Reverend Insanity

: Section 3: The crocodile girl sorrows

Section III: The crocodile killer girl sorrow

"Sawtooth gold 蜈..." Bai Ningbing stretched out the jade hand, rubbing the three-turned dark gold carapace, muttering in the mouth, the look is a bit complicated. M9

She fought with Fang Yuan and had suffered a lot from this jagged gold. I did not expect that there was such a moment that Fang Yuan took the initiative to lend himself.

Fang Yuan left a deep impression on her use of the method of sawtooth gold.

Bai Ningbing immediately took the gourd painting and scooped the sawtooth gold plaque as a big sword.

From time to time, she manipulated her mind, sawing the golden body and retracting her body, waving like a whip. The silver edge is serrated, and a strangely distorted light edge is drawn in the air.

"Tian Peng 蛊!" She will be able to earn an empty space, and her brow will be raised, and she will secretly infuse the silver real yuan. Suddenly, the white light was shining.

"Destiny is really mysterious. I can't think of one day, I can actually use your locusts." She looked at Fangyuan and sighed.

Fangyuan was silent, but sitting next to the warm coals and closing his eyes.

He put his heart into the air, and the real Yuan Hai, who is full of qualifications, immediately presents.


It was only a little more than 40%, and now it has more than doubled.

"Although the cultivation has been reduced from three turns to one turn, the hard work of several years has been spent. But all this is worth it!" Fang Yuan was very satisfied.

There have been three major points in the practice of Yanshi.

A qualification, two resources, three locusts.

These three aspects are indispensable and are the most important!

Originally, Fang Yuan was only a C-class qualification. By means of juggling, resources and locusts were used to make every effort to make up for the shortcomings of qualification. In the years of Qingmao Mountain, it was quite hard and hard. Although the progress of the practice is good, but he also tried his best, exhausted and raised the risk of adventure.

If his original qualification was A, then his life is completely another kind of scenery, and it has been three turns.

"Make up and get people... I am now a Grade A qualification, but the stable growth environment of the cottage is gone. In terms of resources and locusts, it is not as good as before."

Fang Yuan is now wandering outside, repairing too weak, and at any time there is danger to life, naturally not as comfortable and stable in Qingmao Mountain. Of course, there is no stable trade, and there is no exchange for it.

"Fortunately, there is Tianyuan Baolian, the biggest problem in resources has been solved, at least three turns before it is not awkward." Fang Yuan heart swept over, in the 90% bronze real Yuanhai, a blue and white lotus rooted in the open seabed, The petals are full and full of holy spirits.

This day, Yuan Baolian is a three-turn, with great development potential. In order to refine it, the roots of the ancient moon family were directly abolished.

It is equivalent to a miniature mobile Yuanquan. When it was converted to Fangyuan three, it can continuously restore the true element of Fangyuan, so that it can reach the recovery speed of B.

The third change to repair is silver real yuan. Now Fangyuan is a first step, bronze real yuan. Tianyuan Baolian was in the open source of Fangyuan, which made his real yuan recovery speed reach a very high level.

"If I use a turn, the real yuan recovers amazingly, almost endless. With one or two turns, the true sea level will drop, but the constant consumption will continue to recover, and the sea surface will be relatively stable. The real yuan will plummet, consumption is far greater than the response, can not support a moment, the true Yuanhai will completely dry up." Fang Yuan heart in the dark.

After all, it is a bronze real yuan, and it is still the first green, the quality is too bad.

In addition to Yuan Baolian this day, Fangyuan still has some flaws.

The first is the life of the spring and autumn.

These six turns, the world is the seventh, once you become a life, you can no longer move to the air. Now it is firmly in the middle of the air.

After another rebirth, its momentum is no longer, the yellow and green glare fades clean, a wilting, extremely weak.

It hides its body shape, and as time goes by, it silently captures the time of the river and begins another round of recovery.

Fang Yuan has a clear understanding: "In a short period of time, it is impossible to use the Spring and Autumn Period again. Such a dangerous state, once used, is indulged in the river of time, and blew himself to death."

Without the pressure of spring and autumn, other locusts have released their nature.

The two-turned four-flavored worms, the four brilliances on the chubby body are flashing. In the high sea of ​​Zhenyuan, it is very joyful to play constantly.

The squid's fossil-like hidden scales lie quietly on the bottom of the sea, allowing the fish to be washed by the true waters.

A head of a black beetle with a pair of iron tongs fluttering over the sea - this is a strong take.

With it circling and frolicking, it is the white-and-white yang that remains in the yin and yang.

The four-turned blood cranial sputum also sinks deep in the sea, and occasionally the surface flashes bright red blood.

As for other locusts, there is also a **** moon, which is now a red moon mark, hidden in the palm of Fang Yuan. Listening to the ear grass, it becomes an ear of Fangyuan, usually not obvious. The pocket flower is pinned on the tongue of Fangyuan.

The canopy and the sawtooth gold scorpion have just loaned Bai Ningbing.

Counting the number, Fang Yuan now has twelve mites on hand.

This number is too much!

In general, there are two or three shackles in the hands of low-level sergeants, which is the norm. When it is four or five turns, it will rise to four or five. The gods are cold and bloody, but they are only about seven.

Do not look at the ancient moon generation, there are Tianhe people, it is a special case, both are old monsters accumulated for hundreds of years.

The number of locusts owned by Fangyuan is three or four times that of ordinary sects. If the number is too large, it will bring a heavy economic burden to the teachers and logistical pressure.

Although these 蛊 are carefully selected, they are easy to feed. But nowadays, the limited materials carried by the pocket flowers still bring a burden to Fangyuan.

The first thing to do is the four-flavored wine worm, which needs food for food. There are a lot of wines in the pockets, but they can only support it for half a year.

“In the past six months, new wines must be found. Or the four-flavored wine worms will be rectified and reduced to wine worms.”

Then it is to take advantage of it.

It is difficult to find the food that is strong, and there are not many collections in the flower. It can only support for five months.

The second is to listen to the ear grass.

Listening to the earweed to feed on the ginseng, there are many flowers in this pocket, which can support for nearly a year.

Blood cranial sputum, **** sputum, all need blood, need to be careful calculation.

If the yin and yang turn around, the yin and yang are complete, that is, the complete taiji light ball, the conversion of yin and yang, does not require the priest to provide food. But now there is a lack of haze, leaving Yangshuo alone. Fang Yuan has to release it every once in a while to absorb the yang around him.

It is very important to feed Yangshuo. With impotence, white ice can be clamped. With Bai Ningbing, a cheap bodyguard, there is a guarantee of survival.

This means that Fangyuan can't just drill into caves and caves in the future. In case of being trapped in a special environment, there is no yang, and Yangshuo starves to death. At that time, the white condensed ice of desperate anger will become the enemy of Fangyuan.

The situation of Fangyuan is a bit embarrassing now.

The aphids on his hands are generally higher. Three turns, four turns, and even six turns. However, he is now only one turn.

The high-order locusts are quite cumbersome for him to use.

Moreover, what is more crucial is that he is seriously lacking in treatment and movement, and is his two shortcomings.

"Next, we must start to solve these problems and collect wild locusts. I hope that luck will be better and I can meet the embarrassment that suits me. I just had a chance to escape from the swordfish group. It is good luck. But it is impossible to be so lucky every time. Ok."

Fang Yuan thought a little bit, this only with a slightly dignified look, slowly opened his eyes.

He just opened his eyes and saw Bai Ningbing holding a white eggshell in his hand and came over.

"Look at you. I just spurred the serrated gold cymbal and let it go underground. I didn't expect that under the beach, I hid an egg. It was broken by a sawtooth gold." Bai Ningbing said.

The egg has half the size of the washbasin, the white eggshell is completely broken, and the egg yolk remains only a little.

Fang Yuan only swept the eggshell and his face suddenly became tense: "Not good, this is the egg of the six-legged crocodile. Is this beach, the spawning place of the six-legged crocodile?"

He quickly stood up: "Quickly, spur the serrated gold plaque and see how many such eggs are under the beach."

Bai Ningbing glared at the cold and pointed to the rear of Fangyuan: "It’s too late, look!"

When Fang Yuan turned around, he saw the water on the surface of the yellow sand water, and drifted hundreds of "wild woods".

"Dead wood" swims ashore, all of them are huge crocodiles.

These crocodiles have thick carapace, sharp teeth and three pairs of feet. At the moment, countless pairs of red eyes, staring tightly at Bai Ningbing.

Six-legged crocodile!

Bai Ningbing subconsciously loosened his hands, and the white eggshell fell on the sand. The eggshell was broken and the egg yolk was flowing.


The six-legged crocodile angered and smashed six feet and succumbed to the two teenagers.


At the same time, Qingmao Mountain, the site of the ancient moon cottage.

Snowy, glaciers everywhere.

A group of people stood silently in the snow, like roots and nails, nailed in this pale world.

"Father..." Tie Ruo was kneeling on the snow, his mouth groaning and his eyes burst into tears.

Five or six days ago, the iron-blood cold and the ancient moon generations fought fiercely. Before dying, they still remembered the safety of their prostitutes and smashed the giant pythons and iron handkerchiefs.

The giant scorpion shaped like a bronze covers the face of Tie Ruoman and protects her. When the iron handcuffs took the scorpion, it turned into a giant hand and took her away from the Qingmao Mountain.

Soon after, these two aphids that had been polluted by blood madness turned into blood.

Tie Ruo-man made a madness and rushed back to Qingmao Mountain. But on the way, he was in danger and was besieged by the herd.

At the time of the crisis, the supporters of the Iron House arrived. It turned out that the iron and blood was cold and steady. As far as insurance was concerned, he sent a letter of assistance to the family long before.

Tie Ruoman got the help of the reinforcements and rushed back here. But seeing the mountains and snow, freezing all the vitality, and the father did not hear the news, completely disappeared.

She and the Iron House reinforcements searched for a few days and nights, and finally reluctantly accepted this cruel fact.

God captured and fallen, my father is dead!

"Father -!" Tie Ruo's voice was hoarse, and his voice was filled with extreme sorrow, like a geese wailing. .


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