing souls, but these methods cannot directly contribute to the realm of genre. The only way to directly pull up the realm of the genre is to absorb the true meaning. The vast realm of the magical ghosts in the heyday, the vast majority of his memories with the help of the soul, silently repairing, trying to figure out, is not easy.

"It's all."

"This time, Anson has performed extremely well and made a great contribution. It is very likely that he will be summoned by Wu Shuai."

"I am pinning on him, I can approach Wu Shuai. Maybe there will be a chance to enslave Wu Shuai and win the Dragon Palace!"

The demon sorcerer can't count on it, and he has a new plan.

He is very embarrassed about the Dragon Palace with the dreams of fairy tales!

In the raging tide, the cold light condenses together and is reduced to the ice crystal fairy king.

The ice crystal fairy king is weak and weak, and his face is pale, and it is very expensive to display the ice crystal.

However, he almost sealed his smashing list with his own strength, and it was also the biggest hero in this battle.

Two days, the immortals came to visit him, and his eyes had clearly become different.

Strength can prove everything and distinguish identity. Undoubtedly, the ice crystal fairy king who owns the ice crystal brilliance of the town, will surpass most of the two days and eight turns in the battle force.

"Although I kept the ice crystal hole, but the killing of the township was exposed." Ice Crystal Xian Wang repelled the heavens, but the heart was not happy.

At the moment, he can only comfort himself. It is difficult to be restrained by this town, and it can be relied on for a while.

"You are a fairy friend, I am not hurt, just need to recuperate. Please also take all the shots to protect my hole." Ice Crystal Xian Wang said.

"Well, let's say."

"Our two-day alliance is one, and this little thing is nothing."

“Everyone is quick to do it, do their best to maintain the ice crystal cave!”

Two days, the immortals have shot, contending and clearing the tide of the hole in the sky. The ice crystal fairy king is responsible for repairing the hole in the hole wall.

Although the tide of the tide is soaring, it is quickly settled under the joint force of many immortals.

Because of the timely treatment, the gas tide caused the loss of ice crystals, and there were not many before and after.

"The deputy ally, you come to see, we have new discoveries here!" When the wise fairy came back, he brought an unexpected news to Ice Crystal.

After a while, the two immortals came to the scene of the incident.

I saw a huge fruit like a hill, suspended in midair. This fruit is translucent and consists entirely of heaven and earth. It is shaped like a gourd and is like a peanut.

"This should be qigong fruit?"

"After the gas tide, people often find that similarly shaped qigong fruit is produced. The celestial celestial being used for the fairy scorpion can quickly reconcile the two qi of the celestial world, and greatly promote the integration of the two scent Progress."

"But the usual qigong fruit, but it is as big as a horse. If this is a qigong fruit, how can it be so huge?"

In the past two days, the various scholars have been talking about it, and they are uncertain.

"Lord, is this really a qigong fruit?" Anson secretly asked the demon sorcerer. "If it is, isn't it that the ice crystal hole is a blessing in disguise? As long as it absorbs such a large qigong fruit, the ice crystal fairy king's fairy 窍岂Is it possible to completely transform and not be prepared by the tide?"

"This is indeed a qigong fruit, but blessing is a curse, it is hard to say." Devil sorcerer sneer.

Sure enough, Ice Crystal Xianwang tried to collect this Qigong fruit, but he was surprised to find a deeper secret.

"It's not good!" Ice Crystal Xian Wang's face is white and white. "This Qigong fruit is still growing and growing. It has captured the world of heaven and earth. It will continue to grow. If I take it out, it will definitely cause a hole in the sky. It will also set off a more violent and fierce wave."

All the immortals, with the permission of the Ice Crystal King, they went forward to investigate.

"This qigong fruit can never let it grow and develop. Which fairy friend can help me to eradicate this hidden danger? I will not pay for the ice crystal fairy king." Ice crystal fairy king is very grim.

However, they are all helpless.

To violently eradicate Qigong, almost everyone can do it. However, the damage to the ice crystal cave is extremely great, and it is directly shaken.

Moreover, according to the calculation of the public, directly eradicating, detonating the qigong fruit, after the formation of the gas tide, there will be a second Qigong fruit to continue to produce.

In this way, it is necessary to permanently eliminate the hidden dangers, and not to hurt the ice crystal caves, the difficulty is really high.

Dazhi Xianmu proposed: "I can't wait until we don't major in the air. Maybe the lord of the lord has a way?"

The ice crystal fairy king was full of sorrow and deeply sighed: "At the moment, I only have to ask the lord for help."

Wu Shuai soon got the letter of assistance from Ice Crystal Xian Wang.

"I have limited memory. I don't know that there are such changes in Qigong. Maybe the body is clear."

Wu Shuai will convey the detailed report of the Ice Crystal Xianwang report to the side of Fangyuan.

"Oh? This has caused a hidden danger for two days, a lot ahead of the five hundred years ago." Fang Yuan's body is really aware.

Five hundred years ago, two days, Zhu Xian was also united together, and many attacks, bringing considerable trouble to the five domains.

Under the climax, the five-field 蛊仙 is severely affected. But for two days, Zhu Xian was born because of his influence.

Coupled with the fact that the Battle of Zhu Xian reached a certain limit, it will definitely cause a wave of gas.

In the two days, even if the battle is low, but with the help of the tide, it can also defeat the five domains.

However, the good times did not last long. Soon after two days, the celestial beings found their own qigong fruit in the cave base camp.

These qigongs are completely rooted in the heavens and the earth, and the tails can't be lost. If you sit and watch, the threat will grow and eventually destroy the entire world.

"Ice Crystal King fights against the heavens, which makes the gas tide roll over the entire hole, which is the reason for the early completion of Qigong."

Fang Yuan passed this information to Wu Shuai, and suddenly his heart moved, and his mind was flashed.

"and many more!"

"Maybe I can use the tide to deal with God."

His current situation is very bad.

The main source is that Tiandao Road is added to the body, and refining can not be achieved in a short time. Tiandao Road marks naturally evolved into God.

Heaven and Taoism traces the source of the other party is not malicious, but God is trying to eradicate it, trying every means to destroy him and destroy his supreme fairy.

To make matters worse, once Fangyuan does not eradicate God's will in time, God's will accumulate to a certain extent, even if the Supreme Immortal Portal does not open, the heavenly will in the cave will echo the will of the outside world, and the location of Fangyuan will be exposed.

The location of Fangyuan is exposed. If he stays in the sea, the identity of this layer of ancestors will also be blown away.

However, Fang Yuan has to eradicate God's will, and it is really difficult.

Supreme fairy is too big, Fangyuan has no way to start. He can't predict the evolution of Heaven, and he can't know in advance where God's will will come.

"It's better to follow the trend of the gas, and continue to roll in my supreme fairy. Like the brush constantly scouring, wherever you go, pay all the heavens!"

Fang Yuan carefully thought deeply and felt that this law had much to do.

It seems to be dangerous. It seems that the chest is in the fire. In fact, according to his airway and wisdom, there is a great possibility of realization.

Of course, whether this method will succeed in the end can be effective, and the source is not known at the last moment.

"If wisdom is still there, how good it is."

The inspiration provided by wisdom is correct. At the same time, with wisdom and halo help, Fangyuan pushes out the tactics of urging the gas surge will be extremely convenient and fast.

At the same time, it’s a sigh of relief.

"This is the most central part of the cave!" Luo Jia three three immortals with injuries ~ ~ finally hard to break through here.

"Okay, a good qigong fruit..." Luo Muzi lost his voice, and the other two immortals were also full of surprises.

According to the calculation of Luojia Sanxian, the most central part of the heavens should be the most valuable treasure in the sky.

At this time, Sanxian had a look, and there was only one very delicate and qigong fruit. This fruit is as solid as it is, and there is a fluorescent flow on the surface.

It has only one gourd size, but the breath of the nine-turn fairy material is indeed true. There is a huge layer of vitality, just like the mountains and oceans, suppressed in the heart of Luojia Sanxian.

"This qigong fruit is not ordinary, there are mysteries, and I have to study well."

"Weird, qigong fruit is the product of the gas tide, how can it be hidden in the center by the gas magic fairy?"

"Is it true that he has long expected that there will be a disaster like a gas boom in the distant future?"

"Hands!" When Luo Jia Sanxian was discussing, suddenly a light drink, a number of strange people show their body shape, have shot.

Luojia Sanxian was caught off guard and was suddenly involved in the battlefield.

"No, there is an ambush!"

“Are some people discovering a hole in the sky?”

"Who are you guys?!"

Luo Jia San Xian drink.

The headed alien is only the size of the finger, and the transparent thin wing behind it is a little man.

"Hey, Luo Jia San Xian, I Xiao Hejian found that it is twenty years earlier than you." The little man sneered with a sneer, "Do it, kill them!"

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