Reverend Insanity

: Section 77: The Dragon Palace gets out of trouble

"The ancestors of the sea, what is the situation on your side?" In the fierce battle, Fang Yuan's qihai was given the voice of Qin Dingling.

Qihai ancestors did not speak, directly used the channel locust to record the battle images, and sold them to Qin Dingling through Bao Huangtian.

The Tianting side soon knew the battle.

Qin Dingling’s heart is dark: the ghost is stronger than the biggest estimate before her. The ancestors of Qihai seem to be unable to contain the ghosts. As the development progresses, the ghost is likely to kill Fangyuan, defeat the sea of ​​sea, and swallow the green enemy, becoming the biggest beneficiary of this battle!

This is something that Qin Dingling never wants to see.

Fang Yuan, Ghost are the devils of the world, these two people are best to die together, it is best to be tired of the longevity! This result is what Qin Dingling expects.

"I am driving the fairy house. If I participate in the battle at this moment, I can still have an influence on the battle. Although the Qingqiu is strong, it is a mistake to deal with the ghost of the demon. It seems that the performance of the ghost seems to have been determined in the Dragon Palace. There is a source of square source. So, has Ziwei Fairy been successful, and told the ghost of this result?"

Qin Dingling guessed the truth, but she is not sure.

She looked at the still-running Zhidao and looked at the robbery on the side.

If Tianting can annihilate Ziwei Fairy and others, that is the best. Cutting off the wings of the Devil's Ghost in advance makes the battle less influential. It is a pity that the robbery altar is here, and the strongest of the longevity is blended in. Qin Dingling wants to start with Ziwei Fairy and others.

"Longevity..." Qin Dingling secretly bite his teeth.

Among the heavenly fairy tales, she was the most hated of her longevity. At that time, she was forced to become the fairy of the giant Yang Xianzun. She humiliated the burden, successfully transferred to the transport, and participated in the fateful battle. As a result, at the crucial moment, the giant yang hit by the giant Yang Xianzhuang cast a huge bet on the balance of the final victory.

"Long live, I will settle with you sooner or later!" Qin Dingling swears in his heart.

At the time of Qin Dingling’s thoughts, a seven-turn fairy house flew.

This fairy house is full of spiritual sacredness, and the spiritual elders are the elders and the elders, and they are personally crushed, and they are important figures for the heavenly side - Feng Jinhuang.

"Feng Jinhuang, speed shot, collect the dream before the eyes." Qin Dingling ordered.

"Yes." Xian Yu House opened the door, Feng Jinhuang stood on the steps, face solemn, and quickly shot.

She has a dream wing fairy, and there is also a pure dream after the improvement. To say this killing trick, or the result of the Ziwei fairy's dominant calculation.

A group of dreams turned into a human form and flew into the fairy house of Lingyuanzhai.

Both Yingzong and Changshengtian were commotional.

The eyes of the Ziwei fairy are fascinating.

Zhengyuan old man quickly asked: "Fairy, is it shot?"

After all, these dreams are all things of the demon glory, which is related to his genre realm.

Ziwei Fairy shakes her head: "For the time being, these dreams are only a small part, not the focus. Fangyuan is the most important goal!"

Right now, the Devil's Ghost has a clear advantage. Continue to develop, it is very beneficial to the shadows. Ziwei Fairy also does not want to break the balance here, thus interfering with the overall situation.

Feng Jinhuang is only a five-turn sergeant, not even six turns. But she has a special status, she is the daughter of Feng Jiu Ge!

Once she is shot, she may lead the Fengjiu song.

The future killing of Feng Jiu Ge is likely to disappear, as is the case with Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan. But even so, the strength of Feng Jiu Ge alone is enough to participate in the war, which is a variable.

Especially this variable is not conducive to the shadow, so Ziwei fairy feels that one thing is not as good as one.

In the robbery of the ice, Ice Saichuan clearly has the same considerations, and ultimately did not start.

Feng Jinhuang gradually collected the dreams in the protection of the heavenly group.

Qin Dingling is in a complicated mood.

After all, she took this step and took advantage of Feng Jinhuang, which also indirectly utilized the influence and deterrence of Feng Jiu Ge. When did the powerful heavenly court fall to such a point?

The pride in the heart made Qin Dingling depressed, but the reason in her mind told her: to use all available resources and strength!

There was another message from the ancestors of the sea, asking the heavens to immediately help.

Qin Dingling’s euphemism rejected this request and hoped that the ancestors of the sea would insist on it for a while.

The ancestors of Qihai retreat to the next level: "The Tragic Mountain is closest to the Black Heaven Temple. Let the Black Temple send the edge of the battlefield of the Fairy House. If the old man can't stop the ghosts from killing the source, there is also the Black Heaven Temple. Put a lot of strength into it."

Qin Dingling thought for a moment, but did not tell the ancestors of the sea that he had already ordered the Black Heaven Temple, and still refused: "The power of the Black Heaven Temple is not enough to intervene in this level of war."

The angry old man replied with anger: "At the moment, it is a golden opportunity! If the heavens hesitate to miss the opportunity, it is the regret of the right way to finally make any of these two devils grow and develop."

Qin Dingling sighed: "I don't know what the ancestors said? But now the heavens are not as good as before, and we must act cautiously. If the celestial beings of the Black Heaven Temple are sent to participate in the war, they will only die in vain. Please ask the ancestors for forgiveness!"

The ancestors of Qihai could not help but be depressed. The leader of the heavenly court even told these words that the heavens were really different from the past, and the style of action was very different, so that Fangyuan could not easily use it.

At the same time as the secret exchange between the ancestors of Qihai and Qin Dingling, the enchanted magic fairy is also asking for the devil's ghost: "The source of Fangyuan is here, why haven't you arrived yet?"

Fang Yuan placed a will in the Wannian Fighting Car, and entrusted a lot of Xianxu and Xianyuan. He was vivid in the disguise of meeting and killing.

The genius of the genius tells the enchanted ghost of this intelligence, but the latter still fights with the Dragon Palace, and there is no sign of a voluntary withdrawal. All of this makes the gas demon suspicion.

The ghost directly replied: "Don't forget Fangyuan and the means of meeting each other. At present, it is still not possible to determine his true position."

The more devil is more suspicious: "Ghost, you will not have anything to me?"

The ghost said directly: "Reassure, you only need to entangle the Wannian fighting car, and you will not be able to pay afterwards."

The enchanting magic fairy did not buy it, and sneered and responded: "No problem. I have a good idea, it can puncture the true position of the square source."

As he said, he suddenly stopped, and no matter how long the fighting car, he went straight to the position of the demon ghost.

The Wannian Fighting Car slammed a bit, and immediately flew into the sky, quickly and angered the magic fairy to open the gap.

The demon sorcerer realized that it was not good, and quickly screamed and dissuaded: "You must not mess up."

The temperament is a resolute attitude: "Sometimes, you have to gamble, don't you? Maybe you have just got any information, can you tell me now?"

The demon sorcerer snorted, but did not respond.

The air is absolutely silent, breaking through the wind, and the flight speed is increasing.

After a few breaths, he appeared again behind him for a thousand years of fighting.

The enchanting magic fairy sees this, can not help but laugh: "Ghost, you see, this gave me a spit. I can now be sure that Fangyuan is in the Dragon Palace!"

If the Yuanyuan body is in the Wannian Fighting Car, it will take the opportunity to escape. But now that the Wannian Fighting Car has come back from the air, a pair of desperately entangled in the temperament of the magic fairy, it is clear that the source of the source is not willing to reinforce the ghost to get reinforcements, so it is necessary to drag the enchanting magic fairy.

At this point, Fangyuan’s deportation tactics were completely broken.

In the end, the devil is the old devil of history. On the other hand, he is far more than someone in the place, and the ghost has to go down the drain.

After realizing that something was wrong, he immediately took measures to pry the truth.

The ghost snorted and looked unhappy. The hand of the devil is so good that the battle begins to go beyond the control of the ghost.

The ghost is only tempting, and the relationship between the two is mutual jealousy and mutual use. The reason why the ghost is not willing to attract the enchanting magic fairy is also worried about the huge gains of this person's presence on the spot, and eager to kill the source!

Now from the action of the enchanting magic fairy, the ghost's worry is very wise. The enchanting magic fairy obviously has a careful thought in his heart.

The ghost is not confused.

He had this awareness as early as when he was tempted to seduce the devil. But there is no way, the time of recovery of the ghost is not long, and the shadow has not yet developed. There are too many wars, and the ghost must try to increase the chips in his hands. Before the loss, the Ziwei fairy was connected in series with Changshengtian, so that Bingsaichuan and others temporarily stood on the side of the shadow, otherwise the situation would be chaotic.

Is there no care in Ice Saichuan? Does he really sit and watch the demon sorcerer killing the source?

Of course impossible.

Ziwei Fairy is a powerful person with great wisdom. She arranged in front of the heavenly court, on the one hand, she was holding the heavens, and on the other hand, she was balancing the longevity.

This battle around the source of hunting, although not as grand as the fate of the fate, but also involved at least four parties, dozens of Zhu Xian, almost covered the top of the strong today.

These people are playing against each other, and each show is calculated, so that the demon sorcerer feels keenly that the battle is quickly getting out of his control.

Xiandao kills the move - the wall!

During the fierce battle, the ancestors of the sea and the sea suddenly pushed their hands together and instantly created a high-altitude wall.

The gas wall is like a mountain, slowly pressing against the ghost of the demon.

The demon sorcerer's fingers are connected, and the number of ancient souls and beasts appear, howling, holding the wall.

The ancestors of the sea and the sea slammed down and slammed their right hand, and the five fingers opened, and the palm of their hands was far away from the ghost of the demon.

The demon sorcerer immediately noticed that a black smoke on his body formed a dome and covered himself.

At the moment when the qi ancestors had finished brewing, they suddenly changed their palms and aimed at the black smoke vortex.

Immortal killing tricks - a big blow!

Hung ~ ~ loud noise, the black smoke vortex was blown up and scored, and the black gas was chaotic. The broken dragon palace moves extremely fast, draws an orange gold rainbow light in the high air, and quickly flees to escape!

Until now, the Dragon Palace has finally got out of trouble.

The demon sorcerer is attracted by the enchanting magic fairy. This tiny flaw is discovered by the ancestors of the sea and fortunately captured the fighter.

The demon sorcerer deeply glanced at the ancestors of the sea, and in addition to the rich anger and murder, the eyes also contained a hint of admiration and appreciation.

The hands of the ancestors of the sea are really slippery!

When the Dragon Palace is out of trouble, the ghost must immediately catch up, and can only give up the heavy mountainousness.

It is a pity! The Devil's Ghost will be able to completely surrender the Qing Qiu after a short period of time.

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