Reverend Insanity

: I am still too weak!

I have been retiring for a week before, thank you very much for recommending all kinds of articles!

I have reviewed these articles in general. All good articles! But in the case of my "蛊真人", there are only three stories in the "Three-body". The same point is allegorical, but the difference is that my "Ancestral Man" is longer and can be used as a complete single line.

I learned a lot in the previous week. I swallowed the jujube, and when I saw something good, I opened my mouth and stuffed it into my neck.

This finally smashed the new chapter of "The Ancestors of the People". (with tears...)

This pit was dug by myself. Now I can only bury myself. Even if I buried myself, I have to fill in the potholes. (Yangtian tears...)

I found myself having many shortcomings.

For example, always like to make optimistic estimates, such as what to plan for in May. It’s a shame. (covering tears...)

For example, the foundation of writing is not thick, and the foundation is not enough.

If the backing is enough, can I write "The Legend of the People"?

I feel more and more intense recently - I feel more and more weak! Writing this thing is worthy of my study. There are too many things worth learning. It is worth reading the book, and there are too many examples worth learning from.

The time of retreat for a week is really too short!

I can't learn too much.

I have to say that the debt of the doubles in April will not be available in May. I dare not say in June, I can't guarantee it!

The heart is terrified.

It may be that the update will be stable, but it is very likely that it will be stuck in "The ancestral ancestors" and it will not come down.

The text is not card.

However, "Human ancestors" is absolutely forced to be a card, and it is absolutely necessary to look at the state, and it is absolutely necessary to look at inspiration!

However, "Human ancestors" is absolutely forced to write well, is to write similar to the previous article, is to intersperse the entire article, is to echo each other.

Otherwise, this "蛊真人" will be lost. It’s so good to do it before, if it’s not good at the end, it’s really a shame. Don't say you, just say that I will never let go of myself. Because of the laziness and ease of the moment, I will give up this part of my efforts, and I will regret it in the future.

This is my latest writing experience, share with you, and report on my writing status, current progress and so on.

6.1, the festive atmosphere did not infect me, my mood is heavy. I wish you all a happy holiday, a childlike heart, and happiness forever!

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