Reverend Insanity

: Section 33: 1 is inexhaustible

"it is good!"

"The lord of the lord is mighty!"

"This is the power of my two-day alliance!"

The morale of the fairy tales in the Dragon Palace suddenly rose and cheered.

Xiaolong ran rampant in front, fierce and incomparable, while the Dragon Palace followed the back, relaxed and leisurely.

"This dragon man is a barbaric!" Luo Jiatai, everyone, Lao Luo, his eyes are shaking, biting his teeth.

Yuqing Drip and Xiaozhulou both felt a great pressure. The dragon behind him is chasing after him. It is simply a mountain range. Compared to it, Yuqing’s Xiaozhulou is very petite.

What's more important is that Yuqing's dripping wind Xiaozhulou needs to constantly avoid the gas column, and the route ahead is quite twisty. However, the Emperor Qianlong’s Tibetans are straight and straight, and the distance between the two sides is rapidly shortening.

“How can this be good?” Nanlian’s face is white.

Wu Yong is a faint smile: "Wu Shuai is trying to suppress people. It is because of him that he will certainly do the same. If you are not worried, after the fateful battle, the Yuqing Dianzhu Xiaozhu Building will not only be repaired, but also I was reinforced by a few points. It is not a problem to temporarily resist the emperor's possession. Although the other side is strong, but we don't have to entangle with them, as long as we grab the first pass."

"The lord said it!" The celestial beings nodded and said yes.

Any battle has a purpose, Wu Yong is very deep: the purpose of this battle is only one, that is to seize the true biography. Which party can achieve this goal, which party is the winner. Even if you eat some losses while fighting, what can you count?

After all, Xiaolong is indeed too strong.

It is the first in the ancient wild animal!

For the entire five days and two days, those who can resist the front of the dragon can count one hand. It’s less than five people!

Just when Wu Shuai and Wu Yong started chasing, the third eight-turn fairy house also quietly went to the outside of the hole.

It’s the devil list!

The smashing list is still controlled by Founder, but this time not only came the Prince of Phoenix, Baishui, but also the tail of the newly cured wound, and the channel power Zhou Xiongxin.

Founder last active attack for two days, although eventually defeated by Ice Crystal Xian Wang, but the harvest is still very large. The trophy seized by Prince Fengxian and Baishui from the first two holes is very rich.

Although Founder was defeated, but only lost the face of heaven, Lizi did not lose.

The heavens were not clear about the temperament of the sky. After all, the ancient days were so wide, even under the turbulence, the gas-filled caves were exposed, and the heavens were not found.

But don't forget, Wu Shuai's night wolf Tianjun is secretly casting his heart to heaven. When Xiao Hejian joined the two-day alliance, he couldn’t hide it. The night wolf Tianjun learned the secret of the singularity and immediately told Tianting.

The enchanting magic fairy is very famous in history, and it is the horrible power to fight against the Promise Devil!

In particular, he specializes in airways. In today's environment, the tide of gas surges and new airway resources emerge in an endless stream. All major forces in the five domains want to study more on the airway.

Heaven is no exception!

Although the heavens already have the Yuanshizheng and so on, but if the heavens robbed the real pass, it means that other forces can't get it. In this way, it is better to determine the advantages of the heavens.

Therefore, the Founder did not rest for a long time, then he listened to the command of Qin Dingling, led the four major eight-turn Zhu Xian, manipulated the smashing list again to kill the day, came here.

"This should be a sigh of relief. What is going on?" When Fang Zhenggang arrived, he saw a shock.

I saw countless pores appearing constantly, and the white air flow was turbulent and constantly rotating. Numerous holes are created in succession, communicating outside the hole.

These holes are more and more, constantly appearing, dense and dense, and people seem to have a sense of horror.

After a few dozens of interest, the huge illusion of the fascinating sky gradually appeared. On the surface of the phantom, there are numerous packages of white air. In the airflow, there are countless holes that are constantly being swallowed.

The surrounding atmosphere was stunned by the intangible force of terror, and it was sucked into the sky. So that the formation of a fierce whistling sound, filled the ears of the five cents of heaven.

“It seems that the sky is changing!”

"Wu Shuai, Wu Yong and others are probably already working in the hole."

"What should I do?"

Prince Fengxian and others looked at Founder, this time it is still the Founder.

Founder felt the pressure, and the choices in front of him made him feel very difficult. For a time, he was hesitant – what should he do?

The center of the air.


The roar of the collapse of the gas column is endless.

Wherever Xiaolong went, he raided all obstacles. However, the good times did not last long. After the collapse of these air columns, they turned into a strong airflow. Numerous airflows entangled each other, covering the surface of the dragon's body, constantly pressing it, encircling it from all directions, and trapping it.

The dragon screamed, but the momentum continued to slow down, and the pressure from the front was growing.

Yuqing Drip Wind Xiaozhulou and Dragon Palace are also uncomfortable.

These airflows are like a tsunami wave, and two eight-turn fairy houses are in them, which seems to be a small seesaw in the stormy waves.

A huge stream of air struck the two fairy houses and trembled, sometimes even turning the fairy house in place.

A deep blue airflow, straight ahead, Yuqing dripping wind Xiaozhulou rushed to dodge. However, the dark blue airflow is too large and the speed is astonishing. The Yuqing Drip Wind Bamboo House is also doing its best and tossing three breaths.

"This is electrical!" Southern Xinjiang sings and marvels, "I have never seen such a huge electrical, such quality is enough to be eight-turn level of fairy wood."

Collecting electricity must be in thunderstorms.

Electrical collection is not difficult, but the high-turning electrical fairy is relatively rare.

Eight-turn electrical is even rare.

If the situation is not urgent, Nanjiang Zhuxian wants to collect these electrical.

"All blame Wu Shuai! So chaotic, resulting in a complete riot in the air." Luo foot gnashing his teeth.

Wu Yong is calm and calm: "The ultimate goal is the ultimate goal!"

The electric just let Yuqing drip the small bamboo building lost some locusts, and Wu Yong quickly made up for it.

These fairywoods themselves form an extreme environment because the traces are too rich. If there is a stream of airborne fairy, it will make Yuqing drip the small bamboo building like a fish.

The gas is so different that the environment has become very bad, but on the whole it has made Wu Yong a lot better.

Because the Yuqing Dianfeng Xiaozhulou was affected, Wu Shuai’s influence was even greater.

The speed of the Dragon Palace is much slower than the Yuqing Xiaozhu Building.

The sharp knife, the dark hard air, the darkness of the dead air... all kinds of airflow are huge, all have eight degrees. Wu Shuai hardened his scalp and manipulated the Dragon Palace to live in the top.

Xiaolong has been taken to the back.

Its body is too large, and at the same time it has been involved in at least a dozen airflows, which is already embarrassing.

"This is the essence of the sinister world..." Wu Shuai looked grim, and his eyes were flickering.

He fell into the wind, but the overall situation is undecided.

In the two days of the hall, the celestial beings were shocked. If there is no dragon palace to protect the body, who dares to sway this sinister situation? Many of the eight turns of the immortals at the same time strongly felt their own small and weak.

"There is no such thing as the existence of the Promise of the Promise!"

The two eight-turn fairy houses have not given up, and they are struggling to move to the center of the center, trying to **** the truth.

Outside the cave, Founder no longer has to hesitate.

"We will withdraw first and wait and see." Founder ordered that the smashing list began to evacuate quickly.

Prince Fengxian and others were silent and recognized this decision.

All of them have been changed in abundance, and there are turbulent airflows in all directions - and there have been gas surges!

Fighting in this chaos will cause Zhu Xian to suffer revenge. Tianting is also no exception.

"It seems that the previous calculations are not wrong."

"The difference between heaven and earth in our fairy tales is different from the outside world. So whether it is open fairy or fierce battle, as long as it reaches a certain level, it will trigger a new wave of violence."

"The enchanting magic fairy itself is a five-field celestial being, with the foot here, there are countless holes at this moment, and if the hole is wide open. Together with the hole in the sky, Wu Shuai and others and the Nanlian 蛊 交 交, thus evolved a huge gas tide."

"We are on the wall and strive for the benefits of the fishermen."

The heavenly priests and the celestial beings communicated with each other, and they watched firmly in the air.

A powerful airflow follows the hole and quickly flows into the air.

Wu Yong, Wu Shuai and others have been struggling to move forward. The original violent and powerful airflow has intensified. Although the eight-turn fairy house is strong, but in front of these airflows, they are also involuntarily, and they are often taken off the direction.


The two fairy houses gradually moved closer to the center, and all the singers heard a dull drum sound.

"How is this going?"

"What is the airflow that makes a drum sound?"

"No, it’s a heartbeat! Look at it!"

The two fairy houses have finally come to the most central point of the air, and all the immortals have seen such a scene -

In the place where the innumerable airflows meet, it is like the wind in the tornado, and the surrounding is violent and here is a calm.

In this quiet environment, there is a qigong fruit that is petite and exquisite, exquisitely and steadily sucking around the arrogant air.

No matter what kind of airflow, no matter what kind of thing, after being inhaled by the qigong fruit, it changes its nature in an instant and becomes part of the qigong fruit.

Different from the previous situation, there is actually a baby's placenta in the qigong fruit at the moment!

The qigong fruit is like the belly of a pregnant woman. A human baby curls up and squats in it, and the body grows rapidly.

"How could this be?"

"what on earth is it?"

"This is a monster! It actually swallows eight streams of fairy material in an endless way, and continues to grow itself!"

"It's going to be born, stop it!"

All the celestial beings are discolored, and Wu Shuai just wants to spur the light smoke in the dream. The qigong fruit seems to have a sense of trepidation, and it blew softly.

The baby was born smoothly, with small arms and calves, and malnutrition.

At this time, a phantom of a concave surface was revealed on his head. This piece of concave land is full of mysterious meaning, and it overflows with the breath of nine turns. However, this breath is far more perfect than the one that Wu Shuai had before.

This is a world of heaven and earth!

The baby suddenly raised his arms, as if with his hands to vain the shadow of the heavens and the earth.

"Hey--" He shouted out.

The next moment, the surrounding airflow is like a sea of ​​rivers, tired birds returning to the nest, and flocked into the shadow of the heavens and the earth's The speed of the air-rolling is so amazing, actually within a few interest Invest in the mysterious world of heaven and earth. There is no airflow around Wu Shuai and Wu Yong Zhu Xian.

In the sky, there are only children and two eight-turn fairy houses.

"We are out again." Luo found himself coming to the outside world.

"No, it was the whole gas-filled hole that was turned into airflow, and he was all sucked in." Wu Yong could not conceal the shock. All this is beyond expectation, he feels that he is being used.

This is a game!

"Who are you in the end?" Wu Shuai’s drink from the Dragon Palace.

The baby has grown into a boylike appearance. He **** his nostrils and quickly inhales the shadow of the heavens and the earth on his head.

Then, he glanced around and looked at the Dragon Palace and the Yuqing Drip Bamboo House, and immediately found the hidden scorpion list.

The boy smiled and sang:

Mountaineering to find the fairy place, high risk in the step.

The dust is like a stream of light, and it is hidden in the heart.

Jin Yu is like a dream, and she hates loneliness for thousands of years.

Five fields and nine days of work, all in one breath.

Singing, his tone is tender, but the tone is vicissitudes: "Who can be the old man? It is also a magical fairy."

"There is a magical immortal?!"

"Wait, if he is a magical immortal, isn't that the secret of the heavens and the earth, is the ‘兮’ recorded in the middle?” In the list of the devil, what Zhou Xiongxin thought of.

There are two world secrets in this world that are very mysterious, and there are not many specific descriptions.

One place is "worry" and one place is "兮".

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